Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 8 is going in line with the third line!

Heavenly Martial Continent, border?

“All Directions Nirvana !” Lin Feng shouted .

The strong world aura is spread all over the body and released wildly. Eight energy gathers into severe light and shadow, and the diamond-shaped colors are interlaced. In an instant, a piece of vacuum cyclone focuses the energy and touches each other to form an astonishing condensing Qi strength, swelling, and strength.

“peng!!” world-shaking cry .

Silvery light is spread over vault of heaven, two huge diamond-shaped interlaces that cover the entire space.

Whether it’s silvery light or the octagonal shrouded area, it’s a great improvement compared to before! ?

Lin Feng’s gaze-watched piece of imaginary area, a smile of satisfaction, “It’s really good, not only completely repaired, but even the quality is perfect enhancement. Before All Directions Nirvana can only kill the demon beast below the Sovereign Level, but Now, not only can you kill the demon beast of Sovereign Level 1st rank, even the demon beast of Sovereign Level 2nd rank can be seriously injured!

Might, nearly ten times more! ?

“吼~!!” The head of the ‘burning red dragon’ is extremely violent, mad with his feet, and the bloody eyes are full of extreme anger.

The sky roared, the red horns exuded the burning fire, and the ‘burning red dragon’ was mad.

However, Lin Feng did not see anything.

“pā !” flashed a shining bright silvery light in his hand.

It was an unremarkable piece of metal with a very thin edge.

“Go!” Lin Feng blinked, and with the strong Qi of Heaven and Earth surging, the metal piece emitted astonishing ‘si si’ sound, like a viper opening wide open like a sacrificial bowl The space that was passed through was scratched, and the extreme fast speed brought a silver arc.

It’s just a blink of an eye! ?

“Hey!” The burning red dragon roared, and the mouth was intensely intense.

But in an instant –

A silvery light crossed, with a silvery ray, directly wiped the neck of the ‘burning red dragon’.

“Chi!” Blood violently spout, the body is cut in half.

boom! The flame that had not yet agglomerated suddenly burst, and the head of the ‘burning red dragon’ was blown up. Lin Feng’s mouth smacked a smile, and the right hand was lightly held, in a flash. I saw the silver ray in the distance, Aurora Cone took that tiny ‘metal piece’ and triumphantly returned.

“Might is really good.” Lin Feng was very satisfied with his left hand.

“It’s a pity that this ‘sword blade fragment’ can’t be received, otherwise it can be controlled as much as you want.” Lin Feng feels sorry.

This tiny piece of metal. It was the sword fragments that I had in the same day with the Nether Roar.

Although it is only so small size. But the might is not weak at all.

“However, is there a perfect tense?” Lin Feng laugh indifferently. Looking ahead, at this time the beast herd army is already a panic, as if the dragons have no head. Left hand puts away ‘sword blade fragment’. The right hand is silvery light. Then, Aurora Cone is like a god-killing god. It lights up a huge 镰blade…?

Within the Nether Roar .

“cultivating Secret Clone is really convenient.” Lin Feng closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

At this time, I was in a huge green pool, and the water bubbles of ‘咕噜咕噜’ continued to rise. The green color of Lin Feng prints the skin of Lin Feng in green. I saw a small size like a fish scale, but it was a smashing ‘pā tà’ fragmentation, and then condensed, and repeated.

“Secret Clone fights while the body is cultivating.

“Maximize the martial artist’s strength and strengthen the Human Soul!

Lin Feng hesitantly spits out a mouthful of impure air, and there is a ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon inner core’ in the right hand.


The black fog of the Human Soul Core bind is constantly condensed and enhanced. Strong energy digestion and absorption, no effort. With the green pool to enhance the body, the sky martial artist’s strength is increased and continues to increase at a rate visible to the naked eye! ?

In order to cope with the arrival of Heavenly Dog after half a year, Lin Feng has tried his best! ?

“Beginning Star Level. For both Heavenly God Cultivator and Heavenly Martial Cultivator, it’s just a layer of the most basic springboard and ladder.

“According to Duo Duo, nothing needs to be done, no need to pay attention. Just need…”?

“cultivating, non-stop cultivating!

Lin Feng concentrates on it. The progress of strength is extremely rapid.

Hungry and absorbing all things, under the arrangement of Duo Duo, Lin Feng is on the fast road of cultivating –

Running very fast ! ?

day after day.

There are enough Black Fog Demon Dragon inner cores, so Lin Feng is completely worried about the upgrade of ‘Human Soul Core’.

According to Duo Duo, this is better than Teacher’s preparation for himself.

Perfect innate talent time ‘compatibility’.

“The strength of Martial God depends on the Heart of Source.

“With Heart of Source as the axis, cultivating and fine body tempering.

“With the power of the Heart of Source, the Human Soul Core and the body will slowly increase until -“?

“Reach the limit.

Lin Feng lightly thought in one’s heart, there is Duo Duo, the ‘generation of the teacher’, and he is not ignorant of the path of cultivating. In the mind The whole cultivating system is completely clear, no longer ignorant, and no need to move forward in groping.

“Other ‘Martial God ‘cultivating Heart of Source, must be step by step, but I…”?

“Not so.” Lin Feng smiled.

His own Heart of Source, which incorporates Phoenix blood, has long been a ‘variation’.

Have ‘Devour’ ability! ?

The devour in the hand slammed up and burned a ‘fire drill’. The crystal shines in a hexagonal three-dimensional shape. Every time the flame rises and ignites, Lin Feng can feel the strength of the heart, the Phoenix Heart of Source, and the energy continues to increase.

Excited, excited.

Fire of Devour is more fierce! ?

And the ‘fire drill’ is slowly dimming the light.

“No wonder Duo Duo said, my Martial God aptitude is the highest.” Lin Feng nodded.

Aptitude is a comprehensive evaluation, not only calculating the strength of the strong or weak, but also calculating the speed of cultivating.

Although it is just ‘2nd grade Low Level’, it is a real ‘2nd grade’! ?

As long as there is enough natural resources, you can put ‘Fire of Devour’ –

Play to the limit! ?

“Most of the Heavenly Martial Cultivator, from the Beginning Star Level advancing to Star River Level, is not trapped in the ‘body’ or trapped on the ‘Human Soul Core’. But I don’t need to worry at all.” Lin Feng smiled As the Fire of Devour seems to be ‘full,’ the flames fade away.

“Hey!” Lean jumped, and Lin Feng jumped into the green pool again.

Although the Heart of Source is enhanced with ‘Devour’, the Human Soul Core and the body cannot be enhanced, but there is no need to worry.

You can go straight into the third line.

Cultivating separately! ?

difference. It is clear.

There are natural resources, there are Teachers.

Lin Feng’s current cultivating speed is more than double.

‘Beginning Star Level ‘7th rank Heavenly Martial Cultivator, which is only half a year old, is now –

It only takes half a month.

“The body and the Human Soul Core are saturated.” Lin Feng jumped out of the green pool. There is a light bright glow in the eyelids. Compared with half a month ago, there has been considerable progress. With a burst of qi flow bind, the water outside the body is evaporatively dried.

“It’s two days faster than I expected, Lin Feng.” Duo Duo held his chin. Said with a slight smile .

“En, after the body fusing with the Blood of the Phoenix, the activity is greatly increased.” Lin Feng nodded and said.

“Black Fog Demon Dragon inner core is quite ‘compatibility’ with your Human Soul Core, oh…the effect is really good.” Duo Duo showed a smirk, “How. Is there any interest in returning to Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley? Hunting to collect a little black core of Black Fog Demon Dragon?”?

“No.” Lin Feng shook his head and refused.

“Oh?” Duo Duo eyes shone.

Lin Feng smiled indifferently, and when people stepped in, I went in.

Since each other established a friendship, they can’t do anything like that.

In fact, even the corpse of the more than 300 Black Fog Demon Dragon in ‘Gui Purple Ring’ is buried.

“Oh, I’m just kidding. After arriving at the Star River Level, the efficiency of the Black Fog Demon Dragon inner core is reduced.” Duo Duo smiled lightly. The eyes flashed, “Lin Feng, right now you are from the final breakthrough, only the ‘Heart of Source’ upgrade, at the current speed. It takes only ten days to ‘Devour’ reach the limit.

“Add up, just less than a month.” Lin Feng smiled.

Duo Duo once said to himself, within a month, arrived at ‘Star River Level’; within a year. Arrive at ‘Star Sea Level’! ?

And now, the first step. Already very close! ?

Your body and Human Soul Core are already 5th rank, and it is naturally fast to reach 7th rank.

The Heart of Source, which is slowly cultivating from the 1st rank, is a lot slower.

But in fact, Heart of Source’s upgrade speed is the fastest.

“Don’t be too happy, Star River Level is the real beginning.” Duo Duo said, “If you want to beat the ‘Heavenly Dog’, the five months after arriving at the Star River Level is the real key. Where. Now…just a path that must be taken.

“En.” Lin Feng nodded.

The strength of Heavenly Dog has long been a deep insight.

If you want to win it after half a year, it is not a simple matter.


“Must win!” Lin Feng eyes bright.

I can’t afford to lose.

Once it fails, maybe your family can save your life, but Heavenly Martial Continent other humans? ?

“Get started, Duo Duo.” Lin Feng deeply exhaled, time, Fire of Devour. Duo Duo smiled lightly and thrown a ‘fire drill’ in his hand for Lin Feng devour cultivating. This ‘Fire Drill’ is placed in Battle Spirit World, which is a great tool refining material that is eye-catching.

But here…?

But it is like an ordinary stone.

For cultivating only.

City in the Sky .

“haha, Hahaha!!” The hearty laughter sounded.

Huang Peng’s eyes sparkled with confidence, and the heavens shouted, and the Heaven and Earth Energy aura cover densely.

Among the many 7th rank Titled Martial Gods that absorbed ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, Huang Peng took the lead in breaking through and became ‘Beginning Star Level ‘Heavenly Martial Cultivator.

It seems like a blowout. After a few hours after the Huang Peng breakthrough, Zi Yao also crossed the crossbar. The surviving Qi of Heaven and Earth is full of powerful energy aura, and it is not like ‘Huang Peng’. The same, mysterious and mysterious, Zi Yao’s ability has a huge increase.

Two days later, Laughing Buddha and the prison also broke through.

These old-fashioned Titled Martial Gods at the peak of 7th rank, the breakthrough bottleneck, naturally much faster than Zhu Podi. Heavenly Martial Continent Human strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the ‘Beginning Star Level’ has more and more Martial Artists.

And at this time –

Lin Feng also reached a critical moment.

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