Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 9 Star River Level

This time, Duo Duo estimated that it was accurate.

In nine and a half days, Lin Feng’s Fire of Devour reached a new level.

At the 7th rank Titled Martial God of Heavenly Martial Continent, Lin Feng is constantly breaking into ‘Beginning Star Level’ expert.

A strong sprint was launched towards the ‘Star River Level’.

A ‘quality’ upgrade.

“Leading with ‘Heart of Source’.”

“With ‘Human Soul Core’, relax slowly.”


Lin Feng hovered her legs and sat on a Golden Wheel. The faint aura emerged from the wheel and formed a vain energy qi flow in Lin Feng’s body surroundings. Lin Feng closed his eyes, and at this time, according to the guidance of Duo Duo, he carried out the ‘crossing’ of Life Level.

Demon beast Once the change form is adult, the strength is Star River Level.

The Star River Level is a ‘kan’, a rather difficult ‘kan’, although humans do not suffer from the pain and twists of many ‘change forms’ compared to demon beast.


Also really isn’t a simple thing.

A powerful flame permeates the body and spreads.

But the more Lin Feng’s look is dignified, slamming, opening his eyes, and aura dissipates.

Another failure!

Breakthrough is not an easy task.

“Come on, don’t worry.”

“According to the step by step, Lin Feng, you are too anxious.”

Duo Duo is suspended in the sky, said with a faint smile.

Lin Feng nodded lightly, then closed his eyes. Indeed, he was a little too eager to achieve.

I want to get into the ‘Star River Level’ early and improve my strength early.

However, it seems to have counterproductive effects.


“It’s not hard.”

Lin Feng deeply exhaled, adjusting his mind, and with the rotation of the Golden Wheel, Lin Feng once again entered the empty consciousness realm.

Mind, completely condensed!

“Three steps, step by step.”

“Don’t think about anything, relax.”

Lin Feng said to himself, in the mind, Duo Duo said. slowly. Sense is in the ‘Heart of Source’, which is full of intense flames, like a proud Phoenix is ​​lifting his head. Compared to the previous ‘light zero’ look, the ‘Phoenix’ at the moment seems to be full and full of power.

Beginning Star Level, 7th rank!

“Get up!” Lin Feng’s eyes are right.

Time –

Heart of Source exudes a bright shining glow. Phoenix is ​​like a whistling. The shining bright flaming spearing out.

The Human Soul Core rotates with it, and it has a single-minded experience. Lin Feng is controlled by the heart and pervades every corner of the body. Heaven and Earth Energy is wrapped in flames and integrated into the body. From the outside, Lin Feng’s body is a red, as if burning.

“The first step is done.” Duo Duo looked stunned.

“Good start.” Duo Duo said, “Lin Feng’s ability to adjust itself is not bad.”

step. step.

Lin Feng take care Control the flame carefully.

The first step is the most critical and the most testable.

The failure of my own just because it was too anxious, so led to the control of multiple flames, can not be satisfied.

And now…

“Pretty good.” Lin Feng looks bright.

Within the body Everywhere is full of strength, Lin Feng in the mind is the result of Duo Duo, the heart is slightly positive.

The second step, start!

The rotation of the Golden Wheel is gradually accelerating, as Duo Duo’s hands are constantly changing. Golden Wheel’s golden light is increasingly dense, and the powerful Heaven and Earth Energy brings together Lin Feng’s body and penetrates into the body from all directions. The target is directed at Human Soul Core!

“引引!” Duo Duo lightly said.

Unlike the Human Soul Core and the Life Soul Core, the Life Soul Core is highly capable. Attack ability.

But the Human Soul Core is like a heart-like passive jump, only the power of defense, like a silent farmer.

“Come on!” Close your eyes. But Lin Feng is still able to sense to the powerful Heaven and Earth Energy.

If it is self-breakthrough, only wait until the Human Soul Core ‘strength’ is strong enough. Only then will it be produced; but now, with the help of Duo Duo, forced driving, caused by the outside Heaven and Earth Energy aura, caused the fluctuation of the Human Soul Core, but it is simple.

This is the ‘natural resources’ equipped, there is no ‘Teacher’ gap.

Cultivating time can save a lot.

“Hey!” It’s like Heavenly Thunder hooking Earth Fire.

Rolling thunder startling fire !

The Human Soul Core turns sharply, as if its home was invaded, and soul power is constantly released.

Again, again, crazy!

On the contrary, with the rush forth of Heaven and Earth Energy, the energy cloud outside the Human Soul Core is more and more dense. One side increases, one side decreases, and slowly builds a strange balance. The pure soul power gathers in every corner of the body, blends with the flame, and entangles and condenses.

It was originally part of the body.

Convergence, naturally there is no difficulty.

“Begin!” Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart.

The second part of the essence, at the same time two extremes.

With distraction control, Lin Feng feels his own Human Soul Core, which is changing a little bit.


Time, slowly passing.

The flicker of Lin Feng’s body , red glow is getting stronger and stronger.

At the heart, the skin is exploding and contracting.

At this point, just arrive at an aggregation point.

“很好!”Duo Duo said with a slight smile 。

除了刚开始的失误有点瑕疵,在第二步中,Lin Feng 完成没有任何缺失。

足以见他temperament 之强,能完complete control 制自己的情绪波动。


“pā !” “pā !”

Human Soul Core ,完全变化。

不断交错的两种strength ,使得Human Soul Core 仿佛成为一个‘蚕茧’。

浓烈的Heaven and Earth Energy 紧紧包裹,astonishing qi mist 能量全面占据上风,不断渗透而入。

And at this time –

随着soul power 减少,Human Soul Core 就彷如一个巢穴,原来的Master 渐渐离去,而新的Master 却是慢慢‘搬’了进来。一点,一点,徐徐渗透。这时,身体的每一处角落,soul power 和火焰的融合也是接近尾声。

“差不多了!”Lin Feng secretly thought 。

“The success or failure, here!”


血管仿佛在爆裂,火焰的能量持续渗入肌肤之中。强烈的痛楚不断袭来,Lin Feng 拼命忍耐着。而此时,Human Soul Core 的改变,已是到达了一个巨大瓶颈,Golden Wheel 疯狂转动。带起Heaven and Earth Energy 的吸收。

towards the Human Soul Core 。发动最后冲刺!

“Chi!” “Chi!”

一道道能量的渗透,Human Soul Core 的本质,被改变着。

原有的Master 已是被完全驱逐,而新的Master 。此时――


Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.




Lin Feng 只觉心脏不堪受负,承受着极大的压力。


at last–

Human Soul Core 。到达breakthrough 极限。

能量急剧汇聚,rush forth ,霎时间……


心脏处,Human Soul Core 的爆裂,产生巨大能量,仿佛成为了一根导火索,全面点燃了身体每一个部分的战争。Lin Feng ‘哗’的睁开眼,eyes bright light 凌厉,额头上露出几分青筋。紧握双拳。

身体的血红伴随着soul power 的波动,在那股爆破能量的推动下,再一次transformation 。



仿佛锻造兵器一般,将新生的皮肤不断锻造。tempering ,直至达到最完美的程度。与此同时,那astonishing 爆破能量,贯通四肢五脉。右脚处的‘Martial Artist 之轮’,璀shining 起。

能量的rush forth 。仿佛百川归海似的,直冲‘Heart of Source ’。

那里,是‘Martial God ’的根本!

Human Soul Core ,qi mist 笼罩。


再没有星云陪伴,比起Beginning Star Level 时,this ‘星体’缩小了近十倍,就好似初生的婴儿般。

但能量,却是千万倍的exceeding !

在星体all around ,仿佛一片Starry Sky cover densely 。无数soul power 光点散乱而晶亮,吸取着星体的能量,不断闪耀,仿佛那Starry Sky 中一闪一闪的星星,明亮而璀璨,就好似……

一片‘Star River ’般。

这,就是‘Star River Level ’的由来!

在Beginning Star Level 时,Human Soul Core 的构成,是由soul power 为基础,就好像人的身体一样。Heaven and Earth Energy 只是星云的存在,bind 在身体外,是一种‘外物’,宛如穿在身体外的衣服。


以‘Heaven and Earth Energy ’构成Soul Core ,正是‘Star River Level ’的symbol !

自转便能产生‘Heaven and Earth Energy ’,仿佛身体便是这世界的一部分,不谈其实力如何,单单是cultivating ――


若然说‘Beginning Star Level ’是在这天地之外,那么‘Star River Level ’便是进入这片天地之内。cultivating 速度的差异,实力的差距,形成了最本质的鲜明对比,而此时,soul power 和火焰不断transformation 着身体每一寸肌肤,强化着每一个细胞。


severe 的痛楚袭身,但Lin Feng 却是tightly clench one’s teeth ,一声不吭。


“good fellow 。”Duo Duo 飒然said with a smile 。


Duo Duo 直感不可置信,却是知道这股痛楚是多么强烈,身上的每一寸皮肤都在non-stop 的被撕裂,再长,再撕裂。



Lin Feng 偏偏坚持了下来,嘴唇都是咬的发紫,却楞是一声不吭。

“这点痛楚,算什么!”Lin Feng 眼眸bright light 粼粼。

打from childhood ,自己便已经会忍受痛楚!


新生的皮肤成长了起来,在火焰的tempering 下,达到了一个全新的韧性。

身体每一处的meridians 都是被改变,每一寸肌肤都在强化中提升。随着火焰慢慢消散,Heart of Source 构成的Phoenix 霎时间red glow 大作,与右脚处的‘Wheel of Martial God ’交相辉映,仿佛……


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