Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 6 Starry Sky, everyone ants

“But…” Duo Duo suddenly turned his voice.

“Before solving the ‘Heavenly Dog’, I suggest that you concentrate on all the strengths to improve.”

Lin Feng burning like gaze, nodded.

Indeed, the Battle Spirit World is still far away.

At the moment, nothing is more important than dealing with the ‘Heavenly Dog’.

“Never be lost again!” Lin Feng shook his fist and clenched his teeth.

The scene in Illusory Realm is still vivid, and the “self” after half a year, there is no counterattack at all, even with Black Skeleton, it is directly devour. These feelings of powerlessness have a deep sense of frustration, which makes Lin Feng’s heart cramp.

If you lose yourself, what will happen?


“What should I do, Duo Duo?” Lin Feng said solemnly.

Watched In the eyes of this child less than one meter, Lin Feng is full of desire.

Desire to become stronger and stronger enough!

In order to protect your family!

“Heavenly Soul Master aptitude , 6th grade Low Level ; War God aptitude , 5th grade Intermediate ; Heavenly Spirit Master aptitude , 3rd grade Advanced ; Martial God aptitude , 2nd grade Low Level .” Duo Duo Slowly read it, Lin Feng eyes flashed It is just my own ‘test’ score.

“Your best is Martial God aptitude.” Duo Duo showed a smile, “Because of the fusion of Blood of the Phoenix, cleansing the marrow and cleansing the veins, your aptitude has been completely changed.”

“2nd grade Low Level ……” Lin Feng sighed and curious. “How is aptitude divided for Duo Duo?”

Duo Duo shrugged, started talking, “one to nine, etc., divided into upper, middle and lower third grade aptitude. Seven, eight, nine, etc. are inferior, generally difficult to become a great tool, but in fact the entire Battle Spirit World exceeding 99% of the creatures are inferior aptitude; four, five, six are medium, that is, your aptitude before, probably moderately weak; and one, two, third grade is high grade.”

Lin Feng nodded lightly, no wonder that father said his aptitude was ‘not great’.

“The gap between each 1st grade and 1st grade is very large.”

“Martial Artist of the inferior aptitude, even if it takes endless years, reaching the ‘Star Sea Level’ is already the limit.” Duo Duo shaking one’s head and said, “Martial Artists of most inferior aptitude are ‘Beginning Star Level’ and even The existence of ‘Star River Level’. In Battle Spirit World, it is like an ant. It is a mediocrity. Anyone can be used as cannon fodder, and it is difficult to make a tree in life.”

Lin Feng can’t help but laugh bitterly, at Heavenly Martial Continent, Beginning Star Level is already a very bad existence. And ‘Star River Level’ is even more eager to reach.

But in Battle Spirit World, is it just an ant?

The gap is too big!

“Do you think that demon beast is desperately trying to change form?” Duo Duo said with a faint smile , “Because it doesn’t change form, even Sovereign Level 7th rank demon beast. It’s just the Martial of Beginning Star Level 7th rank. Artist. Even if cultivating to the highest 2nd rank, it is not comparable to the Martial Artist of Star River Level 7th rank.”

“But Star River Level 7th rank, at Battle Spirit World -“

“There is no sense of existence.”

Lin Feng took a deep breath, the existence that I still have to look up at the moment, is there a sense of existence?

Think about it, too, for the Black Fog Demon Dragon you saw, even if you die, you have to change your death form. Even if the success rate is low enough, even if you know that it is a dead end, Black Fog Demon Dragon is still stepping into this road of no return.

Who wants to be an ant?

“At Battle Spirit World. Star Sea Level is very common. If you don’t integrate ‘Blood of the Phoenix’, even if you run out of endless years, Lin Feng’s upper limit is probably just ‘Star Sea Level’.” Duo Duo said indifferently, “In some Ordinary sect influence, can be an outer disciple or something. Maybe it can occupy a hill. It is a carefree day, but it is difficult to breakthrough.”

A difficult word, like a sharp blade, pierced Lin Feng’s heart.

Can not help but smiled and shook his head.

“Unless luck is good. Martial Artist of medium aptitude is hard to be a ‘Star King Level’. But…” Duo Duo sounded a meal, “For the Martial Artist of high grade aptitude, there is a good chance; It is also able to break through ‘Star King Level’ and become a strong presence of ‘Star Territory Level’.”

“Star Territory Level, in Battle Spirit World, basically has been able to go sideways.”

“Absolutely the expert that each great influence is vying for, and in fact, only the arrival of ‘Star Territory Level’ in Battle Spirit World is a circle of ‘expert’.” Duo Duo is meaningfully watched Lin Feng, “ Some big families and influences, and there aren’t a few ‘Star Territory Level’ experts, such as –“

“Lin Clan.”

Duo Duo’s words made Lin Feng’s eyes change and changed rapidly.

“Duo Duo, you…” Lin Feng was shocked and watched the ‘old monster’ in front of him. He seemed to have no secret in front of him.

“I know more than you think.” Duo Duo smiled and shook his head. “But these are too far away for you. What I can tell you is that one day you can become a ‘Star Territory Level’. With the number of experts, your wishes will be reached.”

my wish? !

Lin Feng’s look changed slightly, and he carefully tasted the words of Duo Duo. His heart was ups and downs and it was difficult to calm down.

Duo Duo refers to…

“Of course, with your current aptitude, become the ‘Star Territory Level ‘expert, the basic has reached the upper limit.” Duo Duo’s corner is a stroke, “But with my help, Lin Feng you enter the real aloof and remote in Battle Spirit World ‘Saint Level ‘, with more than 80%!”

Saint Level !

Lin Feng has a small fist and a slight grip.

This is the strongest of Battle Spirit World!

“Even if it’s 1st grade’s advanced aptitude, you want to step into ‘Saint Level’, and you’re less than one in ten thousand chances,” Duo Duo said. “It takes a lot of chance and comprehension. Saint Level is the way to’ Starry Sky Expert ‘The only avenue.’

“What aptitude is Divine Beast ‘Phoenix’?” Lin Feng was curious.

I only absorbed a drop of Phoenix blood, and Martial God aptitude was promoted to 2nd grade Low Level, the real Phoenix…

How strong will it be?

“top grade.” Duo Duo started talking, “Phoenix is ​​among the top ten in all Divine Beasts.”

“Birth is Star Sea Level, infancy is Star King Level, adult is Star Territory Level, and reaching the peak of the prime, Phoenix is ​​the existence of ‘Saint Level’.” Duo Duo said with a smile, “Do not need cultivating, because Phoenix It is a collection of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi.”

Lin Feng is speechless.

The gap between Divine Beast and people is too big!

An innate talent astonishing expert, aptitude 1st grade in the human Tribe, outstanding. Becoming a ‘Saint Level’ is less than one in ten. And Divine Beast ‘Phoenix’ doesn’t need to do anything, to reach the peak of the year, is ‘Saint Level’?

Too hurtful…

“I feel very unfair?” Duo Duo asked with a smile.

“Somewhat.” Lin Feng replied truthfully, nodding his head.

Duo Duo smiled lightly. “Real expert. Which one is not a disaster? Phoenix’s starting point is certainly high. But the breakthrough becomes ‘Starry Sky Expert’, but the difficulty is better than humans. Do you know about demon beast change form, Lin Feng? ”

Lin Feng nodded.

“The same is true, those low demo beasts. The change form is much easier,” Duo Duo said.

This is true.

As Duo Duo said, Lin Feng is in amazement.

Just like Black Fog Demon Dragon, the ontology is too powerful, innate talent heaven defying, so the difficulty of the change form is quite high.

“In fact, Star King Level also good. Star Territory Level also good, Saint Level also good.” Duo Duo shook his head. “There is no difference. Master said a word: under Starry Sky, everyone ants. Not Starry Sky Expert.” Even if the strength is strong, it will be useless. As time goes by, it will eventually fall!”

Under Starry Sky, everyone ants.

How overbearing!


Your own Teacher. Baili Feng does have this qualification.

“Don’t think too far, step by step cultivating.” Duo Duo looked stunned and sounded, “I want you to be in a month. Arrive at ‘Star River Level’; within a year, arrive at ‘Star Sea Level’; within a hundred years, arrive ‘Star King Level’; in the year, the achievement ‘Star Territory Level’; finally spent 100,000 years or even hundreds of thousands of years. Become the real expert of Battle Spirit World!”

Lin Feng feels bloody, and the heart seems to have burned the fire.

Fighting spirit. Extremely passionate.

My own cultivating road, along with the inheritance Baili’ lineage, has completely disappeared, and embarked on a bright road from a rugged path.

Since then, it has been smooth sailing!

“First, become a Star River Level!” Lin Feng blinked and clenched his right fist.

Confidence is so abundant, you can beat ‘Heavenly Dog’ and protect Heavenly Martial Continent.

Never fail!

“Since I have already been a teacher, according to the wishes of the Master, everything here is yours.” Duo Duo nodded and said.

“Hey?” Lin Feng smiled slyly, but did not expect to have such benefits.

The average Teacher can ‘teach’ that the student is already good, but his own teacher is because he died, and he even gave himself to the whole family.

Heavens, that’s all the property of a ‘Starry Sky Expert’!

How much astonishing!

Lin Feng feels burning in the heart, but Duo Duo’s next words are like a basin of cold water. “But… the money can’t be revealed. Master has a special account. Every time you reach a certain strength, you can have a certain property of the Master. It’s a huge treasure, it’s just a disaster.”

“For example, your ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’, if it’s in Battle Spirit World, is a hot potato.”

“The presence of Saint Level may not be able to pull the face, but Martial Artist of Star Territory Level, I am afraid it will cause crazy robbing.”

Lin Feng nodded awkwardly.

What Duo Duo said is true. It is like a child holding a bright gold in his hand, but he has no ability to ‘protect’ it.

As a result, only tragedies are created.

How big is the head and how big the hat is!

“Then I…” Lin Feng said with hesitation, but I just licked a lot of ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal’, although most of them are fine powder, but there are quite a few grooming.

“Go to Starlight Hall’ for sale, but only for sale.” Duo Duo is bigger than the size. “More will cause people to pay attention. This is just enough, and it is enough for you to use it for a long time.”

Starlight points ?

Lin Feng suddenly startled, in a blink of an eye.

“The last purple palace in Alkaid Hall?” Lin Feng surprisedly said.

“Yes, after becoming a Beginning Star Level, it will be recognized as a strength and open.” Duo Duo replied, “Where, you can sell any item, or sell it for yourself, or sell it directly. The former is a bit more expensive. , but the handling fee; the latter is more direct, but the price is slightly lower, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.”

Lin Feng nodded stunnedly and smiled.

I thought that I was not enough in the troubles ‘starlight points’, at the moment it seems…

I am afraid it is more than enough.

“Now, let’s first receive your Master’s first ‘heritage’.” Duo Duo faded.

Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly shone.

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