Chapter 16 force breakthrough Corporeal Soul

Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley.

A violent storm, was slaughtered.

With an unparalleled monster coming, Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan suffered a catastrophe.

“Zizi, nourish it~” Little Heavenly Dog continually bites a dead Black Fog Demon Dragon. The huge skeleton of six kilometers long is very conspicuous. Little Heavenly Dog prefers this ‘feeding’ method compared to swallowing a bite.

The flesh, blood, this is the most original and most instinctive prey of the demon beast.

Not a while –

The Black Fog Demon Dragon was bitten and clean.

The land has long been stained with blood red, telling the cruelty of nature, the weak are prey to the strong.

Nothing to complain about.

This is the survival rule.

Eat and sleep.

Wake up, eat again, eat, and sleep.

This is the life style of the little Heavenly Dog, and the most primitive instinct.

It is the time to grow up in infancy. In the short three days of entering the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, the body grew up a few meters and slowly approached 90 meters. Similarly, the distance from the stage is gradually approaching…

Heavenly Dog in infancy is Beginning Star Level.

This is the body, really isn’t strength, on the innate talent ability, at this time the little Heavenly Dog, has been able to tear the defense of the ‘Star River Level ‘Space Barrier.

Extremely unusual!

The inflation stage is also the Heavenly Dog that Lin Feng met in ‘Illusory Realm’.

Already have the strength of ‘Star River Level’.

day after day.

This ‘leisure’ life, when the Little Heavenly Dog preyed and hunted thousands of Black Fog Demon Dragon, finally ushered in the strongest enemy.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan’s Patriarch –

Lian Ya!

The dragon died one after another, and Lian Ya, who is Patriarch, can no longer sit still. Despite being afraid of the strength of Little Heavenly Dog, Lian Ya has no choice but to wait for death, or… it’s a fierce battle! Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, no coward.

Black Fog Demon Dragon that aggregates almost all 5th ranks and 6th ranks.

Lian Ya, led by Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan. Face this terrifying fiend star and launch the backwater war.

Not that you are dead, that is, I am dead!

This war, blood flows into the river.

It is almost a battle that destroys the earth and destroys the earth. It is a nightmare.

It is the nightmare of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan.

Lian Ya. died.

Lian Meng. Also dead.

All go to war 5th rank, 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon, all devour devour. Under Heavenly Dog Clan’s innate talent skill ‘Sun Devouring Heavenly Dog ‘might, even the largest number of Black Fog Demon Dragon is useless. Little Heavenly Dog’s belly is like an endless black hole, and it will never be filled.


energy. It is already enough to absorb.

Little Heavenly Dog, saturated.

The 100-meter-long body has a streamlined perfect line. A bright red flame is shining, and Little Heavenly Dog is closing his eyes and the body is curled up. It is like a fascinating flame, full of powerful aura.

A faint glow wraps it, and the burning flame forms an aperture.

What kind of deja vu.

Heavenly Fire !

At this time, the little Heavenly Dog absorbed enough energy and carried out important transformation.

From infancy, to the transformation of the inflation stage, this is a life level evolution, a leap in strength.

If Lin Feng knows. It will be shocking.

Because, the time of Little Heavenly Dog ‘evolution’ is much earlier than Duo Duo expected –

One month!

The gear of history is just unknowingly…

Change slowly.

Nether Roar.

Sitting cross-legged. Lin Feng is like an old man.

The golden wheel underneath exudes a clear luster, astonishing heaven and earth aura surging, and the continuous surrounding of Lin Feng body is constantly gathering.

Exhale, breathe ~~

Very long.

Lin Feng complexion is very calm. But the closed eyes and the brows that are slightly clustered are reflected at this moment. Really isn’t the calmness seen on the surface. It’s like a game of chess, it looks ordinary, but inside…

It’s already a fire with Heavens!

“Hey!” The golden qi flow continues to flow between the various meridians.

The size of the Brave Corporeal Soul has long been fully integrated. For Lin Feng, who is remembered from childhood, and remembers the entire Brave Corporeal Soul, it is not a hassle. When it was not yet a Preparative Martial Artist, Lin Feng was able to clearly remember the astonishing-spear.

Many innate talents are actually hidden…

“The second step is to expand the Meridians.”

“There are only strong enough meridians to accommodate the presence of ‘Brave Corporeal Soul’.”

“I have inspired ‘Brave Wheel’ that day, and the meridians on the right foot have been strengthened. So, this step… is not difficult.”

According to Duo Duo’s instructions, Lin Feng combed his Brave Corporeal Soul meridians over and over again, and every surge of golden qi flow brought the meidians’ toughness into the Heaven and Earth Energy, slowly increasing in size. Ascension, no stop.

“No wonder Duo Duo said that War God’s body is stronger than Martial God.”

“It turned out to be because of the existence of ‘Corporeal Soul’.”

With cultivating, there seems to be a strong strength supporting the entire right foot vein.

In the continuous expansion, Lin Feng deeply felt the strength of the right foot and continued to increase.

In fact, he was already the ‘Star River Level ‘Martial God, but the width and toughness of the meridians still did not meet the requirements of ‘Star River Level ‘War God, and the comparison of the sides could be seen. Lin Feng was scornful, “but also, Martial God’s ‘strong’ is cultivating ‘Heart of Source’, where Martial God strength is fundamental.”

Martial God and War God are fundamentally different.

“As long as these two big steps are completed, all the foundations are solid.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Just like building a house to lay the foundation, everything is ready.

The rest, only to be handed over to Duo Duo.

In the first step, there is no shortcut.

Only by relying on their own strength, to complete, go through this road.

In the second step, with the help of Golden Wheel, the rate of Lin Feng’s completion has increased several times.

And in this last third step, if you follow the normal ‘chance’, you have to wait.


The existence of Duo Duo makes everything a ‘simple’ lot.

In fact, if you are not sure. How can Duo Duo be so convinced?

“It’s almost.” Duo Duo looks bright clear.

For Lin Feng’s body, the clearest thing is Duo Duo.

Lin Feng controls ‘Nether Roar’, which is equivalent to controlling Duo Duo, but many aspects are actually double-sided.

“pā !” “pā !”

Suddenly. The precise control equipment in the main main cabin room lights up. A small button seems to be manipulated and pressed continuously. In the light screen, a number of scenes flashed, Duo Duo concentrated, eyes shining bright.

Although Lin Feng is the master of ‘Nether Roar’.

But on the manipulation of Nether Roar. Lin Feng is still unable to catch up with Duo Duo.

Tool spirit !

“When ~” equipment sounds a crisp sound.

In a blink of time ——

In Lin Feng all around, white light gathers like a transparent color, penetrating Lin Feng’s right foot, folding and condensing. Forms a radiant inverted cone. Lin Feng closed his eyes, his face was very calm, and he had a strong qi flow rush forth within the body, but he was not in a hurry.

The entire third step has long been familiar with the heart.

“Get started!” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Force breakthrough Corporeal Soul !

As the energy gathers, it is illuminated by a strong ‘Aurora’, and the hidden strength in the right foot is as fast as if the sleeping strength is awakened. Duo Duo’s mouth smudged a slight radiance and saw Lin Feng on his right foot. A subtle spot of light slowly appeared, and the time of the eye was shining.


Lin Feng heart ‘怦怦’ jumps.

His body seems to be transparent, and clearly ‘see’ to the context of the right foot.

With the ‘Aurora’ illumination, the potential strength in the meridians slowly converges. The light spot is like a Scorching Sun. With strong suction, the eye-catching light is getting stronger with the convergence of energy.

Until it reaches –


“Open it!”

“Brave Corporeal Soul !”

Lin Feng clenched his fists and drank like to drink. The sharpness of the eyelids is huge and brings a ray of light.

The right foot seems to be filled with lead. Extremely heavy, powerful energy surges exceeding the left foot innumerable times, and the sinuous light spots exude a severe glow. In a blink of time, a burst of severe’s roaring sounds in my mind, reaching the limit of light…


The terrifying explosion strength produced the energy riot of the severe.

However, the meridians are not damaged.

It seems to be a completely melted energy in the body, non-stop scattered, and the meridians on the right foot flash with a faint white glow. At this time, most of the energy spreads throughout the body, spreading to every corner, strengthening every cell of the body.

Familiar feelings, hit again!

“It’s so comfortable.” Lin Feng felt the continuity of the Meridians and felt the physical fitness continues to improve.

This moment, as if returning to the Martial God breakthrough ‘Star River Level’, his body, with the promotion of ‘War God ‘rank.

Once again transformation.

Time, slowly passing.

Enjoy this serenity and enjoy the changes in the body.

Lin Feng is like a spring breeze. As the strength continues to rise, there is something in my heart that can’t be said.

War God, Star River Level 1st rank !

Martial God, Star River Level 1st rank!

But regardless of Heart of Source also good, physical strength is also good, but it is far more exciting ‘Star River Level 1st rank’. One plus one does not necessarily equal two, fellow initiates War God and Martial God, Lin Feng’s rare ‘Dual Cultivation Heavenly Martial Cultivator’, what level of strength will it reach?

Nobody knows.

The transformation of the body lasted for nearly two hours before it ended.

The renewed Lin Feng feels refreshed and is waiting to get up, but he feels the difference in his right foot.

At the knee, next to the ‘Brave Wheel’, a small black hole is full of strong strength, full of strong strength, like the pitch-black stars in the sky.

It makes people feel suffocated.

very powerful!

“Brave Corporeal Soul !” Lin Feng vision are bright.

But the empty black hole seems to lack something…

at this time–

a thought flashed through the mind, Lin Feng opened his eyes and saw Duo Duo being half-emptied in the middle of two meters, smirking and watching himself.

In his hands, a purple-black artifact exudes a smoky glow.

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