Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 9 The Secret of Lin Family Village

“Hey, you said ‘Lin Clan’…”

Lin Feng purse one’s lip , said with hesitation , “but Lin Clan mentioned in the secret book [ Aurora ]?”

“Yes.” Lin Xiaotian does not deny.

When he heard the affirmative answer from Father, Lin Feng suddenly took a breath.

I remember very clearly that at the beginning of the secret book [ Aurora ], the 6-star Soul User weapon ‘Aurora Cone ‘ –

It was created by Lin Clan!

“Feng’er, some things must have been guessed.” Lin Xiaotian said slowly, “You and your younger brother were born in Battle Spirit World and are one of the ‘Lin Clan’. innate talent ‘Dao of Time’, powerful Life Soul Power is the best proof.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are changing and his heart is lost.

Sure enough, I didn’t expect it!

“That oh…” Lin Feng in the mind suddenly showed the scene of using ‘Spirit Communicator’ on the same day, and he was deeply insured to another aura.

Bloodline connected aura!

Let the feeling of my heart sway.

“Feng’er.” Lin Xiaotian interrupted. “I know you have a lot of questions, but now is not the time, these are too far away from you. What you have to face, really isn’t past, but now and In the future, this time beast herd riot…”

Lin Xiaotian screwed his brow and softly sighed. “It seems a bit unusual.”

Lin Feng complexion suddenly became dignified and his eyes were a bit deep.

The unusual feeling that father feels is not ordinary, and there must be embarrassment.

Although father does not have even a trace of energy aura, but the world of true expert. What is it that you can see through?

“Yes, that’s right, the past will only affect me.”

“Now I have to concentrate on it. It is this level 9 beast herd riot !”

“Keeping my ‘home’ firmly.”

Lin Feng nodded, and the strong will in the blink of an eye put all the troubles in his heart.

The break is broken, and it is constantly chaotic!

“Hey, what should I do now?” Lin Feng vision gaze towards father, boss eyes burn bright.

Lin Xiaotian shook his head gently. “Continue to walk your own path of martial artist, Feng’er. Don’t let other people influence you. Remember when I asked you to buy Lin Family Village?”

“Oh?” Lin Feng startled, then nodded.

This has always been a doubt in my heart, but I don’t know what father did on that day.

“At the foot of the Lin Family Village, you should be able to find a cave with a glowing aura, inside which is the treasure left by Divine Beast ‘Phoenix ‘Rebirth from the Ashes. There, Feng’er you can limit Cultivating consumes with the body Origin Fire and completes the final step of the advanced ‘Titled Martial God’.” Lin Xiaotian said slowly.

Divine Beast ‘Phoenix ‘?

Lin Feng has widened his eyes. Exceptionally scared.

I saw [Demon Beast Record], and Lin Feng knew exactly what the so-called ‘Divine Beast’ represents.

Four Great Supreme Bloodline, Five Great Top Grade Bloodline, these are all bloodlines that can be ‘inherited’ and can be ‘reproduced’. But Divine Beast was born with Heaven and Earth Good Fortune. With destroying heaven and exterminating the earth strength, because it is too powerful, it is ‘deprived’ of reproductive ability.

Divine Beast, in Battle Spirit World, is a transcendental existence.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. However, I did not expect Lin Family Village to hide such a big secret.

and many more!

“What I just said is…” Lin Feng’s eyes are astonished and horrified.

The foothills of Lin Family Village. A cave that emits hot aura?

In the twinkling of an eye, Lin Feng felt dumbfounded. “Isn’t that the cave I found that day?” thought in one’s heart, Lin Feng couldn’t help but think of a year ago, when he increased his strength for the limit, he broke into the blistering. Hot cave, the result –

At the most critical moment, breakthrough Preparatory Martial Artist!

“Many thanks you, hehe.” Lin Feng whispered, his heart full of gratitude.

It turns out that Father has been paving the way for himself. Even if he hasn’t entered ‘Heavenly Treasure World’ this time, he has never had such an adventure. He should now be able to reach the ‘Beginning Star Level’, with enough strength and Dragon Race war.

“Go.” Lin Xiaotian nodded indifferently.

“Yes, hehe.” Lin Feng responded, and immediately left with a joyful mood.

I can’t wait!

In the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, his own physical strength has reached the ‘Beginning Star Level’. However, due to the existence of ‘Origin Fire’, the Heart of Source could not be condensed. The body is still at ‘Apprentice level’, even the Corporeal Soul User is not counted, and the strength is completely derailed, and the difference is two levels!

“condensing Heart of Source, I can control Fire of Source!”

“Not only that, my body will transformation, sublimate to a new level!”

“Become a true ‘Beginning Star Level’ of Heavenly God Cultivator and Heavenly Martial Cultivator !”

Lin Feng shook his fist and was confident.

There is no doubt that in the short term, there will be a leap in strength.

Become stronger again!

As Lin Feng left, Lin Xiaotian gently put down the teacup and his eyes were blurred.

“Feng’er … he really looks like you, Ya Zhu.” Lin Xiaotian lightly mumble said, “The same stubborn, stubborn, although Feng’er’s innate talent isn’t as good as Yun’er, but on temperament, on will Force, Feng’er has surpassed Yun’er, and today’s achievements are completely out of Feng’er’s own step by step.”

“Maybe, his Feng’er can create a miracle and say it is not necessarily.” Lin Xiaotian spoke.

Lightly light sigh, Lin Xiaotian’s heart, there are too many unclear, endless.

“Is it my illusion?”

“Or… Is there really a strong presence?”

“This unusual feeling, what is going on?”

The brow was deep, and Lin Xiaotian watched the window, with a little concern in his expression.

Very wild.

In a giant wood shrub, several giant keels are standing fierce, there are still blood stains on the ground, and even the shrubs are dyed red, showing a few fascinating. At the very center of the shrub, a small monster with a length of 50 meters is just falling asleep and screaming.

The bright red fur is like a flame burning, and the flame mark on the forehead is bright. Extremely fierce.

Suddenly ——

There was a giant angry dragon roar in the sky, and only a few dozen giant dragons with metallic colors were flying. White markings. The golden luster is covered with glamorous scales, and the dragon tail is slender but tough, like a whip.

Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon, 2nd Grade Mid Grade Bloodline !

And Black Fog Demon Dragon, the same level of existence.

The head of the ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’ is only a kilometer long and is followed by dozens of ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’ behind it, most of which are over 10,000 meters long. The anger of the Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon group is extremely sorrowful. The head of the ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon ‘watched huge keel, hysterically squatting.

At this point, the little monster is already awakened.

As if disturbed by the dream, bare one’s fang, the little monster is watched the sky, the booth eyes flash a touch of ominous light.

In an instant, the red hair is upright!

The little monsters are starting to rise. It was an empty step, and without fear, broke into the dragon group, and the speed was as fast as lightning. The fierce pair of claw cold light illuminates, and in an instant, the ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’ group screams with sorrow and blood.

The small body is like a fish. There is no half obstacle.

Chi! Chi! Chi!

Claw shadow passes, kills astonishing, ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’ is slaughtered one by one. The head of the ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’ roared out of thunder, Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’s innate talent ability came out, like a sunny Thunderbolt on the little monster.

“Boom!!” Thunder lightning. Might is terrifying.


The little monster is intact.

Just irritated by an unknown attack, the little monster roared and opened his mouth. The terrifying flame suddenly spreads vault of heaven.

Astonishing might, covering the entire sky, is inevitable.

This is its real trump card attack!

Extinct strength!

The head of the ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’ did not even have a roar, it was instantly turned into ashes, and even the rest of the ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’ was buried. The little monster was thundering at this time, biting the throat of one of the ‘Golden Platinum Thunder Dragon’, and the screams were creepy.

A bloody massacre!

The battle in the wild is always –

Expert is respect!

Lin Family Village.

At this time, it has already become a ruin.

Located on the border of Heavenly Martial Continent, not to mention Lin Family Village, Vast Fire Town, Firmament Yang Martial Sect, and even Scorching Sun County.

Even the ‘Five Source King City’, the last base of the Five Great Sect Alliance, was destroyed.

Beast herd riot, quite crazy.

At this time, no Martial Artist dared to leave King City for a half step. In every corner of Heavenly Martial Continent, there was a great danger. When it was not possible, a demon beast would come out. There is only one person, but there is no fear.

Human strongest –

Lin Feng !

“Hu~~” watched Lin Family Village, which is almost flattened by the Mountain Range, Lin Feng can’t help but lightly sighed.

The hometown of my own grown up from childhood is just gone.

Minor sentimental in the heart, Lin Feng’s eyes showed a bit of nostalgia, and immediately shook his head. Mind 霎 time spread, like a spider web cover densely whole ruins, Lin Feng eyebrows clustered, heartbeat instantaneously accelerated, with the body purple Origin Fire seems to be boiling, extremely burning.

“Where!” Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

Sense , very easy, very fast speed.


Blistering hot cave, seems to be more mysterious than I imagined!

In the cave where the Divine Beast ‘Phoenix’ was once inhabited, Rebirth from the Ashes, what kind of treasure exists?

Lin Feng is very curious.

The body is like a sharp arrow, and when it comes to the sense of the place, Lin Feng flashes a piece of Origin Fire in his right hand, and the puff like gathers into a Fireball and comes straight out.

“Boom!” Severe vibrates, and the gravel is all empty.

“It’s here.” Lin Feng’s mouth slid slightly, and there was a familiar hole in front of him, and he was very familiar. When the memory of a year ago rushed to the mind, Lin Feng felt as if he had returned to the past, and the purple Origin Fire jumped as if he had found a sense of belonging.

“I am back.” Lin Feng slightly smiled.

Immediately, it is stepping out of the pace and stepping into it.

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