Chapter VI Three-pole Spring Waterfall

A new challenge.

More terrifying than the fifth grade spring waterfall, ten times far from the limit of the strength of the Star King Level.

“It seems that the end is over.” Lin Feng eyes flashed.

I know how much strength I have, and it is already luck to pass the fifth grade waterfall.

If you want to pass this ‘three-pole spring waterfall’ in front of you, the possibility is extremely weak. According to Fang Ning, the temperature of the waterfall is increased by ten times per liter of 1st grade. With its own strength, sole view fighting strength is difficult to pass the fifth grade spring waterfall, not to mention the fourth grade spring waterfall?

Moreover, this time the ‘three pole spring waterfall’, there is no more ‘lucky’ at all.

Ming war!

But, I prefer it!

I didn’t think that I could pass the fourth grade spring waterfall. I can already complete the task through the fifth grade spring waterfall.

What’s more, I entered the ‘challenge’ of the experience, for what?

The energy of water!

Ming War is the best for you.

“Which pole should I choose?” Lin Feng blinked and looked forward.

Three very different roads, with three different aura. On the far left side, aura is fierce and fierce, and there is a kind of violent extreme momentum; the middle one is like a rock-solid, steady and steady, like the earth, giving himself the most calm feeling; and the far right one, like a lightning bolt across the front Let yourself heartbeat again and again.

“The right side of the pole, the most dangerous.” Lin Feng blinked, very fast to make a judgment.

The ability to accelerate your heartbeat is enough to prove how terrifying the ‘danger’ is on this road.

“The left side is extremely fierce, but the danger is slightly inferior to the right side.”

“The safest thing seems to be the middle road.”

Lin Feng’s eyelids are burning and carefully analyzed.

Of course, the middle of this ‘pole’, but it gives itself a very troublesome. It’s hard to feel.

It seems to take more effort to pass.

“Choose a single pole of the Three-Pole Spring Waterfall.”

“To determine the ultimate success or failure by consuming time and completing the ratio.”

In the mind, once again, the ‘Task Tips’ emerged, Lin Feng’s brows were clustered, thoughtful.

This time the task prompts. I have carefully considered the speculation for a long time, and there is no ambiguity in the existence of ambiguity.

Instead, it is quite straightforward!

“no time limit.”

“It seems that the challenge is successful, it really depends on how much time is spent.”

“But, with my strength, it is impossible to succeed.”

Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought, looking straight ahead.

If you want to fight for time and try to ‘success’, you will choose the one on the left.

Despite the danger, the opportunity and the danger coexist. On the ‘difficulty’, it seems to be a bit simpler than the middle one, but it is also more dangerous. However, I am not fighting for time. I am not planning to pass this ‘three-pole spring waterfall’. It is better to be steady and steady, and it is more suitable.

“Just let it.” Lin Feng made the final decision.

The middle pole!

Really isn’t best, and really isn’t best for yourself.

but. But it is best for the immediate situation.

“Tread!” Lin Feng stepped into it.

At the time, a kind of heaven’s mighty strength rushed.

In the ear came a clear voice. Unusually familiar and shocking cry.

“Limited time, twelve hours.” In a short sentence, Lin Feng couldn’t help but smile. I originally planned to cultivating it here and temporarily hold it. At the moment, it is clear that I will completely overthrow my plan.

Have time limit!

Twelve hours. I must pass this extreme test!

If not, it will be a failure.

“Although it is limited to twelve hours, it is basically a half-fold.

“Twelve hours, more is a ‘hard’ limit.”

Lin Feng is contemptuous. Analysis immediately.

I smiled lightly, but I didn’t care too much. Anyway, I didn’t intend to pass it.

“It should be able to absorb a lot of water energy.”

“I hope that this trip to the ‘Three-pole Spring Waterfall’ will be able to accumulate enough water energy.”

This is the most important purpose of myself.

As long as 100% is filled with Star Chart, you can break through the bottleneck and formally enter the Star Territory Level.

“Fire of Rebirth!” Lin Feng caught fire.

The piece of Fireball is like a falling rock.

Surrounded by several water people, the time was swallowed, and the energy of the rich water was absorbed.

“pā !” “pā !” Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

The area here is quite vast, and the water density is not large, but the strength is not bad.

At the very least, Star King Level 7th rank is above, most of them are Star King Level 9th ​​and Star King Level. Unlike the water monsters of the previous 6th grade spring waterfall, the water people here have elementary wisdom, the most fundamental change of which is

They have strength of Constellation!

The same water energy contains, but it can explode a stronger strength, and the defense is quite strong.

To kill, it is quite troublesome.

“Efficiency is not as good as a hundred waterfalls.” Lin Feng brows.

“The strength of a single water man is too strong and the density is too loose.”

“Although there are time limits of twelve hours, there is no possibility to saturate the remaining 40% water chart.”

“Even if you are desperately trying to absorb 10% more water life Star Chart, I am afraid it is the limit.”


In my heart, Lin Feng has not stopped for a while.

Since I know that I can’t absorb the Star Chart, I can absorb as much as I can!


Only rely on the ‘wish’ location, then make up.

But that is obviously a lot of trouble, and once the consequences of the failure are quite serious, the danger is increased by many times.

“The future, I will talk about it later.”

“At the moment, how much can be absorbed.”

Lin Feng has a gaze and does not affect his fighting spirit.

For yourself, the best effort is that, just as in the ‘Baichang Waterfall’ not long ago, the key is to grasp the present.

Whether it is failure or success, it is afterward.

After an hour.

“Oh?” Lin Feng looked bright.

In front, the station is a very strong water man.

The eyelids flashed with great brilliance, and at a glance they were different from other waterers. Dressed in a light blue armor, armed with a war blade, the blue armor emits a rich aura and battle intent, at the moment of its appearance. I have already stared at myself.

The goal is quite clear.

“Star Territory Level 4th rank ?” Lin Feng is secretive and his eyes are flashing.

“Sure enough, it’s the fourth grade spring waterfall. The first one to encounter the ‘guardian’ is the Star Territory Level 4th rank expert.”

Lin Feng nodded.

Change to other Star King Level Martial Artist, how to host the Star Territory Level 4th rank.

Rank is very different!

And this looks like. It seems that it is just a warm-up.

“sōu!” Lin Feng galloped forward.

Without any hesitation, direct war is.

For other Star King Level Martial Artists, it is hard to beat the Star Territory Level 4th rank.

But for yourself, what?

First, the flood, and then Yu Yunlong, in their own right, these so-called ‘Star Territory Level 4th rank’, simply can not stand. Even if the blue armor is strong, it is no better than Yu Yunlong. It will also be an ending

“Go, Fire of Devour!” Lin Feng’s eyes shining bright.

The long-awaited Fire of Devour is like a Flood Dragon going out to sea and released wildly.

It’s like a broken bamboo!

Water curtain hole.

In a blink of an eye, ten hours passed.

Everyone is staring at the crystal of the Holy Land, and feels startled. If the strength is not enough, how can I stay in the fourth grade spring waterfall for up to ten hours? The challenge is at your fingertips, in other words, you don’t want to move. The land of experience will push you.

Originally everyone thought that this ‘mysterious person’ very fast would be eliminated.

But the result is counterproductive.

The longer you wait!

But the more you wait. The more you can’t wait.

“Maybe you have a time-consuming spring waterfall?”

“It is possible, if not impossible, not to come out for so long.”

“But the Senior Brother is really powerful, this is the legendary fourth grade waterfall.”


Everyone is screaming, with deep envy in his words.

This is the real strength! Regardless of luck, the ability to break into the fourth grade spring waterfall has long been recognized.

“What do you think. Senior Brother?” Shui Ling looked at Fang Ning.

Shrugging, Fang Ning smiled lightly: “I don’t know, normal Lin Feng’s strength, breaking into the fourth grade spring waterfall is almost ‘extraordinary play’, as I expected it is correct. He should be in the fifth grade spring Breakthrough Star Territory Level.”

“Ah, Breakthrough Star Territory Level?” Shui Linglong surprisedly said.

Fang Ning nodded. “Yes, that’s the only way to explain it.” Fang Ning slowly said, “The challenge difficulty of each spring waterfall will be set when entering. Therefore, Lin Feng is in the spring waterfall. The breakthrough level limit does not affect the difficulty of the waterfall.”

Shui Linglong said, “So when the fifth grade spring waterfall, Big Brother Lin is the Star Territory Level strength to overcome the Star King Level’s waterfall difficulty?”

“In theory, this should be the case.” Fang Ning blinked slightly, “But if he is a Breakthrough Star Territory Level, the fourth grade spring waterfall that enters at this moment should be the ‘Star Territory Level’ difficulty. Nothing can pass, maybe. Saying that it should be very fast will fail.”

Frustrated, Fang Ning said, “But he is a monster, can’t be a common theory.”

Shui Linglong nodded thoughtfully and looked at the crystal of the Holy Land. The right eared Yud said suddenly and gently, and the water sprang up. “But the Senior Brother, Big Brother Lin should now… still Star King Level.” Paired jade, for the strength of Lin Feng, Shui Ling has a strong sense of capacity.

And she is still at the same level!

“What?!” Rao is Fang Ning. The Taishan Mountain is in front of it and does not change color. It is also a color change.

The eyes are deep and watched by the water, the chest is undulating non-stop.

The water is hot!

It is more appropriate to describe Lin Feng at this time.

After ten hours of hard work, Lin Feng came all the way, even after two guards checkpoint. The Star Territory Level 4th rank of the blue armor is easy to pass, but the Star Territory Level 7th rank of the white monster, but it is very difficult to fight, strong defense terrifying, but fortunately, the final victory.

Sweeping almost all the low-level water people, Lin Feng’s current water chart, Chart, the saturation has reached 70% five.

However, it has encountered the guardian of the third checkpoint.

Star Territory Level Peak, Black Giant!

The most awkward thing is that this black giant has a black-flashed diamond-shaped giant shield on his hand.

It is one of the rewards that appear in the ‘Qingxin Waterfall’!

Black first heavenly treasure.

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