. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 11 is getting rich.

“Open ‘Fire Fate Star Chart’, that war five months later…”

Duo Duo stopped ,said with a slight smile , “On the other side of the ‘Heavenly Dog ‘, Lin Feng, your chances of winning will reach 80%.”

“Really?” Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

From 50% to 80%, it’s not only 30%.

It is a fundamental change in strength!

50% means that the strength is similar, and the outcome is unpredictable.

But 80%…

In other words, if there is no accident, your strength can win the ‘Heavenly Dog’.

“That is, of course, the Divine Beast Fate Chart is a normal one.” Duo Duo nodded and said, “Although the breakdown is more difficult, compared to the Wheel of Martial God, the Divine Beast Fate Chart’s might is much stronger. On the flame Control and application, among all Divine Beast, Phoenix is ​​definitely in the top three.”

Lin Feng’s eyes bright up.

Although the Martial God rank has to be upgraded from ‘Star River Level’ to ‘Star Sea Level’, it has become a rather ‘difficult’ task.


Los at sunrise but gain at sunset.

The strength of my own ‘Star River Level’ can be greatly improved.

This is very important!

“If you can survive this disaster, how can you get a little rough in the future?” Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly scratched.

For myself, the biggest difficulty at present is the war five months later.

Never miss it!

“The chance of 80% is enough!” Lin Feng shook his fist and his eyes were full of confidence. “If you can breakthrough in the next five months and get advanced, then the chance will be bigger and bigger, reach 90%, even… 100% !”

“I will definitely win!” Lin Feng will be very determined.

“What is the second good news, Duo Duo?” Lin Feng looked up, sosai surprisingly.

Duo Duo smiled and showed a cozy expression, his hands crossed his chest, the childish voice, but the words that made Lin Feng shocked. “The second good news, because of the disappearance of the Wheel of Martial God, Lin Feng, your strength, can have a new growth.”

“Hey?” Lin Feng felt puzzled.

Wheel of Martial God disappears, but his strength is improved?

“The odds of the original 80%. Will be upgraded to -” Duo Duo showed a smile.

“90% !”

Advanced Cultivation Space.

The ‘Nether Mark’ flashes in your hand. Lin Feng is directly entering.

“It’s coming again, Thirty Three Layer Heaven.” Lin Feng smiled.

“According to Duo Duo, this ‘Thirty Three Layer Heaven’ was probably ‘moved’ in 250000 years ago.”

“No wonder it will be in the outer layer area of ​​’Nether Roar’.”

Lin Feng nodded as if. The whole Nether Roar is like a ship.

The outer layer area is the deck of the ship. It was originally empty, but it was constantly moved into various ‘equipment’ during this 330000 years. The inner layer of Nether Roar is the cabin and has the guard of Duo Duo. It’s like a big lock is locked, no one can get in.

“Thirty Three Layer Heaven, also known as the ‘Apprenticeship Camp.'”

“Connected to part of the Battle Spirit World’s ‘Apprenticeship Camp’ and unified control.”

“No wonder there’s an ‘apprentice course’, ‘Apprentice Assessment’ and so on.”

Lin Feng smiled awkwardly. Under the explanation of Duo Duo, the previous doubts have been completely lifted.

Alkaid Hall ……

There is actually another name –

Training Camp Store.

This type of ‘shop’ is a lot of things in Battle Spirit World.

“Even if it’s just ‘Training Camp Store’, it’s also very useful for me.” Lin Feng walked into it. A scornful flash of light flashes into the last ‘Starlight Hall’. Here, only if you reach the strength of ‘Beginning Star Level’, you are eligible to enter.

“Hey!” Purple is shining.

“Welcome, Star River Level Martial Artist.” The sound of the sound is heard. Lin Feng shook his eyes. I saw myself as if I had entered a wonderful space. A beautiful woman in a red and white uniform appeared in front of her eyes.

“Sure enough.” Lin Feng said.

As Duo Duo said, Starlight Hall needs more than Beginning Star Level to enter. Because of…

It is the communication of the real ‘Virtual World’.

This beautiful woman in front of her own eyes is like a waiter in the store. Passionately entertained yourself. Lin Feng immediately followed, curiously looking at all around, here is the place to sell ‘goods’ and get starlight points.

A piece of white, can not see any strange.

“Please sit.” Beautiful woman said with a slight smile.

Lin Feng nodded lightly, and sat down. In front of her, a handsome and elegant man in a black and red uniform was smiling at herself.

“Hello, Star River Level Martial Artist, is it a sale or a consignment?” ask the handsome and elegant man politely.

“Sold.” Lin Feng without the slightest hesitation.

For sale, it is directly exchanged for starlight points, the price is slightly lower, but it takes very little to buy and sell. The consignment is in Alkaid Hall, the payment of a certain processing fee, you can put the ‘commodity’ into the sale, the price is slightly higher, but it takes a very long time, sometimes because the price is too high, it can not be sold.

Pros and cons.

Handsome and elegant man nodded with a smile.

What he is responsible for is ‘identification’ and ‘valuation’.

With a slight flash of his right hand, Lin Feng immediately took out a tiny crystal stone, and the shimmering light was almost invisible to the naked eye.

“哒~” gently placed on the table.

Handsome and elegant man lightly slammed, watched the tiny crystal stone, and looked at Lin Feng curiously, revealing an unnatural smile, “Respected Star River Level Martial Artist, do you want to sell this crystal stone? But it is not…”

After hesitation, the handsome and elegant man did not say anything.

He is just a polite reminder.

too small!

Small like dust, completely invisible, but Lin Feng complexion is still dull, “Help me estimate the price.”

“Hey.” handsome and elegant man gawked, a brow slightly.

Just thinking about the current Star River Level Martial Artist, there is no trouble, and the sound of Lin Feng is ringing. “There is no value, you can see it at a glance.”

“Oh?” The handsome and elegant man is a little positive.

“Is it… is ‘Star Level ‘crystal stone?”

Muttered inwardly in one’s heart , handsome and elegant man did not dare to take care of it, immediately took out a magnifying glass, gently holding the ‘crystal fragments’ in the left hand, and the eyes eyes focused on it. One second, two seconds, three seconds… The complexion of the handsome and elegant man slowly changes from flat to condensed. From nervous to stunned, finally –

“pā!” The chair seems to have shaken, handsome and elegant man complexion greatly change.

“my god !”

“this is……”

“7-star crystal stone, Heavenly Ya Crystal ?!”

Handsome and elegant man Straight suffocating, shocked watched Lin Feng.

“Yes.” Lin Feng cherishes words like gold. And in fact. Duo Duo used to be accounted for…

Except for the words, other words can not be revealed!

Say more, wrong!

“Respected Star River Level Martial Artist, trouble, etc. etc.” The handsome and elegant man was a little confused, and even ran out of the door.

“Sure enough, as Duo Duo said.” Lin Feng shook his head.

The seventh grade crystal stone, in Battle Spirit World, is too precious!

Even if it is just a little fine powder, it is worth the price.

Waiting slowly.

Not a while –

Handsome and elegant man brings a White Bearded Old Man. The look is dignified.

Both eyes look at each other, Lin Feng suddenly felt a sharp look. It is in this Virtual World that White Bearded Old Man can give himself a powerful pressure with pure eyes. It is completely imaginable. In reality, how strong his strength will be!


Virtual World is just a virtual one.

“Little Brother, abruptly asked, I don’t know where this ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’ came from?” White Bearded Old Man looked at him. “If I can tell, I will thank you Cloud Merchant Union.”

Lin Feng shook his head. “Trouble me to value.”

“I don’t know Little Brother’s teacher…” White Bearded Old Man said again.

Lin Feng eyes, “Please help me estimate.”

White Bearded Old Man has a deep brow but doesn’t want to give up. “Little Brother, you…” Lin Feng was already standing up, and White Bearded Old Man hurriedly said, “Wait. Little Brother, old man is just curious to ask. This ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’ value 100 billion starlight points, I don’t know if you want starlight points or… change to the equal amount of battle spirit coins?”

Said in between , White Bearded Old Man The bright light in the eyelids is fleeting.

“Starlight points can be.” Lin Feng said indifferently.

White Bearded Old Man had a disappointment on his face, and he said, “I don’t know if Brother can have other ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’ for sale?”

“No.” Lin Feng stopped talking, he turned and left.

Since it is already completed, there is no need to stay more, very fast –

Lin Feng disappeared without a shadow.

“Hey!” flashes lightly.

A blue clothed man appears momentarily, carrying his hands, with a pressure like a deep like aura.

“has seen President Lu.” The handsome and elegant man and the White Bearded Old Man are even saluting.

Blue clothed man lifted his hand, “do not have to be polite, old, can you find out what message?”

White Bearded Old Man shook his head. “No, this little brat takes care. Even the battle spirit is not used. We can’t find his identity.”

“Well…” blue clothed man pondered then said, “If this is the case, then this matter will be settled. Pay more attention to it. Act so secretly, you can’t say which expert’s variant, you can climb one point, you can’t climb Don’t offend, help convert him to starlight points and give away 20%.”

“Yes, President Lu.” White Bearded Old Man bowed his head.


Lin Feng didn’t know that he had caused an uproar.

At this point, the Nether Mark flickered and Lin Feng looked at it, and could not help but reveal a touch of curvature.

It was already a clean starlight points that was used by myself. At this time, the balance has changed from less than 10 million to a full 1200000 million!

120 billion starlight points!

“Is there more 20 billion?” Lin Feng suddenly with a smile

“This ‘Cloud Merchant Union’ is quite generous.”

“But then, this ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’ is really worth it, just a little bit worth of 100 billion, no, 120 billion starlight points!”

“It’s not a legendary 7-star crystal stone.”

Lin Feng sighed softly and felt incredible.

It’s hard to get a heroic man. When he was in the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley on the same day, he was able to live with his belt and be careful.

But now…

“Get rich, haha!” Lin Feng laughed.

Full of 120 billion starlight points, he has become a landlord.

Brightly watched Alkaid Hall, Lin Feng immediately stepped into.

Sweep the goods, start!

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