Chapter 5: Choice

Shocking, deep shock!

Not only was the curtain of the water curtain hole shocked, but even Lin Feng was a bit worried at the moment.

Fifth grade spring waterfall ‘Qingxin Waterfall’ reward, too astonishing!

“The heart is like a rock, no fear.”

“If it is not a dragon among men, it must be a hero.”


In the ear, still circling that 铿锵 correct voice, Lin Feng eyes 炯炯 flashing.

At the moment, in front of myself, there are a total of ten ‘reward’ suspended in a row. Not only the rare and rare ‘Star Fruits’, one of them is the ‘Resurrection Fruit’; the rarest of the best metal, enough for every tool refining division to rush; even a huge ‘egg’ seems to be Demon beast with a powerful bloodline.

The most is the first heavenly treasure, four full, accounting for 40%.

“Call!~” Lin Feng shook his head.

I did not expect this time to pass the ‘Qingxin Waterfall’ and achieved such a result.

It was really unexpected.

“Sure enough, the challenge of checkpoint’s reward is closely related to the degree of completion.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

This time, the challenge of Qingxin Waterfall is quite ‘perfect’ done by itself, so the reward is also the ultimate.

Not only the quantity, but also the ‘quality’!


But it is even more guilty.

Unlike the previous award of 6th grade waterfall, no matter which one you choose, you will not improve your strength. The ten ‘reward’s in front of me are basically able to use them at the moment, which can increase a considerable part of the strength, so the selection is quite tangled.

“Responding to the fruit, it is very important, especially for me now.” Lin Feng eyes bright.

Although his life Soul is now in good shape and in excellent condition, his chances of being hurt by his ‘soul’ are quite large based on his previous ‘tough’ experience. Basically, some time ago, Star Cangwu and Xingyi were separated from ‘work’ and successively healed.

If you have a ‘returning fruit’, you are prepared.

However, other rewards are quite good.

“Oh…” The gaze passed over another star, and Lin Feng was excluded.

This star fruit, the greater role is to enhance the strength rank, although the energy stored is far better than the ‘return fruit’, but…

Helping yourself is far worse.

“This ‘black crepe’ is the main material for the refining of the high-star soldiers, and this ‘Huangjingjing’ is a precious adjuvant for the transformation, transformation.

“In the case of the tool refining division, these rare materials can’t be bought or sold.”

Lin Feng nodded and read [Ore Encyclopedia] and knew a little about metal minerals.

The best material!

It is not easy to give up.

But for myself, the tool refining division is a ‘deputy’ after all, and it is natural that it is good, but there is no loss.

“It’s not like ‘returning fruit’.” Lin Feng lightly said, and the two are ruled out.

Looking at it again, it is a giant egg with a colorful pattern, and a secret book “Sura Luo”.

“I have both a poisonous scorpion and a red dragonfly, and more ‘wings’, and the spirits and demon beast are not very useful to me.”

“As for this secret book…”

Lin Feng shook his head and he already had a avatar.

More meaning is not big.

When –

Ten ‘reward’s have been ruled out in half, and the most attractive thing today is still the ‘returning fruit’.

There are only four pieces of the first heavenly treasure left.

“It’s the first heavenly treasure of the human rank.” Lin Feng looked bright and looked in turn.

Three colors!

Two pieces of white, one piece of black, and…

A gold!

“Strange, isn’t there only nine colors for the heavenly treasure?”

“With the experience of releasing your heart, there should be no mistakes. Why is there a ‘golden’?”

Lin Feng’s brows are clustered and curious.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, their ‘Amethyst spear’ is the higher purple brilliance; then it is ‘white’, and its own ‘jade’ and the colorful stick are this grade; The more white is better than the ‘black’, according to the release of the heart, this is the first top grade of the first generation of the heavenly treasure!

In front of you, a black giant shield becomes sharp diamond-shaped, and the giant shield is on the totem fierce, and the energy stored is extremely terrifying.

At a glance, you can see something that is not idle!

This is the strongest first heavenly treasure level of the human rank.

“Good defense.” Lin Feng throbbed in his heart, feeling as if there was no strength to destroy this black giant shield.

If you just look at it, you will have the feeling of heart and lungs. It is conceivable that the true strength of this black giant shield is absolutely shocking.

Top grade, black first heavenly treasure!


“What is this golden color?” Lin Feng flashed his eyes and stared at the seemingly inconspicuous existence.

The star shape of the pentagonal, shining with golden light, looks so ordinary, completely incomparable with other first heavenly treasures. However, I have an inexplicable sense of touch, which is extremely strange. Lin Feng eyes shines, staring at the star shape’s golden treasure, a feeling that can’t be said.

Very weird!

“Where is it touched?”

“Heart? So? Is it Phoenix Destiny Chart?”

Lin Feng breathed deeply and felt the heart sway.

Undoubtedly, among the ten ‘reward’s, the golden treasure of this star shape is the most common and unremarkable.

But since it can be included in these ‘reward’, it means that its ‘energy’ is there!

I didn’t find it because I

Not enough experience!

“Absolutely not ordinary.” Lin Feng sinks exhales one breath saying, biting his lip.

Intuition tells myself that this star shape’s golden treasure has extraordinary ability. This point, you can see from your own ‘sense’, even if it is precious as ‘returning fruit’, you are indifferent, but it will be this star shape treasure ‘moving’.

Anything that makes you feel ‘touchy’ is not ordinary.

The more common, the more mysterious here, the more secrets there are!

“It’s quite difficult to decide.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

Four pieces of first heavenly treasure, three of which have been excluded, even if it is the black shield of the top grade of the human rank, the demand is not much. If it is the fourth round of the preliminaries, and the opponent’s shield seat ‘Yu Yunlong’, will be crazy for this black giant shield.

With the ‘Guardian Way’, you can put the shield’s might and play the defense to the extreme.

And myself, it has always been to attack and defend, first shield of the heavenly treasure, and the fighting style and ability of oneself, some are out of place.

I hesitate, it is the strange golden treasure of the star shape.

There is no first recorded heavenly treasure!

“Choose it, or choose to return the soul fruit?” Lin Feng looked stunned.

One is a precious treasure that is likely to be used in the future; the other is a mysterious existence that is completely unknown.

Perhaps ‘value’ is the worst of the ten rewards, and maybe…

More wins back to the soul!

Choosing it means ‘gambling’.

How to choose?

Lin Feng eyes flashed, and then I looked at the two deeply, and immediately closed my eyes.

It is time to make a final decision.


“pā !” Lin Feng opened his eyes, bright light 璀璨.

“Just it.” Lightly smiled, Lin Feng reached out and grabbed the golden star shape treasure with the slightest hesitation.

Since you can’t choose, you can trust your own ‘heart’ and trust your instincts.

Intuition tells yourself that this is the right choice.

Gambling, why not?

The water curtain hole is completely sensational.

The fourth grade of the fountain of the spring falls, creating a true ‘miracle’.

Already there have been hundreds of thousands of years, no single discipline has broken into the fourth grade spring waterfall challenge, which is almost an impossible task.

But at this moment, someone really did it.

“so amazing!”

“It’s incredible.”

“Even if luck is good, it is too astonishing.”


Everyone has a lot of arguments and whispers.

The expression is full of admiration, envy, all kinds of complex emotions.

The ‘reward’ of the fifth grade spring waterfall is bound to be rich.

In the crowd, there is a woman who looks like a lotus flower, but she is light, but she is like a fairy who does not eat human fireworks. A pair of beautiful eyes, the gaze of the crystal of the Holy Land, flashing a slight bright light. Her beauty is a bit suffocating, and it is difficult to get close to it.

Big Senior Sister ‘Water 莜 ”, Star Territory Level 巅 peak.

Saint Level is just a stone’s throw away.

She is the only one in the water curtain caves, the only one that broke into the fifth grade spring waterfall.

At the same time, it is also the strongest under the Saint Level of the water curtain hole!

It is like an aloof and remote water lotus.

It can only be seen from afar.

“Big Senior Sister, I know who it is?” Shui Ling smiled and rubbed her eyes and leaned in.

“Oh?” Shui Meimei looked back at the water, clear like smile, lightly lips, “The master and I mentioned it.”

“The master mentioned it?” Shui Ling was shocked.

The otter rose with a smile, beautiful eyes flashing shining bright light, gaze holy crystal, slightly opening: “With the emperor constellation, people in the dragon and phoenix, there must be extraordinary. It will surely cause catastrophe in the world, Battle Spirit World will change, and then…”

“I and I will meet each other.” In the heart, the sound of light mumble was picked up, and the water simmered and turned away.

Leaving a face of inexplicable water, it is a bit confusing.

Think about it, but also relieved, the big Senior Sister is the master of the true biography, talking and doing things and the master is exactly the same.

She can’t figure it out, it’s normal.

“You said, will he still be able to survive the fourth grade spring waterfall?”

“Go into the third grade waterfall? Don’t be kidding, no one has been in it for millions of years.”

“That is, it was a heaven defying wizard who came out in countless times. Looking at our entire water curtain hole, only the master once entered it once.”

“But it is very difficult to break into the fourth grade spring waterfall. According to the master, it will be a Saint Level in the future. With these potentials, it is hard to practice. His achievement of Saint King Level is also a matter of course. There are any obstacles.”

“Wow, Saint King Level exists!”


**Lian Feng, obviously I don’t know, I am completely famous at the moment.

Everyone’s eyes are on the crystal of the Holy Land, watched the aloof and remote shining light, curiously discussing his identity.

It’s so popular for the entire water curtain hole!

At this time, Lin Feng…

I have already completed the difficult ‘choice’, giving up the rather precious ‘returning fruit’ and choosing the golden first heavenly treasure.

Step into the fourth grade spring waterfall!

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