Chapter 17 Wind Vortex

“How do you feel?” Duo Duo said with a smile.

“The body… has become stronger again.” Lin Feng shook his fists.

Feeling the body of the transformation, it is a level that is full of strength.

“On the body, you are now equivalent to ‘Star River Level War God ‘2nd rank, or ‘Star River Level Martial God ‘3rd rank.” Duo Duo’s mouth is lightly stroked.

“En.” Lin Feng nodded.

As expected, War God’s physical strength is indeed better than Martial God.

Duo Duo vision are bright, “Don’t underestimate this 1st rank, 2nd rank. Dual Culture Heavenly Martial Cultivator. It’s your upper limit.” Looking at Lin Feng’s seemingly incomprehensible look, Duo Duo slightly smiled, explained, ” If the human body is likened to a container, cultivating is to fill the container with water.”

“Lin Feng, what you are adding now is not the water, but the size of the container.”

“And this size can only be increased when Life Level is improved!”

Lin Feng suddenly stunned, his eyes shining.

Duo Duo said that the Life Level upgrade is actually from ‘Beginning Star Level’ to ‘Star River Level’, then from ‘Star River Level’ to ‘Star Sea Level’…

In other words, each level, your own body upper limit, is not stronger than others 1st rank, 2nd rank?

“Understood?” Duo Duo said with a slight smile.

“Understand.” Lin Feng nodded and was slightly pleased.

Indeed, it is an unexpected surprise.

In the same level, you definitely have an advantage.

“More than that.” Duo Duo’s mouth is lightly stroked. “The most important thing, this can be added.”

“Accumulate?” Lin Feng a thought flashed through the mind ,startled and said , “Duo Duo What you mean is… Every time I cross a Life Level, the upper limit of my body can be improved, and then improved? Constantly widening with other Heavenly Martial The distance between Cultivators?”

“That is, of course, the cost of Dual Cultivation is great, but the benefits are unparalleled,” Duo Duo said.

Stopped, Duo Duo does not endonishing, “and this is cumulative, really isn’t simple addition. Comparing the improvement of Life Level to the amplification of ‘container’, it is calculated in multiples. The most important thing is , this ‘multiple’ is fixed, so when the base capacity of the ‘container’ itself is larger -“

“Elevation. The more terrifying!”

“And this. It’s also Heavenly God Cultivator and Heavenly Martial Cultivator. With the improvement of strength, the reason why the branch is getting bigger and bigger.”

“The soul of Heavenly God Cultivator is getting stronger and stronger. The body of Heavenly Martial Cultivator is more and more astonishing.”

“Formation of huge two extremes differentiation.”

Lin Feng nodded, no wonder the difference between Heavenly Martial Cultivator and Heavenly God Cultivator is not that big.


When the strength slowly increases.

The road between the two will go further and further, forming two extremes.

Watched Duo Duo. Lin Feng eyes stares at the purple-black artifact. It is a purple-black treasure cover, the color of the clear, like the reflection of the lens, but look closely like a horse-like honeycomb, dense holes. I can’t see what material I made, but I can feel a strong strength.

Surging strength!

“This is…Corporeal Soul Artifact?” Lin Feng vision are bright.

“Yes.” Duo Duo nodded and said, “This is what I carefully selected for you from the Master’s ‘Tibetan Hill’ –”

“Wind vortex.”

Wind vortex?

Tibetan mountains?

Lin Feng looked at Duo Duo curiously and couldn’t help but think of the architecture in ‘Nether Roar’. Zangshan himself was seen in the mind, and was in a closed space. And… there is a huge ‘Tool Refining Room’.

I used to listen to father, tool refining, it’s hard.

In Battle Spirit World, the tool refining division. The status is quite lofty.

Is it…

“Teacher will he refining the tool?” Lin Feng asked the question in his heart.

“Yes.” Duo Duo resolutely and decisively said.

Gaze Lin Feng, Duo Duo said with a smile, “To tell the truth, Master has no innate talent for tool refining. But…Master has a soft spot for tool refining. In the endless years, I can find my own fun. Also one It’s not easy.”

“Master has studied a lot of tool refining techniques to make up for it, although in the endless Starry Sky, Master’s ‘tool refining’ level is not worth mentioning, but…”

As if to know what Lin Feng was thinking, Duo Duo said, “In the ‘Battle Spirit World’, no one can do it right.”

Lin Feng nodded and did not doubt Duo Duo.

A Starry Sky Expert, what can’t I do?

“Tool refining division, and most importantly, must have the ‘Heart of Source’ of the fire element.”

“Then, master a flame that can ‘tool refining’.”

Duo Duo watched Lin Feng, squatting with a smile, “Lin Feng your first condition does match, but the second condition…” Duo Duo said, “Unfortunately, your ‘Fire of Devour’ is completely out of tool Refining, but any material that can ‘melt’ will be devour by you.”

Lin Feng has a bitter face.

This ‘Fire of Devour’ feature is really special.

Block your own road completely.

“Unless… wait until you reach the level of Master.” Duo Duo spread his hands.

“Hey.” Lin Feng showed a helpless smile. “Nothing else before becoming ‘Starry Sky Expert’?”

“Even if you comprehend other flames, it doesn’t work.” Duo Duo showed a faint smile. “With Fire of Devour, any Flame Energy has to give in, die this heart, Lin Feng.” Smiled. As if thinking of something, Duo Duo lightly snorted, “I forgot, Phoenix has another ‘flame’.”

“Fire of Rebirth?” Lin Feng remembers very clearly.

Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth are two extremes.

But Divine Beast ‘Phoenix’ is the perfect control of these two extreme flames.

“En, the perfect flame for tool refining.” Duo Duo nodded and said, “But unfortunately, with a human body, I want to master the flames of two extremes…”

“That is a near impossible.”

Lin Feng shrugged, though she was curious about ‘tool refining’.


Since I don’t have this innate talent, I have to recognize it.

Sometimes life must be there.

“Well, let’s get down to business and start to merge.” Duo Duo threw the ‘wind vortex’ and said, “This ‘wind vortex’ is not made by the Master, but it can be collected in the ‘Tibetan Mountain’. Prove its value. I have carefully considered it, and now you can afford the best piece of ‘Corporeal Soul Artifact’ in strength.”

Lin Feng took it with one hand and the curious in the eyes.

Purple black color. Blooming with the fascinating light, the tiny holes are dense, and the shape of a small treasure cover is actually thousands of small holes.

The precision of workmanship is amazing.

“How to fuse?” Lin Feng vision are bright.

“Put it on your right knee. Drop the blood.” Duo Duo crossed his hands. Started talking.

So simple?

It is a bit unexpected.

Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought, even if the ‘wind vortex’ is put on. The wind vortex is in the shape of a half-arc ring, just covered with the knee bone, with a drop of crystal blood falling. In an instant, Lin Feng felt a great energy, and it seemed to be awakened.

“Hey!” The purple black light flashes.

The wind vortex is a strange expansion, as if it is extremely flexible, instantaneous –

Bind like spreading and soaring!

Lin Feng was a little surprised. But not panic. The wind vortex does not have any desire to attack, and there is no danger. It seems to be looking for belonging. In a short time, his entire right foot is covered by this purple-black light and sparkles.

“pā !” “pā !~”

Shining, Lin Feng only felt a tight right foot and a brow.

When you look at it, the purple-black light actually penetrates into the skin with ‘singular’. It seems that there is no entity.

The drastic changes made Lin Feng’s eyes bright.

Very fast ——

The cell severe changes, and the expanded meridians are all wrapped in the purple-black ray, just like the naked body wearing clothes and wearing armor. Your own right foot is inside the skin. Among the skeletons, an inner defense is established by the ‘wind vortex’.

“Is this the effect of Corporeal Soul Artifact?” Lin Feng felt shocked.

It is several times stronger than the body’s defense!

And this is just the beginning!

Purple black light. Turned into 粼粼starlight points, strengthen the meridians after the cells. Crazy to the ‘Brave Corporeal Soul’ at the knees. The huge black hole seems to have endless suction, and the situation at the right foot forms a hundred rivers to the sea, and it is boiling.

Put and suck.

Put together, change.

The purple-black light spot has a strong vitality, and it is sharply spiraled with the suction of the black hole.

In the faint, Lin Feng seems to be able to sense to a life beating, it is a natural feeling, but really isn’t like Duo Duo.

Instead, a kind of spiritual touch.

“Is this ‘tool spirit’?” Lin Feng was curious.

At this time, the war at the knees of the right foot is continuing, and we do our best to fight each other. Lin Feng’s calm and easy going, half-point is not worried, this ‘wind vortex’ is the Duo Duo for himself to choose, must have been sophisticated ‘calculation’.

Only when he can absorb and blend, he will come out!

“According to Duo Duo, the full integration of ‘Corporeal Soul Artifact’ will give you the ability to ‘tool spirit’.”

“I don’t know… what kind of ability would it be?”

Lin Feng is thinking curiously and looking forward to it.

After all, losing the Wheel of Martial God, the lack of the ‘Acupoint Burst’ secret skill, is equivalent to the lack of amulet.

And if the ‘tool spirit ability’ can be added back…

That is undoubtedly perfect.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley.

At this point, Little Heavenly Dog is experiencing a great transformation.

Huge flame, puff like burning, it’s a huge Fireball, wrapped tightly around the little Heavenly Dog’s curled body.

Heavenly Fire !

Heavenly Dog Clan, innate talent.

But with the ‘Heavenly Fire’ shelter, it is rare.

It’s rare to see it in a million years!

“pā tà , pā tà .” The flames burned non-stop, and the little Heavenly Dog curled up in Heavenly Fire didn’t move. But if you look closely, you can see that its body is constantly changing, and the flame mark on the forehead is slowly deepening.

From infancy, to the infancy stage.

A very great transformation!

Although no parents are around, born naturally, Little Heavenly Dog still proves its innate talent with action –

Seductive astonishing!

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