From this, we can vaguely see the folk customs that Galid should have had.

It's not bad to arrive.

The fireproof girl saw the Lothric knight being drunk between two muscular men, one on the left and the other on the right, and had no intention of stopping.

Due to the personal preference of the fire-proof girl, the atmosphere of the Lothric army is generally serious. There are not no activities, but it is also impossible to be so indulgent. Alcohol is basically out of the question.

But today, let's just think that these Luoqi who came with her are taking advantage of her. They just do as the Romans do, and there's nothing wrong with having fun with others.

The fireproof girl thought so and took a sip of milk tea.

Don't like drinking?

A huge shadow was cast beside him, and Latarn silently came to the side of the fire-proof woman.

I like sweet.

Putting one hand on the scale, the fireproof woman glanced at La Tarn and the iron boots under his legs.

This hand's gravity magic is quite powerful. It's quite scary to think about such a tall and macho man appearing silently beside you.

If you don't go to your men, why do you come to me?

There's nothing much to say, it's enough to let them have fun for one night.

Latarn shook his head. He was not the kind of person who had to make thirty minutes of opening remarks before having a meal or a banquet.

Moreover, most of today's Red Lions are young and new faces, and there are not many people who can talk to them. After simply catching up with a few old friends to catch up on old times, Latarn chose to leave.

I'm so big and stuck there, the boys can't let go.

So you came to me? Tell me what you want to talk about.

The fireproof girl moved to the side, leaving enough space for Taran. She also found that the city wall was a bit high, and when she spoke like this, she had to raise her head to meet Broken Star's gaze, so she simply jumped to the edge of the city wall with a hee. Sitting.

Why are you trying to save me?

Seeing the action of the fireproof girl, Latarn's eyes trembled slightly, and he unconsciously thought of another figure in his memory.

After hearing your story, I felt that you shouldn't end up like this, so I did what I wanted to do.

The fireproof girl answered casually, but Latarn couldn't pretend that this had never happened. He had to save himself from corruption. This was a huge favor that had to be repaid.

You don't hide it at all.

Do you think you owe me a favor?

Anyway, the fireproof girl doesn't like scarlet corruption. Except for the spear tip that continues for Lothric, she doesn't like anything that is too sharp and extreme.

Do you think favors can restrain a Shard King who covets the throne of Elden?

Then let's put it another way.

Lifting her head and drinking a glass of milk, the fireproof girl tilted her head slightly.

You have already lost. Now that you have lost, stand aside, because the next battle is between me and the golden tree, and I will win.

I can save you, but I can also kill you. You can either be a spectator or my ally.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to stand against me in the future. Lothric will crush her enemies, and I will give you a decent ending.

My own strength gives me the confidence to make my choice. At least I won't regret it.

The fireproof girl didn't care. It was Lothrik's diplomatic strategy to establish friendship with the human forces at the border. It was her whim to save Latan. Her strength and destiny were her own choice, and she would also bear the consequences.

Ha ha ha ha!

Latarn paused while drinking, shook his head and laughed.

Maybe we can get along very well.

Then he wiped away the wine that spilled from the corner of his mouth, and Latarn nodded heavily.

Yes, you are right, I am indeed a loser.

From the defeat of the coalition forces, they were defeated in King Rodel and came to Galid to rest and recuperate, to the failure to win the home battle against the Holy Tree Army, which turned Galid into a terrifying place where life could not survive.

Latan also knew that although he was named the Shard King and was a hero in everyone's eyes, he was already an out-and-out loser.

He was very calm and not unhappy at all. The truth could not be told.

Failure is failure, there is nothing to say.

Of course, this is the fireproof girl. If a little guy dares to say this, it will be over if Latarn kills him or not.

My path has reversed.

There were only a handful of Galede's people left, and only a remnant of the Red Lion Army was left. The reality was cruel, and he cruelly told Latarn that he could not be the king of Elden.

He just can't even defend Galid well.

You know, if it were me back then, I would never think so.

With his arms resting on the stone wall, Latan stared down, watching the sincere smiles on the faces of the young warriors.

Every competitor has different goals. There are too many things based on emotion, but now -

There are no living people left in Galede.

It is very difficult for everyone to survive. Years of fighting have intensified their hatred for corruption. Their inner expectations have also changed from winning the throne for the general to hoping to live a normal life.

Should I still let these accompany me to fight for my life? Join the race for King of Elden again?

Broken Star slowly shook his head.

Now I can't do it.

As time goes by, rivers will dry up, mountains will disappear, and people's thoughts are constantly changing.

‘Time is a sharp knife that always allows people to figure out many things. ’

Seeing this, the fire-proof girl smiled. She thought she would have to fight Tarn again, so she put the knife to his neck before he figured it out.

However, the junction still needs a new king to bring order back.

But that doesn't mean that order can only be the Golden Law.

Chapter 199 Fireproof Girl: Someone is going to be unlucky

Is this what a legitimate golden heir can say?

Under the stars, one tall and one short looked at each other from a distance, the fireproof girl had surprise on her face, and the azure stone shone slightly.

Humph, the so-called law is just a means to restrain all living beings. God has the final say on what to say.

Latarn snorted. He was not a loyal dog of the Golden Law and had to operate according to the original law.

Even during the reigns of the successive kings of Elden, the Golden Law was changed.

If I have the ability to ascend the throne, I will appoint Malika to change the laws that make me uncomfortable. If she doesn't change them, I will find other gods to be the gods of the border area.

You're really rebellious.

How can you say that? I am the most honest one in my family.

His thick eyebrows were raised. Latarn didn't like hearing this. Compared to his two troublesome brothers and sisters, he, the successor to the will of the King of Elden, is more honest.

What I said is correct. If it really reaches that point, as long as the broken big runes are collected, the law can be changed if you want, as long as you can bear the consequences.

In the end, as long as you are strong enough and can defeat all opponents, no one can stop you from doing anything you want to do, and you can afford the consequences of all your choices.

That's right.

I remember reading a sentence.

The fire prevention girl recalled the history of the junction she had read, and found that this set of statements was consistent with the same origin.

Then why, strength is the reason for becoming king?

Yes, power is the reason to be king!

Latarn clenched his fist. He had admired the hero who became the King of Elden since he was a child and was deeply influenced by him. The wooden wine glass in his hand made an overwhelming sound.

There are no twists and turns in the border area. If you want others to agree with you, you can only use fists. Only by beating your opponents down will they want to listen to your reasoning. If you just want to kill Two Fingers, you will No one talks about you.

That said, I feel relieved.

The fireproof girl smiled and nodded. She finally figured it out. In the eyes of the strong men in this borderland, everything was imaginary, only power was real.

Fortunately, she happened to have it.

The fire girl took a big gulp of milk.

Great, end of topic.

The question and answer about the fire-proof girl has come to an end. Now that the topic has changed, it is up to Latarn to satisfy her curiosity.

Tell me about you. What do you want to do when you are alive this time?

The fireproof girl has no intention of holding on to someone else's favor.

Me? Go to King Rodel City, repair the magic ring, investigate who intervened in the war, and then go and settle accounts with Marlenia. There must be an ending between me and her.

Latarn pondered for a while and replied.

Listening to what you said, it seems that there was another hidden story behind the war back then.

It's not a seeming, it's a certainty.

Latarn's face darkened.

Mariania fought all the way from the Holy Tree back then. When she met Greg on the way, the boy didn't take away his big rune. At first, I just thought she was just trying to promote the authority of the Holy Tree, so she chose to take over in the mainland. war.

But in the battle of Ionia, she showed her weakness and released the scarlet corruption without hesitation. It is impossible for her not to know the consequences of doing so.

Thinking of the soldiers who died unprepared in the Ionian War and the people who were affected by the disaster, Latarn felt his heart bleed. Even if he actively took a series of remedial measures later, it was too late. It can only delay the deterioration of the environment.

I know Marlenia. She is strong and well-behaved. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to attract so many corrupt knights to follow her. But it seems that such a person would give up her self-esteem and do such a thing, allowing her to do this. There aren’t many people there.”

Latarn squinted his eyes, sorting through the memories left over from the ancient battlefield to the present.

As far as I know, only the Holy Tree Michaela, Marlenia's brother, can make a god who has been fighting corruption since birth lose control. I can't think of anyone else.

Marenia is sure that Michaela is in Galid, and she is also determined that I will not give up Galid to her at that time. There will definitely be a battle between us, and both sides will suffer because of this battle. .”

Latan is not a fool. After that battle, he knew that this war was deliberately manipulated in order to completely eliminate their two strongest princes.

It's a pity that at that time, besides stopping the spread of corruption, he could no longer do anything extra.

Some people want us to fight to the death.

Having said this, Latarn punched the city wall, leaving a deep dent in the bricks and stones, and murderous intent also spilled out.

I must catch the person behind this.

Let me know who it is, and I'll tear off his head.

Latan became furious when he thought that what he had done in the first place had led to the destruction of Galid and the disabling of the military strength of the two major forces.

The schemer plotted against him.

Then do you have any clue now?

Fireproof Girl didn't expect that there were so many secrets in it. On the contrary, Latarn admired Valkyrie as an enemy and thought there was something hidden in it.


Latarn shook his head. He did not have direct telepathy from the two siblings, Marlenia and Mikaela. He had also looked in the sky and found that there was no Sky City left by the Dragon Clan.

He didn't have a clue. Maybe the other party had already moved after so many years. He just checked slowly, and there had to be an explanation.

Why don't you consider going underground?

The fireproof girl tilted her head. She remembered that her sages had reported that there was an extremely large cavity area under Galeed. Isn't it easy to hide someone?

You mean Nocklon?

Latarn was stunned for a moment, then shook his head in denial: This is impossible. You don't understand. The native Knox people there are cursed and cannot interfere in earthly affairs. Their civilization is weakened and there is not much left in the population. How can they be so far away? Go to the Sacred Tree to imprison Michaela’s ability.”

If you go down and take a look, you will know that they have even abandoned a lot of their own city.

You also said that there are many ruins in the Noxian city.

The fire prevention woman reminded softly, let’s not talk about the underground environment. Now that Galeed is like this, isn’t she here?

Yes, you are right.

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