The fireproof girl looked at the remaining souls of these warriors and found that part of these souls were missing, as if something had been taken away.

I activated light magic and followed the path of the soul's disappearance, but the final clue pointed to the tangled root system underground.

That's weird, is this golden tree a peer?

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, the fire-proof girl no longer thought about it. She just raised her hand and marked her completely collapsed mind. She regarded the First Fire forces as friends and continued to perform her duty of guarding the fortress.

At least, they were still good warriors during their lifetime.

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Chapter 175 Fireproof Girl: This Galede is full of shit, how can I play?

It's rubbish, it's rubbish, it's all rubbish.

The fire prevention woman slid the map, which contained a large area that had been explored, and a large number of red blocks also covered this area, indicating that these areas were completely unsuitable for human survival.

The information given by Ah Tui was still too conservative.

This Galede is really a hellish place. How could it be named like this?

The fire girl didn't quite understand why an area with such a harsh environment was named after the Latin word for beautiful place.

This can be regarded as a regular rule. Although most other worlds do not have the term Latin, there are many regional cities in other worlds that are named after their meanings.

Maybe this land was rich in the past.

Ashes shrugged.

Hey, I don't know how long it will take to purify it.

The fireproof girl sighed helplessly.

If they just came here to cut down trees, they could just cross the sea and kill them. No matter how hard the so-called golden tree is, it may not be able to withstand the first fire.

But the fire prevention girl felt that it was a bit immoral to act so irresponsibly.

God knows what will happen to the world if we directly burn the trees. If something goes wrong, the faded people can choose to run away, but what about these aborigines?

The fire prevention girl is not a barbarian who just burns, kills, and loots and then ignores it. She even goes too far and wipes out the indigenous people and then holds another Thanksgiving.

Thank God for using them as fuel for the first fire to discover.

A fireproof girl can't do this kind of thing.

Therefore, the fire prevention girl decided to investigate steadily, at least first to understand the structure of the entire junction, the impact of the so-called golden tree on it, and the rules of whether she could take over the place after burning the golden tree.

Anyway, the tree is right there and won't run away. Let's deal with the aboriginal people first. If we can also include the junction area under the sun's rays, that would be great.

Lothric had already completed the garrison of Pharos Fortress, and the double-dragon banner replaced the red banner that had been blown away by the wind of corruption.

A steady stream of troops were being teleported from Lothrik. Seeing the rapidly declining numbers in the chat group, the fireproof girl couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, she had accumulated a lot of points in her daily life.

After a brief rest, the troops who came to the fortress sent each other church priests to explore the outside, but the news obtained so far is not optimistic.

There is no intelligent life that can be talked about. They are all large areas of abandoned ruins. Among them are some humanoid creatures whose flesh and bones have been smelted together by scarlet corrosion. They are muddleheaded and no different from living corpses.

I heard that a battle between demigods did take place here, and the result was that this continent was destroyed.

The voice of the faded one sounded from the side.

Did the battle between two individuals destroy this continent?

The fireproof girl frowned slightly. The combat limit in this border area is a bit high. The being called a demigod is only so strong. What would it be like if the true god returned?

That's understandable.


It's just hearsay. It is said that many years have passed since that battle. Not many soldiers who have survived to this day are sober. The story is also passed down by word of mouth.

Meaning that the authenticity is open to question?

Ashes asked.

You can say that, because I didn't encounter any powerful creatures along the way, but I heard that one of the protagonists of that war is still alive. He is in Galede, and his name is Latarn.

And there's some kind of battle festival. I really want to have a fight with Rattan.

That being said, there is an even greater need to communicate with the Red Lions.

The fireproof girl frowned and flipped the map. It didn't feel good when her eyes darkened. Why didn't she read the guide before playing in her previous life?

If possible, it would be a good time to try the so-called demigod's strength.

But the biggest problem now is that the Luoqi have searched all the way along the fire wall and have not seen anyone alive who can communicate.

You really have a lot to worry about.

I saw the faded one bored, holding the Black Soul doll sent to her by Chika Fujiwara, and playing role-playing with Tallulah, which seemed very comfortable.

Luckily I don't have to worry about that.

She just had to obey orders and kill people.

You still said that!

Grabbing the faded man's head, the fireproof girl rubbed it vigorously, and then used one hand to exert force.

I asked you to record the journey and you recorded this for me.

Ah, ah, I've searched everything I could find along the way, but I haven't met many people who can communicate normally. It hurts, it hurts, I was wrong.

The faded man shrank his head in grievance, but did not dare to open the fire-proof girl's fingers.

Tallulah next to her was trembling with fright. This powerful hand that cracked the skull reminded her of the tablet instructor who taught her martial arts when she was studying in Otto.

Ah Di was telling the truth. She had never lived a normal life since being thrown by a teleportation treasure box.

There are so many precious things in Galede.

Flying dragons, colossi, wild beasts, dependents, mutated creatures, and demented humans were all mixed into a hodgepodge. Under the influence of the scarlet corruption, there were only bloody battles every day, and basically no useful information could be left behind.

The materials currently being analyzed by the planning department were all taken out by the Faded from those ruins and tombs.

I am thinking about the power of the dragon every day, so why don't I want to know more about the current situation with the people of the Red Lion Legion?

The information obtained from the ruins is too fragmentary, and most of it describes the past, which is completely incompatible with the present.

What Qianhua got was more of a setting, and it was not perfect. It was helpful, but it was also limited.

The faded ones met those Red Lion Legion soldiers who could communicate with each other, and now they don’t know whether they are dead or alive.

Whoa, who would have thought that you would bring an army to fight?

At first, the Faded Ones thought that their trip to the borderland would be a happy world for two people, with at most one more light bulb ashes.

As a result, the fireproof girl directly planned to bring over half of Lothric's military strength.

The journey of two people to explore the secrets of the world is called adventure, and it is a waste of time to worry about these things when the army is setting off.

Hey, if I had known better, I would have done more to understand.

Then what should I do now? How about I go south in person?

The child who faded is really capable, except that the problem is that he only thinks about himself.

The fire-proof woman raised her eyebrows, and was immediately confused about whether to laugh or cry. She just hoped that the faded person would not show such a leisurely posture in such a formal occasion. Just as she was about to say something, she received a communication from a small team.

I'll let you go today. Next time you want to go out and play by yourself.

He straightened out the faded silver hair, patted her head, stood up and walked forward.

I know, what are you going to do now?

Rubbing his forehead, the faded man asked as the fireproof girl walked out of the hall.

Go meet potential partners.

The fireproof girl continued to move forward without stopping, and tiny bits of sunlight filtered through the branches and leaves and fell on her silver mask.

Maybe they are the future people of Lothric.

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Chapter 176 Galid is bad, but he is not bad


The sharp blade penetrated the flesh, and the fire ignited the hot blood, leaving a pungent smell in the air.

The scarred Shaun Ward struggled to push away the heavy corpse in front of him and looked around.

On one side are mutated beasts, such as land dinosaur-like hyenas and giant crows. They are huge in size, their bodies have mutated to varying degrees, and they are numerous in number, posing a great threat to the team.

When they swing their abnormally huge heads and rely on the explosive power of their thick hind limbs to rush into the battle line and bite, they will take away the combat capabilities of several auxiliaries or lion knights.

This is a bloody battlefield. Huge and strange plants grow here. Under the vaguely bottomed cliff, there are still countless corpses hidden. The roars and roars of wild beasts fill this wasteland. The blood is swaying, rendering the red wasteland red. Deeper.

Huh, I don't know if I can survive this time.

He slapped away the crow that took the opportunity to come through the gap in the armor to peck at the flesh and blood of the wound. He sent an order to direct the soldiers to fight back. Looking at the eternal scarlet sky, Sean had an ugly smile on his lips.

Nothing seems to have changed under this sky.

Because of an unknown traveler, the pressure on the Red Lions has been reduced a lot recently.

Therefore, under Sean's initiative, the city lord agreed that he would lead a team to the edge of the Dragon Tomb to investigate the still-lost Faros Fortress and the spread of corruption.

The Red Lions have always fulfilled their duty to fight corruption and are doing their best to prevent the spread of corruption. Shaun Ward is also a member of the Red Lions.

And this is the 22nd year since he can remember.

He was a being born after that legendary battle. In the Red Lion City, I heard the old city lord Jie Lian say it.

In that war, the war between General Broken Star and Valkyrie Malenia, because Malenia could not accept her defeat, she let the scarlet flower bloom in Galede.

The crimson corruption unleashed by Ionia spread rapidly, turning the once fertile land into what it is today.

Their leader, General Shatterstar, dragged his remains and led the Red Lions to build a smoldering wall of eternal heat around Galeed.

How beautiful and rich Galid was in the past, Sean only heard about it from the mouths of elders who still had sense at the time, but had no direct experience of it.

He had never followed the General Broken Star whom the city lord mentioned. He watched from a distance during the battle ceremony. Looking at the general who had lost his mind and legs and relied on eating the corpses of his enemies to survive, he felt sad in his heart.

He has no real understanding of many past events like those who have experienced them, but Sean knows what will happen if the human world is infected with scarlet corruption.

Creatures mutate and the earth loses nutrients. If humans contract a rotten disease and cannot receive timely treatment, they can only die in pain and suffering.

Many people died, and Sean remembered clearly the dense tombs and the dense masses of corpses buried under the scarlet soil.

Therefore, corruption must not be allowed to spread.

So, he chose to join the Red Lions.

Do you think I can return to the Golden Tree if I die? Or will I become like the wild ghosts in the ruins?

Blocking one attack after another, his arms were sore from the continuous movements, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his face. He licked his lips that were chapped due to blood loss, and Sean pretended to be relaxed and asked the soldier beside him.


The soldier on the side said nothing, mechanically repeating the attack, even if he suffered more injuries, he would not hesitate.

Tsk, I forgot that none of you can speak.

There was an endless supply of monsters around, several times the number of the team. Because he had to cross the rift, Sean did not bring a war machine that could spray a lot of flames. Now facing this dilemma, the outcome was already doomed.

They cannot survive this ordeal.

If I had known, I should have brought some knights with me. The Red Lion Knights could also rely on their strong personal abilities to tear these monsters apart. Unfortunately, these combat powers were too precious, and Sean did not choose to let them join the team after careful consideration.

Unexpectedly, we encountered this abnormal tide of beasts.


The big sword was released, and as he was knocked to the ground, the hyena in front of him opened his mouth and roared. The stench in the big mouth made people want to vomit. Sean glanced at the soldiers who were constantly falling around him.

To be precise, Sean himself.

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