I am indeed very interested in the Fire of the Evil God you mentioned before. After all, if it can pose a threat to this land, it must be a superior being.

Under Melina's nervous gaze, the fireproof girl gently played with the flame in her hand.

We are lives born in flames. Now I have a glimpse of the fire of another world. How can I not arouse my interest?

If you don't explain the pros and cons to me, and just keep it secret, then how can I know whether the flame is good or bad for me, and how can I restrain my curiosity to explore the flame.

Very simple things, questions hidden in mysteries, can always arouse people's endless desire to explore.

Back then, the fireproof girl squatted in front of the murals all over Lothric every day, just to study the history that even those spiritual scientists couldn't understand.

Even if you hide it now, I can spend some time looking for it in the border area. I think, since He exists, I will definitely be able to find it, right?

Threat, naked threat.


The fireproof girl had been paying attention to the girl's movements. Judging from her appearance, she must have been frightened by what she said.

I was just kidding, I don't have time to pursue this illusory existence now.


You are making fun of all the creatures in the border area!

Melina opened her mouth, feeling a sudden urge to curse, but her own upbringing prevented her from forming any words for a while.

He said that he was in charge of this job, how could he be joking?

Why would something like this happen to me?

Melina regretted more and more that she took the initiative to find the Faded One. Now, not only did Torette become a little traitor, but she was also trapped in an unknown whirlpool.

Okay, okay, then listen carefully.

Feeling a little embarrassed by the girl's resentful eyes, the fireproof girl coughed lightly.

So, do you still want to keep it a secret now? Or do you have to wait until I find Him myself, and then cause some irreparable consequences?

The fireproof girl was still smiling, but what she said made Melina fall into deep thought.

What I said before was epilepsy.

Her fingertips turned white due to excessive exertion, and Melina looked very nervous. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to tell the external gods who didn't know the details about her choice.

Does she have a choice?

No choice.

As the fire prevention girl said, instead of causing the entire junction to be destroyed due to inexplicable reasons later, it is better to tell this outer god now about the dangers of epilepsy.

It can only be said that she was unlucky that this bad thing happened to her.


While waiting for Melina to formulate her words, the fireproof girl tilted her head towards the girl again for no reason, and hummed a nasal sound pretending not to care.

I'm not angry, I'm not angry~

Melina took a few deep breaths to calm down, but her chest seemed to rise and fall twice as much as usual.

The epileptic fire is an extremely evil force. It is different from the giant's flame, and it is also different from the cold spiritual fire. The latter only targets specific enemies, but the former is the enemy of all life.

Creatures infected by epileptic fire will fall into madness. What is contained in his violent will is to destroy everything and unify all things. There will no longer be any distinction between any life in the border area, and there will no longer be any difference, because all All creatures in the border area will be burned in the flames and eventually return to chaos.

Melina's narration was very brief, but she also clearly explained the characteristics of the epileptic fire lock.

I see, I understand.

The fireproof girl understood, and then fell into deep thought.

Is it actually to unite all things?

This is the opposite attribute to First Fire.

The first fire separated light and darkness, cold and heat, life and death, brought about differences and provided a breeding ground for all things to thrive, while this epileptic fire seems to be just the opposite.


The fire-proof girl held her chin up and gave up the idea of ​​​​prioritizing the search for epileptic fire.

The combination of the epileptic fire and the first fire seems to have the shape of endless reincarnation, but she has no intention of constructing the so-called reincarnation. If she pursues reincarnation, she can extinguish the first fire and let the deep sea era come, so the epileptic fire is naturally useless.

What the fire-preventing woman pursues is eternity, and she wants the age of fire to last forever. Epileptic Fire attributes everything to chaos, which is contrary to her pursuit.

Of course, just because the priority has dropped, it doesn't mean that the fire prevention girl won't get it.

It's good to have it in hand. Let's not talk about whether the sages at home can figure out the reason. The fire prevention girl is not at ease with such a time bomb buried under the junction.

Miss Melina, do you know where the epilepsy is?

(ー_⊙)! !


Okay, I won't ask anymore.

The fireproof girl felt like she had asked a stupid question.

If you want to get involved in the madness, I hope you can change your mind.

Seeing that the fire-proof woman didn't seem to give up her crazy posture, Melina warned: That is something that cannot be touched. It is chaos that will swallow all life and all consciousness.

What if my heart is crazy?

I'll stop you.

Melina raised her eyes and stared at the fireproof girl seriously, with a hint of unwillingness to admit defeat. The eyelashes of her right eye, which were originally closed, trembled slightly, as if she was about to break free.

Do you have the power to stop me?

I'll stop you!

Does that mean you are incapable?



The fireproof girl laughed out loud. She didn't know why, but she always wanted to bully this girl who seemed to remain ordinary. She always liked to see the girl in front of her showing emotions other than ordinary.

I, hahaha, I have no problem.

Have I been infected by that golden joy virus?

Melina raised her eyes and looked at the fire-proof woman. The soft-profile face still maintained the friendly smile. The bright flames burned quietly, and the gems on the mask were quite eye-catching in sight, projecting a glow.

He clearly seems to be a very gentle person.

Why do you have such a bad character!

Here, you haven't eaten it, right?

The Fader grabbed a large handful of skewers, picked out a meatier one and gave it to Melina.

Eat more. Once you're full, you'll be ready to go on the road.


Melina sighed, feeling like she was about to become depressed.

Chapter 212 Hehe, someone is about to have bad luck!


When the light of the golden tree pierces the clouds, it heralds the arrival of morning.

Standing up from Thoret's warm belly, the fireproof girl rubbed her eyes, tidied her fluffy hair, and put on her eye mask.

The ashes were preparing breakfast for the new day and kept burning all night. Now even the ash has disappeared with the wind, but the fire is still burning.

Hey, Su'er, it smells delicious and soft.

As soon as he lowered his head, the faded one was still clinging to his body like an octopus, uttering idiotic murmurs from time to time.

But Melina was nowhere to be seen.

‘At last it didn’t embarrass me. ’

The fireproof girl thought this and broke away from the embrace of the faded one.

Last night, the fire prevention girl and her party spent the night on this hillside where strong winds gathered.

Not to mention, falling asleep while enjoying the night breeze is a very special experience.

After taking the hot soup from Ashes, Ashes raised his hand, the extreme coldness concentrated in his palms, and put his ice-wrapped palms into the neck of the faded man who was still sleeping soundly.

The fireproof girl has already woken up, and Ashes won't coddle her.


The faded man's screams attracted Melina's attention, but the girl only glanced at him from a distance and then looked away.


Ignoring the Ashes and Faded Ones who started the Imperial City PK again, the Fireproof Girl came to Melina. At this moment, she was looking at the golden tree in the distance in a daze.

If you want to go back, I will send a giant dragon to take you back now.

The fireproof girl didn't know what kind of mission this little girl was carrying, but she thought she could do it simply by sending someone to the foot of the golden tree.

Even though I may not be able to get through here, don't my friends still have various teleportation technologies?

If we can't gather the fragments of Elden's Ring, what can we do even if we go back?

Selectively ignoring some of the information, Melina turned to the fire-proof woman with a serious look and told her.

If you covet the dominion of the border area and want your law to replace the Golden Law and become orthodox, then you must collect the fragments of the Elden Ring in the hands of the scattered fragments, recast the fragments, and inject your own law.

Only in this way can we rely on laws to restrict and manage the operation of the junction.

Is there still such an operation?

The fireproof girl looked Melina up and down. The little girl knew quite a lot, and she had an extraordinary background at first glance.

And the Shard Kings...

I know this.

The Fireproof Girl replied that she had seen one of the Shard Kings, wasn't he like Latarn?

Regarding the Shard King and the like, Lance Sanks had already told her, so there was no need to bother Melina with any further explanations.

As long as you know.

After being interrupted by the fireproof girl, Melina didn't show any anger. She nodded and continued to stare at the golden tree and play the role of wood.

Why is this Melina like a robot, unresponsive without being poked?

Aren't you going to have breakfast?

The fireproof woman asked tentatively.


Melina has a blessing. Even if she regains her physical body, she can stay alive without eating.

The fireproof girl is a very surprising anomaly.

She doesn't need to eat or rest, but she still retains these meaningless habits, which is hard to understand.

Life should have a sense of ritual.

After all, it is just a medium to relax the mind. You don’t have to pursue the same life as ordinary people. Instead, you have to find something to do that can make people feel positive emotions. It is not a problem to be tense all the time.

The fire-proof girl can also go without sleep or food, but you have to find something else to replace her, such as a soul that can never be burned out. Then she can keep the fire-proof girl who doesn't eat, drink or sleep every day.

Always pursuing goals and completing missions, I feel like a robot until the end of my life.

The fireproof girl took out a toffee.

Try it? The nobles here must have eaten something similar, right?

Melina reached out and took it, bringing it to her mouth.

The delicious smell flooded into the nasal cavity.

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