Chewed it subconsciously.

Very sweet.

The mellow flavor lingering in your mouth is not unpleasant.

There's something I'm curious about.

The fireproof girl looked at the ruins around her and the majestic castle not far away.

Why are these fragments evenly distributed on the bodies of these fragment kings, and they were all present when the magic ring was broken?

it's not true.

Because her right eye was always closed, Melina turned sideways and stared at the fire-prevention woman, believing more and more that this strange man of God came from outside the border.

The Dharma Ring represents the rights of God, and God's direct heirs can obtain the power given by the Dharma Ring with God's permission. Those who possess the fragments of the Dharma Ring are also called golden heirs and can exercise some of the rights of the law. This power is called the Great Rune.

The great runes have different abilities according to the laws they operate on. They can bring more powerful power to the already powerful golden heirs.

After the magic ring was broken, the operation of the junction area was greatly affected. The connection between the big rune and the magic ring was also cut off. The big rune was also called the magic ring fragment, and having this fragment The golden descendants are called Shard Kings, and they all have the legitimacy to inherit the Golden Law.

Of course, this is just a normal situation. There may also be big runes that wander outside due to unknown reasons, or are born outside the circle of magic.

At the end, Melina added another sentence.

When the fireproof girl heard this, she suddenly realized.

She said how could there be a sense of sight? Isn't this the relationship between Chu Huo and Wang Hun?

So have these fragments been collected completely?

No, even after the Fragment War ended, no king lost his big rune.

Melina shook her head decisively.

As far as I know, there have been faded ones who defeated the fragmented king and obtained some fragments of the ring, but in the end they all fell on the road to becoming kings.

Melina sighed slightly, seeming to feel sorry for the faded person who was on the road to becoming a king.

Are you just waiting for me to collect it together?

The fireproof girl laughed half-jokingly.

Don't underestimate the fragmented kings. Even if the magic ring is broken, they still have extraordinary power.

Seeing that the fire prevention girl was so confident, Melina couldn't help but remind her.

Well, they can't all be like Latarn, right?

The fireproof girl raised her eyebrows. If the Shard Kings were all at Taran's level, it would really take a lot of effort.

That's not the case.

Melina shook her head.

There are also differences between the fragmented kings.

As powerful as Marlenia, Latarn and the like, the destructive power caused by fighting with each other can change the landscape of a continent.

And the weak——

Melina looked at Stonewell City standing in front of her.

Chapter 213: On the way, Stonewell.

On the road leading to Stonewell, a carriage decorated with a golden tree emblem was moving forward slowly.

Inside the spacious carriage, the fire girl and her party listened to the sad talk of a poor girl.

Everyone's limbs have been grafted.

The heads, hands, and feet of those companions who guarded me and fought with me were cut off and became part of the spider.

A girl named Roderica was rescued by a fire prevention girl in a cabin in Storm Hill. At this moment, with most of her face hidden under a red hood, she was telling the kindhearted people around her about her role in Stonewell. Encountered in the city.

Did you know that after being attached to a spider, a person will look like a chrysalis? It's really amazing, isn't it?

The girl who had escaped from Stonewall not long ago seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and her ability to express emotions was quite problematic.

If a person's head, hands and feet have been chopped off, the rest of his body will naturally look like a human being.

As for the spider Roderica was talking about, the fireproof girl recalled something.

According to her description, when she first met the Faded One, the monster she killed should be the so-called spider.

The fireproof girl was deeply impressed by the complex limbs connected under that bloated ball of flesh.

Something is wrong with Stonewell. She is a co-author and part-time business buyer in northern Myanmar?

Ahem, I was wrong.

Extending limbs is a blasphemous habit. The origin can be traced back to the Forge Hundreds. One can enhance one's own strength by continuously attaching foreign bodies.

Outside the car, Melina, who was driving the horse, explained to the fireproof girl: There have been rumors from the outside world that in order to make himself stronger, the Golden King got involved in the forbidden power, hunted the faded ones and spliced ​​their limbs. I didn't expect this. It’s actually true.”

This Greg is not an easy character to deal with.

She cuts off people's limbs and rejoins them in order to make herself stronger, and it seems that she has experimented on many people. The fireproof girl thinks that people who are not a little psychopathic can't do this kind of thing, and it can be regarded as something in all the history of the world. The tyrant of numbers.

Well, grafting limbs is an evil act prohibited by the Golden Tree. Greg, who has already taken action on this, is undoubtedly crazy.

Melina agreed with this. As a golden descendant, but being involved in such despicable methods, she has undoubtedly regarded rationality and rules as nothing.

It seems that there is one more reason to attack Grek.

After comforting the weak girl, the fireproof girl opened the curtain with the golden badge and looked at the patrolling guards retreating outside the car.

But I still have time to take a look.

It's obvious that the group is playing residents from Rodel.

This was the idea of ​​the fire prevention girl, in order to prevent unnecessary conflicts from happening.

The fireproof girl also had some knowledge of the history of the border area. After contacting Lance Sanks, a dragon lady who had spent some time in King Rodel City, for some remote support, she completed the disguise very well.

The fireproof woman serves as the perfumer, the Ashes and Faders, who are outstanding in martial arts, serve as the Rodel knights to protect themselves, and the Roderica they just picked up is the perfumer's apprentice.

And Melina, who has been demoted all the way to an army pet, is serving as a groom.

There's no way, it's not her turn to fight, and it's not her turn to strengthen the fire-proof girl herself. Apart from providing some information to the team, she has no extra role, and she keeps a straight face all day long to warn the fire-proof girl. He was so mad that he simply sent her out to be a groom.

As for the horse that pulls the cart, it is not Torette. The faded man feels sorry for Torette and would not let it pull the cart.

This horse was borrowed by Ashes and the Kaidan mercenaries wandering outside the city. These soldiers whose hometown was in the grasslands accepted Stonewell's employment as supplementary strength at various levels.

The fireproof girl also thoughtfully injected blessings into the eyes of her companions to prevent them from being regarded as faded by the wandering evil soldiers.

Sure enough, after some disguise, as long as they showed their blessed eyes, the soldiers who would have screamed and rushed to kill people when they met now changed their attitude, as if they regarded the carriage as air and ignored it.

The road was smooth, and the patrolling troops would even take the initiative to drive away the coyotes that harassed the carriage. It was not until the team reached the gate of Stonewell City that they encountered an obstacle.

The soldiers here resolutely performed their duties as guards. Although they did not launch an attack when facing the sudden carriage, their rigid souls were unwilling to let it go no matter what.

Didn't Greg arrange for someone who could speak to be here to guard him?

There were stacks of resistance horses around, and there were several ballistas and sentry towers not far away. The fire prevention woman looked distressed. The original plan was unexpectedly revealed. God knows there is no one who can communicate in such a critical passage. .

There usually are, and this is where we were brought in.

Roderica replied weakly, trying her best to provide minimal help.

Well, let's wait for a while.

The fireproof girl didn't want to make too much noise yet, and she didn't have time to waste it here. If she really couldn't wait, she would have to use some extraordinary means.

As the light of the golden tree grew stronger and stronger, the time at the junction reached noon. Just when the fire prevention girl was about to lose her patience, the movement from behind the carriage caught her attention.

It was a team of heavily armed knights, sending each other a giant object wrapped in leather. The fireproof woman sniffed, and she smelled the smell of dragon blood.

Noticing the carriage blocking the front, two tall knights walked out of the team. They were both wearing thick silver armor with a coat of arms consisting of a storm and a dragon. The knights also wore dark red hoods outside the armor, covering the The decoration on the top of the helmet seems a bit strange.

Hello, distinguished lady, I am a lost knight from Stonewell. My name is Hogle. May I ask why you are here.

The natural nobility of the gods can always increase the goodwill of the first meeting, except when meeting special people.

I'm a perfumer from Rodel, I'm just passing through.

The fire prevention girl calmly replied: My ship had an accident, and now I can only rely on land. The atmosphere in Nimgefu makes me feel very uneasy. I need a place to stay to rest and return as soon as possible.

Nimgefu will welcome you as a distinguished guest.

The silk and satin on the fireproof girl's body was clean and tidy, and it was very valuable at first glance. In addition, the luxurious decoration on the carriage was rare to see in the declining border area. The Homeless Knight did not doubt her story.

But before entering the city, could you let me check the carriage?


The fireproof girl looked unhappy.

Please forgive my offense. This is our duty. We only need to determine the number of people to prevent faded people from mixing in.

Hogle knew that his request was rude and quickly explained.


After explaining clearly, the fire prevention woman did not make things difficult for him. Naturally, people could not enter the carriage casually, but they could just let Hogel check the number of people.

excuse me.

Hogel did not go overboard. He kept a distance and glanced at everyone with blessings in their eyes. His eyes stayed on Roderica for a moment, with half of her face exposed.


Roderica lowered her head, holding her collar with one hand and holding the other behind her back, trying not to show a fearful expression.

That's my apprentice. She is obsessed with learning the knowledge of perfumery and rarely socializes, so she is a little afraid of strangers.

The fireproof girl patted Roderica's back gently.

Well, I believe that if it were normal, Lord Greg would not be stingy in personally entertaining such a distinguished guest as you. Unfortunately, he has more important matters to deal with now.

Hogel nodded, expressing his understanding, and moved his eyes away from Roderica. He admired everyone's unique beauty, and then gave him a emblem.

This emblem will allow you to freely enter and leave Stonewell's outer city.


The fireproof girl took the emblem, which was engraved with symbols that she could not understand. It was probably used to instruct those soldiers with dementia.

Your hunch is correct. If you can return to Rodel under the golden tree, then return as soon as possible.

The moment the fireproof girl turned around, the knight's deliberately lowered voice came.

Liyenia is now surrounded by the Cuckoo Knights. If you are worried about the schedule, you can spend some runes to hire a Kaidan mercenary outside the city to protect your safety.

The fireproof girl looked surprised and nodded slightly to show that she heard.

This is a little spice that I refine on a daily basis. It has the effect of healing wounds. It should be able to provide you with some help. It can be considered as a reward for your help to us.


Hogel showed hesitation, and the reserve of a knight made him subconsciously want to refuse, but at the same time, in this land where it was increasingly difficult to survive safely, the powder given by a perfumer was undoubtedly equivalent to an extra life, and could make people They can reduce the risk of dementia in future battles.

Take it.

After handing a makeshift paper bag containing miraculous light powder to the knight, the fire-proof woman greeted everyone to get on the carriage.

let's go.

You actually went in?

Melina held the horse, looking shocked.

In her mind, those faded ones who wanted to succeed would not have been killed all the way. She didn't expect that following the fireproof girl, she could do this, and she could sneak into the lair of a fragmented king so easily.

That knight has a good character.

Ashes looked away from the homeless knight and let go of the handle of the knife that he had been holding on to.

It seems that there are still many good people in this world.

The fireproof girl nodded her head in approval. No matter what world she was in, no matter how ordinary kindness she showed, it was precious.


That's the guy from Rodel.

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