Chapter 5 Starry Sky Expert

Starry Sky Expert ?

Lin Feng took a deep breath, eyes flashed.

A good title.

“Teacher is very good at Battle Spirit World…” Lin Feng asked lightly.

Duo Duo startled, and immediately laughed, but it made Lin Feng confused.

Is your own question so funny?

“Battle Spirit World?”

“Lin Feng, you are too small to be Master~~”

Duo Duo looked at Lin Feng with a slap in the face, pointing to the outside. “When I came in, have you seen more than a dozen corpse?”

Lin Feng nodded.

Odd shapes, all kinds of.

“It seems to have been a fierce battle.” Lin Feng looked at the ruined ‘Heavenly Ya Crystal Wall’, only a sigh of suffocation, even the 7-star crystal stone could destroy the attack, how should it be terrifying It’s heartbreaking, but it’s hard to imagine.

And they have a common characteristic, although dead, but the fleshly body has not rotted.

It’s exactly the same as your own!

“They are all ‘Starry Sky Expert’, Inextinguishable Fleshly Body, with an endless life. Time is overshadowed in front of them, it is dead, their bodies will not be damaged or rotted.” Duo Duo fades, screams Turn, “but…”

“In front of the Master, they are still unbearable strike!”

The proud voice, Ling Lingren, Lin Feng can’t help but change.

Listen to Duo Duo’s tone, your own Teacher, powerful astonishing!

“Either of them can destroy a planet with no difficulty, for example -“

“Battle Spirit World.”

Lin Feng pours took a deep breath. Shockingly understand in one’s heart.

What is the concept of destroying a planet by raising hands?

Lin Feng can’t imagine it.

“Reassure, no one will be bored to destroy a planet, this will be ‘Heaven’s Wrath’.” Duo Duo spoke up. “Besides, Battle Spirit World has many ‘Starry Sky Expert’ Origin Imprints, including Master. It is almost impossible to destroy.”

Lin Feng nodded as if.

Although Duo Duo’s words are very mysterious, I can still understand the meaning in my vagueness.

“Duo Duo. Can I also become a Starry Sky Expert like Teacher?” Lin Feng’s eyes showed burning light.

Heartbeat speeds up, Lin Feng thinks of his own life, remembers the old face of father, and his heart is blazing.

If you can become an Inextinguishable Fleshly Body, Starry Sky Expert with unlimited life, you can revenge for Father!

More firmly control the fate!

Duo Duo grinned, indifferent expression, “Do you know how many creatures are in Battle Spirit World?”

Lin Feng pondered a little, and calculated it in his heart. Heavenly Martial Continent alone has a population of 10 billion, and this is just one of the thousands of ‘islands’. On the real land of Battle Spirit World. It has an extremely wide and boundless area.

“I don’t know.” Lin Feng shook his head and it was really difficult to estimate.

“Only humans will be exceeding one ‘stalk of grain’.” Duo Duo gaze bright.

“One stalk of grain?” Lin Feng groaned.

“This is the counting unit in Starry Sky.” Duo Duo stretched his fingers, deeply oh’d and said, “100 million billion, it is a Beijing; and a trillion Jing is one stalk of grain. Heavenly Martial Continent’s human population is not even a fraction of the entire Battle Spirit World.”

Lin Feng heard a little hair dizzy, ignorant.

This number. It is too big!

“And this is just the number of humans. Battle Spirit World has other creatures, such as demon beast, such as plants.” Duo Duo started talking, “Battle Spirit World is multi-ocean, far exceeding land area, the number of demon beasts alone It is thousands of times more than humans.”

“Other creatures can also be cultivating into ‘Starry Sky Expert’?” Lin Feng said blankly.

“Of course.” Duo Duo pointed at the corner of his mouth and pointed to the outside. “The fifteen ‘Starry Sky Expert’ that died. There are only two humans. The rest are all races. For example, demon beast, change form Can continue cultivating, but it is more difficult than humans; like plants, although change form is more difficult than demon beast, but cultivating is smooth and has a very long life.”

“But there are so many creatures in Battle Spirit World that it is difficult to have a ‘Starry Sky Expert’ for hundreds of thousands of years.” Duo Duo showed a smile.

Lin Feng long put out a breath, Duo Duo said it was too shocking.

I am a bit hard to digest.

“Breakthrough becomes ‘Starry Sky Expert’, it takes a certain opportunity and needs to be recognized by ‘He’.” Duo Duo pointed his finger up, Lin Feng glanced, Duo Duo did not explain too much, “For you, This is still too far away. Although I hope that you can inherit Baili’ lineage, he will take revenge for the Master, but…”

“Everything still depends on heaven’s will.” Duo Duo lightly sigh.

“Even if you use the treasure and wealth left by the Master, it takes 100,000 years or even hundreds of thousands of millions of years, it can only help you to upgrade to ‘Saint Level’.” Duo Duo said, “As for whether Become a ‘Starry Sky Expert’ and see how it is. You only have one of your Senior Brothers to become ‘Starry Sky Expert’.”

Speaking of the last sentence, Duo Duo’s voice seemed to be a bit low.

“Saint Level?” Lin Feng shouted. “What is that?”

“Hey?” Duo Duo looked at Lin Feng without words. “You don’t even know the rating of Martial Artist?”

Lin Feng shook his head. “I only know… Martial Artist is divided into Apprentice level, Beginning Star Level, Star River Level, and expert above Star River Level.” I really don’t understand. Lin Feng’s eyes sparkled, and Duo Duo said that he had a look up at the mountains, but found that there was a mountain high feeling!

The vast Starry Sky, an endless expert!

“Oh…” Duo Duo helplessly said, “Well, I will give you a general knowledge.”

“Martial Artist is divided into two branches: Heavenly Martial Cultivator and Heavenly God Cultivator. The Heavenly Martial Cultivator is divided into Martial God and War God. The Heavenly God Cultivator is divided into Heavenly Spirit Master and Heavenly Soul Master,” said Duo Duo. “cultivating, is an insight world, mastering the process of strength, so condensing Soul Core, is really called ‘Martial Artist’.”

Lin Feng laughed bitterly.

It turns out that I am now a ‘stubborn’ to become a Martial Artist.

“Martial Artist’s hierarchy. From low to high, it is divided into Beginning Star Level, Star River Level, Star Sea Level, Star King Level, Star Territory Level and…”

“Saint Level !”

“Sure enough, I am only at the lowest level.” Lin Feng pondered and said in one’s heart.

Silently remembering the ranks of these Martial Artists, Lin Feng is in his mind.

What Duo Duo said, though only the most ‘basic’ knowledge, is very useful.

“Exceeding Saint Level. It is ‘Starry Sky Expert’.” Duo Duo eyes 炯炯, “Soul became a Starry Sky, Inextinguishable Fleshly Body, with endless Shouyuan, shuttled through Starry Sky. Unconstrained, free. And the sky is wide. When you reach the level of your Teacher, even if the soul and the fleshly body are completely destroyed, you can regenerate if you have a bunch of cell fragments!”

Lin Feng’s constant changes in his eyes are an eye-opener.

These rich knowledge cannot improve the strength. But it is especially useful for yourself.


“Is this still human?” Lin Feng bitter with a smile.

The fleshly body and the soul are gone, as long as there is a cell, you can be born again?

Heavens, what is this monster…

“Don’t be surprised, to reach the Master realm, any cell fragment has the imprint of the soul, of course, can be reborn.” Duo Duo shook his head and looked sad. “Unfortunately, Starry Sky is vast. Even if the poor master is difficult to detect for hundreds of millions of years.” One in ten million, one mountain has a mountain height, which is stronger than the Master.”

Lin Feng felt shock in one’s heart.

Nothing to know, one is scared, and it’s like sandstone in Battle Spirit World.

Not to mention the incomparable Starry Sky, how many geniuses, innate talent proud of the expert. It is beyond the reach of people.

However, the road is always coming out!

“One step at a time, down-to-earth cultivating.” Lin Feng eyes bright.

“As stated by Duo Duo, ‘Saint Level’ in Battle Spirit World is already extremely powerful. As long as I can reach this level…”

Lin Feng shook his fist and his thoughts were extremely firm.

Even if Duo Duo said that it took 100,000 years, how about a million years?

As long as you get it, it is the right way!

“Don’t worry, Lin Feng, your aptitude is bad, but the temperament and the will are beyond ordinary people.” Duo Duo said with a smile , “aptitude this thing, really isn’t 10% is the same, there is a big chance It can change lives; but temperament and will, but innate, although can be honed, but the upper limit is already doomed.”

“It is the truth that the so-called personality is born, and it is eighty years old.”

Lin Feng nodded and agreed.

This point, father also praised himself.

With my own aptitude, I can get the current ‘achievement’, and the true character occupies the most important factor.

“aptitude, can you change?” Lin Feng was surprised.

Duo Duo a pair of ‘that is of course’ expression, said indifferently, “otherwise, how can your aptitude conform to ‘inheritor ‘standard, the standard originally developed by Master must be the same as cultivate two Soul, and War God, Martial God, Heavenly The aptitude of the four systems of Spirit Master and Heavenly Soul Master must be above 6th grade.”

“If you don’t blend ‘Blood of the Phoenix’, Lin Feng’s aptitude of your War God and Heavenly Spirit Master is completely unqualified.”

It turned out to be…

Lin Feng feels awkward, but he doesn’t mind.

The aptitude day is destined, Duo Duo said, and it is true.

“But why does Teacher develop this ‘screening standard’?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

Duo Duo started talking, “Master knows that it is also known as ‘Starry Sky Expert’. If you want to reach a higher level of strength, both Life Soul and Human Soul must match each other. Even though you reach the strength grade of Master, you can It’s a hard time, but the time and energy it takes is hundreds of times.”

“And, the Dual Cultivation, Soul Core Insight is a deeper level, and the benefits are unparalleled.”

“Even if it is a breakthrough ‘Starry Sky Expert’, the odds are much higher than the average Martial Artist.”

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that under the accidentally, it is also the right way.

“Master once said.” Duo Duo said with a smile, “A wooden barrel, how much water can be loaded, the most is the board that looks really isn’t, but—”

“The lowest piece of wood.”

(Slowly reveal the mystery ~~)

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