Chapter IV Apprentice

Lin Feng dumbfounded.

It is a sudden change, so that you can’t react yourself.


Accept inheritance?

“You have two choices.” Duo Duo’s gaze, and a smudge of Lin Feng from the eyes.

“First, take the day as evidence, and worship the teacher, become the last discipline of the Master.”


Lin Feng lightly “hmm”, watched Duo Duo, a little curious in my heart.

Duo Duo’s mouth is coldly stroked, “The second is death.”

The sound was very dull, but Lin Feng was a deep sense to a pressure. Duo Duo didn’t lie to himself. If he didn’t agree, he might have killed himself. Lin Feng sees that Duo Duo is dedicated to his Master and is willing to sacrifice everything for him.

“Do I have a choice?” Lin Feng laughed bitterly.

Although I really tend to ‘accept inheritance’ in my heart, after all, this opportunity can be met, but…

This is a ‘coercion’ of the apprentice, and my heart is a bit uncomfortable.

“You didn’t.” Duo Duo shook his head.

“Because you want to protect Heavenly Martial Continent, protect your family.”

The voice fell in the ear, Lin Feng com when the complexion is positive, the eyelids flash.

In front of Duo Duo, he seems to be completely transparent, without any secrets.

“Do you think the test was Illusory Realm?” Duo Duo’s gaze was light, and the time made Lin Feng’s heart squeaky, and it took a deep coolness. Duo Duo said flatly, “This is what I simulated six months later. The scene, although not up to 100% simulation, has an accuracy of more than 90%!”

what? !

This time. Lin Feng is really shocked.

In other words, what I have just experienced is the beast herd riot attack after half a year?

“Impossible…” Lin Feng muttered, “beast herd riot third stage, should last at least a year or more, how could it be only half a year…”

“That’s normal,” Duo Duo said quietly. “With your strength, after one or two years, you are indeed qualified to defend against beast herd riot, even if it takes a little more effort. Level 9 beast herd riot. The chance of success is as high as 95%.”

Lin Feng nodded, Duo Duo and Father said the same.

Your current strength is indeed not weak.


“That’s just a normal situation.”

Duo Duo’s voice went straight into the heart and lungs, and Lin Feng’s eyes widened. Suddenly, I couldn’t help but think of the terrifying ‘monster’, and I felt the backbone sent out coldness. Cold sweat permeated from the forehead, and Lin Feng’s heart pounded. “Duo Duo, you are talking…”

“Yes, that Heavenly Dog.”

“The entire Heavenly Martial Continent will be destroyed.”

Heavenly Dog ?

Lin Feng startled. There was a deep coolness in the heart of the earth.

“One of the Five Great Top Grade Bloodline’s Heavenly Dog Clan?” Lin Feng complexion has changed dramatically.

“Yes.” Duo Duo nodded. “This Heavenly Dog should have been sent through the space crack. It only has instinctive action. But Heavenly Dog Clan is so cruel, violent, and killing, this instinct is even more Terrifying.”

Lin Feng looks dignified and his brows are tight.

As Duo Duo said, the Heavenly Dog in Illusory Realm is also killing the companions of the beast herd army.

Extremely crazy!

“The Heavenly Dog you met in Illusory Realm is an inflation stage.”

“But the strength has been far out of the ordinary ‘Star River Level ‘Martial Artist.”

My god !

Infancy stage, is there such a terrifying strength?

Lin Feng feels suffocated. Stronger than ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’, in the inflation only the strength of ‘King level Demon Beast’.

Five Great Top Grade Bloodline, heaven defying terrifying!

“On the Five Great Top Grade Bloodline, there is the Four Great Supreme Bloodline, I don’t know how strong it will be…” Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart, but it is completely unimaginable. Thinking of his lack of resilience in Illusory Realm, Lin Feng only felt a twist.

in other words. After half a year –

‘History’ will repeat itself?

Watched Lin Feng’s expression changed, Duo Duo smiled. “So I said that you have no choice, even if Lin Feng breaks through half a year. Become a ‘Star River Level ‘Martial Artist. The chance of defeating this Heavenly Dog is also less than 10,000. One of the points, one has only a theoretically possible chance.”

Lin Feng’s heart was raging, raising his head and watching the deep pond, he seemed to understand something.

“Can you help me?” Lin Feng stared at Duo Duo.

“Yes.” Duo Duo without the slightest hesitation.

“50%.” Duo Duo raised a palm. “I don’t dare to guarantee anything else, but after half a year you face the Heavenly Dog, there should be a chance of 50% to beat it!” Duo Duo’s eyes flashed The bright luster makes Lin Feng’s heart beat and suddenly, and there is a strong hope.

One in ten thousand and 50% are two completely different concepts.

Indeed, I have no choice.

“I am willing.” Lin Feng started talking, his eyes are very firm.

For yourself, nothing is more important than protecting Heavenly Martial Continent and protecting your family.

“Sincerely?” Duo Duo said with a faint smile.

“Yes.” Lin Feng is from the lungs.

“Even if… pay a great price for it?” Duo Duo has a deep eye.

“No matter what the price.” Lin Feng resolute and decisive.

Even if you pay more, you are delighted to!

“Good! Very good!” Duo Duo patted his hands and showed a touch of appreciation. “I really didn’t choose the wrong person, Lin Feng. Just rush to you, rest assured, even after half a year, your strength is still below that. Heavenly Dog, I will keep your family safe!”

“many thanks.” Lin Feng nodded and said, showing a helpless smile.

Sure enough, it was an old monster that lived for billions of years, and his life was caught by him.


any idea?

However, it is not a bad thing to worship one such expert.

Maybe… how many people want to ask for it.

“How to apprentice?” Lin Feng looks at Duo Duo.

“Everything is simple.” Duo Duo watched Ice Coffin, the eyes are a little faint and faint, and the voice is low. “Look three heads to show respect.”

Lin Feng nodded.

Looking at Ice Coffin, this lived a lot of years of super expert. Gaze was a well-being body after death, and Lin Feng’s heart was deeply admired. This is a kind of respect for the true expert, admiration by the heart, and respect from the heart, admiration.

Now, I have to worship him as a teacher!

Isn’t it a blessing? !


Lin Feng squatted, and then solemnly smashed three heads.

Duo Duo hangs on the sidelines, and the big eyes sparkle with a bright glow.

Above the Ice Coffin, a brilliance shines like a natural one. The sharp energy fluctuations made Lin Feng feel a shock. Looking up, I saw only the place where the light converges. A vain figure seems to be reflected in the light and displayed in front of myself.

It is a handsome man.

Handsome and free face, flowing hair and eyes that seem to speak, don’t you…

“My discipline, hello.” The voice was a little weak, and the lightness of the light blew out the pale face, and the handsome man showed a smile. “When you see this message, the teacher is dead. Child. You will be the last discipline of my ‘Baili’ lineage.”

“For the master sole name is ‘Feng’ character, I want to be as free as I want, and free.” Baili Feng lightly coughed, but smiled and shook his head. “Unfortunately, it is impossible for people to be tempted by the people. Big waves and waves have never been peaceful.”

“Child, although you and I have never met. But I always feel that God should not treat me badly.” Baili Feng said with a smile.

“Duo Duo will use everything to cultivate you and continue my ‘Baili’ lineage.”

“Goodbye, no, it is a farewell, my child.”

“Remember, live carefully.”

Pā ! The light fades down, and the last afterimage of the wipe is also disappeared.

Duo Duo biting one’s lips. The eyes are full of tears, crying, “Master, Master…”

Lin Feng has a long put out a breath.

Baili Feng. No, my own teacher ended up laughing and dying. This is an expert that is admirable from the bottom of my heart. From his voice, he can hear the care, hear the true emotional sustenance, and selfless dedication.

He is only very simple to let himself live carefully.

“Teacher.” Lin Feng watched Ice Coffin inside the face, feeling a kind heart.

The distance between each other seems to be a lot closer.

“Lin Feng!” Duo Duo turned back. Red Tongtong’s eyes were filled with extremely cold eyes and clenched his fists. “You remember what you just promised me?”

“Remember.” Lin Feng decisively responded.

“Master is very generous, don’t want to care, don’t want to take revenge, but…I, Duo Duo remember!” stunned anger outburst out, Duo Duo tightly clench one’s teeth, “Crow Nether Star, the master, if not miserable How can it end up like this!”

“I, Duo Duo has no other requirements.” Duo Duo looked at Lin Feng and looked straight into his eyes. “Although I hope to be embarrassed, there will be a chance if I have a chance—”

“Revenge for your Teacher!”

The sound is ambiguous and there is no hesitation.

Suddenly 330000 years, the hate of Duo Duo’s heart, completely vented.

“I will.” Lin Feng looked firm.

It’s a bit of a singularity, when the springs are reported, if the person is a person, if you have the ability to avenge the Teacher, it is even more natural!

“Very good!” Duo Duo both eyes bright light Hey, “I didn’t choose the wrong person.”

“Lin Feng, you can rest assured that Master will give everything to me before he dies. And I follow the Master from childhood, and Master knows everything about the discipline.” Duo Duo’s words suddenly made Lin Feng feel relieved and nodded. .

Since I have worshipped the teacher, inheritance Baili’ lineage.

Then there is an obligation and responsibility!

“Master, you rest in peace.” Duo Duo’s voice seemed a bit sad, and the white fingers pressed gently. In a blink of time, Ice Coffin, which was made up of frost, slowly began to sink. “Do not worry, Master, I will definitely teach you the final discipline, everything…to Duo Duo.”

The low voice, accompanied by the decline of Ice Coffin, sank into the ground.

“Let’s go, Lin Feng.” Duo Duo said softly.

“En.” With Duo Duo, Lin Feng very fast is back to the ground.

“Right, Duo Duo, Teacher, he… how strong is it?” Lin Feng asked curiously.

“Master ……” Duo Duo smiled a little, and he was proud of his eyes. “Master, he is ‘Starry Sky Expert’!”

(very fast will restore the three more, these chapters should consider the overall settings, it is difficult to write. Little urgency, less than a chapter to earn less than two hundred _)

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