Ashes, who was dressed in regular clothes, had been waiting at the pavilion on one side for a long time. When he saw the fire prevention girl going out, she walked over with milk tea.

Here, it's for you.

It's not bad. At least it's explained in detail enough. I can go back and read it again if I don't understand it.

Inserting a straw, she opened her little mouth and began to sip the milk tea. The sweet taste lifted her spirits a lot. The fireproof girl asked vaguely: Is there anything I need to be responsible for today?

There are quite a few.

Although the fireproof girl gave up a lot of her rights, except for the army, she was still not free.

Rodlan is so big and has so many affairs. Even if it is simplified and simplified, there is still a lot to pass on to the fire prevention girl. After all, she needs to nod8.

Okay, let's talk as we walk. The weather is nice, so you can go shopping with me.

The Fire Girl hauled up the ash and followed the road to Lothric Bridge.

You are so diligent, why don't you consider taking a break?

Hui Jin let out a long sigh. A certain person really couldn't take any time off. As soon as he found something to do, he would just do it. The time the two of them spent together became less and less.

There is no way. In order to achieve the necessary goal, you have to learn something you don't like.

The fireproof girl also wants to fish, and no one will force her to work overtime. But when she thinks that she is responsible for the future of the world, she will feel guilty about her leisurely life.

If you find firewood, you might consider going out for a walk.

Okay, okay, then my Majesty, let's officially start work.

After putting an intangible light bulb on the two of them to prevent a humanoid light bulb from attracting a crowd of people, Ashes pulled out the first document.

The first one was Visions of Exploring the World Outside Chaos, signed by the great sage Andil, a being who was integrated with the ancient tree. After Rodlan was safe for a short period of time, he began to explore the outside world.

It seems that a soul-eating monster has been discovered in Chaos, but now that the entity has not been captured, we dare not draw any conclusions.

After that, a bunch of unclear ideas were put forward, and there was even a suggestion that the fire prevention girl should expand the scope of the first fire to include the peripheral chaos.

You can try everything else, but reject the last one.

There is only one reason, it is too soul-burning, and the current Chuhuo cannot afford it.

Just kidding, I don't know how many souls will be burned to open up Chaos, and it can't solve the problem of energy being unable to circulate. Now the fire prevention girl just wants to be a rice bug first and save the souls first.

The second is the Rhodeland Intercity Planning and Construction Report, signed by Gwendelin, which is basically about the planning between the cities of Rhodeland, as well as the resources that need to be applied for.


Now that Rhodeland is completely unified and a large population has recovered, it needs to be replanned and a new city is also necessary. The fire prevention girl arranged this matter for Gwendelin, who has experience in city construction.

To be honest, Gwendelin's aesthetics are really good. Not to mention the diversity, they are all very beautiful. Just like her personality, it is very clear.

The male side likes the eldest sister Gwen Avril, and the female side likes Wuming.

Ever since she almost experienced life and death, Gwendelin would not suppress her emotions and kept clinging to her, which caused a lot of trouble to her two relatives.

No wonder her aunt and uncle came quietly to beg her to find something for Gwendelin to do.

The family drama flashed through her mind, and the fireproof girl smiled knowingly and continued to deal with the matter.

One copy, two copies. When the two of them walked all the way to the center of the bridge, they also finished handling the civil affairs matters.

very nice.

Enjoying the oncoming breeze, the fireproof girl had a satisfied smile on her face.

Today's Lothric has successfully completed the combination of supernatural power and technology.

And with the miracle of going back in time, the fire prevention girl doesn't have to worry about energy problems, and it can be said that the integration is perfect.

High degree of informatization makes management faster and can ignore spatial distance, making city-state self-control a thing of the past.

Nowadays, the entire territory of Lodlan is under the direct jurisdiction of the Sun Parliament, which is coordinated by the gods. The Fireproof Girl, who is the King of Lothric and the head god of the Sun Cult of the national religion, serves as the speaker.

Everyone is working hard to rebuild their broken homes, creating a prosperous scene.

Finally, it's a request for instructions from the army.

Ashes took out the last document, which was submitted by Richard.

The Lothric army has now completed a comprehensive armament upgrade, and after completing the running-in with Ancient Dragon Peak, the dragoons finally have their appearance.

Although there is not much improvement in weapons, communication that can transmit messages instantly has greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the army.

If Lothric had had this ability to convey information during the great rebellion, he would not have been defeated by the two princes.

The military strength is still expanding steadily, and the number of Lothrik knights has exceeded 10,000. Currently, the entire army still relies on the virtual reality system to conduct simulation exercises.

But at the same time, a large number of members who joined the Lothric army for the sake of honor also had doubts about why they still maintain such a strong military force now that Lordland is completely unified.

Can the army move?

The blue gems on the eye mask lit up, indicating the fire-proof girl's psychological fluctuations at this moment.

Is there any news from A'tai?

She has finished her work long ago. The complete map of the junction area has been completed by relying on low-orbit satellites, but subsequent detailed exploration will still have to rely on manpower.

Relying on the detection system kindly provided by Renault, the entire surface of the junction is now under surveillance, and the Faded Ones have basically drawn a detailed map of the Galede area.

Based on the information currently available, it should be very easy to capture Galid.

Where's Qianhua?

According to the information she provided, FS has only released a promotional CG called Elden's Ring and is unable to provide us with more detailed information.


The fireproof girl pondered, and had the urge to go over and give the old thief a mind-reading experience.

Let Qianhua buy out FS and provide us with a preliminary script. It's better than nothing. We'll provide the funds.

The Fireproof Girl seemed very impressive, but she was also confident. Now Rodlan had no shortage of resources except souls.


Ashes, do you think we should wait any longer?

It's all up to you to decide.

Ashes is only responsible for helping the fire prevention woman kill people, and will not interfere with her decision-making.

Then move.

Although she didn't have a lot of information, the fire prevention girl felt that she didn't need to wait any longer. She just had to make sure that there was nothing wrong with Galid, and then investigate the rest slowly.

Contact A'mai, then summon the church and the army, and also inform the parliament that we have something to do.

Chapter 174: First arrival in Galede, arriving at the new cesspit

We're here, be careful.

Pulling out the long sword from the hyena's head, the faded man jumped down from the head of the corpse and reminded the surrounding knights who had also eliminated the enemy.

The ground was littered with bloody gravel. Behind them, a white dragon corpse as broken as a mountain lay quietly on the ground. It was precisely because of this dead body that it attracted the attention of a large number of predators.

The lower abdomen of the dragon corpse has been hollowed out, exposing the huge ribs supporting the back, which are deeply inserted into the scarlet ground.

Everyone passed through the corpses and came to a high wall.

The wall was pitch black and exuded a scorching smell, with a red glimmer flowing between the gaps. The surrounding red sand exuded a disgusting smell, like the smell of rotten meat that had been rotting for weeks and being roasted.

Go this way.

Along the high wall, the Faded One led everyone forward until they reached a gap and waved for everyone to enter.

Desolate and barren, only blood-like scarlet is the main tone of this land.

Behind the high wall, there is a stretch of red desert, which stretches all the way to a rift valley. The terrain turns sharply downwards along the rift valley, and the places farther away are shrouded in scarlet mist.

The wind stirred up scarlet sand grains, and the soldiers crossed the collapsed city wall, followed closely by the fire girl. Six flying dragon cavalry hovered in the sky, watching everything below.

This trip did not bring many knights. Apart from the black knights who were the royal guards, there was only a regular team of Lothric knights, numbering no more than fifty.

The smell of corruption is really disgusting.

A faint golden light appeared in the eyes of the knights, and the flames in their bodies were burning, purifying the toxins that dared to touch this body blessed by the gods.

Sister A'tai's world environment is really bad.

Tallulah covered her nose, she really couldn't stand the stench. She came here because the fire girl planned to conquer the border area, because she was going to go to war soon, so she came here for a visit and study.

Following her gaze, the fire-prevention girl saw a coral-like substance emerging from a ball of sand.

The white protrusions pulled out strips of grid, and the scarlet substance in them was pulsing slightly as if it were alive, and fine and sticky juice was constantly overflowing from it and seeping into the ground.

The fire prevention girl could sense that in the lower layer of the sand, there were large tracts of similar corals.

They decompose all the nutrients in the earth and turn the earth into red sand. This is the culprit that makes this land so barren.

But now, they are avoiding the fire-prevention woman. Under the influence of the first fire, the land where the gods live is inevitably recovering towards life.

His attention was slightly attracted by these things, but more of it was still focused on the faded person leading the way at the front of the team.

The team's top priority is to go to a military fortress on the Galede map.

According to the Faded Ones, the place has been occupied by mutated creatures and is already undefended. It is adjacent to the cliff and overlooks the basin below. It is suitable for use as a stronghold for Lothric's landing junction.

The border area is very large, and the bad land of Galede is full of crises. Along the way south, the team encountered many mutant hyenas that were as tall as several people, and even flying dragons that were contaminated by this corrupt land.

They were very aggressive, seemingly due to the influence of the scarlet pollution. After sensing the breath of the living, they howled and rushed towards the team, and were then nailed to the ground by heavy crossbow arrows. They seemed to have lost their ability to move. The instinct of profit and avoidance of harm.

Fortunately, Lothric's knights don't need supplies or rest. Whether they are injured or need to satisfy their appetites, they only need a miracle to achieve it.

The sky gradually darkened, and on the other side of the sea, the towering golden tree converged its light. Under the dark glow, a towering fortress also appeared in outline in everyone's field of vision.


The towering fortress, leaning against the wall of fire on one side and close to the cliff on the other, is the end point of this long wall of fire. More than ten kilometers away from the fortress, there is the endless ocean.

Seeing such a majestic sea, the knights from Lothric all looked curiously.

They had never seen such a huge lake.

Faros Fortress, a newly built military fortress after the Scarlet Corruption, is intended to isolate and monitor the influence of the Scarlet Corruption on Dragon Tomb.

The Faded One opened his mouth to introduce it, and then said: The place where the soldiers of the Red Lion Legion introduced me to stay, but when I arrived, it was already occupied by mutant monsters.

The Faded One couldn't quickly deal with these monsters without destroying the fortress. At that time, she was anxious to pursue the power of the dragon, so she didn't care.

There are fluctuations in the soul, but it is already very stiff.

Glancing at the fortress, the fire prevention girl discovered that there was still this obsession surrounding it, which was the belief that the soldiers in the fortress had always adhered to.

What should we do?

Remember to save a hand, just in time to see the manifestation of the soul body at the junction.

The fireproof girl turned her head and looked at Elton, who was silent all the way.

Leave it to you.

As commanded.

The defensive force in the fortress is not strong, but it is also very difficult to deal with.

The corridor is full of huge bats, which can emit harsh sound waves and have sharp claws. They are huge in number and move in groups.

The resonance caused by the rising and falling sound waves is very restrained by iron cans like knights, but there are simpler ways to deal with these things.


After encountering obstacles in cleaning up the inside of the fortress, as the knight captain's order was conveyed to the flying dragon cavalry, a flying dragon descended while being driven, spraying dragon flames at the planned window position.

Numbers were of no use at this moment. Bathed in the hot dragon flames, these difficult creatures immediately turned into ashes.

The Lothric knight who was immune to dragon fire was naturally fine. He shook the ashes off his body and continued to clean up potential dangers in the fortress.

Convenient and efficient.

The black knights came to the platform first, relied on the fire prevention woman's instructions, defeated the heroic souls wandering on the balcony, and then brought them to the fire prevention woman.


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