It is said that the war between Malenia and the Broken Star was not to fight for the fragment of the magic ring, that is, the big rune, but Malenia's brother disappeared. It was suspected that Latarn did it, and this person brought The Holy Tree Army came all the way from behind the snow-capped mountains.

Later, we fought at the door of Latan's house, but found out that he was no match. In a fit of anger, he unleashed Scarlet Corruption.

Have you found Marlenia's brother?

Of course not.

Lance Sanks crossed his arms and replied: When Latan failed to attack Rodel, you didn't even think that the person who broke the seal of the stars and bombarded Rodel would resort to such despicable means as kidnapping?

If you ask me, there must be unknown forces that are obstructing it and want the two of them to decide the outcome. It's just that Marlenia has lost her ability to think in order to find her brother.

Can't you tell that this Valkyrie is still a brother-controller?

Ahem, just kidding, to be honest, after hearing what Lance Sanks said, the fireproof girl felt that what this Valkyrie did was a bit outrageous.

Strictly speaking, this Shattered War is a bit similar to the struggle between princes for hegemony. Everyone is a member of their own family, but in the end, a Valkyrie appears and wipes out everyone's family.

Personally speaking, it is not an exaggeration to work hard for one's own relatives, but it is unreasonable to casually wipe out countless people on a continent, and you, Marlenia, are not the only one who has a brother.

So Latan is quite unlucky. Originally, everyone restrained conventional weapons to decide the outcome, but in the end, he was inexplicably hit by a nuclear bomb in the face.

Nuclear bomb?

A weapon that is very powerful and can cause environmental pollution, a specialty of Biancana.


The fireproof girl sighed helplessly. Looking at Galid now, she thought of Lothric back then. Each one was worse than the last, and the people below paid for the impulse of the superiors.

In the final analysis, the strength is still not strong enough.

To put it bluntly, if one of the parties had overwhelming power, then everything would not be what it is today, but everyone is a loser, and there is always an upper limit to the power. At this time, moral restraint is needed.

Well, as long as I am strong enough, if this day comes in the future, I don't need to choose. I can keep the people I love and the people my opponents love alive.

Bianca nodded her head in agreement, clenched her fists, and said firmly.

Without enough power, it's all just fantasy.

Well, was the answer Bianca could give.

Compared to Bianca, Tallulah's face looked a little strange.

In fact, she has also experienced similar incidents to this Valkyrie. Without the help of this chat group, she might have lost her most important person.

What would have happened if I hadn't been awakened by Alina in time at that time?


Tallulah blinked, suddenly not knowing how to answer.

Because she had lost control before.

At that time, she really had the urge to burn all the unscrupulous people who imprisoned and tortured the infected.

Although these perpetrators were finally tried reasonably in accordance with the laws of the Revolutionary Army, to be honest, her thoughts were not very clear.

Who do they think they are? Who gave them the courage to swing a knife at their rescuers? Are they stupid and ignorant?

Sister Su'er, are you reading my mind?!

No, your expressions are all twisted together. It's not difficult to guess what you are thinking based on what happened before. Bianca can see it, right?

Tallulah's revolution was no secret in the chat group, not to mention Bianca, whom Tallulah had known for a long time. The two had trained together under the tablet instructor.


Bianca nodded immediately, but she still felt something was wrong. The fireproof girl seemed to mean that she was being silly.

Hey, whatever you say, I really can't stand it lately.

Not to mention that Alina was almost killed by those people. Even many members of the Revolutionary Army were harmed to varying degrees during their ideological work. I wonder if I am too idealistic.

How can the gap between people be so big?

Tallulah scratched her slightly curly hair and replied distressedly: To be honest, Sister Suer, I really can't understand what these people are thinking many times.

A lot of times, every time I look at those documents about civilian riots, I find them ridiculous.

The more Ursus oppresses them and the more cruel he is to them, the more submissive and obedient they become. They even sacrifice their lives for Ursus and will do anything to survive.

But as for the revolutionary army, we have been so good to them. We have given them land, education, medical conditions, and heating so that they can live in the cold snow fields. They will only go Asking for more and wanting more.”

Rely on riots, come to rob, come to steal, feel that the law does not punish the public, feel that I will not be the one hanged from the street lamp.

The gentler I behave, the more friendly I am, and the more I give them a glimmer of hope, the more they dig in their noses, and the more they don't take the revolutionary army seriously.

Seeing that the topic was brought to her, Tallulah simply poured out her bitterness. She had never expressed these frustrations in her own world. She had always been under a lot of pressure, but she did not dare to tell the people around her because There she remained a passionate leader.

But in the chat group, she is just a junior who needs guidance and care.

It's tiring enough to battle wits and courage with the various legions of Ursus every day, and you also have to worry about these unruly people - well, these civilians who have not adapted to the new society and need to be educated, it is simply full of blood pressure.

You have to believe that there is hope for them to get better, but it all takes time.

What else can the fire prevention girl say? You can't just let the fleet wash the surface of the earth like a treacherous villain. That guy's outlook is completely different from that of most people in the group. He's called ruthless in dealing with the rebels. Issue an extermination order.

According to him, kindness and time are the aftertaste of the strong. His civilization is on the verge of life and death. He cannot afford it and does not want to give it.

It is said that there was a slave planet that was worshiped by the murderous bee swarm. Not only did they openly rebel, but they also prepared to spread their faith. In the end, the evil villain couldn't bear it anymore and thought about who to eat. He directly used the weapons newly developed by the science and technology department to turn the planet into a monster. The biomass soup was made and used as a food source for civilization migration.

Also, last time Ainz Ooal Gown came to the group to ask how to deal with the group of people who were incited to riot. The evil reply could scare people to death. When the evil of the world comes, you have to wonder if you are the one. The fake one.

Hey, I know, I will give them time and tolerance. I just hope they don't let me down.

Tallulah also knew that she could not control the civilians with violence and oppression, so what was the difference between her and the emperor in Shengjun Castle?

Thank you, I feel better now that I say it.

Everyone talked a lot about the topic that leaders should not be overly impressed by personal feelings, and gained a lot.

All in all, as a leader, you must be able to withstand pressure, or at least ensure that you have enough thinking ability, otherwise your impulse will only make you do things that you will regret even more.

The thousands of lives you carry on your back, they use their lives as bargaining chips to put on your body, and they should not die in vain on your impulse.

While several people were communicating, the flying dragon army also reached its destination. As the flying dragon slowly descended, a magnificent city was immediately revealed in front of everyone's eyes.

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Chapter 192: No more fighting!

The situation does not look promising.

The fire girl was in the sky and could see clearly.

Red Lion City is located on an independent highland, connected to the front part of the battlefield by a long and narrow bridge, and the first line of defense of the Red Lion Army is located in the camp in front of the bridge.

In front of the embankment composed of stacked fortifications and soldiers of the Red Lion Legion, there was an enemy composed of corrupt wild dogs, giant crows, corrupt dependents, and polluted humans.

The long line of corrupt creatures turned into waves, facing the bombardment of a large number of trebuchets under the city, impacting the defense line built of flesh and solid wood over and over again.

Corrupt creatures were constantly being killed, and their layers of flesh and blood built the first high wall of protection for the Red Lion warriors.

On the second floor, chariots carved with human faces and heads sprayed blazing flames, killing enemies efficiently, but the flame vents were soon blocked by stacks of corpses, forcing them to distance themselves.

On the other end of the high wall, monsters continued to cross. Under this almost endless impact, the defense line still inevitably pushed towards the long and narrow plank road in front of the city.

The soldiers fought and retreated. They had to ensure that they blocked the impact of the monsters and used the large defenses behind them to continuously consume the opponent's vitality to prevent these violent creatures from rushing directly across the plank road and reduce the risk of subsequent street fights. of casualties.

The situation is more favorable against the corrupt creatures. There are many corrupt descendants involved in this attack, and their all-pervasive worms have caused great trouble to the warriors, constantly compressing their living space.

Moreover, these intelligent creatures are dedicated to killing warriors who still retain their sense.

Some soldiers were penetrated by worm threads attacking from various tricky positions. They had no time to give orders to join their teammates. The defenses beside them were shattered and the brazier collapsed. The entire team was sucked into the beast tide and disappeared in an instant.

It looks like the frontline troops won't be able to hold on for long.

So what if it caused dozens of times more damage than our own, such a huge size would eventually overwhelm the quality gap.

This is much more serious than what the mission said.

There was a sweet sound in the wind, and the metal and flesh collided. The creeping red wave brought up the Chensha, covering the vast blood-soaked scorched earth behind him.

It’s hard to imagine that corrupt Galede now harbors so many monsters.

I'm going!

After finding a good position, Bianca grabbed Tallulah who was close to her and before she could react, she dived down from an altitude of nearly a kilometer above the ground.

Hey hey hey?!!!


Tallulah's wailing still lingered around her, and the fireproof girl laughed. The destiny knight really couldn't hold it back for a second.

And do all the Valkyries of Destiny like to fall from high altitudes so much?

What are you going to do?

Lance Sanks asked aloud, she did not dare to easily fall into such a large number of beasts.

Of course I'm going to help, otherwise what would I do with the Dragon Cavalry?

With a blank look at Lance Sanks, if he hadn't compressed the living space of a large number of corrupt creatures on the other side of the continent, the Red Lion City today probably wouldn't have to bear such pressure.

Resisting the urge to fire a Sunshine Spear to deal damage, the fireproof woman ordered the team to split into two parts. Most of the Lothrik flying dragon knights attacked from the rear, and the rest went directly into the city with the flying dragons carrying the envoy.

With the flying dragon army and two high-end combat forces, cleaning up these corrupt creatures is as easy as cleaning up garbage.


The arrows with purple electricity passed through the sky and passed through a large number of corrupt beasts. Wherever they passed, they were directly bombarded with meat paste. Bones and debris were scattered like fragments, leaving a long gap in the red wave. .

This power is no less powerful than a trebuchet!

Hold on for a while!

Holding the long bow with the broken bow string in reverse, he swung it with one arm and swung it hard. The corrupt wild dog's head exploded, and the long bow finally broke into several pieces. The knight drew out his sword and lit the fire, and a high war cry resounded throughout the battlefield.

The battlefield was chaotic, and the only way to convey information was by shouting. Fortunately, everyone was a man from Galede, and they had nothing more than a loud voice.

Behind him is a pass that can be quickly evacuated, but the results achieved so far are not enough.

The corpses piled up under him formed a hill. The knight stood at the highest point, facing attacks from all directions. The corpse oil seeped into the soles of his feet from the gaps in the armor, filling the iron armor, making it difficult for him to lift his legs.

The towering position gave him a wide field of vision, allowing him to clearly judge the shape of the battlefield.

The number of monsters was unexpectedly large. If they were dragged into a street fight, the casualties would probably be unbearable. Although they could finally blow up the plank road to block the monsters' attack, if they did, the road connecting the Red Lion to the main body of the mainland would be completely cut off.

The battle line was crumbling, but this knight stood at the highest point. Even if he was not careful, he would be at risk of being dragged into the tide of beasts below.

But he didn't care either.

I'm right here, come and defeat me!

The halberd penetrated the head of the corrupt beast, and the knight held a sword in one hand with a cheerful smile on his lips.

He was not afraid or hesitant, he believed they could still drive away these abominable creatures.

Wan Sheng!

As if in response to the courage he showed, a red comet fell from the sky and bombarded the monsters. The scorching waves spread, and only for a moment, the creatures enveloped in the flames turned into fly ash.

Can you be mentally prepared next time?

The flames dissipated, forming a cavity dozens of meters wide. Tallulah took a deep breath of air that was enough to burn her lungs.

Sorry, I will make amends.

A slightly dull response came from under the knight's helmet, and Bianca turned into a stream of light and penetrated the beast tide. Their fighting styles did not match each other, so fighting separately was the best option.


The sharp spear pierced the beast wave, and Bianca crushed an ugly Corrupted Familiar. The ring-shaped shock wave suddenly exploded, setting off a storm.

Although the other world cannot control Honkai energy, her now well-trained body can still explode with unparalleled power.

That's not what I'm talking about.

Tallulah sighed, ignited the flames and burned away the flesh and blood splattered on her face. Her fingers drew a half-moon-shaped line of fire in the air. With a slight push, she pushed back the nearly collapsed defense line several times. Ten meters.

The energy consumption in this world is really high. Why is it all used up?

She waved her hand again and found that it could only ignite a small flame. Tallulah's mouth twitched, but she had no choice but to pull out her big sword that had been gathering dust in the warehouse for who knows how long.

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