As a life born after the magic ring collapsed, Sean was not blessed by the golden tree, which was one of the reasons why he was able to maintain his sanity.

Because there are people who retain reason under other circumstances, but they are only a few.

Complete individual consciousness allows Sean to command and dispatch an army in an orderly manner. At the same time, if he is not blessed by the golden tree, he will really die if he dies.

The surrounding soldiers of the Red Lion Legion either waited for a long time to stand up again after being defeated and deprived of their runes, or they went to an unknown cemetery to continue their eternal duties. In short, they would not really die.

I just hope that the person with my suicide note can leave a complete body.

That way you can at least send everything you have back.

Sean prayed silently.

He is going to die.

However, the expected death did not come. The hyena's big mouth never closed. As its huge jaws dug into the red sand, Sean opened his eyes in confusion.

Holding the sand with his arms, he carefully slipped out from under the big mouth, touched the weapon full of gaps, and after carefully hiding the Yugo corpse, Sean turned his doubtful eyes to the huge wound on the hyena's head.

The entire head was penetrated. In Sean's impression, only heavy ballistae could have such lethality. Through the huge window of the beast's head, several vague figures gradually became clear.

It's a costume I've never seen before.

Survivors found, we caught up.

Looking at Sean who stood up from the dog's mouth from a distance, and the surrounding soldiers who still did not give up resistance, the knight breathed a sigh of relief.

He put down the sword with its open blade, revealing the miracle device inside, and then pressed the communication button on the side of the helmet to transmit the message to the Fortress of Falos.

...Well, received, we will ensure the safety of the survivors.

After receiving the order, the knight captain breathed a sigh of relief. After seeing the new living creatures, the surrounding monsters naturally turned towards the visitor, their scarlet eyes gathering.

Making gestures, the team members silently formed their formation.


The monster closest to the knights took the lead and charged towards them howling.

The sharp spears formed by several knights passed by them. It was not until the knights entered the battlefield and the wind and sand swept away that these monsters turned into pieces.

Fire and thunder intertwined and turned into a fine network of light. The knights who came seemed to turn into meat grinding machines, tearing into pieces all the monsters that dared to get close.

It's so powerful.

Sean couldn't help but admire that this kind of force was only seen on those homeless knights who were able to perform the Dragon Feast Ceremony.

But I can't let people see everything.

The remaining power in his blood continued to burn at this moment, Sean waved the sword blade, and once again collided with the strange bird's beak, making a joyful sound.

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Chapter 177 Ashes: I am just an ordinary bodyguard, not very powerful.

This is really...

In this terrifying place that was almost isolated from the outside world, Sean never thought that they would be able to wait for reinforcements.

The excitement turned into power pulsating in the blood. Sean commanded the remaining army and moved towards the supporting knights.

Using the spear, he tripped the hyena, and the inertia of the sprint caused it to flip onto its back. Unable to stand up, the big sword strengthened by the flames of the red lion cut off its lower jaw, followed by a fatal straight blow. prick.


A sword pierced the hyena's head. At this moment, Sean finally cleared the last obstacle between him and the reinforcements. Moving forward, he finally gathered into the team of Lothric knights.

As they got closer, Sean finally saw the appearance of these knights clearly through the blood-red vision.

The bright silver armor of the knights under the red cloaks shone in the light, which was enough to show that they were a new army, and their bodies were not as heavy as their own waists, which showed that there must be stable supplies nearby.

Another exciting news.

Sean was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and waved, and the soldiers of the Red Lion Army spread out to protect these knights from possible harm.

Can you understand me?

Swinging his sword, it was so easy for the blade to cut through those fragile bones and flesh. As he got closer, the knight captain frowned slightly and raised his hand to perform a healing miracle on it.


Or a woman?

Wiping off the blood on his face, feeling his strength recovering, hiding his surprise in his heart, Sean nodded.

very good.

English is the universal language in the Western Fantasy world.

The knight captain reached out and grabbed Sean's sword blade. With a gentle touch, the battered blade became as clean as new again.

Next, let's get rid of these filth first.

Facing Sean's pupils that narrowed due to shock, the knight captain interrupted his brainstorming with a voice, then arched his body and rushed into the enemy camp again.

The giant sword swept across and cut off a hyena. While the giant crow's neck was still spurting blood, a giant crow on the outside climbed up a high branch and tried to dive, intending to rely on its own mass to break through the prey's formation.

Not being able to do as it wished, the knight captain condensed a golden spear in his hand and threw it out, then penetrated the abominable creature and brought it down among the beasts.

The knights moved cleanly and neatly. As they fought, fire and thunder erupted from the sword blades, squeezing the surrounding air and weaving a golden net as they danced.

Are they the army of the Golden Tree?

With the intervention of these powerful knights, it was only a matter of time before they killed all the monsters that smelled of blood. Rarely, Sean was able to spare some energy to think about the current situation.

Such a gorgeous golden color made it impossible to look away. Sean thought of what his elders had been saying about the knight Rodel who could command the golden law and thunder in the city under the golden tree.


Sean glanced at the bright red cloaks fluttering on their backs, which reflected the sacred pattern of the Double Dragon Tribute Crown. It seemed incompatible with the Golden Law articles he had seen in books.

Everything was going extremely smoothly, but just when the ground battlefield was coming to an end.


Roaring sounds echoed from the sky.

The behemoth landed and faced the soldiers maintaining a military formation on the ground, spraying scarlet breath from its open mouth.

The high-temperature steam envelops scarlet corruption, which is a highly toxic breath that combines the scorching heat of dragon flames with corruption and corrosion.

Hide inside.

The Luoqi were not afraid of the high temperature. The cloaks behind them lit up and transformed into a transparent barrier, blocking out the poisonous dust.


It wasn't until they finished breathing and the knights waved their cloaks to disperse the dust that they could clearly see the various entities that had just launched the attack.

Hey, are you kidding me?

Sean looked at the white figure gradually enlarging in the sky, feeling seriously tinged with haze.

What day is it today?

First, the investigation that should have been stress-free encountered a tide of beasts, and then with the support of reinforcements, another giant dragon infected by scarlet corruption finally arrived.

Shouldn't this thing be stuck in the Dragon Feast Church and hunt those who dare to spy on the power of flying dragons?

We didn't go to the Dragon Tomb. There's no reason why we would be attacked by a flying dragon.


The knight captain didn't reply. She remembered the mountain-like flying dragon corpse she saw in the dragon tomb area when she first arrived.

Maybe it has something to do with the corpse.

The Lothric knights who have been associated with dragons for a long time are not surprised. At most, the newcomers will sigh that there are flying dragons in this land that can retain light without the sun shining.

The flying dragon hovered in the sky and found that its breath had no effect. It was wise and did not choose to descend easily. Instead, it relied on high-speed dives and changes of direction, intending to interfere with their battle and constantly irritating Sean's tense nerves.

Hey friends, do you have any idea how to deal with them?

The corner of his eye always unconsciously glanced at the flying dragon in the sky. He held his breath until the dust dispersed. Sean took out the Corruption Moss medicine and put it in his mouth. Then he asked the knight captain beside him.

It is at a high altitude and I have no effective means of attack.

Without even looking at the flying dragon in the sky, the knight captain slashed at the monsters whose skin was corroded by the high temperature steam.

Compared with Sean's urgency, the knight captain seemed quite calm.

I am not a royal guard, and I do not have the power to easily hunt flying dragons.

‘Is this a time to calm down? That's a flying dragon, a dragon in the sky. ’

Sean couldn't help complaining in his heart, and he didn't know whether these knights didn't take the flying dragon seriously or didn't know its threat at all.

Then do we need to wait for those royal guards to arrive?

Sean asked nervously.

Flying dragons can fly, but ordinary people like them only have two legs. How can they run faster than they have to? Now it is better to hope that this army has the means to kill flying dragons.

No need.

The knight captain shook his head slightly, and waited until these ordinary monsters were almost dealt with before shaking off the blood stained on the sword blade and looking at the flying dragon in the sky who still refused to leave.

Since they haven't left yet, it's no wonder they are alone.

He raised his hand to make a gesture. The knight next to him understood, and a golden flash of lightning appeared in his hand, shooting towards the flying dragon in the sky.



The thunder gun accurately hit the flying dragon, but did not cause any damage. Sean's eyes widened, trying to see the result clearly, and found that it did not seem to have any impact on the flying dragon.

It doesn't seem to be working.

The lightning only scratched some of the scales.

As if confirming Sean's words, the flying dragon also roared excitedly after a brief daze, sprayed out breath, and dived towards the prey on the ground.

How about we try to hide for a while?

Sean asked tentatively. Although trying to dodge the attack of a flying dragon in an open area is as impractical as sliding to save your life when facing a tiger, he always felt that doing nothing would look stupid.

Just a mark.

The scarlet breath once again covered everyone, blocking his sight and casting a glance at Sean. The knight captain kindly explained that he felt that not only could this guy talk, but he also seemed to talk a bit too much.


A bright light flashed across the sky, leaving a silver trail, followed by a brutal roar. The flying dragon was pierced into the chest by a huge crossbow, and then pierced out from the other side, tearing off the entire chest tissue. .

The flying dragon howled miserably, flapped its wings, and used its last strength to crash into the enemies on the ground.

Back off.

Facing the approaching shadow, the knight captain was unafraid and stepped forward, intending to use his small body to fight against the absolute power.

She raised the blade high, and saw the blade of the sword ignited with flames. It was actually several times wider and longer than it was originally.

May the sun be with me.

As the flying dragon approached, the knight captain made a solemn declaration, then waved his sword forward.

The more than ten meters long flaming sword blade spurted out and cut into the flying dragon's head, then its body, and its stretched straight tail.

The flying dragon was evenly cut into two halves. Driven by the flames, it passed by both sides of the team, relying on its inertia to leave long traces on the ground.

Sean only felt a bright light ahead, no longer covered by shadows.

This this......

Blood mixed with gravel poured all over his body, and Sean opened his mouth and was speechless.

‘This is called not having strong power? ’

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