If you can have a hearty battle with a powerful enough dragon, it will be a great experience.

By the way, I'll tell you where Gu Long is. You can go up and have a look if you have time.

The fireproof girl took out the first edition setting book that Chika Fujiwara had just sent a few days ago, tore out the map of the junction and gave it to Wuming.

According to the information passed back by Chika Fujiwara, the game map framework has been modeled, and there should be no major changes. This map is now highly referable.

Fireproof Girl also heard that the old thief Miyazaki has led his team to study how to design more difficult and fun levels. This old thief's virtue has never changed.

Hum, once Lothric's Dark Souls Theme Park is designed to commemorate the heroes of all generations passing on the path of fire, the fire prevention girl will one day bring him over to enjoy it in person.

The area above the junction is covered with thick clouds and mist during the day, and the ancient dragon inhabits the Sky City in the clouds and mist. The approximate location is on the map. If there is a storm dragon, you should be able to find it soon.

The dragons here seem to be quite advanced and can even build cities.

This is good news.

Wuming took the map, and his face that had always maintained a calm expression rarely showed an impatient smile.


The breeze blew by, transmitting the conversation between the two to the mind of the storm dragon who was fighting and playing with Midiel.


The storm dragon paused for a moment, and the feathers on its head stood up. Then it didn't react and retracted its strength, and one of its wings stuck on Midiel's head.


The huge black ancient dragon was just shot away, rowed all the way to the edge of the grassland, and rolled down the cliff.


The Storm Dragon ignored Midiel who was sent flying. He folded his wings and ran up to Wuming like a free-range chicken. He stared at him with his eyes wide open for a while, and then opened his big mouth to face him. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, the Storm Dragon was unhappy when he found out that Wuming was thinking about other dragons.

The fireproof girl dodges quickly and avoids the storm, smiling at the jealous storm dragon.

She had always wondered whether Wuming's afro was blown by the storm dragon.

How could I leave you, old man.

After being given a free haircut by Storm Dragon, Wuming raised his hand to stroke his soft feathers and smiled.

After a harmonious and loving exchange, the two parties finally reached a consensus on the proposal of Wuming communicating with the ancient dragons of this world.

Storm Dragon agreed to take Wuming up to find the City in the Sky, and Wuming promised that Storm Dragon would be Wuming's best partner now and in the future.

Gu Long's happiness is that simple. As long as it's a partner's business, he is willing to do it no matter what it is. After reaching a consensus, Wuming also decided to follow the fire prevention girl's advice and planned to go to the sky first.

Go early and come back early.

There is nothing wrong with being a fireproof girl for a short period of time, and there is no need for Wuming to advance steadily.

Remember to help me introduce him to the Dragon Clan when the time comes.

Dragons can be regarded as synonymous with power in any world. If you can connect with the dragon clan in this strange world, I believe that the strategy for this world will be much easier.

Fireproof Girl didn't embarrass Wuming, she just planned to ask him to help pull the strings.

Wuming is dressed in cumin, and she is here to make friends, but the fireproof girl is different. Behind her is the entire Lothric, and there are many things involved in the negotiation between the two parties. When the time comes, all these can be left to Lothric to negotiate in person. .


Wuming nodded and climbed onto the back of the storm dragon. Along with the dragon's roar, the wind began to gather, supporting the ancient dragon's huge body to take off.

The storm dragon simply flapped its wings, and like an arrow from the string, it shot through the clouds, leaving behind a spiral-shaped grassland.


After the fire-prevention girl sent Wuming away, Midiel also climbed out from the rock wall with a mouthful of dragon breath in her mouth. She planned to give the storm dragon a heavy blow, but she found that the storm dragon and The nameless people disappeared.

Midiel's head tilted, and her little mind was suddenly filled with doubts.


Following the fire-prevention woman's call, Midiel simply forgot about her unpleasantness, swallowed the dragon's breath, and jumped in front of the fire-prevention woman.


He used the tip of his nose to nudge the fire prevention girl, and Midiel opened her mouth as if she had been beaten by the storm dragon, as if she needed comfort.

Who is not a baby yet?

The fireproof girl stood on the grass, her clothes connected to her scales were pulled apart, vaguely outlining her bumpy figure.

Okay, okay, we've had enough fun this time. It's time for us to go back.

Reaching out and stroking the obsidian-like scales to comfort the coquettish Midiel, the fire-prevention girl looked at the sky.

Midiel also understood, turned her body sideways, and pulled down one of her wings so that the fireproof girl could walk directly onto her back.

Let's take off!


Another fulfilling day.

Back in her room, the fireproof girl summarized the progress made today.

Met with Richard, initially established a line with the local government in Galede, sent Hui Jin and Adie to Nimgefu, and successfully captured an unknown coolie when they were out in a daze. In the future, they might be able to catch up with the Dragon Clan. line.

Although she just gave orders and made requests, others did the rest.

But it's really hard on myself.

Having a rare moment to relax alone, the fireproof girl fell down on the soft bed and rolled around a few times.

Then the chat group was opened.

Chapter 182 A chat group with many people is lively

With her head buried in the pillow, the fireproof girl opened the chat group. After looking at the messages that kept flooding the chat group, she realized that there seemed to be some new things in the chat group.

Today's chat groups have many more new faces than in the past. Some time ago, as the old people in the group entered a stable stage of development, everyone's communication returned to

And the chat group thing seems to like new things.

Some time ago, a new project was officially launched to bring people into the group. The number of members in the group suddenly doubled, and then the chat group was just like waiting for the number of people to be full. It directly expanded the group chat and brought in a bunch of new people. group.

Along with it comes a series of updates.

Things like daily reward optimization and so on are all normal updates.

In order to strengthen points with declining purchasing power, a series of changes have been made to the strengthening system of shopping malls and chat groups.

The enhancement limit has been increased, and shopping mall items have been added. Now there are a lot more useful items, but the names of some things are very obvious to the fireproof girl. I always feel that this chat group comes from the colleagues next door. .

I flipped through the latest notification again, which was the latest notification released by the chat group.

1. The chat group sign-in rewards are adjusted again, and the income from continuous sign-ins is reduced.

2. The chat group member collection mode has been optimized, and the frequency of adding group members will increase.

3. There are more items in the chat group mall. Please see the attachment for details of the new content.

4. Optimization of points conversion (to eliminate bugs using points brushing)

5. Added joint task module.

6. Fixed the bug of adding group members indefinitely. New members of the group cannot invite new members to the group within 180 Earths, and the invited members do not have the right to invite new members to the group.

7. Fixed 42 undiscovered bugs.

There are quite a lot of bugs here.

The fire prevention girl once suspected that the administrator of the open chat group was there to fix bugs. She didn’t have any privileges, just a name, but at least she could get points for fixing bugs.

As for the infinite group single bug, it was because a new group member who was in charge of something happened and brought an abnormality from their world to the group, and then that abnormality infinitely pulled abnormalities into the group. There was a lot of confusion at that time, but finally the fire prevention woman took the time to go over and solve the problem.

I opened the joint mission module again and found that the introduction was about accepting a commission from the world. The intensity was marked very high. The enemies I faced included but were not limited to aborigines, time travelers, and reincarnations. After scrolling down, the mission bar was still empty. Yes, obviously the chat group has not received the order yet.

After taking a final look at the mall, she found that most of the items were functional items and the rest were bonus cards, so she lost interest. In terms of functionality, she herself was already very strong, and in terms of points, she, Otto and Gilgamesh There are a lot of card bugs that can be cleared by each other. As long as you don't use them to gamble, you will have more enhancements than you can use up.

However, the three of them did not publicize this matter in a big way. On weekdays, they just throw a few points into the group as a benefit when they think of it. Some of them are ok if they know about it. Speaking out will only alienate the new group members.

The lord didn't want to dig a grave: Oh, oh, oh, today's work was in vain again.

The chat history was brought down to the lowest level, and I saw the new group member crying here.

It is said that the lord of a small town returned to his family's former home in order to explore the secrets of his ancestors and started digging graves. As a result, he encountered a bunch of semen and filthy things. He thought of running away before, but found that he could not leave the town. , and now he is biting the bullet and conquering the dungeon.

I received a letter two days ago and went to explore the castle next door. It turned out that everyone was infected with the scarlet curse. People even ran away because of fear. Now it is spreading everywhere in the town. The crazy priest said that if he can't find it, he will look for it. A few people burned them and they wanted to hang me on the grill and burn me.”

Uuuuuuuuah, what should I do?

The lord is now leading his first boss and second boss to search the streets for heroes infected with the bloody curse.

Someone come and save me. If this continues, the whole town I managed to run will be cursed with blood.

How can there be someone as unlucky as me in the world!

Retired old man: Pay attention to the private message, I submitted the application.


The lord suddenly burst into tears of gratitude.

The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: Don't mention it, I was also reset. I did a big job and finally suppressed four Abnormalities. As a result, not long after I let the employees return to the break room, they were killed by a stone tablet falling from the sky. Then I was specially It's like a chain reaction.

...The Intelligence Department has been completely destroyed, requesting reinforcements. All employees of the Control Department have been killed...The Security Department has been completely destroyed...What else do you want to say? Do I have the ability to kill all those Abnormalities?...

The supervisor's head was buried on the desk, and despite his seemingly peaceful posture, his handsome face was twisted into a ball.

I'm really going to collapse. I'm going to be like this for the rest of the year.

The soy milk was poured out in vain: You two are so miserable.

Fujiwara Chika: Indeed, it's the same operation, one operating company and one operating town. How come it's so smooth for Mr. Soymilk who runs the interstellar empire?

Reynold: With a civilization that once ruled the galaxy as the leader, it's hard to think it won't go well.

Some time ago, I came to the group to ask about technical barriers. Before Otto and Renault could sort them out, my father sent them to me.

The Great Traitor: On the importance of having a good father.

The soy milk is in vain: Having a good father is also a skill. Rather than suffering, I hope that my country can always be a cradle of greenhouses. What about you, the traitor and evil? How are you doing recently?

The big traitor: There seems to be military isolates next door to me. I don't know how to offend them. Now that the fleet has arrived at the border, I'm ready to run away with the wandering fleet.

The soy milk was in vain: Why don't you come to my place? There are quite a lot of galaxies here. Some time ago, our ancestors just shared a galaxy with the Gaia planet, and we haven't developed it yet.

The traitor: No... no need, I can't play with the landlord's stupid son.

Doujiu Baiduo and Da Zhaidao both belong to the same galaxy. They were pulled in together, and they are respectively the leaders of two nascent civilizations.

One is extremely materialistic and pro-foreign, and the other is extremely idealistic and xenophobic. As a result, the two get along unexpectedly.

The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: Stop talking, I have no other thoughts except being sad. I was raised by my stepmother.

Speaking of which, I seem to be a clone, woohoo.

There was another burst of wailing and howling in the group. If it weren't for these employees who couldn't be worried, the supervisor would have wanted to immigrate directly to the world where soy milk is poured out for free.

Fireproof Girl: What's going on?

The abnormality exploded again?

The fireproof girl's first reaction was to make extra money.

The supervisor didn't want to work overtime: Wow! It's the boss. Woohoo, my work was in vain again today.

Boss, come back and stay with me.

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Chapter 183 This is - a harmonious, loving and mutually supportive chat group!

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