And the water at the junction is very deep.

The fireproof girl combined the information provided by many local forces and knew that her opponents might not just be as simple as these demigods on the ground at the junction.

Nominally, the Golden Tree is already the most powerful force in the border area, but in fact, no one knows what is standing behind it.

If you really plan to seize the law and replace the golden tree, you may have to confront a higher-ranking being.

There is still a long way to go.

After leaving all this to the army, the Fireproof Girl ignored it and returned to the Fortress of Faros as her base.

The branches swayed, tiny rays of light fell, birds chirped among the branches, the knights stationed were like sculptures, and the idle priests gathered together to whisper and circulate the words of the gods.

Galid's movement has indeed attracted the attention of many forces, but now they have suffered a lot of trauma, and all they can do is send out scouts who are not afraid of death, or flying creatures controlled by spells.

But Lothric has a wealth of countermeasures to deal with this type of inefficient investigation, so there won't be any problems.

It just so happens that if the priests search each other's souls, they will be able to dig out a lot of useful information.

Now that she has established a relatively stable cooperative relationship with the Red Lions, the Fireproof Girl can also try to set her sights on other regions.

Looking at the map of the junction hanging on the wall, the fire prevention woman's eyes gradually focused on a castle located in the southwest of the junction.

Stonewell Castle is located at the junction of Lienia and Nimgofo in the west. After the bridge breaks, it is the only way to Lienia above.

The fireproof girl didn't really care about the strategic position of Stonewell's castle. She had a flying dragon army and campfire teleportation. The army's marching operations were not greatly affected by the terrain. If you really wanted to go to the golden tree, you could just fly over.

What the fireproof girl cares about is a fragmented king in Stonewell City.

Well, I'll go ask Ashes and the others about their progress tomorrow.

After finishing her official duties, having a meal, and reading for a while to soothe her spirit that had been tortured by the sages, the fire-proof girl glanced at the darkening sky outside the castle, and then threw herself on the soft bed. .

Take a break and leave the rest to yourself tomorrow.

Chapter 206: Melina of Nimgofu

How many people are in front?

Five, just a simple camp.

That's much easier - Torette, come on!

The faded ones didn't make any movements, but called softly. The horse with the long horns on its crotch seemed to be able to understand human speech, snorted, and then jumped out like the wind.

Purple energy poured out from his hand, pulling up the rubble on the ground and condensing it into a stone gun.


The tip of the spear was like a flexible snake head. Before these soldiers could stand up from the ground, it penetrated into the gaps in their armor, and the not-sharp tip pierced one body after another.


The originally scattered warriors were strung together, and the gravity magic worked, crushing their muscles and bones, and dim golden fireflies flowed out from their broken bodies.

The faded ones were thrown away casually, and the spears that gradually became fragile after losing the support of gravity magic wrapped the bodies of these soldiers and fell along the cliff, falling into the cemetery below to prevent these undead warriors from coming back to life to disturb them. .

When she came to the side of the bonfire, she could clearly see the golden glow. Ashes sat down cross-legged, stirred the paste in the stove, put it to one side in disgust, and then took out the food that faded people like to eat. , set up the grill.

Is this what you call the blessing point?

That's right.

The golden glow lit up, and in this place where golden blessings gathered, faint light spots gathered and turned into a girl wearing a traveling cloak.

She commented as she looked at the Faded One who was riding Torette and having fun on the grass.

Excellent warrior.

Hui Jin glanced at the girl who appeared inexplicably beside him, and thought that her elusive appearance was very much like the fireproof girl who learned how to teleport through campfires.

The girl in front of me is Melina.

After Ashes and the Faded Ones came to Nimgefu, they first encountered a translucent and transparent ship that could drive skeletons. Ashes tried to use a spell to burn the thing clean, leaving only A root full of death.

After passing through the village with only skeletons left, they walked forward along the overgrown road and came to the checkpoint, only to find that the soldiers around them were all mentally deranged beings just like the ones they met in Galede.

Moreover, they maintained an extraordinary hostility towards the Faded Ones, so the Ashes and the Faded Ones obeyed the fire prevention woman's order not to cause trouble, and changed their route and came to the south of Nimgefu.

After passing through a group of soldiers who were extremely hostile to the Faded Ones, and killing a cavalryman dressed in black on a bridge in the Lake District, Ashes and his party found a being who could communicate among the ruins.

Unfortunately, the mage didn't seem to be the real person. Apart from being willing to teach them the magic knowledge of the border area, he didn't know much about the outside world. In desperation, the two left a bonfire there and set off again.

After walking around the lake in the middle of Nimgefu, they first chopped down a fire-breathing flying dragon, and then chopped down a shining golden knight at the entrance of a cemetery. They then returned to the pass, and ended up in a Under the tower, I met this elusive girl.

To be precise, it was this girl who came to the house on her own initiative. It is said that the reason was that the horse named Torette liked the faded ones very much.

Well, that's the one the Faded One is riding now.

At first, Hui Jin was very wary of this elusive guy, because she couldn't quite see the person in front of her, so of course she refused her request.

But this girl was really persevering and would come up to ask them every time they passed by.

Her purpose was to hope that someone could take her back to the foot of the golden tree, which was consistent with Lothric's purpose. Finally, after discussing with the fire-proof woman, she agreed to Melina's request.

The reward is that Melina will perform the duties of a witch. To put it bluntly, she will provide guidance to the faded ones and turn runes into power. It sounds very similar to the duties of a fire prevention girl.

But compared to Torette who was given to the Faded One from the beginning, this is actually not that attractive.

After taking a look at Melina's slightly thin figure and her face that never showed any unnecessary expression, Hui Jin silently turned the grill.

Further forward is the location of the Golden King, but before that, you have to go through a test. That is the hero who shined in the Broken War Bell.

Folding her hands, hiding them under her cloak, Melina reminded Ashes.


Compared with the dull faded person who only knows how to fight, the slightly noble lady in front of him is much more difficult to deal with. In a team of two, it is usually Ashes who makes the decision.

A long time has passed since the ring of magic was broken and the war ended. The faded ones have become weaker and weaker due to the blessings. However, the demigods are still in the Great Rune, waiting for the challenge of the faded ones.

Many faded ones lost their faith in the long and futile time clock. Most of them chose not to perform their duties anymore. They also lost their blessings and could no longer see the golden light.

Nowadays, it is extremely rare to see the faded ones who give blessings and guidance.

The girl seems to know the current situation of the world very well, and she also knows very well what powerful existence there is.

So, you hope that we can maintain our determination to see the Circle.

Yes, especially after the setback.

Melina whispered that she was not optimistic about Ashes and his party rushing directly to Stonewell Castle where the Golden King was after learning the exact news.

You don't think so highly of us?

Ashes was happy.

Well, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she did not show too much power along the way with the Faded Ones, and usually relied on close combat to solve problems.

Melina is understandably suspicious of the gap between them and the demigods.

You have skilled skills, but demigods can't fight with more than just skills.

It has been a long time since Melina met the Faded One who could see the blessing.

She didn't want the two faded ones to give up because of difficulties, and she didn't want them to fall into the hands of the Golden King, who was not friendly to the faded ones.

I hope you can explore the land, accumulate runes, and wait until you are strong enough and fully prepared to challenge the Golden King here.

What if we have to go?

I'm just providing advice. If you still maintain your determination to see the Dharma Ring, I will always fulfill my duties.

Melina whispered back.

But before that, I hope that I can turn the runes in your bodies into power.

Chapter 207 Melina: Why can’t it be strengthened?

Melina stretched out her palm, wanting to touch Ashes. Ashes' body subconsciously stiffened, and after some hesitation, she stretched out her fingers and put them on Melina's hand.

Melina's face remained as usual, focusing on pulling the power of blessing, and the next moment, Hui Jin felt that the Rune she had absorbed along the journey was being pulled, trying to merge into her body.

Roar, this is no different from the strengthening of the soul.

Ashes didn't respond and allowed Melina to operate. However, when Rune completed the extraction and tried to strengthen this body that had been tempered for thousands of years, he encountered unprecedented obstacles.

Guiding Rune to strengthen the Faded One sounds like a very simple matter.

Let the blessing of gold flow into the limbs and bones of the faded ones, increase their strength, sharpen their eyesight, and strengthen their spirit, so that the descendants of the warriors can continue to grow stronger until they can gain the strength to fight against the king.

It was obviously a very simple matter according to my memory, but why did it become like this?

Rune was guided as if he had hit an airtight wall. He could not move forward at all. This body was like the most rounded creature. Rune could not find any cracks in it, let alone any cracks in it. Delusions filled it in.

Melina's usual calm expression showed fluctuations. She tried again, but it still had no effect. It wasn't until the constant attempts burdened her that she panted slightly and stopped.

What's wrong? No?

Hui Jin could feel the other party's fatigue, and also found that the alien energy in his body lay down after some work.

Indeed, no.

Men can't say no, but Melina is a girl, so when faced with Ashes' doubts, she admitted it openly.

I'm sorry, this is my first time doing this, and I'm not very skilled at it. Also, I don't know why your body is like an airtight wall, rejecting Rune's reinforcement. Please give me a moment. I'll figure it out in a little while.

Is that so?

Ashes was thoughtful and had a guess in his mind.

Probably the energy possessed by Rune itself is no longer enough to bring improvement.

But she didn't say much. The two parties just had a cooperative relationship. Melina gave them guidance. They took Melina to the Golden Tree. It was an easy transaction. It didn't matter even if Melina couldn't do anything. Just treat it as I brought a pet that can tell stories.

Regarding rune enhancement, even if you save enough, wouldn’t there be a fireproof girl?

You should also take a good rest. After all, you will face many tests in the future.

Little did he know that his status in the heart of Ashes had slipped from a tour guide to a pet that could tell stories, Melina admonished.

Don't worry about your enemies. The blessing will cover your aura and provide you with protection.


Looking away from Melina's burnt hands, Ash nodded slightly and turned the grill above the bonfire.

Compared with the blessing of emitting this glow, Ash still felt that the bonfire could give her more warmth.

Ashes wanted to lie down, just like feeling the warmth of the sun during her free time in Rodlan, but unfortunately the reality was not what she wanted.

The wind is flowing, blowing the grass blades, and the light of the golden tree is projected in the sky. It can only bring light to the world, but it can only feel cold when it shines on the body.

There's no sun, I'm really not used to it.

Ashes turned over and faced the burning bonfire.

“Can you see the sun outside the sea of ​​fog?”

Melina asked aloud. Having failed in performing her duties, she was trying to find a topic to talk about, as if she wanted to draw a little more into the relationship between the two parties.


Pulling the charcoal fire, Ashes did not deny it.

‘Not only can you see it, you can also touch it. ’

That is our faith, which brings us light and heat and guides us on the way forward.

Is that so?

Melina understood, she could feel Ashes' emotions, and the respect that came from her heart didn't seem to be fake.

Do the faded ones outside the sea of ​​fog also have other beliefs?

Isn't it the same for you?

Ashes did not choose to answer directly, but asked instead: As far as I know, you also believe in the existence of flames and dragons.

Indeed, but if you are at a junction, try not to mention the flames.

Melina didn't have a deep understanding of the so-called faith, and she had forgotten many things. She cared more about her mission. However, since the Faded Ones were already active in the border area, it was necessary to remind them.

Why do you say that?

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