. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 15 New Guests

Heavenly Treasure World . ?..

The white mist lingered and I couldn’t reach my fingers.

Since the beginning of the beast herd riot third stage, the human Martial Artist has never entered this space.

In fact, with the support of Lin Feng ‘financial’, there are enough ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, and for the time being, Heavenly Treasure World has lost its ‘function’.

But this day…

Heavenly Treasure World is welcoming a new guest.

“Hey!~” Crazy whistling, it is a monster with a burn with rage. The flame mark on the forehead of Little Heavenly Dog is shining, and the fur that looks like a fire is burning, and it is difficult to get close even with white mist.

When I came to this strange area, Little Heavenly Dog was not quite uncomfortable.

The lion-like head was twisted around, and the nose was sniffing as if something was found.

Between ——

Go straight into the heart of Heavenly Treasure World.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley.

After Lin Feng left, he recovered a ‘harmonious’.

In fact, Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan is the ‘unique’ Tribe, plus the existence of Space Barrier, has long been isolated from the outside world.


There is an unexpected event, Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, seems destined to become unsettled.

boom! !

Hong long long ~~

The space fort in the most surrounding area, a few Black Fog Demon Dragon is watching the huge wall in horror, this time it is shaking wildly, as if it is going to collapse at any time. The sway of severe brings the paleness of the look, and Black Fog Demon Dragon looks like a companion.

That panic was far more terrifying than Lin Feng!

Desolation –

“pā !” “pā !”

The huge light wall showed a crack, like a fragment of a turtle, splitting from the center.

Between the four, the broken mirror is completely broken, and a huge light hole emerges. A few Black Fog Demon Dragon were scared to see that light hole, and the time was swaying, bringing a hot qi flow.

In front of me, there is a ‘small point’.

Little Heavenly Dog!

The body that is not even 100 meters away is in front of the six or seven kilometer long Black Fog Demon Dragon. It is really insignificant.


Strength, really isn’t in terms of body length.

“嗷~~” Little Heavenly Dog watched The ‘food’ in front of me is extremely excited.

The eyes are constantly changing, the nose is sniffing, as if to find an endless ‘food’. Very happy. In a blink of time That is enough to make the Star River Level ‘space fortress’ a broken suction, once again surged.

Like a huge black hole, it madly pulls everything.

With black fog, annihilating the black and sorrowful voices of Black Fog Demon Dragon. Oh, that room –

All devour!

“Zizi, nourish it~” The teeth bite, and the little Heavenly Dog’s body slowly shrinks, with a bit of satisfaction in the look. Gently stroked the round belly, the little Heavenly Dog looked around from time to time. Eye bright clear. When I was walking, I felt like a gale disappeared into the air.

The world of demon beast, the weak are prey to the strong.

This is the survival rule.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, just calmed down for a month and once again fell into a deep crisis.

The difference from the previous one is that this crisis is very likely…

It is a real disaster.

The gears of history are slowly shifting.

As if it was destined to be in the midst of it, a huge crisis began to spread.

The Butterfly Effect.

Nether Roar.

Main main cabin room The lower level of the sphere. An empty space.

Here, it was originally the closed-door cultivation room of ‘Baili Feng’, which is now used by Lin Feng.

“Lin Feng, because you have ever opened the ‘Brave Wheel’, so I suggest that you first hit the ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’… for the Brave Corporeal Soul.” Duo Duo is suspended in the air. Carefully explained, “Oh, it’s the meidians’ penetration, aggregation. Although not as ‘Wheel of Martial God’ has ‘Acupoint Burst’ strong explosive power. But…”

“There are different pros and cons, each has its own strengths!”

“Corporeal Soul itself can passively enhance the body. The penetration of the Meridians makes Astral Qi better circulate, strengthen and enhance the speed of cultivating!”

“The most important thing is, Corporeal Soul can fuse ‘Corporeal Soul Artifact ‘.”

Corporeal Soul Artifact ?

Lin Feng curious watched Duo Duo.

“Actually, the weapon is a kind of ‘Corporeal Soul Artifact’.” Duo Duo lightly said with a smile.

“But really isn’t what you saw in ‘Alkaid Hall’.” Duo Duo shook his head. “The real ‘Corporeal Soul Artifact’ must have ‘tool spirit’.” Duo Duo pointed out Own, “If I am, it is ‘tool spirit’, but later it was derived from the endless years of ‘wisdom’, and was taken out by the Master, bestowed life.”

“Ah?” Lin Feng suddenly startled.

I only know that Duo Duo is ‘tool spirit’, but I don’t want to have such a twist.

“That ‘Nether Roar’ is also Corporeal Soul Artifact?” Lin Feng’s eyes wide open and unbelievable.

Duo Duo slightly smiled, does not answer.

Lin Feng’s heart is strange, but he hasn’t asked much. This seems to involve something. Since Duo Duo doesn’t mention it, he can’t ask more. Lin Feng vision are bright, holding a fist, “What should I do now, Duo Duo?”

“The first step is to go through the ‘Brave Corporeal Soul’ for all meridians.”

“This is the hardest and most cumbersome step, and it is a step without any shortcuts.”

Duo Duo’s eyelids are bright clear, and his right hand is shining with shining light. In an instant, in front of Lin Feng, a severe light is gathered. It is an intricate circuit diagram with large and small main veins, branch veins, and strange meridians.

“This is the diagram of the Meridians of Brave Corporeal Soul,” Duo Duo said.

“Keep it in mind, don’t make a mistake.” Duo Duo’s eyes flashed bright bright, “The ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’ is not easy to trigger, it takes a long time. Every time you waste a chance, you will It will cost a few days, and for you, you can’t afford it.”

“I understand.” Lin Feng nodded and said.

I have only five months left, and I must use the limit!

“Corporeal Soul of War God, can passively enhance physical fitness.” Duo Duo faint with a smile, “Inspire ‘Brave Corporeal Soul’, Lin Feng, you will become Star River Level’s ‘War God’, then you will be One upgrade, compared to other rank Heavenly Martial Cultivator, has an advantage.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

It’s difficult to cultivating yourself, but…

The benefits are obvious.

Not only is the overlay of ‘Divine Beast Fate Chart’ and ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’, the physical transformation alone, other Martial God or War God can only be experienced once. But by myself, I can ‘enjoy’ two transformations. At the same level, my strength will not be strong?

“Get started!” Duo Duo made a stroke at the corner of his mouth.

The wind is bright.


Heavenly Martial Continent.

At this time, peace and calm.

Under the garrison of Lin Feng, the beast herd army could not set foot on Heavenly Martial Continent.

The rest of the people in Four Great King City. Everyone’s face is full of hope and hope. Admiringly watching Lin Feng’s show in the Heavenly Screen. If you enter the unmanned scene and slaughter demon beast, you are expecting the beast herd riot to end soon.

And the good news came one after another.

Blue, after the prison is also breakdown. Become ‘Beginning Star Level ‘Martial God.

Then, just two hours later, Thunderbolt, the new Heavenly Martial Army Leader, also crossed the bottleneck.

The most exciting thing for Heavenly Martial Continent is. In addition to their great hero Lin Feng, humans, finally there are other Martial Artists that can resist beast herd riot –

Huang Peng and Laughing Buddha.

“Peng!” “peng!!”

Glazed Black and White Ball is playing the best and is paired with Lin Feng’s Aurora Cone. Huang Peng and Laughing Buddha are filled with stunned battle intent, waiting for so long, sighing with a sigh of relief, only for the hands of the battlefield, and killing these demon beasts!

The black metal ball is like a giant bomb. There were no corpses everywhere in the bombing.

The white metal ball is densely guarded by its own range of areas, and there is no demon beast to set foot.

The demon beast above Sovereign Level has long been hunted by Lin Feng.

But the beast herd army is the real main force. It is the endless stream of Beast General, Behemoth Lord, and hundreds of millions of complete kills. But with the help of Huang Peng and Laughing Buddha, the speed of killing is much better, Lin Feng slightly smiled. Seeing the two men trying their best to attack, I was satisfied.

Make this decision yourself. I did not make a mistake.

As the human Martial Artist becomes more powerful, the burden on oneself can slowly shift.


Concentrate on all the spirits to prepare for the war, five months later!

The war that determines the hope of human survival!

Nether Roar.

After spending a full day, Lin Feng was completely complete with the meridians of ‘Brave Corporeal Soul’. Tens of thousands of large and small branches, the order of each branch identified by Duo Duo, the direction, never let a little mistake.

It’s like a complicated labyrinth, non-stop bind, non-stop scattered.


One step is wrong, it is to give up.

“Very good!” Duo Duo crossed his chest with his hands, his eyes bright clear, “It’s faster than I imagined.”

“Lin Feng Your ‘memory’ and ‘comprehension’ are really good.” Duo Duo nodded and said yes with a smile.

Being able to be said by Duo Duo is ‘good’, it’s not just ‘good’.

But Lin Feng didn’t care.

The important thing is the result.

“What should I do next?” Lin Feng looked calm.

“Complete the first step.” Duo Duo has no extra words, and a book with a pale gold skin appears in his hand and is thrown directly at Lin Feng.

Pā ! Lin Feng took the right hand and felt a little heavy. The book was not made of any special materials. Looking at the condensed eyes, Lin Feng was deeply exhaled, slowly opened the pages of the book, carefully read each sentence of each word, and quietly comprehend.

An unnamed book.

But it is extremely precious.

“Through the meridians!” Lin Feng lightly mumble the way.

Close your eyes and close the book, Lin Feng calms his mood.

As Duo Duo said, this first step is the most cumbersome step that runs through the tens of thousands of meridians.

Never lose!

“pā !” opened the eyes, and Lin Feng’s eyes were full of firmness.

“Golden Dragon Astral Qi !” With the crazy rush forth of Heaven and Earth Energy, the Golden Wheel underneath shines, and the astonishing aura energy spreads all around. Very fast, Lin Feng is completely immersed in it, the whole body seems to be a battlefield.

Fight, start!

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