Zhongli didn't like the lady. If she wasn't a part of the plan that needed to be concealed from the young master, Zhongli wouldn't even want to deal with her and would just wave her away.

Well, now that I have the Heart of God, there is no point in chatting with each other. I should also go to the Winter Palace to see Her Majesty the Queen.

The lady's slender fingers wrapped in black lace gloves brushed her chin and stepped out, but she didn't want to think that she was more like a proud white swan.

‘Speaking of which, before we leave, we have to rescue the Young Master. ’

The lady was thinking as she walked forward, and couldn't help gritting her teeth, secretly thinking that the young master is really capable of bad things, and he was actually caught by a cricket traveler, and now he has to spend resources to catch him.

‘It’s really troublesome. ’


As soon as the lady stepped out of the door, she was blocked by the condensed light with the immortal and the Qianyan Army.

What's the matter?

The lady's eyes fell on those immortals, and she immediately lost the courage to take action.

We received a report from the Palace of Purity that the fools imprisoned Zhongli, the guest of the Palace of Purity, and threatened him to hand over valuables.

Ning Guang opened her fan and covered her chin, with a cold light flashing in her red eyes.

Come take a walk with us.


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Chapter 171 Young Master: What happened? Why did I become a clown?

You actually said this was a collaboration between the Fools' executives?!

Fireproof Girl took Ying to the prison where the Fools' Executive Officers were imprisoned. Before she even reached the door, she heard the Young Master's question coming from the corridor.

The so-called cooperation must at least ensure the exchange of information between both parties, right? Do you also call this cooperation?

Haha, are you still worrying about these things now? That's not what we should be worrying about now, right?

Even though she was tied up with chains, the lady's mouth was still unforgiving, and she raised her voice in pretending to be surprised.

That's right. From the beginning to the end, someone was played like a monkey. In the end, he abandoned all plots and calculations and planned to make a big fuss. In the end, he couldn't even beat the traveler.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Madam! You can only ridicule your colleagues.

How did they get locked up together?

Ying asked in confusion like the fireproof girl.

Because I can't ask any questions, I just centralized management. With that guy Mandrill watching, there won't be any problems.

The fireproof girl replied with a smile, sometimes it is fun to watch people bicker.

When they arrived at the prison cell, the fire prevention girl took the lead in saying hello to the meal ticket man.

Hey, young master, you look good.

Miss Su'er, how did you see that I look good!

The young master looked very unhappy. Everything was going wrong in Liyue, and now he was in jail. He even doubted whether he could leave Liyue because of the things he caused.

The only consolation is that the Heart of God is already in hand.

Hmph, what are you doing here? Are you here to see my joke?

His eyes caught sight of Ying behind the fire-proof girl, and the young master couldn't help but snorted. His mood seemed very low, which was understandable.

Anyone who knows that their carefully planned actions are under the eyes of others from beginning to end will not be able to bear it.

That's not the case. I was honored by the Young Master's hospitality during my trip to Liyue, and now I naturally come to take care of you.

As she spoke, the fireproof girl also took out a lot of food that was still warm.

I'm not used to the food in prison.

It's true, every day I have either pickles or pickles.

The young master limped to the edge of the cell, took the food, and ate it without any courtesy.

Thank you very much.

The people of Liyue will not look good on him. He has been starving these days, and his injuries have not improved even now.

Where's the lady?

The fireproof woman looked at the lady who was tied to the post.

...Oh, I was negligent.

With a wave of her hand, the lady's restraints were released.


The lady nodded slightly, but she was still very cautious when facing this being who could kill multiple demon gods.

No need.

Get out of the way.

After flexing his wrist, he stepped forward and pushed the young master away a little.

You're not worried about this guy escaping.

The situation was stronger than the situation, so the young master shrugged and continued to stuff his mouth with rice.

The fireproof girl smiled slightly but made no sound, but the lady couldn't help but burst into laughter.

What are you laughing at?

Laughing fool.

Ma'am, please be careful.

The young master was very angry and slapped his chopsticks on the bowl.

You've ridiculed me too many times!

Dadalia, let me introduce to you, Morax's best friend, the existence of the demon god who ends chaos, Gwen'Thul.

The lady didn't pay attention to the young master's tone. She raised her hand towards the fire prevention girl and signaled to the young master.


The young master's expression froze.

By the way, the Rock Demon God Morax I told you about before is Zhongli who you have been treating to dinner.


The young master's mind is a little sluggish.

No, Miss Su'er, are you also a demon?


Mr. Zhongli is the Rock God?


Did the lady know about this from the beginning?

That's right.


The young master looked at Ying behind the fireproof girl and found that she also looked calm, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

What's going on, this atmosphere where I'm the only one who can't do it?

Why are you just looking at me? Eat.

Noticing the young master's resentful gaze, the fireproof girl still smiled.

You and Mr. Zhongli have lied to me for so long, don't you have anything to say?

What's there to say?

The fireproof girl spread her hands and said that what the young master did had nothing to do with her.

We didn't ask you to go to the Golden House to get the Heart of God, nor did we ask you to release the demon in the sea.

‘But isn’t this all part of your plan? ’

The young master opened his mouth and couldn't speak for a long time.

Is this the wisdom of God?

This feeling of being plotted every step of the way.

Okay, let's change the topic. Why does Miss Su'er have time to come over today?

The young master doesn't want to talk about this sad topic anymore.

Ah, because the ceremony of sending immortals will be over after today, we came here to inform you that Qixing plans to start dealing with you, and let you eat something good by the way.

Speaking of which, Zhongli originally planned to come in person, but he has to preside over the immortal ceremony, so I will come on his behalf.


The young master picked up the food and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Could this be a deprivation meal?

I heard that people in Liyue would give people a good meal before sentencing them to death.

Looking at the delicious food in the bowl, the master's chopsticks couldn't help but tremble, and he suddenly felt that it no longer tasted good.


The lady ate her meal slowly. She was suspected of kidnapping Zhongli, which was not a serious crime. Once the detention time was over, she could leave whenever she wanted without showing any signs of panic.

Miss Su'er won't refuse to save you, right?

The young master looked at the fireproof girl expectantly. He was not afraid of death, but it would be too funny if he really died like this.

Are we familiar?

The fireproof girl looked innocent.

The cell fell into deathly silence again.


The young master was no longer in the mood to eat, and was rubbing his hair with both hands. He could already imagine the expressions of his colleagues at this moment.

If he hadn't been the executive officer of the Fools, the diplomat in charge of foreign affairs would probably have wanted to send someone to kill him, and then say that he was a temporary worker.

‘Just be content. ’

After looking at the young master and then at the lady, she found that the young master had remained longer than the lady. The fire-proof girl couldn't help but shook her head. She could only say that stupid people are lucky.

Without her intervention this time, he would definitely not have died.


Both Ying and Paimon couldn't hold back any longer. They covered their mouths and still couldn't hold back their laughter.

Although the target was not Madam, an executive with whom she had an obvious quarrel, but seeing the young master deflated, Ying couldn't help but feel physically and mentally happy, and all the grievances she had accumulated before were washed away.

It turns out there is someone worse than her, being tricked from beginning to end.

Ha ha ha ha!

Chapter 172 The end of the story represents the beginning of the journey

The warm sunshine falls down, reflecting the greatly changed Tianheng Mountains.

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