Is that so? Then let them return with you.


After receiving a positive reply, Bianca immediately hung up the communication.

This kid...

The other end of the communication fell into silence. The fire prevention girl was stunned, shook her head randomly, and raised her hand to say hello to Irina that she didn't need to arrange anyone to pick up the mission.

Bianca Hollandelle Atalgina, Destiny's strongest active Valkyrie and Otto's ace, is currently undergoing combat training in Lothric.

Otto, the hands-off shopkeeper, is really comfortable. Bianca spent thirty days without sleep to solve the global collapse. Later, she also helped him get the One Thousand Realms. As a reward, she sent him to Fire Prevention Women study.

Oh yes, there is one thing that is quite interesting. The standard knight costumes worn by Bianca and her companions today were changed by Richard. The reason was that their original Valkyrie armor was really immoral, and The protective ability was weak, but it made the fire-proof girl laugh for a while.

It was rare for Otto to come to ask for something, so the fire-prevention woman was naturally very attentive and asked the sages to help research a series of training methods and the practice of miracles and spells. The fire-prevention woman also used her soul to assist him in optimal strengthening. .

The training is very unrestrained and cruel, because for some miraculous reasons, there is no need to worry about death. At Bianca's own request, she basically trains people to death.

And Bianca is also working very hard. Using the Internet term used by the fireproof girl in her previous life, she is described as the king of rolls. She is also the kind of super king of rolls with extremely tough spirit and unlimited talent.

The knights spent thousands of years fighting to develop the skills to fight against various types of creatures with arms and fingers, and to be able to absorb and digest them.

The results of the joint efforts of both parties are gratifying. I believe that Bianca will be able to reach an unprecedented height after returning to the collapsed world to regain all her power.

And what about Otto himself? Can you believe that Destiny Management left it to his own secretary and is now developing a new game?

But this can be considered a good thing. If Otto fishes in troubled waters, it means that the Collapse World is doing well.

If Otto stops playing and plans to do things personally, it means that it is a matter of life and death.

Chapter 190 Fireproof Girl: Latan, can be a hero

Under the leadership of Bianca, the mission went without any obstacles. After sorting out their image with the help of the priesthood, they came to the living room.

Dear His Majesty King Lothric, we are envoys from the Red Lion Legion.

No need to be polite, please take a seat.

The fireproof girl waved her hands, and they sat down, folding their palms on the tips of their noses, wanting to hear what the red lions planned to say.

Thank you.

The delegation was not polite and took their seats one after another. They bluntly refused the service of the maid, reached for the teapot, and poured themselves a cup.

Because of the Red Lion's influence on local culture, and the fact that Marlenia almost destroyed the social structure of Galede after it bloomed, most of Latarn's subordinates are macho men who are ruthless and have no understanding of the twists and turns between strategy and political power. Not sensitive.

This also saves the fire prevention girl a lot of trouble.

It is easier to communicate with a bunch of straight-talking tough guys than with politicians who are full of bad intentions.

Your Majesty, this is Lord Jelian's condition. The Red Lion City recognizes Lothric's rule over Galid. Apart from the Red Lion City, any land that Lothric can purify will belong to Lothric.

The knight commander also knew that he and others were here to seek help, not to make fun of others, so he directly explained that the city lord and the red lion could accept the maximum conditions.

It’s not that they want to be taken advantage of. How virtuous Galid has become nowadays. Red Lion doesn’t even have the population to maintain the operation of society. Since the other party has the ability to purify corruption, it doesn’t matter if the land is given to the other party. ?

Oh, can you even make the decision on the land of Galede?

Your Majesty doesn't know that except for the Red Lion City, General Latarn has awarded almost all the land in Galede to the warriors under his command who have established meritorious services.

Today, most of the warriors' souls have returned to the cemetery, neither dead nor alive. The original residents have also migrated to Nimgefu. They don't know whether they are alive or dead. These lands are ownerless, and we can naturally make the decision.

is that so?

The fire-proof girl nodded clearly. She didn't expect that there was such a story in it. She confidently flipped through the scroll handed over by the knight captain. The various terms were described in more detail, which made the fire-proof girl feel it. Full of sincerity.

But this is more like a transfer of power than a contract.

So, what do you want?

If you can, we ask that you save General Ratan or give him an honorable death.

It's not so much a request as it is something the fire girl must do.

General Latarn of the Star Broken Star, the fire-proof girl has been admired for a long time. There are many descriptions about him in ancient books. He is the strongest demigod and the one who seals the stars. He can obtain such a title. Naturally, the fire-proof girl must master this land. The earth cannot get around the hurdles.

At first, she thought that this person might be a stumbling block, but she didn't expect that something seemed to be wrong? that all?

Your Majesty, do you think our request is surprising?

Yes, such conditions make me a little uneasy.

I am indeed a little uneasy. It sounds like Latarn has some kind of disease and needs medical treatment. But why does it sound like he has his subordinates asking outsiders to kill his boss if he can't be cured?

What responded to the fireproof girl's doubts was the knight commander's bitter smile.

Your Majesty, you don't have to be like this. We are not people obsessed with power. We failed in the Shattered War and the current situation in Galede. It is already a good thing to have a force full of order that can control this land.

As for the general's request, there is a reason. Now the actual controller of the Red Lion Legion is Lord Jie Lian, and the general has long been unable to interfere with the world.

The fireproof girl did not interrupt the knight commander and listened quietly to what he said slowly.

In the war many years ago, scarlet flowers bloomed in Galede, the land was polluted, and hundreds of thousands of people died in an instant. It was the general who dragged his body and led us to erect smoke and burn walls to block corruption, until the pain eroded his body reason.

Before losing his mind, the general asked us to hold a battle ceremony, and then tied himself to the ancient battlefield in the easternmost part of the continent. Now his consciousness is wandering, gnawing on corpses regardless of friend or foe, waiting there for a warrior to defeat him.

The general adhered to his duty of sealing the stars until the end, in order to prevent beings outside the starry sky from interfering with the border area. However, he fell into the hands of the same people in the border area, and fell into the hands of the Scarlet Law.

At this point, the knight commander choked up.

But we don't even have the ability to put the culprit to trial, and now we can't even send the general to his last journey.

How powerful demigods are, even a disabled demigod cannot be matched by a mortal.

The Knight Commander had already seen countless brave warriors being blasted into pieces by the meteors shot out of the scarlet sand. The warriors who were lucky enough to come to the general were also beheaded with a broadsword in the blink of an eye.

Is that so?

The brief narration moved everyone present. Tallulah and Bianca looked expectantly at the contemplative fire-prevention woman. The knights present also clenched their weapons, waiting for the fire-prevention woman. Order.

The fireproof girl was also surprised. The ancient books only recorded that the scarlet corruption broke out in Galede at the end of the Broken War. I didn't expect that there was such a tragic story in it.

He single-handedly suppressed the coming of the stars. After the war, he dragged his broken body and the soldiers who followed him to control the spreading scarlet corruption with flames. Before he completely lost control, he locked himself in the battlefield and held a battle festival, hoping that he would become a warrior. He died with dignity and dignity.

If everything is true as the Knight Commander said, this is simply the ideal image of a man.

And the knight commander did not lie.

No outsider can lie in front of Gwensul.

I accept your terms.

The fireproof girl was silent for a while, then nodded and promised: And I will do my best to save Latarn.

Thank you, Your Majesty the King.

A hero's end, but it shouldn't end in tragedy.

Reaching out and taking the contract prepared by the record officer, the fireproof woman engraved her own holy mark on it and handed it to the knight captain.

Sign it.

The knight captain took the pen and signed the contract readily.

Hereby, the contract is established.

Then I'll take my leave soon.

Why are you so urgent? Why not stay and rest for a while.

The fire prevention girl also plans to show some kindness to the landlord.

To be honest, our defense line has been under great pressure recently. Corruption creatures have been attacking our various strongholds. We need to go back and help as soon as possible.

The knight commander shook his head and refused. His colleagues on the front line were still working hard. How could he stay here and enjoy it.

Is that so? We are causing trouble.

The fire-prevention woman reacted quickly. The pressure on the defense line of the Red Lion Legion increased. It was simply because the expansion of Lothrik's power compressed the living space of these corrupt creatures. If these corrupt creatures could not offend the fire-prevention woman, they had no choice but to offend the red lion.

That's a good thing.

The Knight Commander did not blame the fire-proof woman. The fighting between them lasted for countless years and remained stalemate. However, the corrupt creatures continued to flow, and the Red Lion Army was constantly being consumed.

Now that the scales are tilted and the corrupt forces are making their final struggle, he is too late to be happy.

Then let's go to Red Lion with you.

After thinking about it, she felt that it was useless to continue to stay in the dragon tomb. The fire prevention girl immediately decided to let the troops return with the envoys.

Without further ado.

The fireproof woman clapped her hands, and the knights surrounding her also began to move. One of the black knights, under Elton's order, took the lead in leaving the drawing room and went to the bell tower to ring the bell.

That's the good thing about Yitang. No one will object to what the fireproof girl decides, only people will implement it.

We'll leave immediately.

Your Majesty, I'm afraid it will take a long time for the large army to set off.

The Knight Commander admonished.

No need.

As the hazy bell rang, the dragon's roar came from the sky. More than a dozen flying dragons carrying the Lothric knights broke through the clouds under the leadership of Midir and landed in the wide square outside.

In the astonished eyes of the knight commander, the fireproof girl raised her legs, led everyone along the wings that Midiel had set up, and climbed onto her back.

Let's fly over!

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Chapter 191 The consequences of impulsiveness are terrible

After a formal meeting with the Red Lion party, the fireproof girl finally determined the direction of the plan, notified Wuming who was still in Fam Azira, and returned with the dragon cavalry from the sky with the envoys.

According to Lance Sanks, the border area is full of old, weak, sick and disabled people, and now, Broken Star Latarn, who is known as the strongest demigod, happens to be the best touchstone.

The dragons in Sky City are already on their side. If everything goes well, then the fire prevention girl can be more unrestrained in her actions.

As for the higher-level existence, since Lance Sanks said that the other party would not end in person, even the will needs to be conveyed by the agent, so that is not something she needs to worry about now.

The goal of the fire-proof girl is the golden tree. Oh, there may be one more now. If possible, she also wants to collect the so-called big runes.

What a horrific scene.

In the sky, Tallulah was riding on the back of a dragon, looking down curiously.

The bird's-eye view from the sky is more intuitive than the one-sided view on the ground.

Looking from top to bottom, the entire area of ​​Galede was covered in scarlet. In the low-lying area in the middle, the color was darker. Tallulah opened her eyes wide, and the magic spell that could magnify the scenery was engraved in her pupils. , Tallulah could still see the extremely viscous rotten soup deposited in it.

On the easternmost side of the continent is the ancient battlefield, connected to the ocean, as if a piece of it had been dug out by something. Below the ring-shaped cliff is a scarlet desert.

Is this the battle of demigods?

When the sleeping ancient gods of her world were still alive, was this the same scene on the earth?

It's not inferior to the Honkai Impact.

Bianca replied softly, suffering is hard to accept, but it happens all the time.

This is the Broken War. The demigods are fighting each other to snatch the fragments of the magic ring. But the irony is that even now, no demigod has lost his big rune.

Dragon Lady looked around and soon lost interest in Galid, whom she had overlooked several times.

Well, a lot of people died. Marlenia is really ruthless. She even risked the lives of her men and her enemies for her brother.


The fireproof girl, who was closing her eyes to rest, turned her head and looked at Lance Sanks with interest. She smelled the story.

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