This is considered a daily routine. Ever since the death of Dragon Mother Ulduar, these flying dragons have been going crazy. They rush from the Galede Swamp on the 1st, 35th and 246th from the Dragon Tomb. They have only had a few days of leisure. .

However, the trouble did not bring much, but it gave these knights a lot of experience in fighting against flying dragons.

The automated ballista ejected a dragon-catching net, relying on the flexible net to restrain the flying dragon that wanted to continue its destruction to the ground.

The roar of dragons kept coming from the distance. It was obvious that there was more than one flying dragon attacking the defense line this time.

Several knights struggled to maintain the encirclement, relying on thick shields to resist the dragon's breath and attacks, and confine the flying dragon to an area. They were not in a hurry or worried, because this was the core section of Lothrik's defense line, with more Guarded by a powerful presence.

The fireproof girl looked at the sky. A black line cut through the sky, split the clouds in two, and then swooped down towards the flying dragon that was being bled by the knight on the ground.

Suffocating pressure enveloped the forest, and small creatures kept emerging from the hiding area, and then fainted on the ground under the pressure.

The flying dragon also felt the terrifying creature approaching at high speed. The scales on its body exploded. It looked at the sky warily and before it had time to see clearly, it was like a chicken that was attacked by an eagle and disappeared.


The low roar of the flying dragons came from the sky. I saw that these flying dragons still wanted to rely on their numbers to tremble with Midiel, but Midiel caught them one by one, broke their wings and threw them into the sea.

The fire-proof woman didn't plan to go on a killing spree. No matter how many flying dragons there were, they couldn't hold Lothric, who was prosperous in dragon slaying expertise, basically to teach him a profound lesson.

For these flying dragons, there is no need to preach. Broken bones are their best teachers.

Broken wings will also leave clear marks. If it comes a third time, it won't be too late to chop them off again.

The counterattack of these flying dragons, apart from cleaning up the remaining shavings on Midiel's body, could not even leave a scratch.

A very powerful member of the same clan, but I don't know why she never uses dragon breath?

Moreover, at such an old age, he still can’t transform into a human being. He is so stupid and stupid that he doesn’t know how this god takes care of him.

Beside the fire-prevention woman, a strange-looking black dragon soared in the sky. He involuntarily thought of his missing relatives, and then glanced at the fire-prevention woman beside him.

If Midiel breathes dragon's breath, then the land below will be gone.

Feeling the unkind gaze coming from her side, the fireproof girl was a little puzzled, but she still opened her mouth to explain.

Just kidding, Midier Dragon Breath, do you want the land under their feet to become as full of abyss as Ring Seal City?

Speaking of which, just watching your fellow tribesmen being expelled, don't you express any sympathy?

After explaining, seeing that the messenger didn't seem to have any fluctuations, the fire prevention girl asked doubtfully.

Lance Sankos.

Lance Sanks, the representative of the ancient dragon clan.

Many days have passed since the unknown king went to the sky to look for traces of the ancient dragon.

Wuming moved quickly and easily found the city hidden in the center of the storm, Famu Yazra, and then had a fight with Platon Sanks, the ancient dragon king in the middle of the storm, and successfully cured this The mental internal friction of the autistic Dragon King.

As a result, the fireproof girl also successfully established a connection with the Gulong clan. The man next to her, Lance Sanks, was the envoy sent by Gulong to communicate.

Hmph, he's just a degraded low-ranking person. He doesn't have enough strength. He'll die if he dies.

A gray cloak woven from linen covered the whole body, and there were flakes around it that had exploded because they had not been taken care of for a long time. The being who was replaced by Lance Sanks raised his head. Under the hood, the golden dragon eyes glowed menacingly. of light.

I don't quite understand your brain circuits.

The fireproof girl shook her head slightly. To be honest, she didn't quite understand the thinking of these ancient dragons.

Through high-altitude detection, it was found that the body of a huge ancient dragon was lying in the city under the golden tree. Even this ancient dragon can make peace with the golden tree.

Let's put it this way, if one day the Fire Guard Girl goes to war with some force, and someone hangs Gwendelin or someone else's body in the city, not to mention the Fire Guard Girl, all the subjects of the Fire will have to fight each other to the death.

As a result, after Gu Long witnessed the strength shown by the other party, the two sides reached a consensus and simply turned enemies into friends and stopped fighting.

It's not that I'm scared, I just don't want to fight anymore.

Anyway, it's amazing.

If we want to trace our kinship, this half-dragon under your command is more similar to our body than the flying dragon.

Lance Sanks stretched out his palm wrapped in crystal white dragon scales and patted Tallulah on the shoulder, which was followed by a crisp collision sound.

How many times have I said that the thing in Tallulah's body is not a stone.

Looking at Tallulah who was twitching at the corners of her mouth and not daring to speak, the fireproof girl was speechless.

It is true that Tallula has dragon blood, but the things that make up her body are Source Stones, which are considered energy sources in her world.

In order to ensure that she could maintain high-intensity output in the battle, Tallulah asked the Fireproof Girl to solidify her soul, and then she catalyzed the Source Stone in her body to completely replace her body.

Now, apart from being part of Drak's bloodline, Tallulah's whole body can be said to be completely made up of a pile of high-purity source stones. It is said that Ainz also provided a series of magic circles among them.

And she herself also learned the miracle of time, and determined the time when she was still healthy, and she could change back when necessary.

I just didn't expect that Lance Sanks would recognize him as a descendant of a degraded ancient dragon.

Chapter 187 Fireproof Girl: I’m very curious about the junction!

To be honest, this is the first time I've seen the way you take care of a dragon.

Contrary to expectations, as an outsider, the fire-proof girl and Gu Long, the oldest ruler on this land, did not have the expected tensions between them. On the contrary, there was an inexplicable harmony.

No one on either side was trying to show off to the other, and any issues they had would be addressed directly, and there were no roundabout ways in their daily interactions.

It may be that the ancient dragon clan also hopes that outsiders can bring new vitality to the land that has turned into a pool of stagnant water, or it may simply be that Lothrik's tradition of being with dragons has won the favor of these ancient dragons.

It's too rough. Have you never considered teaching them knowledge? Even if the ancient dragon is naturally wise, releasing his nature like this is no different from those imbecile beasts.


The fireproof girl was stunned. She really didn't know how to raise the ancient dragon.

Strictly speaking, Midiel was the last immortal ancient dragon in Rodran. There were no instructions at the time, so she was raised like a puppy.

Of course, you have to ask Gwen about this. The immortal ancient dragons are all going to be killed and extinct. There is not much information left from the ancient dragon era. Who knows what the ancient dragon's civilization is like.

However, the intellectual level of the ancient dragon clan is certain. After all, there have been geniuses like White Dragon Sith, and she is the origin of Rodlan's magic.

When the gods were alive, dragons of this age could already take charge of their own affairs in the palace...

Lance Sanks couldn't help but teach him a lesson. Since the dragon god left, the ancient dragon has not given birth to new members for a long time. Now that he finally saw a young individual, she couldn't help but be attracted to it.

It’s also interesting to say that although they both have the name of Ancient Dragon, they are in two different worlds after all. There should not be half a cent relationship between them. However, according to the inspection of the sages, structurally speaking, Midiel and The ancient dragons at the junction are indeed the same species.

The difference is that the dragons in the border area have the ability to control thunder and lightning, and the defensive capabilities of Midir's scale armor are much stronger than those of the dragons in the border area.

Then his palms clung to Tallulah's head and rubbed her white hair, which was the same style as his own.

Well, I've taken good care of this one, except it's a little dull.

……Ha ha.

Tallulah laughed a few times, not knowing how to answer.

Well, strictly speaking, this person was brought out by Otto and has nothing to do with her.

The children Otto brought out were indeed quite dull.

Since you are so dissatisfied, how about I let Midiel follow you for a while?


The fireproof girl joked, but she didn't expect Lance Sanks to agree directly, which made her flipping the book stiff for a moment.

Of course, I will only teach her the common sense of dragon thunder and ancient dragons, and I will not force her to return to the ancient dragon camp.

Noticing the fire-proof girl's actions, Lance Sanks added, indicating his attitude and giving the fire-proof girl a reassurance.

‘This ancient dragon is quite upright. ’

Okay, I'll bother you then. Try to gain weight.

After thinking about it for a while, the fireproof girl agreed. She was not afraid that Lance Sanks had other small ideas. Hundreds of years of companionship could not compare to the same kind he had just met.

If you think about it carefully, it would be nice to have one more dragon lady.

The body shape of an ancient dragon is fixed after it reaches adulthood. There is no such thing as fat or thin.

After taking the black scales handed over by the fire prevention girl, and finally ending the topic, Lance Sanks looked towards the woods where the dispute ended.

Getting back to the subject, are you sure you want those creatures to walk in your country?

Which ones are you referring to?

Following Lance Sanks' gaze, the fire prevention girl looked over.

Well, those - lower creatures.

Looking at the corrupt relatives emerging from the forest, Lance Sanks' eyes flashed with disgust.

These centipede-like insects crawled out of the holes leading to the ground, dragging the skeletons that had been devoured by wild beasts into them and hiding them underground.

As the incarnation of corruption, they play the role of decomposers in nature. They always appear with death. As long as there are corrupt corpses in an area, they can be found, and the ancient dragon, which symbolizes immortality, is born to hate it. die.

As long as they fulfill their ecological niche responsibilities and don't cause trouble, why not let them survive on this earth?

They are the spawn of corruption.

But they can also be part of an ecological niche.

In the view of the fire prevention girl, as long as these creatures do not cause trouble and cause things that damage the ecological niche and social stability, it is not a bad idea to let these creatures exist that can integrate into the environment and survive.

It seems you really don't understand.

Lance Sanks shook his head and continued: They are the descendants of the corrupt goddess.

Goddess of Corruption?

The fireproof girl looked puzzled. It was a new name. It sounded like the name was also a god?

An external god, one of the losers under the Golden Tree's soldiers.

Lance Sanks explained that she really believed that the Fireproof Girl came from outside the world, but she really didn’t understand the history of this earth at all.

Oh, there was a war between gods in the junction area before?

The fire girl became interested.

You really don't care about corrupt families.

Why do you care about them? If you want to stay honest, just stay there. If you don't, then destroy them. They can still make a huge difference.

The fire-prevention woman didn't look at these ugly creatures with colored glasses. Why did she have to exterminate them? She didn't bother to care about their affairs because the corrupt family members lived peacefully.

Of course, for those who don't believe in the Sun Religion, life in Lothrik is okay, but if you want to get an official position, it's not possible. If you don't believe in the Sun Religion, how can the fireproof girl trust you to manage the country's affairs.

Tell me the story of this land's past.

Compared to the corrupt family members, the Fireproof Girl is still more interested in the stories buried in the smoke of history.

Okay, go on.

After groping for a while on his naked body except for the dragon scales, he found a book from nowhere, and Lance Sanks handed it to the fireproof woman.

This is?

The history is too long, so I will briefly describe a section and you can read the rest by yourself.

After the fireproof girl opened the book, Lance Sanks also started to tell.

In the past, the golden law was not the main body of the junction. At that time, the ancient dragon lost its dominance, and the demons and gods of the earth came together and fought with each other endlessly. It was not until the golden tree power won the first place in the fight that the junction was established. Today, the Golden Law is the main structure.

The Golden Law rejected death, so they declared war on all forces, and once defeated many enemies who tried to stop them, until they spread the light of the golden tree to the entire border area.

During the period of complete victory, the Golden Dynasty had an unparalleled military front, and once had the attitude of completely destroying other faiths and laws. The corpse of the ancient dragon under the golden tree is proof of their former strength.

But unfortunately, this dynasty did not last long. It was only the second generation of King Rodel that collapsed.

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