The faded man paused while he was cooking, feeling that the fireproof girl's words were a curse.

The fire girl has to do three things when she comes to the junction.

The first thing is to try to establish a stronghold across borders and accumulate experience for more in-depth exchanges among group friends in the future.

The second thing is to naturally collect powerful souls. The current target is the golden tree. The huge number of souls in it makes the fireproof girl a little greedy.

The third item is to imprint the world model of the junction to see if we can get any inspiration.

After staying here for a while, the fireproof girl discovered that the operating rules of this world can be modified, but now that the right to modify the rules has been taken away, and there is a lack of media, she is also confused.

And all of this must be based on a sufficient understanding of the border area. You can't rush in without knowing anything, and you will make your friends laugh at you for a year.

The Fireproof Girl doesn't think that she is invincible after merging with the First Fire, she is still a bit timid.

It is obviously difficult to find information about the current junction in Galede, which has been closed for a long time, so it is very necessary to find a suitable guide.

But it's not without gain. At least we got a route to Nimgefu.

Combined with the satellite map, under the hurricane that swept for an unknown period of time, a red line slowly took shape, leading to another piece of emerald green land at the edge of Galede under the satellite.

She was called Nimgfu.

I heard that there was not much impact from the so-called war. Even the leader managed to save his life after the defeat and was able to maintain his rule. There must be more living people who can communicate with him than in this terrible place like Galede.

The gems on the eyepatch flickered slightly, and the fireproof girl made up her mind.

Ashes, Adie.


I plan to send someone to Nimgefu to help find a guide. The movement must not be too big. I will not consider sending troops, so I can only ask you.

Send someone? It means someone can move.

I'll go! x2

Ashes and the Faded One looked at each other, and both saw the blade-like light in each other's eyes.

Although the relationship between the two of them has eased a lot after getting along for a while, no one wants to give in when it comes to the fire prevention girl.

Since the restoration of Lothric's national strength, the actual turn to get Ashes and Faded Ones has become less joyful. Now that the Fireproof Girl has demands, everyone wants to show off more.

‘You just went to pick up Sean, isn’t it appropriate for you to fight with me now? ’

The Faded One glanced sideways at Ashes.

‘Just go out for a walk. Can that be called a mission? ’

Ashes rolled his eyes contemptuously.

Su'er, I know Nimugefu very well. The place where I just stepped onto the border is Nimugefu.

The fader tries to kill the game outright.

Oh, that would be perfect.

The fireproof girl was a little moved. Indeed, it would be a good idea to leave the matter of finding a guide to the local, the Faded One.

Seeing this situation, Ashes also realized that he was indeed inferior to the aborigine, the Faded One, so he simply used his advantages.

A-Die's strength is still unstable. What should he do if he encounters an accident that cannot be solved?

Obviously, Ashes relies on the fact that the faded ones are not as strong as themselves.

Well, that makes sense.

Fireproof Girl also nodded in agreement. Safety is the most important thing when traveling far away. The strength of Ashes is indeed more trustworthy than that of Faded Ones.

Su'er. x2

It’s really weird. Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t we fight over who can stay?

The fireproof girl wonders if her attractiveness has declined recently.

The fireproof girl can obviously see the rivalry between the two. To be honest, whoever chooses at this time is biased.

But this is easy to solve. After thinking for a moment, the fire-proof girl rolled her eyes and immediately thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

How about you all go together? A'mai will be responsible for leading the way, and Hui Jin will be responsible for taking care of us.

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Chapter 180 Wuming: I heard there was a dragon here, so I came over

As we all know, the Fireproof Girl is not an omniscient and omnipotent God and cannot make everyone happy.

But making everyone unhappy seems much easier, and the fireproof girl can still do it.

So adhering to the principle that a bowl of water should be balanced, the fire-proof girl simply let Hui Jin and A Tuo go out together. This way, everyone was unhappy, and there was no longer any talk of taking sides.

Ugh, I might as well stay here to find out.

At that time, I'm afraid the fight will be over who stays.

The Faded One looked at her with a look of regret on her face, and Ashes slapped her on the back of the head as a reminder.

Go and finish early and come back early.

However, if you are not happy, you have to do what you need to do, so after simple preparations, Ashes and the Faded Ones set foot on the road to Nimgefu.

After sending the two of them off, the fire prevention girl walked around the Faros Fortress, checked the condition of nearby land purification, and followed the newly built road to the edge of the cliff.

This is where Dragon Tomb and Galede intersect. Below is the bottomless cliff. Looking into the distance, you can vaguely see the shadow of a church in the red soil and dust.

The fireproof woman did not choose to let her men pass directly.

According to the information left by Sean, after the scarlet corruption broke out, it was occupied by corrupt relatives who emerged from the ground, and many people died.

After the heavily damaged Red Lions left a large number of tombstones and corpses there, they had to abandon this severely eroded area. They still don't know what the situation is.

Naturally, the fire prevention woman does not give priority to these areas, and will wait for the subsequent negotiations.

If everything goes well, not only will the fire girl be happy, but her soldiers will also be willing to fight for these people who have suffered just like themselves in the past.

If everything doesn't go well, now she knows the distribution of forces in the border area. If she can't agree, she can just take her people to Nimgefu to talk to the forces there.

Beside the fire-proof woman, there is a fire-burning wall made of obsidian.

These walls, which have been burning for decades and still maintain high temperatures, emit heat waves, scorching the surrounding land. The grass blades near the walls are also roasted to a withered yellow color, making people frown when they look at them.

It's a shame it didn't burn up.

Endless high temperature is not only the enemy of corruption, but also the enemy of all life.

The main reason is that I still don’t understand the principle of this thing. The fire prevention girl is afraid that if a section is demolished, the burning wall in other areas will also collapse, so she has not considered demolishing it.

Speaking of which, after studying the scarlet corruption during this period, the fire prevention woman also saw some suspicions. The so-called scarlet corruption is not pure pollution, but a rule.

Laws were embedded in the land along with pollution, replacing the original rules here, and then changed the regional environment, causing the regional environment to no longer be suitable for human habitation.

But bacteria, fungi, various microorganisms, and corruption-related organisms thrive in this environment.

On the surface, the land looks extremely barren, but underneath it is a very horrifying biological enrichment. It is simply a breeding ground for the reproduction of various microorganisms. The underground is densely covered with coral-like substances, which would cause death on the spot if a person comes.

The fireproof girl has also seen those corrupt dependents. The creatures that attack people when they see them have also been captured by the knights. After research by the sages, although they are still living well in today's environment, it is obvious that these corrupt dependents It is also more adaptable to the environment after Scarlet Corruption's transformation.

After all, this Scarlet Corruption is almost the same as the Fireproof Girl. It is essentially a replacement of the rules of the border area.

Fireproof Girl's method of transforming the environment of Galede can be said to be a kind of pollution, but this kind of pollution is much milder than Scarlet Corruption. As long as it is not a very few creatures, it can survive in the area where Fireproof Girl is.

According to P Club players, only certain creatures can adapt to the environment transformed by Scarlet Corruption, and the planet transformed by Fireproof Girl is the planet Gaia, where the adaptability of all races can be maximized.

Of course, the premise is that you don't provoke the fire girl to give you a sunny day.

The kind that removes the atmosphere.

No one wants to try out the consequences of being exposed to a stream of high-energy particles.

At first, the fire prevention girl simply planned to use time to clean up the corruption, but after going back in time, this area was accepted by the golden tree again.

The fireproof girl was definitely not happy that she and her soldiers were shrouded in the rules of the golden tree, nor would she accept the blessing of the so-called golden rune, so she chose to use the Rodran mode directly.

This is a bit interesting. Using your own power in this border area is like printing a mark, and you have to squeeze out the rules that originally occupied this area. To be honest, if the first fire didn't come with its own operating rules, the fire prevention girl really wouldn't have anything good. Approach.

After blowing in the wind, taking a few breaths of fresh air to wake up her mind, and throwing a marker under the cliff, the fire prevention girl planned to return to the fortress.

Hey, uncle.

On the way back, the fire-proof girl also met the unknown king who had been missing for a while. This man was her elder, and the fire-proof girl was the first to say hello.

It's Su'er.

Wuming, who was wielding his sword and possing, turned his head when he saw Midiel and Storm Dragon fighting on the grassland.

I can see that he still maintains the appearance of that ascetic monk, but his complexion is much better than before. His dry face is much plumper, his darkened skin has returned to its normal color, and his dragon-like characteristics can also be seen. It's obvious.

Visible to the naked eye, the resurgence of the flames also brought many benefits to Wuming.

not busy?

I'm exhausted from doing everything.

When he came to Wuming's side, the two of them had not met a few times since the enthronement ceremony. Nowadays, it was rare to have time to spend time with each other, and it was impossible not to talk about everyday things.

Speaking of which, uncle, why do you want to come here?

Gwendolen, I can't handle it.

Wuming shrugged. A certain guy who went to the top of the ancient dragon every day was so blocked that he didn't dare to go out. Then he contacted the fire-prevention woman who was planning to go on a long trip and planned to come out with her for some fresh air.

I'm afraid there's more than just that, right?

The fireproof girl glanced at Wu Ming, teasingly crooking his thigh with her elbow, as if she could see through everything, which made his face stiffen.

Actually, it's also selfish.

Wuming quickly calmed down his emotions and replied calmly: I heard that there are dragons here, but I'm a little disappointed.

Indeed, savagery overwhelms wisdom, and Wuming should be disappointed when he sees the flying dragon.

Let me just say, he must be thinking about Longlong, otherwise it would be strange for Wuming, a deadbeat, to show up.

The fireproof girl clicked her chin, a plan came to mind, and then she smiled sweetly.

Uncle, do your lovely niece a favor.


Wuming opened his mouth to refuse, but he was reliable because of his strength. Now that this little girl had fused with Chu Huo, she was no worse than Gwen. She looked like she was going to arrest people and use them as coolies.

The reward is Gu Long's information.


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Chapter 181 Fireproof Girl: Since there’s nothing else, let’s go to the water group!

Okay, I agree.

Whether it was out of care for the younger generation or his own interest, Wuming finally agreed to the fire prevention girl.

Hey, please trouble uncle...

She really guessed it right, and the fireproof girl rubbed her hands after achieving her goal.

Wuming has lived for so long, and has been a noble prince, an ascetic who has endured the wind and sun, and even completed the great cause of spreading fire with his family. Apart from family affairs, it can be said that there is nothing that can really arouse his interest.

But dragons are an exception.

It can be said that the dragon has accompanied the nameless king throughout his life. He was given the mission of hunting dragons when he was born, and later he turned into a friend and became a friend, embarking on the path of the ancient dragon.

As the mark was erased and he got rid of the name of the dragon-hunting war god, the Age of Fire came, and Wuming, who was on top of the ancient dragon, truly lived the life he wanted.

Therefore, Wuming always has an emotion towards these huge and ancient creatures, and is more willing to communicate with these big guys than humans.

This was also the reason why he planned to visit another world.

I want to see the difference between the dragons here, whether they are mindless beasts or wise and powerful ancient dragons, and what kind of sparks can burst out between the two parties.

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