Fire Refining The Starry Sky

“Call!~” Lin Feng sighed.

His eyes flashed and floated in the air, and Lin Feng looked into the distance.


Do not make jokes.

I can sense to the aura of Saint Level ‘variety jellyfish’, how can it be sense not to be yourself. With its own strength, facing the Star Territory Level Martial Artist and the power of war, but in the face of the existence of Saint Level, the gap is not a bit.

Not at all at all.

Running away in front of Saint Level is simply about about one’s own destruction.

Anyway, it’s just a death, why not die, it’s still free and easy, not like a falling dog.

“I am also good, what is this Saint Level’s ‘variety jellyfish’?” Lin Feng smiled, but he was a little curious.

“Oh?” Lin Feng was amazed, but it was discovered this time, with the presence of Saint Level, the strength of terrifying, I am afraid I should have been torn into pieces.

But why…

Are you still safe and sound?

“Where is this Saint Level ‘Made Change Jellyfish’ playing?”

“Do cats catch mice?”

Lin Feng smiled but didn’t care.

It doesn’t come, then it will pass by!

What are you afraid of?


“Hey!~” Lin Feng took a deep breath.

The eyelids are bright and looking straight ahead, it is an unusually super super monster.

On a huge lake, the ‘Saint Level’ jellyfish was seen at a glance, and the huge body covered the 10% lake. The soft body was somewhat transparent and flashed with pale brown spots. At this time, there is a rhythm of undulations, feeling…

Just like fighting?

“No?” Lin Feng was a bit stunned.

I am now in front of me, this Saint Level’s ‘variety jellyfish’ still has no reaction?

what’s the problem? !

Suddenly ——

“When!~” The crisp sound sounded in the ear.

“6th grade, the challenge, passed.”

“It takes five and a half hours, and the task reward is two.”

Lin Feng hasn’t reacted yet, and it’s already a glimpse. The huge lake and jellyfish disappeared.

Instead, there is a false hallucination space. In front, two shiny spots are suspended in the air, one left and one right, one green and one blue, which is very attractive.


Lin Feng feels a bit inexplicable.

The peaks and turns, it feels like dreaming, obviously ending the failure, have you succeeded?

Watched the ‘reward’ in front of me, and then think back to the last sound, Lin Feng brows lightly, nodded thoughtfully. Obviously, this really isn’t dreaming that you are really challenged by the 6th grade, which seems to be true.


In the end, why?

“I understand!” Lin Feng ‘pā”s clap, his eyes lit up.

“From beginning to end, I have been ‘mistaken’.”

“The task is just to say ‘find’ to the ever-changing jellyfish and never mention killing it!”

Lin Feng suddenly thought about it.

Dumbfounded, but he was tired of inertia and was completely misled.

In particular, the last two sentences of the ‘Task Tips’ guide the wrong direction and let yourself go, letting you lose your way. Fortunately, in the last three hours, I took the initiative and completely gave up the task, which was accidentally able to discover the existence of the ever-changing jellyfish.

“It turned out to be.”

“Good is a bureau that is carefully arranged.”

“I am afraid that nine out of ten people will be deceived by this ‘representation’.”

Lin Feng sighed, secretly thought lucky.

In order to find this ‘various jellyfish’, the first thing to do is to raise it into Saint Level and put it to death. This ‘variety jellyfish’ must have the ability to be confused with the water monster, but after becoming ‘Saint Level’, it seems to be completely evolved and can’t be hidden.

the most important is–

A variety of waterfalls, large, quite large.

Even if it is the strongest speed of its own, it is quite difficult to detect the entire waterfall in six hours. In the time limit of only three hours, I can find the ‘various jellyfish’, even if I am accidentally, it is actually a good luck relationship.

“The world is unpredictable, thinking that if you lose, you will win.”

“I thought I won, but…”

“Maybe you lose.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly and looked forward.

At this point, two ‘first heavenly treasures’ have been suspended in the air, waiting for their choice.

The result of two elections.

“Listening to the final challenge completion reminder should be related to the completion time.”

“The less time you complete, the more choices you should have.”

“But it doesn’t matter.”

Lin Feng burning like gaze, staring ahead.

On the left side of the mid-air suspension is a set of ‘green’ armor, and on the right is a ‘blue’ sphere.

“Green Star A, Blue Star Treasure.” Lin Feng thoughtfully.

My own demand for Star A is not too big, and on the other, grade, Blue Star is better than Green Star.

Choice, there is not much to consider.

“It’s it.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Reaching out to take the crystal clear blue ball, earning income.

Time –

“Hey!~” The light flashed and Lin Feng left.

Enter the challenge next checkpoint.

Fifth grade spring waterfall!

At this point, the water curtain hole has turned over the sky.

“My motherfucker!”

“No, go through the 6th grade waterfall?”

“Rely, I don’t have a blind eye. Who is it, can you enter the fifth grade challenge spring waterfall?!”


It seems to be a pot-like, noisy.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, my eyes are full of horror and shock.

Nowadays, the entire water curtain hole’s discipline has the strength to enter the 6th grade spring waterfall, only three people. There are only one person who has ever entered the fifth grade spring waterfall. The most important thing is that the only three Senior Brother Senior Sisters with ‘probability’ have now entered the holy place once and it is impossible to go in again.

In other words, it is a new water curtain hole discipline that has created a miracle!

Shocking astonishing news!

The water curtain hole is completely boiling.

However, those faces are shining with brilliance, and the curiosity of the curtain hole does not know…

Create a ‘miracle’, really isn’t water curtain hole discipline.

“Big Brother Lin is really amazing.” Shui Ling admire.

“Lin Feng is really not ordinary, it is really strong.” Fang Ning eyes bright, with envy, “Whether aptitude or character, he is the top choice, the non-water snake challenge will double the difficulty, but still Can enter the fifth grade spring waterfall, it seems…”

“I still underestimate him.”

“Maybe, he can really make a miracle.”

Fang Ning gaze The crystal of the holy earth in front, the eyes bright light flashing.

The crystals of 6th grade and seventh grade spring waterfalls are all quenched and faint. In the pyramid crystal layer, only the crystal of a fifth grade spring waterfall shines.

Aloof and remote !

Qingxin Waterfall!

Lin Feng, stepping into the challenge of the fifth grade spring waterfall.


“Can’t absorb the energy of water?” Lin Feng smiled again and again.

I didn’t even think that I would pick the right choice, but I would have luck so good, and once again pick a spring waterfall that doesn’t need ‘fighting’. It is a lot of excitement to change to the other water curtain hole, but for yourself, it doesn’t seem to be a ‘happy occasion’.

Even if you are lucky enough to pass the ‘Qingxin Waterfall’ and reach the fourth grade spring waterfall, you can almost certainly conclude that you will lose.

It is quite difficult to absorb the ‘energy of water’. What’s more, it is not an easy task to pass this ‘Qingxin Waterfall’, after all…

That is the fifth grade spring waterfall!

Moreover, your own difficulty must be doubled!

“But the will and perseverance of the Qingxin Waterfall test, and endurance.”

“Although it is a fifth grade waterfall, I think…”

“I should be able to pass.”

Lin Feng’s eyes burned and confidence rose.

Although the difficulty is greatly increased, but from childhood to big, the strongest convenience is willpower!

Moreover, nowadays the stars and the stars are in the peak state, and the strength of their own ‘soul’ is quite powerful. Grasping a bigger point through the Qingxin Waterfall!

“No matter what the fourth grade spring falls.”

“At the moment, let’s pass this ‘Qingxin Waterfall’!”

Lin Feng nodded and the booth pupils flashed shining bright light.

Without the slightest hesitation, enter the test!

Three days and three nights.

In the water curtain hole, the people of the disciple come and go, all pay attention to the crystal of the holy grade of the waterfall.

Really isn’t want to see the results, because this ‘results’ know everyone, the water curtain hole has been hundreds of thousands of years, no one can illuminate the fourth grade spring waterfall crystal, this is almost impossible to do . What everyone is concerned about is this sacred place that can break into the ‘fifth grade spring waterfall’!

The place of experience is not the same as the wish of the Holy Land.

Experience the challenges in the place of experience, and once it fails, it will appear here.

This is exactly what everyone is waiting for.

Once the true face of the mountain!

Can break into the ‘fifth grade spring waterfall’, already enough terrifying!

Looking at the entire water curtain hole, only the big Senior Sister ‘Water 莜 ‘ ‘ is just one person!

at last–

“pā !” Pyramid fifth grade The crystal of the holy land of the waterfall, declared to be extinguished.

Just like the lighthouse of aloof and remote suddenly darkened, and everyone’s eyes were bright, burning, shining like a star, all looking at the Holy Land Transmission Array, waiting for that ‘mysterious expert ‘The appearance.

The screen is quiet and looking forward to extremes.


One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The speed of time seems to be extremely slow, and everyone’s heartbeat is extremely fast.

In just a few seconds, it was as long as a few years, and everyone’s chest continued to rise and fall, waiting anxiously.

Of course, the Holy Land Transmission Array is still empty.

What happened?

In a blink of time, a sound of astonishing in the hall sounded.

Very incomparable!

“No, impossible?!” With a scream of horror, everyone’s eyes are looking. It was a beautiful young girl who was shocked by the small mouth and could not retreat. Beautiful eyes Close to the crystal of the Holy Land, the pretty face is a red, incredibly light tremble body, as if to stay fossil.

When you are, everyone’s pupils are enlarged!

Looking at the crystal layer of the Holy Land of the pyramid, at this time the ‘lighthouse’ is once again illuminate, more shining, and more astonishing.

Location, higher level!

That is the holy crystal of the fourth grade spring waterfall!

In the hall, there is silence, and even the needle can be heard.

Everyone is stunned, watched this incredible ‘miracle’, Zhang can’t say a word in his mouth.

Too astonishing! ! !

(Happy New Year’s Day! ~ Remember the first five days of glory, the next year!~) RS

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