The fire-prevention girl reminded Latarn that the dove occupied the magpie's nest.

...I was negligent.

Latarn seemed to have caught something. He held his chin and thought for a while. Finally, he drank the wine in the glass and planned to go down and take a look.

Just do it when it comes to your mind, Tarane doesn't like to wait.

Need help?


Latarn shook his head and refused. His life was saved by the fire-prevention woman, so how could he have the nerve to ask for help from the fire-prevention woman.

Chapter 200 Future Plans

Having just woken up from the chaos, Latarn obviously couldn't take any time off. After he determined the direction, he went to investigate without stopping, vowing to tear off the head of the mastermind who was playing tricks on the two forces. The ball is kicked.

And since Latarn also said that he didn't need help, the fire prevention girl wouldn't ask more questions. After all, everyone has their own things to do, and it's not good to always stick to him and ask for details.

The fireproof girl will not interfere with other people's choices. This is their own business, and it is not her turn to dictate.

Of course, then again, I still want to see Fun Fire Girl when the time comes.

Although it is not very moral to say this, it always makes people feel happy to see someone's misfortune. If the other party is still a standard villain and conspirator, then the last bit of psychological burden on the fireproof girl can be thrown away.

Drink! Don't cheat with your weird prayers. Even if your strength is incomparable, the man of the Red Lion will not lose in his ability to drink!


Looking at the drunken soldiers below, he automatically blocked them and said, Stand still. ’ ‘I can’t eat anymore. ’ and other strange words, the fire prevention girl didn’t feel sleepy at all.

I think something has to be done.

Now that you have some free time, find something to do.

Anyway, it’s time to relax, so let’s go hard on ourselves.

The matter regarding Ratan has come to an end.

Then you can concentrate on dealing with the golden tree.

The fireproof girl took out her little notebook, crossed out the rattan of the owner of the ring fragment, and marked it with a green ?.

The above is a simple family pedigree of the Golden Dynasty based on the historical information left by Lance Sanks.

After the magic ring was broken, the fragments of the magic ring were obtained by different fragment kings. To achieve her goal, the fireproof girl who was thinking about the law not only had to break into the golden tree, but also had to collect these scattered among the various princes. of big runes.

Fireproof Girl has set priorities for the distribution of these princes and the assessed strength to facilitate the formulation of future diplomatic or conquest policies against these princes.

Now that Latarn has been resolved peacefully, the next one——

It's Nimgefu.

Once Galid is fine, the fire-proof girl plans to go to Nimgefu and meet with the golden prince Grek there. Of course, whether to use troops or have peaceful exchanges depends entirely on Grek himself.

After roughly planning the next stage of the process and handing it over to the council for refinement, the fireproof girl took out the courseware prepared by the sages and began to study attentively.

Breathing in Galede's signature smelly air, to be honest, this thing is better than any refreshing potion, making the fireproof girl's thinking extremely clear.

The devolution of power allows the fire-prevention woman to have more time to do her own thing without being disturbed by complicated government affairs, and the particularity of Lothric's structure can ensure that the state machine can operate around her own will.

So having less things to do does not mean that there is nothing to do. In fact, it is precisely because the things that you need to worry about are too important that you have to leave all management and other matters to the people below.

The general planning, daily knowledge learning, as well as the research on Chuhuo, and the optimization of Rodlan, because of the special nature of Chuhuo, can only be done by Fireproof Woman alone.

All of this requires a lot of energy, and the fire-proof girl usually takes a break from her busy schedule to bring a thug over to fight if there is an important battle, and fish for herself.

If any group member has a problem to deal with, that's even better. The fireproof girl has never encountered anything too difficult until now. In the past, it was just like going on vacation.

Why do you say this so that you seem to be expecting problems from your group friends? No, no, this kind of thinking of expecting bad things from others is unacceptable.

The fireproof girl paused while turning the pages of the book, and then remembered that she seemed to have a chat group.

The main reason is that the chat group is too dull now. Except for the new group members who have joined after a while, there is nothing new that can make people shine. Therefore, the fireproof girl is more focused except for the occasional bubble. As for her plan, if anything happens, her group friends will notify her.

The current environment of the chat group can be said to be very good with the joint efforts of everyone. It perfectly explains what a cross-dimensional chat mutual aid organization is. Their lives are also maintained well with mutual help.

Nowadays, more and more people are relying on the power of chat groups to enrich themselves, or to retire and spend their remaining time in a Buddhist manner.

You see, Otto is so bored that he develops games, and his cubs are too lazy to throw to the fire prevention girl. The leader of an organization like Tallulah still has time to come to exchange and learn on his own, and most of the group members are finishing their own projects. There was plenty of free time afterwards.

What's more, they actually organized the group members to score low in the simulated battlefield in the group, and also used administrator rights to enter each group member into the group to be the rotating boss every week.

The chat group rescue seems to have reached a bottleneck. Cooperation between group members has become a daily routine and they are currently complementing each other, including exchanges in technology, ideas and other aspects.

The worlds they are in have either completed the transformation, or they have not yet reached the point of transformation. There are also worlds where the group members are like the fireproof girl, where they will perish if they are not careful, but the world level is not very high. Any problem can be solved by a few ruthless people in the group raising their hands.

All in all it's boring.

However, I think this kind of days will not last for long. This situation will occur mainly because the chat group has greatly expanded the group members but has not chosen to expand the group functions, and because the group members' respective world transformation stages are highly overlapping. .

After the joint combat missions in the chat group are opened, it should be much better. According to the description, it seems that the group members can go to other worlds to carry out combat missions. By then, those group members who are itchy in the simulated battlefield will also be able to It's a chance to vent your exuberant energy.

Of course, the fire prevention girl still hopes to join a group of friends with a more complicated environment.

Today's group members have similar world structures, and it is difficult to make any breakthroughs. The quality of their souls is also uneven, and many of them avoid soul trading.

The biggest customer at the moment is still the extremely xenophobic Da Treacherous One. Although the quality of the souls he provides is not much better, it is better in terms of quantity.

But obviously, it's not enough.

The fireproof girl flipped through the book, which was the idea put forward by the sages as to why Rodran had difficulty maintaining the cycle.

Rodlan is not complete in terms of the standard world template, although the lower limit is extremely high, causing the fireproof girl to go to those interstellar universes and transform into an existence that can cause galaxy-level impacts.

But Rodlan is too small to maintain a circular structure.

And if you want to expand, the souls you need to consume will be an astronomical number.

Chapter 201: The sages gave the fire-proof girl some new jobs

However, the specific measures have to be left to the sages to study. After they come up with a specific and feasible plan, the fire prevention girl will be responsible for implementing it.


Those sages are also a bunch of problematic people.

Thinking of those sage sects with varying moral levels, the fireproof girl really felt her head hurt.

Lothric is ruled by a king who has theocratic and royal authority at the highest level, and maintains the current operation of Lordran with extremely high execution power.

Below it is the Supreme Council composed of the Sun God Clan, which governs the country, and below it are the three pillars composed of the Church, the Sages, and the Knights.

The church consolidated the status of the gods, directly served the fire women, and governed the people.

As a violent institution, the knight is the guardian of Lothric, represents the glory of Lothric, and is an extension of the power of the Fireproof Girl.

Sages, as guardians of knowledge, are innovators of technology, explorers of the unknown, and figure out the future direction for this country.

The Fireproof Girl is well versed in the principle of the primary productivity of science and technology, and has given the sages extremely high rights, and this generous investment has also received generous returns.

From the lives of the people at the bottom to the operation of the world of Lordland, the results provided by these sages are gratifying and they have made great contributions to the development of Lothric.

However, these guys with wild ideas often make the fire prevention girl feel overwhelmed.

You can think of things like directly entering the world of chat group members and conducting large-scale hunting.

Others have proposed the idea of ​​a soul furnace, where creatures from other worlds are raised in captivity, and storylines that can create epic heroic souls through active corrections to the world are used to continuously nurture Lothrik, and replace them when a world is drained. Next.

To be honest, it's not impossible if you don't consider the current situation of the chat group, but in today's chat group environment, doing so will simply make you unhappy.

The fire prevention girl couldn't persuade this group of people. These Frankensteins were willing to risk their own lives in order to pursue the truth. The only thing they feared was that the fire prevention girl would cut off their knowledge, and it was precisely this knowledge that the fire prevention girl was least likely to have. Something that makes it extinct.

So in order to make these sages with extremely dynamic moral standards think less about what is there and what is not, the Fireproof Girl has recently sent some overly active guys to conduct research on world barriers.

It just so happens that the span between the worlds between Rodran and the Junction is close, and the fire prevention girl from far away in the Junction can sense the first fire. According to the sages, it can definitely be played if given enough authority and time.

If it is possible to transmit across the world without relying on chat groups, it will be able to deal with a series of emergencies in the future.

Although the fireproof girl will most likely not use this weapon on the group members, but again, she can use it, but she can't live without it.

If something really jeopardizes her existence in the future but is unable to deal with it due to the nature of the chat group, the fireproof girl also has more choices.

I don't know what their progress is.

The fireproof girl was reading the book, and she still remembered the posture of the three witches patting their chests and saying that they would definitely be able to handle it. With Yulia watching over them, they would not act recklessly.

The stars and the moon passed by, and time passed. When the thick dark clouds fell again, the light of the golden tree bloomed, once again spreading bright light to the land.

Wait, is this too bright?

The light bloomed, coating the pages of the book with a layer of white light. The fireproof girl looked towards the north of the continent, in the direction of the golden tree, until she saw the scene there clearly, and tilted her head in confusion.

what's the situation?

A brilliant beam of light appeared in the north, rising straight into the sky. The brilliance once overshadowed the golden tree, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

The fire-proof girl looked at the tiny particles of light in the light column, and felt that this thing seemed very familiar.

Isn't that the torch in your own sacrificial site?

Finding that her direct connection with the original fire body immediately returned to the level that could only be achieved in Lordland, the fire-proof girl was wide-eyed. Why did this thing come to the border?

Just when the fire prevention girl was still feeling extremely confused, a communication request came from a personal communication.

The fireproof girl checked the emblem of the communication staff and found that it was Yulia.

Yulia was the leader of Rondore who was thinking about usurping the fire from the beginning. Ever since the fire-prevention woman chose to fuse the first fire herself, she has been working under the fire-prevention woman.

Because he has a certain research background, now as a supervisor, he is responsible for the church's supervision of the sages' research.

No, isn't Yulia in Lordland? How can I still contact her?

The fire prevention girl connected the communication with a puzzled look on her face.

His Majesty!

As soon as the connection was connected, Yulia's anxious voice came from the other end of the communication.

Something big happened!

What's wrong?

The fireproof woman instinctively felt something bad, but she still asked calmly.

She is the head of a country. Others can panic, but she cannot panic.

Your Majesty, you'd better come and see for yourself.

Where are you?

The fireproof girl's perception at the junction is limited, as if she were covered by a curtain, and fast passing face-to-face requires precise positioning.

we are at--

Yulia temporarily blocked the communication and asked the knight Lothric who was in a state of embarrassment beside her: Where are we?

Galeed, Northern Dragon Tomb, 26° 49,523 meters west-south of Faros Fortress.

The knight with many dents in his armor quickly replied, and Yulia immediately repeated it to the fireproof girl.

Okay, I'll be there soon.

Ruler Elton quickly gathered his troops, and the fireproof girl turned into light particles in the blink of an eye and arrived at the location described by Yulia.

The area that was once re-covered by lush forest was in a mess, like a typhoon passing through.

The beam of light that reached the sky squeezed out an irregular crack that stretched for more than ten kilometers on the land of Galede, like a wound chewed by an unknown monster. Fine particles of light overflowed from it, and the fire-proof woman fished I picked up a handful of soul fragments and sensed them, and I was very convinced that this thing belonged to me.

After using the chat group to teleport back to Rodran, the fireproof woman manipulated time and space, shifted the direction of the torch a little, and returned to Galede.

Without the guidance of the torch, there was finally no more light spilling out, but the bottom of this rift was not a bottomless black cliff, but a country that was extremely familiar to the fire prevention girl.

Surrounded by messy trees, looking down along the crack, you can see a corner of the glorious city. This strange scene seems to be an amateur cutout who roughly spliced ​​two unrelated pictures together.

Pointing to Lothric below, the fireproof girl turned around and asked Yulia.

How is this going?

Please review the chapter, grandpa, please!

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