Chapter 7 first heritage

“Follow me.” Duo Duo watched Lin Feng, his eyes seem to change a bit.

Lin Feng nodded, although he didn’t understand what Duo Duo looked at, but he followed it up.

Suddenly moving forward, Duo Duo turned back and burned like gaze with God. “Do you know where it is, Lin Feng?”

“Training base, not right…” Lin Feng shook his head.

The training base is the name of ‘Hunting’, and the large piece of ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’ is precious. Not to mention your own Teacher, the fifteen ‘Starry Sky Expert’ corpse outside, is far from the category of ‘Battle Spirit World’.

“This is a Starry Sky Aircraft.” Duo Duo said with a slight smile.

Starry Sky Aircraft ?

Lin Feng’s eyes widened and he groaned.

Suddenly remembering the whole picture that you saw in Heaven Breaking City, it is like a giant beast.

My god, such a big airship?

“You will know when you stay.” Duo Duo’s little hand was swept away, his eyes wide open. “This Starry Sky Aircraft is very precious. Starry Sky Expert is fighting for the head, outside the passage, the dead Starry Sky. Expert is caused by ‘greed’.”

“They thought the Master was seriously injured and wanted to go down the stone, but didn’t know…”

“Even if it is a sick tiger, it is not comparable to a kitten.”

Lin Feng lightly sighed.

Indeed, the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant.

“The airship is called ‘Netherness’ and is the name of the Master.” Duo Duo refers to the surroundings, “This is the main main cabin room, the whole ‘airship’ is the most sturdy and the most defensive. Even the entire Battle Spirit World Destroyed, the main main cabin room will not be destroyed.”

Lin Feng smiled awkwardly, and Duo Duo said everything was shocking.

Fortunately, their ability to adapt is still quite strong.

“The main main cabin room is a circular structure made of ‘Urgent Gold Crystal’.” watched Lin Feng looks confused, Duo Duo said with a smile, “You can imagine it like ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’ ‘Strongly thousands of times exist, the ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’ outside is not worth enough for a ‘Urgent Gold Crystal’.”

“Oh…” Lin Feng shrugged.

Also free, anyway, I have already been numb.

“Circular is the most solid defense in all architectures.” Duo Duo muttered, “The main main cabin room is divided into upper, middle and lower 3-layer. The lower layer you have seen, is the previous cultivating of the Master; And the middle level, that is where we are now, is the main cabin room of the airship; and the upper level we are going to now…”

Said in between , Duo Duo stopped. “Arrived.”

Lin Feng lightly snorted. Looking at it, it is a transparent column of light, shiny and shiny.

“Go in.” Duo Duo said with a slight smile.

Lin Feng nodded and immediately entered. In a blink of time I feel my body moving.

It is very similar to when I entered the lower layer, but one is down, but now it is floating upwards.

Very fast ——

“pā !” The body shocked and Lin Feng stopped.

In front of you, it is a huge white ‘light column’. The light is shining, exuding the luster of Ling people. In the white light column all around, densely arranged with an extremely complex instrument, a small button can be seen to work tightly, high and low enough to have 30 meters.

Form an arc ring, like a tight hoop, firmly hold the light column, leaving only a gap, just enough for a person to walk.

“Here, it’s the real heart of ‘Nether Roar’.”

“The middle level controls the main cabin room. It is mainly used to control some basic functions of airship, including flight, attack, etc.”

“And here, it is the heart of ‘Nether Roar’.”

“Go in.” Duo Duo’s finger, the only gap, the bolt eyes flashed. “This is the first heritage that Master has left for you. It’s also the biggest legacy. Although ‘Nether Roar’ is now impossible to fly, its value, Still enough to make the entire Battle Spirit World crazy!”

Nether Roar, leave it to me?

Lin Feng heartbeat speeds up. But I can’t think of Teacher being so big.

“After recognizing Master, you will be the new master of ‘Nether Roar’. You can control the whole ‘Nether Roar’.” Duo Duo flashed a drop in his eyes, his voice was low, “Although reluctant, but this is Master’s command, I Have no choice to comply.”

Lin Feng thought about what Duo Duo said, although I don’t understand it, it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, Duo Duo’s words are ten or nine sentences that I don’t understand…

Step into the white light column, Lin Feng’s eyes bright light flickering. Through the tiny gap, thebethen seems to enter a different dimension space, the body is fixed, the strange energy penetrates, and the in the mind is slightly stinging.

When –

“Boom!” Countless messages rush forth in my mind.

It is a giant-shaped egg-like object that is elliptical in shape and has a length of tens of thousands of meters. The milky white mask is wrapped like a silkworm cocoon, and looks much bigger than what you see in Heaven Breaking City.

This is the body of ‘Nether Roar’!

“I understand.” Lin Feng is awkward.

One and a half of the original Nether Roar is deeply submerged in the ground!

So what I saw in Heaven Breaking City was only half an elliptical shape, like a giant beast.

But in fact, far more than!

Outside the huge beam of light, Duo Duo stands still.

The round head is straight watched Lin Feng, and the eyes are shining with wisdom.

“I hope I didn’t pick the wrong person.”

“If it is God’s favor, one day, Master…”

“I can still be resurrected.”

Duo Duo lightly mumble, watched the bright glow of the white light column, the eyes of the eyes reveal a glimmer of tears, “Master, Duo Duo miss you…” In the faint sobbing, Duo Duo’s figure gradually Illusion, the light becomes bleak until –

Disappeared without a shadow.

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The various messages, architectures, and components of Nether Roar are like a huge book that is constantly being opened in Lin Feng in the mind. There is a lot of complicated information in memory, but most of them are difficult to understand and are filled with too many ‘professional’ words.

If you swallow, it is difficult to understand rough and obscure, but Lin Feng still does his best to comprehend.

This may be important to yourself.

“Thirty Three Layer Heaven ?”

“Tool Refining Room ?”

“Nine Heavens Skies Road ?”


Lin Feng was shocked by the complexity of ‘Nether Roar’, like a large city, but the sparrows are small and complete. Although many facilities are difficult to understand by themselves, there is no doubt that they can exist in ‘Nether Roar’ and must have a specific role.

I don’t understand, just because——

The strength is not enough.

I don’t know how long it has been. It may be ten seconds, and it seems to have passed an entire hour.

Suddenly, the pressing strength feels slowly and slowly. I am like a stone, slowly blending into the lake and being wrapped. Being melted… precipitated over time. Feeling more and more clear, more and more natural, and at this time…

“Lin Feng.” The familiar children’s voice rang in Lin Feng in the mind.

“Ah?” Lin Feng was scared.

“Don’t be surprised, you have completed the reception of Master first heritage. From now on, ‘Nether Roar’ belongs to you.” Duo Duo said, “You will have absolute control, as long as you like, it is me. Have no choice to obey you.”

“Hey?” Lin Feng groaned.

In the vagueness, I remembered what Duo Duo had just said, as if I understood something.

“Re-introduction, Duo Duo, I am the tool spirit of ‘Nether Roar’. Or should I say, I am Nether Roar.” Duo Duo’s words surprised Lin Feng, and I couldn’t think of the Duo Duo’s origins.

Tool spirit ?

Tool spirit will also be wise, have life, and be like humans?

Lin Feng is very curious.

“From today on. I will help you control ‘Nether Roar’ and help you become a real expert.” Duo Duo said slowly, “In principle, you are already my Master, but… please forgive me, I can’t call you. Do ‘Master’.”

The sound is flat. But Lin Feng knows very well.

This is a fully humanized ‘tool spirit’, a ‘tool spirit’ with a lot of emotions.

Duo Duo is only loyal to his Teacher in his life.

“It doesn’t matter, just call me my name.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile. There is only admiration for Duo Duo, no anger.

A tool spirit with this noble character. It is worthy of respect, not to mention, Lin Feng never cares about these details.

Just, it’s just a title.

“Many thanks for your understanding, Lin Feng.” Duo Duo’s voice is with joy.

“But…” Lin Feng smiled helplessly. “Can you speak out, Duo Duo, it feels a little weird.”

The crisp laughter sounded, Duo Duo started talking, “Go out and see me.”

Lin Feng whispered, and his body was no longer bound and stressed. Stepping out of the white beam, everything seems to have a new change in the surroundings, a psychological change, like a house that does not belong to you, becomes –

Your own home.

“Hey!” The white light appeared, gathered, and Duo Duo appeared in front of him.

“It’s still so much more comfortable.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile, watched Duo Duo in front of him, seems to have a more intimate feeling.

The diaphragm and distance between them have completely disappeared, just as they have a heart-to-heart communication with Black Fog Demon Dragon ‘Lian Long’.

“Look at your right hand, Lin Feng.” Duo Duo said with a smile.

Lin Feng looked at him, and suddenly he saw the original dragon-shaped print, which was changed. There are more layers of deep imprinting, depicting a mysterious pattern, Hesse quiet, staring intently, as if it will fall into it.

“Nether Mark,” Duo Duo said. “The method of use is similar to the Dragon Star Mark.”

“Where you enter, just enter a little soul power and you can safely return to ‘Nether Roar’.”

“Open ‘Nether Mark’ and talk to me anytime, anywhere.”

Duo Duo smiled, Lin Feng nodded, and he knew a lot more.

“Ready?” Duo Duo asked with a smile.

“En.” Lin Feng’s eyes burned.

Duo Duo means that he is very clear.

Complete the inheritance of the ‘Berry’ family and receive the Teacher first heritage.

Next –

It is officially started cultivating!


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