Chapter 188 Fire Prevention Girl: The border area is actually full of old, weak, sick and disabled people (happy

With the turbulence of the Golden Tree regime, the ring of magic was broken, Malika disappeared, and various princes who obtained the fragments of the ring of magic fought in a scuffle.

Most of the beings who have received the blessing of the golden tree have suffered from dementia and their civilization has collapsed. I don't know the specific details.

Oh, it's just like the scene after our god disappeared.

Later in the story, Lance Sanks shrugged, with a sarcastic expression on his face.

But this time, all the forces were defeated and there was no winner. Instead, they stayed in a corner, each licking their wounds, and the earth fell silent. The one above couldn't stand it any longer, and invited the Faded Ones again.

‘The one above? ’

The fireproof girl looked confused.

Who could Lance Sanks be referring to?

The fire-prevention woman looked at the sky, sensing through the atmosphere and exploring into the deep space. The seemingly frozen deep space was a bit lively, and she couldn't tell who was staring here.

It's a pity that they just attracted a swarm of locusts, slaughtered the passing civilians and livestock, and collected all available resources in order to gain stronger power from their runes and achieve the goal of becoming a king. However, many But humans can’t even defeat that guy’s clone.”

A few people with royal qualities eventually died on the road due to various accidents. After the past epics were burned out, they eventually turned into a handful of ashes.

Having said this, Lance Sanks pursed his lips, and his thin-winged lips trembled slightly, as if he had recalled some unbearable memory, organized some words, and then continued.

Then now, the tide of faded ones has receded. They are either fighting each other, retreating to the mountains and forests, or returning to the sea of ​​fog, leaving behind devastation and major forces suffering heavy losses. In the end, no fragment king has lost himself. The big runes are all huddled in their own hiding places.

Nowadays, there are no traces of civilization in the outside world. If you go to Nimgefu, except for a few castles with sufficient military power, you will probably only see large tracts of ruins.

Each ancient dragon has a long life, and coupled with its excellent memory, it can be said that they are a walking history recorder.

The history narrated by Lance Sanks can be said to have provided a lot of useful information for the Fireproof Girl, which is much better than Sean's historical blindness.

Why are there so many gaps in modern times? Is there anything inconvenient for me to know?

However, Lance Sanks didn't know much about the details of the modern history of the junction, and there wasn't much introduction in the notes. A few pages were torn out, and the fireproof girl asked out of curiosity.

This is my private matter and it is not convenient to disclose it.

Lance Sanks turned his cheek and avoided the question.

Okay, then don't ask.

The Fireproof Woman flipped through the book again and found those wonderful descriptions added by Lance Sanks about the members of the Golden Tree Force.

Malika is actually a bisexual scumbag and a narcissist. Not only did she marry Godfrey, the first King of Rodel, but he also married the Queen of Calia, and later she dumped her and married herself.

Godwin, the golden eldest son, is a dragon lover and homosexual, always thinking about his little brother.

There are quite a few left, but they are full of private goods. The eyes of the fire-proof girl twitched when she saw them, and she was so naive that she didn’t know how to evaluate them.

But - well, even though it was useless, the fireproof girl still wrote it down.

However, apart from these strange private goods, the remaining story is still quite credible, and there is no logical or temporal conflict.

Your world is really rich and colorful. It would be great if I could come back earlier.

History books are always quite attractive. When reading, there is always an urge to reach out and shake history towards a new future.

After flipping through the ancient classics, the fireproof girl sighed that there were so many secrets buried under this land, then folded the pages of the book, handed them back to Lance Sanks, and said to the dragon lady beside her.

If you had come earlier, I'm afraid nothing would have happened to Malika.

Lance Sanks met the eyes of the fire-proof woman under the eye patch, and then looked at the fire-proof woman up and down. He couldn't help but sigh that the world is full of wonders, and that an extraordinary individual like a god can actually have a race.

I don’t know where the supreme will came from.

The criteria for judging gods in the border areas are strong enough power and the ability to transform the rules of the surrounding land. The external manifestation is the impact on the environment and living creatures.

It's like the transformation of the environment by the goddess of corruption, the abandonment of the reincarnation of death under the golden law, and the unique rules mastered by many gods.

The god who defeated the Dragon King Platon Sanks could control the sun and thunder, but the one in front of him was even more outrageous.

They are also foreign gods and can easily suppress the laws of other gods. When transforming the earth that is polluted by corruption, they can easily disperse the long-lasting dark clouds that shroud the border area during the day. They can also take away the ever-burning fireball in the sky without any pressure. Let Him rise and set as the fire-keeper pleases.

It seems that the golden tree is not very popular?

The fireproof girl finally figured out that this golden tree force seemed to be very unpopular.

Anyone who interacts with a sharp-edged and hostile civilization will feel pressure, and when this force holds the cornerstone of this land, pressure should turn into fear.

Stroking the weathered stone wall, Lance Sanks sighed helplessly.

But now, I don't think I have to worry about you becoming like the Golden Tree. At least, you can tolerate those low-level - corrupt relatives to stay in your country.

Then there would be no problem in accommodating the Gulong clan.

After getting along with each other for a period of time, Lance Sanks also gained some understanding of these newly inserted forces in the border area.

The other party seems to be here simply for the golden tree, and has little desire to rule this land or exterminate the races on this land. Improving the environment of Galid is also a side matter.

The rules it masters are not as extreme as other laws. While it can suppress heresy, it can also tolerate all things.

After all, it was a race that once ruled these tens of millions of ethnic groups. Lance Sanks also hoped that all things in the border area could be under the rule of a gentle god, so that at least they could live a better life.

Indeed, it is a virtue when these things are thrown into the fire.

The fireproof girl nodded in agreement, but still didn't plan to tell Lance Sanks where those who were punished for offending the existence of the sun were sent.

Everything is based on the afterglow of strength. I have the conditions and patience to accommodate them now, but I may not be able to do so in the future. It is best not to jump to conclusions.

The fire prevention girl kindly gave Long Niang a vaccination.

To be honest, if you really plan to do something now, we can't stop you.

Anyway, the Dragon King cannot defeat the Nameless King. If Lance Sanks thinks about it, the Fireproof Girl, who is the leader of this group of gods, will only be stronger.

In addition, Lance Sanks had personally experienced the powerful combat power of the undead army. The border area during the victory period may not be able to stop the fireproof women she saw now, let alone the old, weak, sick and disabled. .

The breeze was blowing, and Lance Sanks wanted to say something, but suddenly he sniffed and changed his words: A group of humans came from the outside, looking for you?

It should be the envoy of the Red Lion.

Who is the human force that can come to the door now? The fireproof woman glanced at Lance Sanks unexpectedly.

It's pretty sharp.

No, it's just that some of them have the smell of dragon food on them, I can smell it.

Lance Sanks shook his head and explained.


Lance Sanks reminded him, and the fireproof girl couldn't pretend not to see it, so she called to the saint who was waiting quietly.


Inform the patrolling troops to come and pick them up, and then take them to the living room.

As commanded.

Want to go see it together later?

No, I don't like an environment with too many people.

The fire-prevention woman's diplomatic activities went to join in the fun as a foreign dragon, and she refused the fire-prevention woman's invitation without a second thought, Lance Sanks replied.

I'll just stay in this library. If we need to discuss things, you can send someone to call me.

That's okay.

Chapter 189 Otto gives the fireproof girl a big baby

Is this the stronghold of that god?


The inquiry from the superior made an unnatural look appear on Sean's face.

When Sean returned to the Red Lion City and brought back the token provided by the fire prevention girl, the skeptical city lord Jie Lian finally refused to give up what seemed to him to be a slim hope.

Despite the huge pressure on the defense line, an envoy led by the Hundred Battle Knights was formed, and they even recruited the homeless knights from the Dragon Feast Church, intending to come to the other side of the continent to seek help.

However, no matter how much I heard Sean talk about it on the way, it was not as shocking as what I actually saw after climbing over the hills.

Taking the cliff as the boundary, starting from the smoke-burning wall connected with Nimgolf in the west, the endless green stretched to the Faros Fortress. The knight commander blinked, as if he had returned to Galede before it was corrupted. When flowers are polluted.

If it weren't for the scarlet wind behind them passing through the gaps in the armor and causing burning pain on their skin, everyone would have thought they had left Galid.

This is really a belated surprise.

Just based on this miracle displayed in front of everyone, the knight commander can be sure that Galede can be saved. Now, he just hopes to win the help of that god.

let's go.

This place was still far away from the original site of the fortress, but before the team could continue to set off to seek help from the gods, a slightly dull voice rang out.

Sean looked in the direction the voice reminded him of and saw two knights walking out of the forest.

Huh? I thought it was a returning patrol, but are they actually survivors?

Feeling the gazes of Sean and the others, one of the knights opened his face-protecting armor, revealing his young and beautiful face, which looked very enthusiastic.

Nice to meet you. I'm Bianca. I belong to the Immortal-Goose, under Lothric. Do you need any help?

Bianca looked at these outsiders curiously.

This was the first time she met humans other than Lothric forces in this strange world.

Facing their faces, Bianca looked surprised. They looked like they had been malnourished for a long time. Their skin looked dull and black, but her eyes looked bright under the skin of dead wood.

There are obvious signs of use on the armor. Although it has been maintained, the surface of the armor still looks dull, and there are many scratches that cannot be removed.

The burqa on their bodies was also covered in dust, and the hem was torn. The lion-like embroidery could be vaguely seen, and there were still bloodstains on the weapons that had not been wiped clean. It was obvious that their journey was not stable.

Nice to meet you, knights of Lothric, we are envoys from the Red Lion City.

After looking at each other with the knight commander, Sean stepped forward and asked Bianca: Can you please introduce us to Her Majesty Gwensul? We must see her as soon as possible.

Ah, is it the envoy?

She did not doubt the authenticity of what the other party said. Bianca did not expect that she would run into the envoy just when she came out to kill a wave of wilds. She didn't know what to do for a while.

After all, strictly speaking, they do not belong to Lothric.

Her eyes wandered for a while, and Bianca subconsciously glanced at her partner beside her.

Let's report to Lord Soul first, Lord Bianca.

Oh yes.

Only then did Bianca remember that she had the authority to directly contact the fire prevention girl, so she found the communicator that the fire prevention girl had given her and opened the communication.

Bianca? Elton just told me that you went to fight the rebellious beasts again. Didn't you say you have a day off today?

The call was quickly connected, and then the fire girl's signature soft voice came.

Well, since I can't see the difference compared to Mr. Elton, I plan to take advantage of the break to test my progress during this period.

Bianca is not someone who can sit idle, and for her, there is nothing better than a hearty battle to test whether she has become stronger.

So you spent half a day clearing out all attack points within the oasis?

Examining the report that had just been sent, the fire prevention girl couldn't help but sigh at how efficient this Valkyrie was. No wonder Otto liked to boss people around.

Our lady knight really can't stop for a moment.

In order to fulfill my mission, I need to become stronger.

Bianca replied seriously.

Why are you so tight? Even if the sky falls, that guy Otto will hold up. He is different now from the past.

Otto, he has indeed changed a lot, but that is not the reason for me to slack off.

Okay, okay, I expected you to say that. I think this is the reason why he sent you to my place. Why, you suddenly came to me, do you need anything?

If only a few words could make King Juan stop rolling, he wouldn't be called King Juan. The fireproof girl smiled.

It's like this. On my way back, I met an alien human team. They claimed to be envoys from the Red Lion City.

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