The winding giant dragon has a mountain ridge as its back. The peaks are rugged and outline a water chestnut. Its head hangs down, overlooking Liyue Port.

Everyone needs to know that even though a flying dragon flies with flying scales, it will live longer than a mountain, but it will eventually turn into ashes——

In front of the Yujing stage, Zhongli stood in front of the stage with a solemn expression and announced to the many Liyue people in the audience, who all had tears in their eyes.

That's right, it's Zhongli.

Because this time the ceremony of inviting immortals was arranged, many members joined in, so there was less intervention of many people.

Hu Tao, the hall leader, was busy taking this opportunity to organize the big honorary event at the Rebirth Hall. The friends in the group were all outsiders and it was not suitable to come directly to the stage.

So after completing all the preparations, everyone unanimously decided to bring Zhongli up to host.

Zhongli also felt that it was quite novel. He read a eulogy to himself and did not refuse.

The emperor suffered a catastrophe and his soul returned to heaven.

Therefore, I would like to inform Liyue and pray that all the people will express their condolences and avoid being heartbroken.

Also, don't listen to rumors and make assumptions.

The long eulogy ended, and the oath-taking ceremony was also over. In a burst of golden light, the burial objects disappeared into the world together with the emperor's remains.

The emperor's remains were returned to the Golden House, and these funerary objects naturally went into Zhongli's hands.

Zhongli flicked his wrist and secretly said that it would be convenient to host his own funeral in person.

Next is the time for ordinary people's activities, just leave it to Qixing. It's up to them whether everyone offers incense and worships in an orderly manner, or goes home directly.

There were a lot of things to do after the war, but that had nothing to do with Zhongli. He just needed to be his guest at the Hall of Rebirth in peace and contentment.

He stared at the moving crowd, and the last breath of his breath disappeared at this moment, and he felt relaxed.

From then on, the rock god no longer existed.

“How does it feel to be relieved of responsibility?”

Walking out of the crowded crowd, the returning fire-prevention girl saw Zhongli with a relaxed look on his face.

very good.

I'm so envious. It's a pity that I'm still busy.

Looking at Zhongli's retired look with envy, the fire-prevention girl couldn't help but wonder if she would be like this one day in the future.

But it's still early.

The Fireproof Girl also has to deal with the continuation of her own world, and she won't be able to stop until this problem is solved.

When you have completed your duties, you can rest peacefully.

That will take a long time.

The fireproof girl waved her hand, then changed her attitude.

Speaking of which, Ningguang came to me and asked the emperor if he had any comments on their performance.

Ning Guang's ability to recognize people is really good. He knew in a few words that the fire prevention girl was actually very talkative, and she was not the type who liked to put on airs.

No, begging for help suddenly came to her head.

Generally satisfactory.

Zhongli put one arm on the guardrail.

But just talking about Seven Stars and Immortals, I am extremely satisfied with both the results and the process.

Zhongli told his final evaluation of Liyue.

The immortals restrained their anger and did not take drastic actions; the Seven Stars maintained the order in Liyue and gathered the rights vacated by the death of the emperor; at the same time, the determination they showed also confirmed that they have Qualifications to protect Liyue.

I believe Liyue will be more prosperous under their leadership.

And I, as a mortal, have witnessed the end and beginning of the era, and - you, my friends.

Zhongli looked around and saw Hutao, Ainz and Fujiwara Chika standing at the door selling some Family Welfare Package for Immortal Gifting Ceremony.

DOOM takes Kratos to evaluate Liyue’s stuffed animals.

Ashes was carrying the Faded One around looking for delicious food with a look of disgust on his face.

Except for some group friends who cannot stay permanently due to personal reasons, the rest have integrated well into Liyue.

The group of friends who almost knew the ins and outs of the incident did not do anything extraordinary, went to influence the people of Liyue without authorization, and tried their best to help them arrange the funeral.

thank you.

Zhongli thanked him sincerely.

No, no, no, I've gained a lot.

The fireproof girl flipped the world model in her hand. When she was killing everyone on the sea, the man from Sky Island was very cooperative and handed over the information, saving her a lot of time.

After that, all you have to do is bring back the model and hand it over to the sages for research.

Congratulations then.

Rejoice together and rejoice together.

All in all, although there were some hiccups in the process, overall it was perfect and everything was under control.

Zhongli fulfilled his wish to retire, and also witnessed the determination of the immortals in Liyue, and was able to let go of Liyue with peace of mind.

The fireproof girl obtained the demon soul that had been tempered for thousands of years, the demonic power of overseas demons, and the world model of Teyvat, which was beyond expectations.

The traveler completed his journey and received a lot of compensation. He also successfully met the rock god and got the answer he wanted.

Even the lady who fools everyone has accomplished her task.

Everyone was happy except one person.

Haha, that guy Dadalia.

Zhongli couldn't help but smile when he heard about Dadalia's experience in prison.

This kid is fearless and thinks very highly of himself. It doesn't hurt to teach him a lesson.

The two tell interesting stories, and time passes by like water.

As the stars fell, Yujing Terrace was still crowded, and there was still an endless stream of people coming to worship.

Ashes grabbed the greasy-mouthed Faded Man and returned. The Fireproof Girl looked at the starry sky and said, I think it's time for me to leave.

The goal has been achieved and this journey should be over.

She couldn't stay in one place for too long.

Well, I wish you all the best.

Zhongli sent his blessings without saying any words to stay. For him, he had been used to parting a thousand years ago.

If you need help, you can call me. Now that the responsibility has been relieved, you can leave freely.

I know, I won't be stingy when I need your help.

She snatched a skewer of the Faded Man's barbecue and stuffed it into her mouth. The flames enveloped the three of them, and the Fireproof Girl waved goodbye.

“Enjoy your retirement.”



The flames dissipated, leaving pieces of ashes behind, drifting away with the wind.

Zhongli paused for a long time, retracted his hand, and looked at the chat group.

A photo lies quietly in the group photo album, and is listed in the special attention column.

This is a group photo of everyone, with their own altar in the background. Everyone is here, even Gilgamesh, who has always been busy, took time out.

Recording beautiful stories and continuing them, perhaps this is the meaning of this chat group that connects people who had originally had different fates.

Zhongli smiled slightly, glanced at the condensed light behind him who was hesitant to speak, and shook his head gently.

Visitors on the embankment draw pictures of boats and take pictures of the water on the embankment hanging from the sky.

Under the house, we are practicing on the stall, and we are going out on the swing in the jade building.

Looking at the brightly illuminated pavilions up close and the ships in the sea from a distance, Zhongli sings softly.

Don't laugh at the old man who wears flowers. The goddess urges you to take pictures frequently.

After giving Ning Guang and the immortals behind her a final, thoughtful look, Zhongli left the Yujing Terrace with his hands behind his back.

Where in life is it like being respectful?

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Chapter 173 Fireproof Girl: Rodlan is so stable, so boring, eh, golden tree?

Ugh, I'm sure it won't work!

When the sun sank in the sky, the dim yellow light hit the fire-proof girl's long hair that shone with a faint golden glow.

I wish I didn't have a meeting to learn this.

Throwing away the keystone in her hand, the fireproof girl stood up from her seat and rubbed her swollen head.

The fire-proof girl finally understood how terrible it is to be uneducated. Regarding the explanation of the first fire and the nature of energy, she couldn't understand these words separately, and even less understood when they were put together.

Well, I learned well.

Clara, who was dressed in black, closed her book and nodded her head with satisfaction. The fireproof girl's learning ability is very good. Although she likes to complain afterwards, she is also very serious in learning and does not make people worry.

Our Majesty has worked hard

To be honest, she was a little surprised that this descendant of Gwen would take a fancy to their unfashionable knowledge and be willing to participate in its research.

No, don't say compliments. Don't I know what my level is?

With a smile on her face, the fire prevention girl spread her hands.

I can barely understand the principle now, let alone participate in your research.

Research is our responsibility, but as the current incarnation of the First Fire, it is also necessary for you to know this knowledge.

And don't underestimate yourself. Being able to swallow the first fire is something no one can do in our era.

That's also the result of Rondoer's research. I just follow it.

Not everyone has the courage and ability to accomplish such a miracle.

Clara smiled gently.

I know, then I'll leave first and you continue your work.

Remember to let the living saints of the Sun Sect keep an eye on you at all times. Don't make yourself a hotbed of chaos. Those monsters are quite troublesome to deal with.

As you command, Your Majesty.

After the fire-prevention woman consolidated the political environment of Lothrik, she approached witches like Clara and planned to conduct research on the first fire again.

These witches wanted to create a flame that could replace the First Fire in ancient times. Although they failed in the end, the knowledge they possessed was also quite precious.

Even if it cannot be applied to the first fire, it will have unexpected effects when applied to other aspects.

This can be regarded as one of the many preparations made by the fire-proof woman. After all, her power is limited, especially since her IQ is not very high, so she might as well organize this group of sages who are good at research to do some serious work.

There is strength in numbers. It is much better for everyone to share their needs and contribute to the continuation of the world than to think alone.

However, the fire-proof girls have no intention of being so bold as to let them create something to replace the first fire. The closer they are to the first fire, the more they can feel its mystery, so they can start with the simple ones.

Nowadays, a lot of results have been produced. Although the exploration of the nature of the initial fire is still far away, at least a plan to improve the utilization rate of the initial fire has been developed.

As soon as she looked up, the fire-prevention girl could see the light pillar extending toward the sky from the fire transfer sacrificial site.

The light pillar exudes a soft light. After the soul on the throne is burned and disintegrated, it turns into fine particles of light and is slowly transported to the sky.

Compared with the past, the light beam was much brighter. In the soul's vision, even if you were in the vast chaos outside Rodlan, you could rely on the dazzling torch-like light beam to find your direction.

Surrounded by four black knights who looked like black statues, the fireproof girl slowly walked out of the big library.

Finally the work is over. Teacher Clara is still so difficult to deal with, right?

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