
After joining the chat group, you can retain the memory after each cycle by uploading the memory to the mall, then specifying yourself as the only purchaser, and setting up automatic purchase.

The information processing ability and scientific research ability are very strong. Now in order to get a perfect ending, it is in an infinite loop, but it always overturns and restarts due to lack of power and various messy reasons.

However, there is also a beautiful girl AI administrator named Angela circulating with him, so he does not seem lonely.

And every time he planned to try a more dangerous operation, he would come to the group to bring in reinforcements.

Fireproof Girl: I have my own things to do recently, so I can't come here in person.

The supervisor didn’t want to work overtime: “Huh?”

But I can send an army over.

The fireproof girl smiled slightly. In her opinion, the so-called abnormality was similar to most creatures in the soul world. They were soul polymers, and they could also generate additional high-quality energy. She was very greedy anyway, and the extra money that came to her door was not worth it. Earn nothing for nothing.

How about a sage and a Holy Company of Lothrik Knights? That should be enough.

The soy milk was in vain: I always have visions of a Mechanicus sage, a living saint, a company of space warriors, it's over, and I recently played the Warhammer board game with Qianhua and it got into my head.

Cancer of the World: I also had visions. I don't know if any friends from there will join in in the future. I'm quite curious about that era.

Treacherous villain: Trust me, you won't like it.

The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: Okay! This is possible. I will ask Angela to prepare a big meal to welcome the new employees. By the way, everyone will eat meat. The reward is the energy generated by the abnormality, right?

By the way, do you want to come together?


Looking at the cheerful reply from the supervisor known as of.

But since discovering some of his own secrets and not losing his memory every time he restarts, this person has started to act weird.

According to him, he is not who he is, he is x. He wants to live in his own way and create a perfect solution in his own way.

To be honest, this was fine. According to the speed of time at that time, if he didn't develop a cheerful and optimistic temperament, he might not be able to hold on for long.

Fireproof Girl: Why don't you try to finish the plot? I believe it will be of great help to you.

The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: You said that the so-called ending does not seem to be a happy one.

Cancer of the World: But what does this have to do with Mr. Director, you don't choose to rely on the plot?

The supervisor doesn’t want to work overtime: “I just need to know that this plan will work.”

Supervisor doesn’t want to work overtime: “Humans in our world are very emotionally sensitive for personal reasons.”

I am afraid that I will make omissions when I am overly focused on the linear plot. Strictly speaking, after every restart, I am only fifty days away from success. If I wait for the Seed of Light to be launched before omissions occur, then everything will be too late. ”

The evil traitor: So you were trying to make mistakes before?

Ainz Ooal Gown: Let me just say, with your level Mr.

The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: Ah haha, you look down on me.

The supervisor doesn’t want to work overtime: “Relying on the combat power provided by the boss, I have ample opportunities for trial and error. I hope that by then, I can untie everyone’s knots, so that everyone can safely escape from this cycle and welcome hope. 's arrival.

Honestly, I can rely on you who have great power more than myself.

Also, it's super fun to pretend to have amnesia and scare Angela every time you restart. It's super fun to see her panic and then look like she wants to beat you but can't after breaking the disguise.

The last one is your goal!

All the members couldn't help but mourned for the hard-working AI girl.

The soy milk is in vain: Sometimes I really don't understand how your world has developed such technology and has not yet explored the stars.

The soy milk was poured out in vain: Otto is okay, I can barely understand it, x you have unlimited energy and time technology, but you are still stuck on the same planet.

If only, I mean if you could just pay a little attention to the starry sky above your head, it wouldn't lead to the rigidity of society, right?

Big traitor and big evil: The inevitable result of not developing sociology at all.

The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: Stop scolding, stop scolding, the children are stupid.

The big traitor: I hope you can set foot on the vast sea of ​​​​stars soon, so that you will realize how small the planet under your feet is.

By the way, Miss Su'er, please send me a group of priests when you have time.

After finishing the matter regarding supervisor x, the evil villain also contacted the fire prevention girl.

We found a good settlement on the edge of the galaxy. It is very hidden. The hyperspace channel can also rely on psychic switches. Unfortunately, the planets in suitable orbits are all poisonous planets and need your help.

The reward is the hive mind of a planet-killing swarm, okay?

Fireproof Girl: Of course, no problem.

The soy milk was poured in vain: Why do you always feel that you are either at war or on the way to war?

The villain: What can I do? I have a fallen empire that is militarily isolated. My neighbors are either killing swarms or out-of-control servitors. There is also a humanoid civilization that is racially hysterical.

They attack my star field every year. There are insect plagues, omnic crises, and cults are prevalent. I can't wait to kill them all.

Cancer of the World: It's so scary to say that.

Big traitor and evil: So I'm going to let them go and let them fight on their own.

The soy milk was poured out in vain: I hope we can be neighbors one day, and your people will be welcome to visit me.

The evil villain: Ah, I'm looking forward to it.

The traitor: However, I still suggest you change your attitude.

Big traitor and evil: It is essential to be on guard against others. Let your subordinates keep an eye on them. Who knows whether what you send out today will be the knife inserted into you in the future. Endless dedication can usually only be based on the strength between each other. Despite the huge gap, you are always so friendly to others, which will only make people think you are easy to bully.

The soy milk was poured out in vain: No way, those starfish-looking aliens are friendly and cute, right?

Big traitor: I'm just a friendly reminder, just don't care.

The soy milk was poured in vain: It's really - okay, I will pay attention to it.

Chapter 184 The future is bright, be confident


The fireproof girl picked up the pastries on the plate and tasted the aroma of the cream with a soothing expression.

I'm here, Your Majesty.

Irina, who had been waiting outside the door, bowed slightly.

Organize two teams on the return journey, one led by the bishop, supplemented by a sage and a company of Lothric knights, and one led by the priest, who are needed to purify the environment.

Irina listened carefully, and her hands were not idle as she wrote the fire girl's orders on the parchment.

Every order regarding the Fire Girl, unless it is an emergency, must be given in physical form.

Don't do unnecessary things and concentrate on completing the employer's orders. I have already received the reward.

As you command, Your Majesty.

Well, fortunately, let's go down.


Fireproof Girl: “ @The big treacherous and evil @supervisor doesn’t want to work overtime. The people are already organized. They will be sent immediately. Please pay attention to receive them.”

Treacherous villain: Copy that.

The supervisor doesn’t want to work overtime: “Thank you, boss!”

In this way, with the arrival of the fire prevention girl, the originally tense situation in the chat group was immediately resolved. Except for a few people who went to do business, everyone entered a relaxed and happy state of talking.

Cancer of the World: I feel like every time Sister Suer appears, she is either solving the problem or on the way to solving it.

Fireproof Girl: This is also what it should be. It's not easy for everyone in the group to get to know each other and help each other.

Cancer of the World: I mean, except when there is business, I usually don't see you in this chat group.

Fireproof Girl: Is there any? Maybe I'm a little busy recently.

Cancer of the World: But Sister Su'er, you have been like this since you joined the group. Hey, every time I want to chat with Sister Su'er, I have to think about who has the problem. Suddenly I feel sorry for the group friends.

Fireproof Girl: You like me so much?

Cancer of the World: What? Is there anyone in the world who doesn't like Sister Su'er?

Magical Girl Merry-chan: Gentle, enthusiastic, beautiful, powerful, all kinds of adjectives that symbolize beauty can be used for her noble body. Is there any more perfect existence than Gwensul?

Tallulah: I think Gwen'thul is the master of the world, and everyone should become her loyal servant.jpg

Yes, each one was better than the other, and the fire prevention girl was embarrassed to see them.

Ainz Ooal Gown: +1




Archbishop Tianming: +1

Damn it, Otto, come and join in the fun.

Fireproof Girl: Please stop torturing me. Those souls who are still being burned at the sacrificial site cannot hear this. Besides, Otto, as an archbishop, are you still so free late at night?

Behind the name of the chat group, you can see the time the group members are in their own world.

Just listen to what you have to say about group friends. It is fun to be followed, but it would be too shameful to be blown away by just a few words. It is true to maintain relationships with each other and be yourself.

Archbishop of Destiny: I am not needed to maintain the basic operation of Destiny. I am developing a new generation of Kallen fantasy. The future of the collapsing world has given me great inspiration. I plan to add some new characters and optimize the plot.

Ainz Ooal Gown: I hope to add online elements.

Archbishop Tianming: Yes.

Fireproof Girl: Then I'll look forward to it a little bit.

Archbishop Tianming: The finished product will be ready soon, but having said that, Sur, it is indeed difficult to see you on weekdays.

Fireproof Girl: Who told me that I still have a lot of things to do?

Spartan Soul: Didn't you complete the fire-passing ceremony?

Kratos thought that the Fireproof Girl had already lived in retirement like him.

Fireproof Girl: Completing the fire-passing ceremony is just the beginning. Now we have to deal with the people's livelihood in Rodlan, and we have to continue the research on how to keep the first fire burning forever. The former is okay, but I am mentally prepared to continue the latter. .”

Eternity is a distant dream. Many people have advised the fire-prevention girl to let nature take its course, but the fire-prevention girl feels that since she has the conditions and time, she has to struggle in this direction.

Fireproof Girl: Recently, troops have been mobilized here at A'Dai. If one day I no longer have to worry about the continuation of the world, I will chat with everyone every day with great intensity.

Cancer of the World: “It sounds like it’s really hard work.”

The lord didn't want to dig a grave: Strong people also have their own troubles. It's not easy.

Ainz Ooal Gown: It's done, so quickly?

The lord didn't want to dig a grave: Ah, it has been solved. Mr. Zhongli smashed a meteorite and emptied the entire castle. I also found out that the scarlet curse can be purified by the holy water in the mall. Now everything is back to normal.

The soy milk is in vain: It's great to have such a chat group. The elder sisters are all capable and friendly.

The lord didn't want to dig a grave: Yes, if I am the only one left, I don't know how to solve it. @Retired old man, thank you very much. The points and the antiques have been sent.

Retired old man: It takes a little effort.

As a result, a harmonious and loving atmosphere began to permeate the group again. The happy-go-lucky ones came to a consensus that they were trash, and then they licked the other stronger group members, and various classic quotations emerged one after another.

The fireproof girl couldn't help but smile like an aunt.

I still remember the distrust they showed when they first joined the group, but now they are very familiar with each other.

Looking back from this, all this should be taken for granted. Anyway, this chat group is real, and everyone's friendliness is also real. You can also let them test it. After the test is over, everyone is a smart person. The existence of this chat group represents All meanings can be grasped clearly.

At least until now, except for the group leader whom I have never met, the chat group has not produced anything outrageous.

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