Please release the chapter! What I posted yesterday has not passed today, woo woo woo!

I really want to send it, woo woo woo

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Chapter 202: The fire prevention girl’s eyes darkened

That's right, Your Majesty.

Yulia had a grimace on her face, wishing she could hang up those sages who had made a big mess and beat them for three days and three nights.

This is the passage opened by the sages to connect the two worlds.

Ah, I saw it all. I think this should be the reason why you are here.

Lothrik was right in front of her. The fire-proof woman was not really blind. The first fire that was active in her body also told her that this rift led directly to Rodran.

The fire prevention woman's face was dull, and she could not see any emotion or anger. Accidents in the experiment were normal, and they had already happened anyway. Let's understand the on-site information first before talking about it.

I want to know why this research, which is clearly only at the theoretical stage, has turned into what it is now, and why--

The fire prevention girl raised her hand and gestured, as if measuring the scope of the large crack.

Such a big movement?

I'm reporting to Your Majesty that after preliminary research, the sages came up with an idea and established a model for opening a world passage, and based this as a benchmark to replace the bonfire transmission mode.

Sounds normal, now what?

Then because it consumes too much energy to open a world passage, they wanted to build a model beyond chaos and needed resource support, so they applied for the right to use the light torch.

I know this. I signed the license.

The fireproof girl knew this. She had expected that the barrier between the worlds would not be so easy to break through, and it would definitely consume a huge amount of energy.

The Torch, which has gathered countless souls, is indeed the facility with the strongest energy besides the original fire itself.

This thing is one of the modules that optimizes the use of Chuhuo Divorce. It is just suitable for sages to use. It doesn't matter if it blows up. Just build a new one.

Through preliminary exploration of the outside world, the sages discovered that the direct distance of the world cannot be summarized by astronomical distance. Finally, after conducting research, they found that after locating a punctuation point, they can rely on the miracle of the church to solidify it.

But because time and space outside the world do not exist, if the passage cannot be directly connected to another world, it will begin to collapse from the exit.

Solidity can be achieved after direct connection. The sages have opened hundreds of channels outside the world to connect the two areas inside Lordland to obtain stable channels. This also confirms the results of the sages' speculation.

After all, Yulia was able to optimize the existence of the fire-tampering ritual under the training of Orochi Cass. She still understood the principles of this research and could achieve simple restraint.

Even if we can carry out channel construction, unless direct connectivity is achieved, we will only be in a cycle of continuous collapse of channels.

Ah, I roughly understand. An accident happened next, right?

This group of sages know very well about urine-resistant fire-proof women, and they are willing to do hundreds of experiments probably because Yulia forced them to do it.

A wise child is better than his mother.

That's right.

Yulia nodded in agreement.

For this group of sages who are pursuing IQ, the fireproof girl who can satisfy their thirst for knowledge to the greatest extent and can provide them with national-level resources is their reborn parent.

While the sages were still arguing about how to instantly open a path across the world unit distance, Rogan, the sage's big hat, proposed to skip the meaningless channel structure and energy conversion, and directly use the nearly endless energy of the light torch. The concept of power bombarding the world’s barriers to penetrate passages and then establish stable passages.”

Because of the miraculous aid of time and space provided by the church, as long as there is a connection, it is a matter of seconds to create a channel and allow stable time and space to extend into the channel.

No one believes it?

To be precise, except for a very small number of people, most people agree with this idea.

Yulia was very helpless.

Finally, preliminary attempts were made. Someone realized that multiple experiments might excessively consume the energy stored in the torch. So after two experiments and it was felt that there was no danger, he turned the operating speed of the torch to the maximum, hoping to measure the energy that could open up a channel. Maximum distance.”

Then the sage used the aura you left as a punctuation mark to direct the torch to the opening of the passage.

Fuck, are you sure these sages are not planning to murder me?

The sages have considered that as the incarnation of the First Fire, you and the beings who receive your blessing will be immune to the trauma of the torch. However, the output power of the torch was increased and directly penetrated the world barrier.

Yulia looked ashamed. Although the consequences of this incident seemed to be harmless, it was really serious. She was almost suspected of attempted murder of the fire prevention girl. She was already ready to throw herself into the first fire to die as apology. , as soon as the fireproof girl opened her mouth, she committed suicide on the spot.

And that's it?

The fireproof girl should be thankful that the opening was a little crooked. If it had been driven directly under her feet, the Red Lion Legion, which she had finally successfully established diplomatic relations with, would have been completely wiped out from the world.

This power is enough to be used as a star-destroying cannon. If she is not the incarnation of the first fire, she will have to go back to the first fire to report if she eats one shot.

Fortunately, it is facing the sky. If it is facing the ground, it is determined that the junction can be connected.

Yes, Your Majesty.

No one expected that a slightly unrestrained attempt would lead to success directly.

What were the casualties? What impact was caused.

The spread of energy was contained in time. The knights who were affected by the expedition to Galede have been resurrected. There are no casualties among the priests and civilians. The casualties among the sages...

Yulia glanced at the knight beside her. The knight understood and reported immediately.

Several sages died on the spot, and several others were involved in the turbulence of time and space. They are currently under the responsibility of the priests.

It seems-ahem, the sages are our most precious knowledge 'legacy', we must save them.

Yulia opened her mouth to celebrate and was about to open the champagne. Halfway through her words, she realized that the fire girl was beside her, and quickly changed her words and asked the knight to urge the church members to rush to the rescue.

Death is not an incurable disease in Lordland. As long as you still leave a mark in Lordland, the Sun Sect can get you back after you turn to ashes.

After giving the order, Yulia continued.

The damaged buildings in Lothrik have also been rebuilt, and corresponding measures are being taken to deal with subsequent problems.

It seems you don't need me anymore.

The fire prevention woman was very satisfied with Yulia's answer. She simply responded with zero casualties and the follow-up measures were being taken. Who knows how much worry she had to worry about behind the scenes.

Not to mention that Yulia still faced those Frankensteins who didn't care about their own lives. God knows how much hair Yulia lost because of this.

Well, that's all in the past.

Although it may consume a lot of resources.

Although it is possible for the borderland to notice itself in advance.

Although it may inevitably make Lothric jump for a while.

But at least the access has been opened. All in all, the result is good.

As long as you can get through, it’s not a loss!

Your Majesty, this is the soul loss report submitted by Goddess Ge Cide.

Just when the fire prevention girl was still consoling herself and thinking that this wave was not a loss, Yulia secretly handed over a report.

Chapter 203: Fireproof Girl: The more I think about it, the more angry I become.


Breathing the fresh air from Lothric would always make the fireproof girl feel refreshed on normal days.

but now--

After taking a few deep breaths, her sizable chest rose and fell greatly. The fireproof girl seemed to have calmed down, but she felt that her heartbeat was still very fast.

I'm not angry, I'm not angry - I'm not angry at all!

Anyone who has worked so hard to gain a lot of souls would be very angry if someone else created them before they could use them for themselves!

She had expected that Guangju would be blown up by these guys, and she had also thought about other situations that would require her to go back and clean up the mess, but she never thought that these sages were so capable.

The souls that the fireproof girl had collected from running around in the world of friends over the years were wiped clean by this shot. Ge Cide had already rekindled the throne to activate the backup hidden energy.

Yes, all the efforts of the past few years have been in vain.

Well, at least the channel is open, there are actual results, and I just made a big deal with a group of friends, and I can make up for it immediately.

The heart rate gradually slowed down, and the fireproof girl finally found a decent excuse for herself to divert her attention.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

I still feel so distressed, woo woo woo.

my soul!

Your Majesty, what about the treatment of the sages?

Glancing at the fire-proof girl's plump breasts that were constantly rising and falling, Yulia looked away, lowered her head, and asked aloud.

It's impossible not to punish someone for causing such a big incident. If he doesn't give it a good beating, I'm afraid he will become more and more dishonest in the future, and his research methods will become more and more unrestrained.

The research of the sages is of practical significance, and the results are usually positive, but the fireproof woman does not want them to be so unrestrained anymore.

The individuals involved will first suspend their research and reject any of their applications for research resources.

Rubbing the center of her brows, the fire-proof girl sighed, she had to let these sages have a long memory, otherwise the trouble she would deal with next time would definitely make her angry and shorten her life by a few years.

Today is no longer that chaotic era of racing against time. Lothric has unified all the intelligent races and beliefs in Lordland. There is no need to worry about wars. The big library collects all knowledge from all over the world. There is no need to worry about one's own research conditions and the continuation of The world has enough fuel and there is no need to worry about the initial fire going out.

There is no need for sages to race against time. What they should have is a more rigorous research attitude, rather than just rushing forward with ideas.

However, since there were too many people involved, it was obviously a serious waste of talent to let these people do nothing. The fire prevention girl frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered something.

Some time ago, a traitor in the chat group signed a contract with her, asking her to help purify several poisonous planets, and the reward would be the souls of the planet units.

let me see......

The fire prevention girl thought about it and opened the chat group.

The chat group recently reset the upper limit for enhancement. It seems that after the enhancement of the chat group has no substantial improvement for the overly powerful group members, the chat group has opened up a new business, and you can bet on concept terms by spending points.

emmmmm, there are some rules and entries that can take effect as long as they are connected to the world in the chat group.

There are both good and bad. Whether it is strong or not all depends on luck. Group members can choose whether to take effect or not. Betting on this has been popular in the group recently.

But just bet on the probability of being able to use the term...

It can only be said that the chat group is deeply loved by Penguin.

Things like [100% chance of being caught with bare hands] [No matter what you do, it will turn into a delicious crab patty] [As long as you keep explaining, you can extend the timeout] and other weird things are still passable.

There are also things like There is no paper when going to the toilet, Price will go up when buying vegetables, There is no seasoning packet when eating instant noodles.

All I can say is that it’s like digging for gold in shit if you want to find an entry that you can use.

Moreover, trading of entries is prohibited to prevent Ouhuang from swiping on his behalf.

However, the group members enjoyed it endlessly, and many group members who had reached the enhancement limit gambled away all the points they had not used for a long time.

The fireproof girl tried taking a shot.

Obtain [Luo Ying Divine Axe]

Description: You can cause additional damage to entities determined to be [trees].

Note: Okay, I know this is an old meme, but at least it works, right?


The fireproof girl tilted her head, and suddenly felt like an old joke had come out to attack her again, but this entry seemed okay.

But the fireproof girl didn't plan to continue smoking. Looking at the mournful wailing of the group members in the group, she knew that the probability of betting on a normal entry would definitely lead to ruin.

Fireproof Girl: @is a great evil, sent by the priesthood, how is their work progress?

The traitor: The general purification of the planet has been completed, and the planet's environment is currently being carefully modified. It's really rare, Suer, you actually came out at this time?

Magical Girl Merry-chan: Wow, look who I saw, who is who?

Cancer of the World: It's Sister Suer!

The chat messages were still scrolling for a while, and then the topic was quickly changed as if something supernatural had happened.

It can be seen that the fire prevention girl who often provides help to the group friends has really gained a lot of popularity in the chat group.

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