Ashes frowned, is there anyone who doesn't like flames?

The golden tree is sacred. In the borderlands ruled by the golden law, belief in the flame is heresy.

The dragon and the golden tree turned enemies into friends, because they control the thunder in the sky, and the gods have disappeared, so the golden tree can naturally accept it.

But Flame - Faded One, no matter how powerful the golden tree is, it is still a tree. The most feared thing about a tree is the powerful flame.

Melina seriously explained to Ashes the seriousness of believing in the sun in the junction.

And the sun, the sun that hangs high in the sky and is obscured by dark clouds and trees, has the most blazing flame in the world, and is the most terrifying evil god under the golden faith.

‘Ah, how come Su’er is an evil god everywhere? ’

Ashes was suddenly speechless. Last time he went to Talulana, he was regarded as an evil god by the local gods. He was also regarded as an evil god by the soy milk Baipo. He was regarded as an evil god by the Fallen Empire. How could he be regarded as an evil god by the borderland again?

Hui Jin thought about it for a while. How about asking her to appear as a saint in front of future generations? The stars are not necessarily evil gods, right?

But does this Golden Tree force actually regard flames as an enemy?

He casually picked up a blade of grass and held it in his mouth. The bitter taste spread in his mouth. Hui Jin felt that he should remind the fire girl.

After all, although it sounds funny, if there is a conflict with beliefs, you can only see the truth behind the scenes, or be purified by the other party or purify the other party.

After some exchanges, combined with the accident that happened before, Melina instinctively felt a little uneasy, as if these two faded people with mysterious origins did not want to be as serene as expected.

Melina looked at Ashes who was thinking about it. She didn't disturb him and just sighed slightly.

Her mission is to guide a faded person to become the new king of the junction, but she does not want the devastated land to become more and more chaotic.

‘I really don’t know if my decision was right or wrong. ’

Shattered War Once is enough.

Maybe the answer will be revealed soon.

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded from behind Melina.

Chapter 208 Melina: Gu, kill me


The glow of the golden tree penetrated the mist, and the bonfire swayed in the wind-swept grassland. Melina turned around and looked warily towards the direction from which the sound came.

There was no room for her not to be vigilant.

The place where the blessings of gold gather is the best place for shelter for the faded. The flowing blessings are the best medicine that can heal pain. It is also the best alarm device that can preempt danger for the faded.

So far, no one has been able to pass through the ubiquitous blessing veins and quietly come to the vicinity of the faded one.

Although Melina is not a blessed Faded One, she still enjoys the blessed ability. This is why she can wander around Nimgofu, but has never been attacked by the Golden King or the one who is hostile to the Faded Ones and witches. Reasons for arrest by other interested people.

But today.

Melina looked at the blond woman who appeared in front of her in shock. How could something beyond the ordinary happen to her again?

The fireproof girl looked down at the slender girl.

The face is as delicate as a doll, the amber eyes are sparkling, the thin lips are slightly opened in shock, the left eye is tightly closed, and there is a three-finger skull-shaped tattoo.

The fireproof woman looked the girl up and down, and then her eyes rested on the girl's palms with obvious burn marks.

Does the old thief Miyazaki have an inexplicable obsession with beautiful girls with missing parts?


The previous exchange between Melina and Ashes was heard. The fire prevention girl had been here a long time ago, but she never made a sound, so the girl never noticed.

The iconic incomplete appearance can be strengthened by the faded person, and can also be manifested when sitting on fire.

Could it be that this is the fire-proof woman appointed by the old thief in this world - no, the Elden Ring seems to be the one that keeps the world running, so should it be called the Ring-Prevention Girl?

But the fireproof girl clearly remembered that the person with her eyes closed at the end of the promotional CG released by the old thief was a blue-skinned girl wearing a big hat, and the right eye was closed.

Is it possible that Melina can also switch forms?

Where did the old thief develop new xp?


After the two exchanged meaningless glances, the fireproof girl spoke, her voice soft and gentle, like the glimmer of light in the morning, which made people want to fall in.

The fireproof girl extended her palm in a handshake gesture.


Melina was a little confused for a moment. The strange existence that approached them so easily didn't seem to have any ill intentions. After hesitating for a while, she still extended her hand.

She was about to speak, but the moment she touched the fire-proof girl, her expression changed, her calm eyes started to waver again, and her body was like snow exposed to the sun during the spring solstice, which quickly melted away.

Does she want to run?

The fireproof girl raised her eyebrows, noticing the girl's panic.

Why does this mouse react like a cat?

Although she was confused, the fire-proof girl couldn't let the little girl run away. She finally found a living person in the border area whose worldview was similar to her own. Moreover, the conversation just now seemed to hold many secrets, so she had to stay and take care of herself. Ask around.

[Sunlight Healing]

There was a faint light in the palm, and Melina dissipated for a moment, and then re-condensed into a solid body as if flowing backwards.


Melina blinked in confusion, wanting to dissipate into the blessing like in the past, but found that it was not moving at all.

The fire-proof girl held the girl's hand. Compared with the illusion when she first came into contact with the girl, what was now transmitted to her was real body temperature. If she felt it carefully, the fire-proof girl could also feel the blood starting to flow under it as her heart beat.

Why does it feel like the temperature is a little high, like it's about to burn?

In order to prevent the little girl from always relying on blessings to maintain her physical appearance, the fireproof girl also very considerately restored her body that had been lost for an unknown period of time.

Why are you in such a hurry to leave?

The fireproof girl didn't know where she had offended Melina.


What responded to the fireproof woman was a dagger shining with golden light.

With a slight tilt of her head, the fire-proof girl let go of the direct thrust of the dagger. Taking this opportunity, Melina's hand slipped out of the fire-proof girl's grasp.


The warm body crashed into the arms, knocking the fire-proof girl off her center of gravity. Melina, holding the short knife, came to the blind spot behind the fire-proof girl like a slippery snake. The short knife stabbed her in the lower back. .

The movements are extremely smooth and look professional at first glance.

A master.

Flames spread, and the fire-proof woman who fell in Melina's arms immediately scattered and shattered on the ground, and the direct thrust of the blow was also missed.

Melina watched the flames scattered on the ground vigilantly, and with a move of her left arm, the blessing flowed in the form of a golden tree, swaying on the flames on the ground, which also obscured the sight of many people.

Ashes, take your companions and leave.

After the battle, Melina even thought of reminding Ashes not far away.


She dodged the flying sword light in a flash, and the fireproof girl looked into the light, still wary of Melina.

The ashes on the side began to cast magic.

Strike gently.

The fire girl warned.


Hui Jing nodded, guessing that there might be a misunderstanding between the two, and did not use a killing move. The sticky dark soul turned into a chain, tying up the girl whose movements were soft and illusory, as if she was swimming in the air. .


Melina was still focused on dealing with the unquenchable flames on the ground, and did not notice the attack from behind. Her body fell to the ground under the influence of inertia.


Seeing Ashes throwing the girl who was tied up like a caterpillar beside the blessing, the fireproof girl helped her turn over again very considerately.

This little girl is really kind. It's okay to not be grateful for helping her regain her body. He still wants to use a knife to cut her waist. It really ignores her good intentions. It's too difficult to be a good person.

But fortunately, the fireproof girl doesn't hold grudges. Although Melina's skills are good, her strength is still a bit weak. The assassination just now was like dancing.


The fireproof girl wanted to ask what to write, but when she saw the girl staring at her like she was a life-or-death enemy, she felt it was unnecessary.

To be honest, according to Melina's conversation with Ashes just now, Melina did not have awe of faith, and the fireproof girl did not think that the so-called belief in the sun would arouse the hostility of the girl.

But at the same time, the fireproof girl knew that the hostility of the other party could not be faked, but to be honest, it was the first time they met and they really didn't remember any conflicts with each other.

Before this inexplicable misunderstanding is resolved, I am afraid that the two parties will not be able to communicate normally.

What's wrong with her?

Ever since, the fireproof girl turned her attention to Ashes. The two parties have been together for a while, and they should understand each other.

Chapter 209 Melina: Torrett, why are you just watching!

I have no idea.

Ashes shook his head slowly, turned around and sat in front of the well-filled bonfire, peeled off the battered meat on the grill, and continued to turn it.

Ashes is now a family member, and she has to keep a good distance from strangers even on missions. Otherwise, with her physique that established countless bonds in the previous generation and harvested a lot of little fans in the dream, God knows what she will give How much trouble is she looking for?

The relationship between her and Melina only consisted of getting to know each other and exchanging some superficial information. From the beginning, Ashes planned to leave the fireproof girl to handle it after she arrived.

Unexpectedly, the first meeting between the two parties seemed not to be pleasant.

Hey, that would be troublesome.

The fireproof girl was not in a hurry and sat next to Ashes. Then she reached out and poked Melina's dull face, smiling meaningfully.

The little girl is quite warm, like a beech stained by sparks, burning slowly and inevitably, exuding warm temperature until she turns into ashes and melts away, along with her essence. covered past.

However, out of a little respect for the other person's privacy, the fireproof girl still has the patience to argue with this little girl.

What happened?

Noticing the commotion here, the Faded Man also hurried over on horseback. When he saw Melina, who was tightly bound, he tilted his head in confusion.

She glanced at the fire prevention girl and didn't know what happened for a moment.

The little girl is not honest, so I tied her up first and wait until she is willing to obey.

Opening her mouth to pick up the meat dipped in ashes and sauce, her face bulged slightly, the fireproof woman patted Melina on the shoulder, looking exactly like a bandit boss coming down the mountain to snatch Mrs. Yazhai.

But looking at the fireproof girl's appearance, I don't know who is taking advantage of her if this is really the case.


The faded one said that he roughly understood it, so he didn't care much about it. He went down from Toret's back and came to the side of Ashes, tilted his head and opened his mouth.


Anyway, Ashes and Fireproof Girl were both here, so it wasn't her turn to use her own brain. She didn't know her family's temper yet. Miss Melina would definitely be fine. The most important thing at the moment was to take care of her taste buds.

But how did Melina get tied up?

Of course, the Faded Ones were still puzzled that the elusive girl had been captured in physical form.

It's nothing, because this little girl seems to be able to run, so I just restored her physical body.

The fireproof girl showed a plain smile. Melina was deeply bound to the blessing, as if she was supposed to survive in the golden root system of the earth. If she really let her run away, I would have to catch her back. It takes some effort.

After all, the body is the prison of the spirit.

It is also the medium that allows the soul to speak.

Hui Jing also spoke at the right time, as if to threaten the bound girl.

Did you hear that? Melina, if you don't cooperate, terrible things will happen.

The fireproof woman lit a flame in her hand, and the bright yellow flame was surrounded by a ring of darkness, like a constantly swaying eye, which looked very scary.

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