You know that's not what I want to say.

On the side of Hogel, the knight who looked like a statue before spoke out. He opened his eyes, revealing a faint golden light.

He looked at the carriage going away.

She's lying.

They knew the little girl wearing the red hood, and they had let her out on purpose when she was escaping.

It was just that the person next to me was moved to compassion again.

What Greg did was really ridiculous. The difference between the faded people and the golden people was just whether they received the blessing or not. There was no difference other than that.

Under Greg's command, there are people who follow his wishes and pursue the power of jointed limbs. Naturally, there are people who are opposed to jointed limbs.

Hogel understands why the monarch chooses arthropods, but what he hates is that the monarch reaches out to humans for power.

If you really pursue powerful power, then why not challenge the overlord of the sky like the flying dragon, or the rune bear, the top predator in the forest?

Wouldn't it be better to defeat them, drink their blood, and join their limbs than to kill the faded ones and combine them with yourself to form grotesque creatures?

The trend of the faded ones has long faded. In order to prevent Greg from extending his poisonous hands to innocent people, Hogel and his colleagues even hunted a young flying dragon and prepared to sacrifice it to Greg. However, there was an unexpected harvest on the way back. .

The corpse of an adult dragon with a name.

The body of the flying dragon Akil was relatively well preserved, and there were traces of being bombarded by gravity spells. According to Hogle's guess, he probably provoked the Red Lion Knight of Galede, and eventually died at the lake after returning from serious injuries.

Why do we need to expose white lies? No one wants that little girl to be in danger again and become part of those deformed creatures.

He raised his hand, the emblem in his hand glowed slightly, and directed the transport team to move forward.

Treasonous and unethical.

The knight kowtowed to Hogle without leaving any trace, and cast a vague glance at Knight Grek behind the team who was concentrating on monitoring the dragon corpse.

You didn't stop it either, did you?

This was considered a warning. Hogle knew that his colleagues were concerned about his safety, so he joked about it.

Huh, hurry up and go back to the mission. After that, we have to go to the Weeping Peninsula to deal with those demi-humans who are causing trouble. In this world, even the demi-humans are starting to go crazy, and we don't know how long we can hold on.

The knight snorted softly, reminded him, and then sighed in a low voice, making no secret of his pessimism about the future.

He has always been prejudiced against the evil deeds of Lord Gryk Arthropod.

They were not loyal to Greg from the beginning. They just followed the ancient contract and served the golden descendant. The contract was passed down from generation to generation and was passed down to Greg's generation.

Obviously, compared to the previous kings who led them, Greg was obviously lacking in both strength and courage.

Greg, who has been pursuing power, is almost crazy.

I just want to return to my hometown at the foot of the golden tree.

But where is our home?

Deliberately slowing down to prevent irritating the carriage in front, Hogel stroked the huge dragon corpse covered in leather, recalling what the monarch had done and the increasingly desolate scene in Nimgefu, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Sadly.

How come they don't know how bad Greg is?

But look at Galede, which is shrouded in corruption, and then look at Lienia, which is now being swept away by the cuckoos.

Although it may not be comparable to the royal city of Rodel under the rule of King Blessing, although Greg is absurd, he still maintains order in Nimgefu.

The team moved forward slowly, and Hogel looked at the great deeds of the Golden Dynasty carved on the wall. He didn't know how many times he had browsed the great deeds of the Golden Dynasty, and his mind wandered far away.

Is it possible that a gentle and powerful king will pop up from somewhere to restore peace and order to this increasingly crumbling world?

Ha, how is that possible?

Hogel was in a daze for a while, then shook his head and laughed.

‘I just hope that Lord Greg will stop being so ridiculous after gaining the power of the flying dragon Akil. ’

Chapter 214 Fireproof Girl: It’s so familiar, it feels like I’m back home

Stonewell's size is huge, which can be seen from the distribution of her towns.

After crossing the dimly lit city wall passage and walking a few dozen meters, it suddenly became clear that ahead was a road built on a cliff, leading directly to the interior of Stonewell.

The wind is very strong, and the winds from the east and west ends converge here, forming an eternal rhythmic storm.

Stopping Ash's idea of ​​firing a sunshine spear at someone standing high and watching, the carriage swayed into the inner city wall against the wind blowing from the sea.

After entering the city, she was stopped in front of a door blocked by a steel gate. The fire girl looked around and saw that there was a stronger defensive force than the outside world. She even saw some tall giants.

There are flags of trees and animals hanging on the walls inside, indicating that this is the palace of the Golden King.

Then they received the guidance of an immortal dignitary who could still communicate. After paying a few runes, under his guidance, everyone came to the residential area through the side path that was deliberately covered with Naozhong.

The fireproof girl almost couldn't bear the thought of killing that guy.

Walking on the streets that had not been maintained for a long time, the manic wind finally stayed away from everyone, hitting the wall and emitting a whining echo. The wind was like a veil, covering everything in the city in the wind.

It really deserves to be a city named after Fengsha.


Melina subconsciously pulled the reins, and the intelligent horse stopped. The thick plasma dripped from above and hit the soil in front of the carriage.

The strong smell of blood spread across the floor.

Throwing away the rune she just wanted back in her hand, the fireproof girl opened the curtain and looked upward.

Is that a bloody person?

The body with only the head left was wrapped haphazardly in linen, with rich blood smeared in it. He was hung high on a wooden stake, and the original appearance of the person could no longer be seen.

The drooped heads and wide-open eyes seemed to be unable to accept their own ending. There was no golden halo in them, which undoubtedly proved their identities.

The fader.

There are many people like this, all missing arms and legs, forming a long row along the wooden piles protruding from the palace.

The golden tree rejects the faded ones and will actively hunt them, but... I didn't expect that Greg, as the golden king, would be so aggressive.

Melina is just emotionally indifferent, but that doesn't mean she has no conscience. Such a tragic situation will touch a person.

Fortunately, the fire prevention girl had the foresight to disguise everyone.

Does the Faded One have a bad relationship with the Golden Tree forces?

Seeing this impression of a posture that could only be used when judging heretics, the fireproof woman once wondered whether the Faded One had any deep grudge against the Golden Tree forces.

For now, yes.

Melina nodded and affirmed: Because of what the faded people did in the past, all the forces have a bad impression of the faded people, and they mainly reject them.

But during the Broken War, Huang Jinshuyi cooperated with the Faded Ones and allowed them to establish their power in the royal city of Rodel. However, for unknown reasons, a conflict broke out later and the two parted ways.

Melina tried her best to share with the fire girl everything she knew as a bystander. As a guide, she was indeed qualified.


The fire-prevention woman looked at the people wandering in the city. Even though she maintained a commanding presence, she did not show any sympathy for the faded ones who were hung up high. Instead, there was a look of relief in her eyes.

The fireproof girl knows that there are many reasons for the current confrontation, which may have affected many innocent people, but the twists and turns are not that she can easily distinguish between right and wrong at first sight.

At least the little girl she saved was kind enough, and that was enough.

He is also very sensitive to the perception of souls and is a good candidate for learning magic in Lothric.

Cough cough~vomit~

The breeze blew, and the Faded One took a sip, almost spitting out the breakfast he had just eaten.

On a high platform, there were piles of corpses, which were burned into blackened mud by the fierce fire. They were stuck together, and their shapes were almost unclear.

The rich and foul-smelling corpse oil flowed down the wall and slowly poured into the gaps in the sewer.

Let's go and find a place to stay first.

The carriage moved forward again, and the fire-prevention woman withdrew her gaze from these faded people who died in miserable forms, and sighed softly. At this moment, she had an inexplicable sense of sight, as if she had returned to the undead settlement of the past.

After wandering around the dilapidated residence for a while, the fireproof girl and her group finally came to a hotel. The owner of the hotel still retained his instinct. After the fireproof girl gave enough runes, he arranged a place for the group. Nice hotel.

It's just a good location.



When the door was opened, there were constant sounds of some small rodents running back into the cracks in fright. The fire prevention woman was so disgusted by the thick dust and musty smell that she directly used Miracle.

The light flashed, and the dilapidated room was gradually restored. The gray and peeling walls were re-covered, the rotten wooden boards healed and shined again. Even the damp bed became full, exuding the moisture that had just flowed from the air. Warm and refreshing fragrance.

If the scenery outside the window was not still dilapidated, everyone would have thought they had arrived at the prosperous time and space that exists in the story.

Melina couldn't help but look sideways. In the junction area, there were very few powers involving time. According to legend, only the dragon god in ancient times had such authority.

A flame was set up with the fireplace, and warmth filled the room. Everyone dispersed. The stimulated little girl was placed on the bed. She believed that she could have a good sleep with the protection of the fire-proof woman. Melina came to the window and looked outside. daze.

The three fire prevention women gathered together and began to discuss future plans.

Okay, let's see what's in the palace first.

The fireproof girl rubbed the faded one who was eating some snacks, and then set her sights on Ashes' body.

Excluding those who are judged to be special forces, the defensive force is about 2,000 people, and the defense intensity is very strong. It can be said that Greg really cherishes life.

Ash threw a small cube on the table and joked, and then Stonewell's holographic image appeared in front of everyone. She had been silent before and was focusing on controlling the reconnaissance drone.

There is no way, although the style of painting is indeed a bit inconsistent, but because there are many group members in the chat group who are very advanced in technology testing, advanced technology is in front of us, and the fire prevention girl must use it.

Today's Lothrik army, although the various job titles still retain their ancient names, is essentially a highly information-based army, and the command system responds very quickly.

As long as the fire prevention woman gives the order, a group of fully armed Lothric knights will parachute to Stonewell within five minutes, followed by giant shooters' over-the-horizon precision strikes on various outposts and military facilities. .

And because of the personal qualities of the fireproof girl and the knights, Losric is not afraid of street fighting at all. Firstly, he cannot be beaten, and secondly, even if he is beaten, he cannot be beaten to death.

Go all out and kill these armies that still follow the medieval war model in minutes.

To be fair, if it weren't for the fact that the long-range weapons used in infantry combat were not as powerful as the knights' own Miracles, the fire-proof woman would have wanted to equip her team with them.

Have you found Greg's location?

found it.

Ashes pulled with a swipe, then spread his fingers, and then quickly zoomed in on a certain part of the palace until the royal court at the core of the palace and the image of Greg were completely displayed in front of everyone.

Countless tombstones were stacked on both sides of the road. One section connected to the closed gate, and the other end led directly to the interior of the palace. Among them, the fire prevention girl saw a majestic throne.

However, looking at this Greg, he couldn't sit down.

He might not even be able to get through the door.

The deformed body was covered by exquisite silk and satin, concealing the terrifying limbs underneath. At this time, Greg was walking back and forth on the road with his legs of different sizes.

Compared with the unusually large body, the head is too petite, and the urgency that cannot be concealed is revealed, like a severely Internet-addicted teenager waiting for 4090.

Is this guy Greg?

No wonder it’s inconvenient for him to meet people.

Seeing Greg's funny look, the fireproof girl almost couldn't help but laugh out loud. She wouldn't be able to see anyone if she became like that.

Forgive the fire-prevention woman for her contempt for this king, because she noticed the energy response transmitted back by the detector, and he also had an extraordinary physique. He was not even a bit inferior to Broken Star.

Yes, I think we should be more concerned about the existence stationed inside than Grek.

Ashes also didn't take Greg seriously. Melina's words before had already made everyone mentally prepared.

Operating the projection, the ashes sifted away some of the complicated red dots, and finally only three images remained.

One is a tall man with complicated sharp horns. He is currently located above the Stonewell Bridge into the city. Although he also has a similar deformity to Greg, in terms of body shape, he looks much more coordinated than Greg.

One is a tall knight located below the city, his armor is red, and the detector cannot detect its nature.

There is also a beast-shaped monster made of roots that has always been in the cavity below the palace.

Except for the tree-shaped monster, the remaining two people had heavy troops stationed nearby, so if they were to be captured, they would not alert the city's defenders.

Do we need to use troops?

Ashes' question made the fireproof girl fall into deep thought.

If you want to deal with the numerous soldiers in the city in a short time without harming the city, you will undoubtedly need the intervention of the army.

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