Aren't you afraid of fire? Then feel it well and treat it as the punishment Melina just planned for her waist.

Melina trembled subconsciously. This was not because her will had wavered. Her will had been driven by her mission since she was born. She had never given up. Nothing could shake her will.

This is because her body is afraid, and her instincts are trembling. Looking at this flame and feeling its temperature, it seems that her body can be turned into ashes and her soul into flying ash in an instant, no matter how strong her will is. Determined, she could not convince her body that her existence was no longer afraid of the flame.

Perhaps the fire of the evil god that melts everything in ancient legends is like this.


Faced with the threat that was so close at hand, the girl simply closed her eyes. Even though her body was still trembling, she was mentally prepared to endure a dark future.


The fireproof girl suddenly had no choice but to take advantage of the girl.

You can't just serve him with severe punishment. Wouldn't that violate your long-standing principle of peaceful coexistence?

It doesn’t seem right, Melina made the first move.

You're really not suitable for threatening people.

Looking at the fire-prevention girl's pretentious posture, in Hui Jin's eyes she could only say that she was not intimidating, and could only be said to be quite cute.

It's not as scary as when she has a cold face.

Who said that? This look is just a bluff, okay?

Staring at Ashes, the Fireproof Girl expressed her dissatisfaction.

Yeah, it makes people more autistic.

Ashes smiled, raised his hand to let the hungry tiger that had passed the Faded One pounce on the food, and ate the food gracefully.


In order to retaliate against Ashes, the Fader simply picked up the food on the grill and popped it directly into his mouth.

Then the humanity quietly added to it by the ashes made me roll on the floor in disgust.

All this was seen by Melina, who still retained her sense of the outside world.

Without the interference of the flames, Melina quietly opened her eyes. She always felt that this group of people looked different from the people in the influence. Their eyes were clear, their conversations were harmonious, and their behaviors were all harmonious. The behavior is also very sensible.

But now is not the time to judge whether the other party is good or bad. The top priority is to find a way to escape.

While Ashes and the Faded Ones were playing around, Melina turned her head with difficulty, looked at Torrett who was chewing on grass blades not far away, and winked at it.

The mysterious spirit horse has unparalleled speed and can even levitate and jump. As long as she can return to Torrett, Melina believes that this partner who has been with each other for a long time can carry her away.

As if aware of Melina's gaze, Torrett did not choose to nibble on the grass blades that had been dried by the strong wind, and slowly moved towards Melina's direction.

The spirit horse approached step by step, and with Melina's expectant eyes, it passed her, lowered its head and came to the side of the fire prevention girl.


The horse turned a blind eye to Melina's plea for help, as if he was not worried about her safety. He lowered his head and chewed the sweet dried fruit. He even lay down on the ground so that the fire girl could stroke his hair.


I didn’t expect that you, a thick-browed horse like Toret, would also betray you!

Melina stared at Torrett, who was eating dried roja fruits, and wanted to shout something like this.

Sometimes, slightly spiritual animals are better able to detect the kindness of others than complex humans.

Stroking Torette's soft hair, the fireproof girl smiled.

Miss Melina, please put away your hostility for a moment.

Chapter 210 Fireproof Girl: Epilepsy, can I eat it?

The wind is flowing.

The newly added meat is put on the grill, and it is sizzling under the high temperature. The fat drips into the fire, making a slight popping sound.

Torrett crouched on the ground, eating the various dried fruits given by the fire-proof girl, and neighing with joy.

Toret liked this warm woman very much, gave it a lot of delicious food, and was very comfortable being by her side. Even if this body is just a spirit body, it will chase warmth.

As for Melina, who was tied up firmly, Torrett was not worried about her safety. He was quite emotionally sensitive and could feel the kindness around him.

Is it really just a misunderstanding?

Melina looked at the calm Torette, and then at the three people fighting around. The mental state of these people seemed indeed different from the lunatics she had seen before.

Those beings infected with epilepsy will inevitably go crazy, unable to even communicate normally, and their eyes will spray flames outward...

Melina secretly glanced at the fireproof woman. Her face was obscured by a wide eyepatch, and nothing could be seen. However, the Ashes and Faded Ones who seemed to be familiar with her did not have similar features to those in the image.

But the flame that can ignite oneself in an instant seems to contain a power that is quite threatening to oneself.

It is an absolute threat to her, and it will definitely threaten the entire living beings in the border area.

I don’t know where the external gods came from when the stars were still and all life almost stopped flowing, slowly waiting for the era of decay.

Putting it off like this is not the way to go.

Even though the other party still maintains goodwill, there will always be a day when this goodwill is wiped out due to your refusal to cooperate.

Melina made her choice.


Melina sighed, mixed with helplessness and uneasiness about her choice.

Strange man of God.

she spoke.

If you have any questions, just let me know.

Wouldn't it be better to say this earlier? Why bother to use a knife to rob someone?

Seeing that the girl finally took the initiative to respond after a change of expression, the fireproof girl finally breathed a sigh of relief.

First question, who are you? What is your so-called mission?

First of all, the Fireproof Girl has to determine what the mysterious Melina’s plan is to seek out the Faded One.

After untying the restraints, and not afraid that Melina would try to run away again, he lifted the girl up and leaned on Torrett's abdomen, and three eyes focused on her.

Myself, I don't know very well, but I was born at the foot of the golden tree, where I gained life and my mission.

But my mission...

Melina chewed on the words called mission, frowned and recalled, and finally shook her head slowly.

I don't know. Maybe when I return to the golden tree, I can remember what I have shouldered.

Melina also seemed to have doubts about this, and it didn't seem like she was hiding anything.

What kind of phased mission is this? Does it mean that you have to take her back to the golden tree before you can start the next phase of the plot?

I have a question.

The faded person raised his hand and asked: There must have been many faded people in the border area over the years. Why didn't they choose us instead of looking for them?

They are not destined people.

Her eyes fell on the ring hanging around the Faded One's neck, and Melina gently stroked the hair of the little traitor Torette.

This child didn't choose them.

Oh, and there is also the so-called destiny. It seems that the faded ones themselves are not simple either.

After asking this question, the faded person's attention was attracted by the roasted food.

The last question, do you believe in the golden tree? Or, can you accept foreign forces taking over the rule of the border area?

The Ring of Elden maintains order in the border area. As long as you can repair the ring, you will be the King of Elden.

Melina said softly, undoubtedly making her position clear.

I see.

The fireproof girl nodded and consolidated the information she had obtained.

First of all, regarding Melina herself, let’s not talk about whether she was aware of it, but her appearance here must have been caused by someone.

According to her, she is waiting for the faded ones.

Why do you feel so familiar?

The fireproof girl glanced at the faded man who was humming and eating with surprise.

Even though A'Die, whom I had caught out of interest, was still the destined son of this world.

Ashes glanced at the Faded One without leaving a trace. According to the similarity of roles in the same type of world proposed by the group friends, if there were no external factors, the Fading One and Melina should be equal to her and the Fireproof Girl.

Forget it, there's no point thinking about it now, the faded one belongs to her family now.

The fireproof girl crossed her arms across her chest and looked at Melina, who was still waiting for her question.

Any more doubts?

Melina looked away slightly.

I know what you're worried about.

The corner of the fire prevention woman's mouth curled up slightly: In return for you answering our questions, I can also tell you the purpose of our coming to the junction.

Our purpose is for the Elden Ring and the Golden Tree. We have no interest in destroying this land.

At first, it was for the huge amount of souls contained in the golden tree, and then because of a better understanding of the junction area, the Elden Ring was also included in the target. At least this is indeed the purpose of the fire prevention girl now.

Although I don't know what you thought of me before, I am also the ruler of a country. If you are interested, you can go to my country and have a look. I believe you will change your mind.

Melina's attitude before was completely treating herself as a scourge, and the fire prevention girl really cried out that she was wronged.

She was not a colonist in the New World. After some exchanges, she plundered other people's land and took a fancy to the scalps of the aborigines.

She is just looking for the power to continue her world.

Of course, if the local people can obey her rule, the fire prevention woman can also promise that they can live a better life.

Isn't Galeed's side an excellent pilot? She really didn't believe that this purely medieval borderland was any better than hers.


Faced with the sincere words of the fire prevention girl, Melina nodded in response, slightly relaxing her vigilance.

But then again, what do you think of me? You seem to have seen flames similar to mine?

In Melina's eyes, which began to look horrified again, the fire-prevention woman raised her palms. On her palms, bright yellow flames were silent and suspended in the air.

Can you tell me?

Chapter 211 Fireproof Girl: I just want to see your expression of wanting to hit me but not being able to.

The wind stopped.

Melina felt that her heartbeat, which she could finally feel again, was about to stop.

She hesitated.

This... I'm afraid it won't work.

The hands hidden under the traveling cloak held the hem of her skirt. Melina mustered up her courage and whispered back.


Seeing the girl's cute reaction like that of a lone seal pup being targeted by a group of killer whales, the fireproof girl couldn't help laughing.

This is natural. According to Melina, the so-called fire of the evil god is always a very dangerous matter for the border area. Naturally, such a thing cannot be easily communicated to the fire prevention girl who has just finally established a communication bridge. Tell it all.

What's more, the meeting between the two parties was not a pleasant one.

Indeed, you have no obligation to inform me, an outsider, of things that pose a huge threat to the border area.

Melina's tense face softened a little.



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