so good.

Turning over and looking at the ceiling, the fire prevention girl sighed softly.

Everyone in the chat group is lucky to have such a friendly, enthusiastic and powerful presence as the fireproof girl, and she is lucky to be able to join this chat group.

Most of the new members added to the chat group this time come from a relatively vague world in the future. According to Fujiwara Chika, the development of their world is relatively random.

Either the process or the result, the resulting future is full of possibilities.

In addition to the previously introduced Supervisor

This game has too many elements, such as seed killing, living display, organic matter soup, integration into the power grid and other things that make people think deeply and horribly, plus the company's reasons, resulting in its players being affectionately called P Society war criminals Or the fourth natural disaster, and a series of memes were born.

However, these jokes made fun of by players actually happened in their world, which made everyone in the chat group stop laughing.

Now Doujiu Baidao is committed to multi-racial honest cooperation, communicating with each other to build a harmonious galaxy, while the big traitor is on the other side of the galaxy in the ultimate survival, crazy about military science, and can't think about that much for the time being.

But I believe everyone will be fine in the end.

Hey, I'm sleepy. Go to sleep.

The fireproof girl yawned, moved her head, found a comfortable position, and relaxed her body.

The breeze blew through the cracks in the window, and the candlelight on the wall swayed slightly.

Consciousness also fell into silence.

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Chapter 185: Ashes: A day full of motivation must start with a good morning kiss.

When the light of morning light passed through the gap by the window, ushering in a brand new day, the eyelashes of the fire-proof woman who fell into a deep sleep trembled slightly and slowly woke up.


Feeling the softness on the back of her head, the still confused Fireproof Girl arched her head until it hit another soft place, with a shadow blocking the sunlight, and then she felt comfortable and planned to sleep again.


It's time to get up, Su'er.

Seeing the fireproof girl who was using her breasts as a blindfold, Hui Jin's lips curved into a fond smile, moved back, and then stretched out his hand to pinch the straight nose.

Human beings are a very magical species. In most cases, the structure of various creatures in the world will converge towards the human form, even the fire-prevention woman of the gods is the same.

Breathing and daily sleep are obviously dispensable things for the gods, but they always maintain these habits unconsciously.


Sure enough, the fire-proof girl who was out of breath woke up at this moment and found that she couldn't breathe, so she simply stopped breathing.


When the fireproof girl woke up, she lifted her hair from her forehead and found herself resting on Ash's legs. Doubts suddenly arose in her heart.

Didn't I remember to send people out?

Has the guide been found?

The fire-prevention woman glanced around suspiciously, without getting up in a hurry, and found no sign of the faded person.

It doesn't make sense. Unless the ashes have not been beaten and are hung outside, there will be times when Ah Tui won't join in?

And if he had never been beaten, his private messages would have been filled with a long list of complaints.


Ashes shook his head honestly.

We just left the burning wall last night and camped in an abandoned church.

There was a little trouble in the middle. At the door of the church, I met a crazy woman with a kitchen knife who would chop anyone in sight. As a result, she failed and was hacked instead, and was dealt with by the faded person.

Except for the sword and the holy seal on her body, the rest were integrated with the earth under her feet by gravity magic.

It's a pity that this trouble is really too small, so Hui Jin doesn't intend to mention it.

Anyway, the loot obtained has been distributed to the fire prevention girl.

Then you still have the nerve to come back?

The sincere answer was greeted by the fire-proof girl who despised her. These two were so inseparable from her that they couldn't even stay apart for a day.

Seeing that the fireproof girl was planning to attack, Hui Jin spoke wisely.

My saliva is drooling.


The fireproof girl wiped her mouth subconsciously, and only her fleshy and soft cheeks were touched, and then she realized that she didn't seem to have the habit of drooling while sleeping.

Bullshit, nothing at all.

I've taken care of it.


After giving Hui Jin a white look and getting goosebumps all over her body at her suggestive words, the fireproof girl had no intention of continuing.

Where's Ah Tui?

Guarding the bonfire.

Ashes rubbed the fireproof girl's head, moved her to the sink, and braided her hair with a skillful attitude, and she had done it frequently.

Bonfire teleportation is a very convenient way to move. As long as you have the support of the first fire, the moment you insert the spiral sword and light the bonfire, all the fires will be connected to each other, so that long-distance movement can be achieved with almost no delay.

Now that you have the conditions to come back, it is definitely the best thing to do. Sleeping with a sweet-smelling and soft fire-proof girl is better than being blown by the cold wind in the wilderness.

Of course, the Ashes and the Faded Ones were very vigilant. In order to prevent anyone from staying overnight, they left one person to watch the night and one person to return. However, this sequence must have gone through a heated discussion.

A'Die lost again?

The fireproof girl raised her eyebrows, why did she feel that Ah Tui had never won against Ashes?


Her skills are not as good as hers, and even though Ah Tui is growing very fast, Hui Jin still has the confidence to suppress her in a short period of time.

It's still early. Irina won't come here so early. Let's go out after breakfast.

After braiding the fireproof girl's hair, Ashes sat on the sink. By the time she finished washing her face, the fireproof girl had already prepared the meal.


Hui Jin nodded, sat on the table, rolled up thin noodles on the plate, and chewed slowly.

Every time he eats, Hui Jin always likes to savor it carefully, as if he wants to make up for what he has not tasted in the past.

Three meals a day, a regular schedule, whether it was in the past, or in dreams, carrying the mission of spreading fire as a warrior, or fulfilling her duties and fighting wild beasts, these were all very far away from her.

Since I followed the fire prevention girl, these habits that I had thrown away for a long time have gradually been picked up again.

Hui Jin looked up and could see the fair skin and delicate face under the sun. The slightly closed eyes and eyelashes fluttered, adding to the tranquility and beauty.

This was not the first time that Hui Jin admired this picturesque face, but he always felt that he couldn't get enough of it.

Why are you always looking at me?

The fireproof girl noticed that Ashes had been holding a fork in his mouth, and the fork was curled up, so she couldn't help but give a warning.

Let's eat.

No matter how hard it is outside, what heavy responsibilities and missions we bear, and what battles we go through.

But just come back here and meet this bright flame.

There is always a girl here, waiting for her return.

From the first meeting, her proactive attitude, to getting used to each other's existence, the two of them have already gone through a long story. The precious memories are buried in their hearts. Ashes will definitely not forget her even if she becomes a living corpse.

This is the life I want.

He whispered to himself, biting the bent fork straight, and with a satisfied smile on his face, he rolled up another portion of noodles.

Time passed quickly, and even if Ashes was still so reluctant to leave, Ashes had no choice but to get up and prepare to leave as the fireproof girl finished clearing the table.

Don't be stupid when you encounter enemies on the road. Avoid them as much as possible. We don't know the upper limit of this world, and there are always masters in other worlds who like to pretend to be ordinary people. Just be careful.

When you encounter a being who can communicate, you can investigate it in your own way first. If there are no problems, just inform me. The current center is Galid, so you can take your time.

The fireproof girl ordered as she wrapped a piece of food. The golden light lit up in her palms, and she locked it in the freshly baked state.

This is for Ah Tui, don't eat it secretly.

Although you can rely on the chat group to send it directly, it is more ritualistic to send it to others.


He answered simply, but Hui Jin's feet didn't move at all.

Why, you still want me to send you there?

After shaking the mop, the fire prevention girl raised her head. Ashes just stood at the door with no intention of leaving.


In silence, Ashes opened his arms.

The fireproof girl had no choice but to step forward and hug Ashes.

...It's okay now.


Hugging the fireproof girl with his backhand to prevent her from running away, Ashes put his face close to her again.

Pushing the envelope.

Where did you learn this?

The fireproof girl showed a strange expression. Seeing that Hui Jin had no intention of letting go, Xin Yiheng also moved forward.

Humph, they are both beautiful girls, it’s not certain who will suffer.

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Chapter 186 Dragon Lady, Lance Sanks

Dragons are extremely high-status creatures in many worlds.

They symbolize power, nobility, and mystery. Countless races regard them as totems and even spy on their power.

In the borderlands, dragons are still a noble species.

In the ancient times of this land between gorges, when the furnace of life breeds all things, all living beings are ignorant, and the laws are not revealed, the ancient dragons rule this land.

With four wings and four legs, it can soar in the sky, escape into the deep sea, and also gallop on the earth. This is the pinnacle of the evolution of all living beings.

They created a prosperous civilization. In that era, the sky city hanging high in the sky blocked the light, and the ancient dragons ruled the sky.

Until the meteor falls and the ancient dragon declines,

But even after its decline, Gu Long was still able to compete with the Golden Dynasty that occupied the land. Several wars broke out between the two sides, and they eventually turned enemies into friends.

The Golden Dynasty established the law and ruled this land, and the ancient dragon belief became one of the orthodox beliefs of the Golden Dynasty and was not rejected.

However, due to unknown reasons, Ancient Dragon still experienced inevitable degradation, and no new members were born. After a battle with the rising Golden Tree forces, it gradually disappeared and became a legend.

On the contrary, the flying dragon with two wings and two feet still maintains its prosperity, gradually replacing the image of the ancient dragon in the belief.

There is a sense of immediate vision...

Should it be said that it is a game played by an old thief?

I just don’t know if there is a setting like mine to upgrade the protagonist.

The roar of a giant dragon came from the sky, interrupting the fire-prevention woman's thoughts. Looking not far away through the window of the tower, she saw the lush forest burning with fire.

It's a flying dragon attacking the border.

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