Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 10 Phoenix Destiny Chart

“Oh?” Duo Duo was amazed.

Watched Lin Feng, at this time Dantian flashes red glow, and the Wheel of Martial God on the right foot shines.

In the end, the red glow flashes brighter and brighter, and the Qi strength ‘pā ”pā ‘violent cry sounds constantly.

“this is……”

“Lin Feng’s physique is so compatible with Blood of the Phoenix?”

“It seems to be human…”

Duo Duo’s expression seemed to be startled and unexpected, condensing eyes and looking directly at Lin Feng, tightly gazing at a touch of helpless smile.

Since it has already happened, why bother?

“Hey?” Lin Feng astonished.

As the body changes dramatically, the right foot ‘Wheel of Martial God’ lights up and its Heart of Source changes.

Phoenix seemed to be screaming, and the bright cry sounded straight into his mind. In an instant, Lin Feng felt like he was entering a huge red ocean. The endless Phoenix Sea, the Phoenix that only spreads its wings, inhabits the dreamy treasure land.

In the air, full of burning aura.

Watched All this, the mind is swayed by severe.

Lin Feng was shocked.

“Heavens, this is Land of the Phoenix Habitat?”


Own, as if entering a Divine Beast ocean, the diffuse air makes the heartbeat accelerate.

And at this time –

The violent qi flow came from all directions, and the eyes were covered in red. Lin Feng only feels swaying, and the body is inexplicably rushed with a strange energy. The virtual reality is indistinguishable. It is like a dream, and the bright glow of the cockroach is blazing.

Hey! Heart of Source puff like changes.

With Phoenix’s cry, the Heart of Source flashes shining brightly.

The red illusion fades, from the head to the tail of Phoenix, as if there is a light running through it.

Seven spots of light, like starlight.

“What is this?” Lin Feng astonished.

According to Duo Duo, entering the ‘Star River Level’, the Heart of Source change is really isn’t.

Arguing involuntarily the flame aura crazy rush forth. I saw the third light spot on the bottom of Phoenix’s tail, and it shined with astonishing luster. The intense Flame Energy vents, concentrated in a flash, Lin Feng only feels that aura has changed, as if opening a huge black hole. In a blink of time ——


Crazy absorption.

Heart of Source The flame of the diffuse. Within the body The potential energy disappears.

Daddy, “Peng!”, as if there was something bursting out of the body. Lin Feng’s eyes are sharp and wide.

The heart is free to move, the hands are bursting with huge flames, burning, compared to the original ‘Fire of Devour’, the promotion is ten times more!

“Good!” Lin Feng was shocked.

That red light spot. As if the flames were all concentrated, their senses were many times clearer than the original. Every time the sense, the appearance of the flame is a dozen times the increase, hehe! Hey! The flame fierce, and Lin Feng’s eyes are even more embarrassing.

“my god, what’s going on?” Lin Feng had a joy in his eyes.

Heart of Source, it seems to be a change!

But my own strength is a crazy improvement.

Look closely, as the Fire of Devour burns. The original blue fascination is completely advanced.

In the fiery red light, it contains a beautiful twilight!

The more backward, the harder it is to upgrade.

But this time…

“haha!!” Lin Feng laughed, his eyes wide open, in a blink of time his hands condensed the flame into balls. Almost in a short time. Lin Feng’s mouth cornered with a touch of curvature, control, and incomparable arbitrary, as if the mud in his hand.

The interlacing of the Fireball. Hovering, constantly changing in the hands.

Lin Feng. Like a child who got a toy, I like it.

“It’s too easy.”

“What exactly is going on?”

“How can my fire sense and control ability increase so much?”

Lin Feng doesn’t understand, and it’s really hard to understand.

Everything that just happened, completely exceeding the category of ‘Beginning Star Level’.

Although the strength seems to be enhanced, but…

“My ‘Wheel of Martial God ‘?” Lin Feng’s brows are clustered, and his right foot is restored to its original state, as if nothing has happened. But in the ‘Wheel of Martial God’ in the right foot, the seven bright spots that are slightly bright, seem to disappear.

Very bizarre!

Get the mulberry, lost in the east.

“It’s weird.” Lin Feng’s look changed slightly.

At this time, with the final change of Heart of Source, the process from Beginning Star Level advancing to Star River Level –

Completely over.

“Good job, Lin Feng.” Duo Duo said with a slight smile.

Watched suspended in the air, looking satisfied with his ‘children’, Lin Feng laughed back, “many thanks, Duo Duo.”

Without the help of Duo Duo, his own progress can’t be so smooth.

Just less than a month, completely original goal!

“I just assisted and did my best.” Duo Duo said with a smile. “how are you feeling?”

“Right, there are two messages, one good news, one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?” Duo Duo blinked.

“Oh?” Lin Feng vision are bright, “Good news?”

“The good news is… Congratulations, Lin Feng, your luck is quite good.” Duo Duo’s mouth smeared with a touch of curvature, said with a smile, “You perfectly blended the Blood of the Phoenix, inheritance Phoenix Bloodline, your Heart of Source, has opened ‘Phoenix Destiny Chart’.”

“Phoenix Destiny Chart?” Lin Feng startled.

“Yes.” Duo Duo nodded and said, “This is unique to Divine Beast.”

“The five Earthly Fate Star Charts, as well as Yin, and Yang, are divided into Metal, F, Star, and Yang.”

Looking at Lin Feng’s confused look, Duo Duo explains, “Human, from Martial Artist to Starry Sky Expert, has four cultivating roads, Path of Marial God, Path of War God, Path of Heavenly Spirit Master, and Path. Of Heavenly Soul Master, and Divine Beast, but only one way, that is illuminate ‘Fate Chart ‘!”

“Any Divine Beast’s Fate Chart is equal.”

“Illuminating the Fate Chart will increase the strength rank.”

“As long as Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and five Earthly Fate Star Charts are all illuminate, the strength of Divine Beast will reach Saint Level!”

Duo Duo is very mysterious, but Lin Feng still understands it.

In other words, the Phoenix Destiny Chart is the cultivating path for Phoenix.

“Inherited from the bloodline of Divine Beast ‘Phoenix’?” Lin Feng smiled. “It’s really good news.”

“Yes.” Duo Duo nodded and said, “fusing with the blood of the Phoenix, and the complete compatibility Blood of the Phoenix is ​​completely different. To be honest, I did not expect that human beings could fully compatibility Blood of the Phoenix. In general, this change will only occur with other demon beasts with Phoenix Bloodline.”

Duo Duo shook his head and smiled. “No matter what. It has happened.”

“With Phoenix Bloodline. Lin Feng, your ‘Martial God aptitude’ rating has changed, reaching the 1st grade Low Level.”

“1st grade?” Lin Feng feels heartbeat faster.

My own aptitude, has suddenly improved a full grade?

1st grade and 2nd grade. That’s a world of difference, even if it’s just 1st grade Low Level, it’s scary enough.

“Your strength can really improve a lot, but…” Duo Duo shook his head. “Your future. It will be a lot harder than before. This is why aptitude has only 1st grade Low Level, in normal terms, compatibility. Phoenix Blood, Lin Feng Your aptitude should actually reach 1st grade Advanced!”

“Hey?” Lin Feng vision are bright, listening to the meaning of Duo Duo.


What are the ‘side effects’?

“This is the bad news I want to tell you.” Duo Duo lightly said, “Humans are different Divine Beast after all. For Phoenix, their own compatibility world. At the peak of the prime year, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth five Earthly Fate Star Chart must be all illuminate, but… humans are different.”

“Lin Feng, for you, for ‘Fire’, the degree of compatibility is high. The sensitivity is high, but what about the other?”

“On the four paths of gold, wood, water, and soil, it is not as good as a ‘Fire’.”

“And Martial God’s rank is improved. It depends on ‘Heart of Source’.”

Duo Duo’s words are with light sigh. Feel helpless.

Lin Feng both eyes are changing, but they understand.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that you have to improve the Martial God rank to reach ‘Star Sea Level’, ‘Star King Level’ and even higher. Heart of Source is the most important. If you follow the original plan, train slowly and step by step. Improvement, advanced.

but now……

I have already changed my way on the ‘Dao’ of Martial God.

Take the path of advancement of Divine Beast ‘Phoenix’.

I have benefited a lot from this road. The improvement of strength is far better than before, just like copying shortcuts, but this road is more difficult than the original avenue! According to Duo Duo, it is not easy for you to absorb the four sources of ‘Gold, Wood, Water, and Soil’!

If you have income, you will lose something.

“Is there a solution?” Lin Feng eyes.

“Lin Feng Your ‘compatibility’ for other Source Energy is too low, forced cultivating, and the efficiency will be slow.” Duo Duo shook his head. “On the two roads of Martial God and Heavenly Spirit Master, will be Heavenly Soul Master. And War God These two roads are far away, unless…”

“Oh?” Lin Feng a thought flashed through the mind.

Duo Duo said that it seems that there is no solution.

“Hunting other Divine Beast and capturing Fate Chart!” Duo Duo’s eyes are bright and bright with a point of brightness.

Hunting Divine Beast?

Lin Feng complexion greatly change, completely shocked.

This is not hunting ordinary demon beast, my god!

It is Divine Beast! !

“Hunting Divine Beast of the four series of gold, wood, water and soil, and taking their Fate Chart.” Duo Duo chuckled, “The speed of cultivating will be faster and more convenient. However, when looking for ‘infancy’ Divine Beast is not an easy task.”

Lin Feng also nodded with a smile.

Easily said than done !

In the case of Phoenix, the birth is Star Sea Level, the infancy is Star King Level, the adult is Star Territory Level, and at the peak of the prime, Phoenix is ​​the presence of ‘Saint Level’.

Other Divine Beast, even worse than Phoenix, is not much worse!

Just born is Star Sea Level…

“Hey, and hit it.” Lin Feng felt helpless.

“Don’t be discouraged, there are actually two other good news to tell you.” Duo Duo suddenly said with a smile, “And one of them, you will be very satisfied.”

“Oh?” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

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