Chapter VIII innate talent is not good?

Deputy City Lord Mansion.

Not yet stepping into the house, Lin Feng has seen Mother Lin Wanqing and younger sister Lin Shui’er.

At this point, it was an anxious look, looking around and waiting, as if waiting for something.

“Let’s go.” Lin Feng holds that soft, boneless little hand, said with a slight smile.

There was a retreat in the little hand, but Lin Feng was holding a tighter one. Zi Yao’s blush is like a big apple. It’s like boiling. It’s like a mosquito, but it’s a low head and it’s going to be buried in the chest. It’s shy.

“Afraid of what, ugly daughter-in-law always sees the in-laws.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“Big Brother Lin!” Zi Yao playfully pouting, but Lin Feng looked at Crafty’s watched himself. Unconsciously, the two of them had already walked to the mansion unconsciously. They looked at themselves in front of their eyes, and Zi Yao’s heart suddenly ‘pu tōng pu tōng ‘and jumped up.

“I am back, mother.” Watched the familiar face, a thousand words, Lin Feng only said this sentence.

However, it already contains all.

“It’s good to come back, nothing is fine.” Lin Wanqing had a tear in his eyes and smiled. Looking at Zi Yao, the two men who saw each other clenched their hands, Lin Wanqing suddenly took the plunge with a smile, “Go in and say, Feng’er.”

“Yeah, Big Brother.” Lin Shui’er naughtyly ran to Zi Yao, “And there is a big ~~”

In an instant, Zi Yao’s face ‘Shua’ turned red.

“Shui’er!” Lin Wanqing sighed.

“Come, mother!” Lin Shui’er rushed over.

“It’s not big or small.” Lin Wanqing tapped his forehead. “Don’t go out and prepare.”

Lin Shui’er spit out a small tongue. Suddenly ran a cigarette and ran in.

“Let’s go.” Lin Feng shook hands.

“En.” Zi Yao blushes and nods.


the feeling of home. Nothing can be replaced.

Sense With a warm atmosphere, Lin Feng is filled with faint happiness.

Very dull, but very real.

“Brother, did you really enter the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley’?” Lin Shui’er squinted, sosai surprisingly.

“Yeah.” Lin Feng said with a smile, “It’s a world of black fog, inhabited by thousands of Black Fog Demon Dragons…” The vivid depiction of the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, Lin Feng vividly talked about his own experiences. Listening to Shui’er tsk tsk is amazing.

It is unseen and unheard of.

At this time, Zi Yao was busy with Lin Wanqing in the kitchen and started to work.

Looking at the head of a ‘Hunting’, he was busy learning to cook, and Lin Feng couldn’t help but smile.

And at this time –

Outside the door, the welcome voice of the next person, Shui’er suddenly said with a smile. “It’s the second brother back.”

“En.” Lin Feng long ago sense Lin Yun’s aura, can’t help but surprisingly, “A’Yun so busy?”

“Of course, brother.” Lin Shui’er is proud. “You don’t know, this time the ‘Heaven Breaking City migration’ plan. It was made by the second brother all night long three days and three nights. No change, then Zi Yao elder The sister is directly implemented, except for the small details of the details, almost perfect.”

“Oh?” Lin Feng felt astonished, but I didn’t expect Zi Yao to be so heavy.

“Big Brother, you don’t know. The second brother is now a true City Lord, and Heaven Breaking City is the big deal. He is convinced.” Lin Shui’er glare, God shouted, “I really Envy of the second brother, has been able to help Big Brother to solve problems, Shui’er is still nothing.”

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile and stroked Shui’er’s small head. “Big Brother, as long as you are happy.”

Shui’er purse one’s small mouth , nodded and said , ” Shui’er will work hard and become the Big Brother ‘s left arm and right arm like the second brother ! “

The voice did not fall, it was a burst of laughter, only Lin Yun came in a wheelchair, said, “Shui’er is talking about the second brother what is bad? I heard your voice in the long distance. ”

“Where is it, second brother!” Shui’er said while pouting.

“Working hard, A’Yun.” Watched Lin Yun with a tired face, Lin Feng smiled nodded and said.

“On hard work, brother, you are harder.” Lin Yun said with a smile, “Right, brother, the outside is full of enthusiasm, you really caught a Black Dragon?”

Caught a dragon?

Shui’er hearing this can’t help but widen your eyes, “heavens, really fake?”

“Fake.” Lin Feng said with a smile, Shui’er grew a sigh of relief. When she was slightly disappointed, Lin Feng was again. “That is my Contracted Demon Beast ‘Lian Long’, is Black Fog Demon. Dragon Clan took the initiative to give me a ‘partner’ and had the opportunity to take you to see.”

“You said really, brother?” Shui’er looked horrified, and his heart pu tōng pu tōng jumped very fast.

“Nature is true.” Lin Feng nodded and said.

“It turned out to be like this.” Lin Yun suddenly realized, “It’s no wonder that the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’ is so honest, not like other Dragon Races. I was shocked when Silver Dragon and I said, I thought Dragon Race. I even sneaked into Heaven Breaking City, haha.”

Lin Feng watched Younger Brother Lin Yun, also smiled.

I haven’t seen it for more than a month, and the younger brother has matured a lot more maturely.

Younger brother Although Martial Artist innate talent is not high, but…

In terms of management and administration, the younger brother is indeed a place where talents are displayed, and it is rapidly honed and grown.

Like yourself, constantly improving in battle.

Very fast, the family is happy to sit in a circle and eat rice.

Because Zi Yao is more than this time, the atmosphere is more and more enjoyable.

Shui’er talked about Lin Feng’s anecdote when he was a child, and Zi Yao laughed and laughed. It was Lin Feng’s thick face and it was embarrassing.

A meal, eat really isn’t delicious meals, but a kind of warmth.

A feeling of ‘home’.

“Mother, I am already engaged with Zi Yao.” Lin Feng said calmly.

Zi Yao bowed his head slightly, feeling awkward, both afraid and expecting, and the little deer in the heart collided.

“Great, brother!” Shui’er shouted happily and smiled. “You are so powerful, Zi Yao elder sister is now famous!”

“Stupid Shui’er, don’t you know what happened today?” Lin Yun said with a sneer like laugh. “Big Brother’s reputation is big, but now the ‘big hero’ that Heavenly Martial Continent people admire. Who knows, who doesn’t know? Defeat three batches of beast herd army with one’s own power, kill three Dragon Races, slaughter Demon beast is over 100 million!”

“my god!” Lin Shui’er was shocked.

Vision gaze towards Lin Feng, I can’t think of my Big Brother being so powerful.

It was Lin Wanqing who was shocked and had a glimpse of his head.

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn’t care about it.

Watched Mother Lin Wanqing, Lin Feng said softly. “Mother, I am going to meet Zi Yao at the end of the beast herd riot, you see…”

“Ah?” Lin Wanqing reacted. Zi Yao saw a look of uneasiness, secretly thought, and she nodded, with no smile. “Okay. Of course, 乖daughter-in-law like Zi Yao.” I can’t find it with a lantern.”

As the voice fell, the shackles on Zi Yao’s face suddenly became blushing, and the heart was worried.

“Yeah, great!” Shui’er excitedly said.

“It seems that I will change to ‘big bang’ in the future.” Lin Yun said with a smile.

Lin Feng vision gaze towards Zi Yao. The two men smiled and smiled, showing a point of satisfaction and warmth, and no obstacles on the emotional road.

“Zi Yao, here is your home here.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

“En.” Zi Yao nodded softly.

The atmosphere is warm and lively.

“Hey. Many thanks to you.” Lin Feng nodded and said.

This time, I can safely return to Heavenly Martial Continent without making a big mistake. Father helped a lot.

Moreover, if it is not a father reminder, I am afraid that I will suffer from the influence of the sender because of the excessive intake of the inner core.

“I didn’t do anything.” Lin Xiaotian sipped his tea gently. “Everything is Feng’er. You work hard.”

The sound is light and faint, seemingly smooth, but Lin Feng is a deep brow.

“Oh your injury…” Lin Feng is not an ignorant person. Both Life Soul and Human Soul have superior sense ability. Although it is only a vague feeling, father’s ‘life force’ is obviously a month ago. It is much weaker, just like a dying old man.

“Old age.” Lin Xiaotian said indifferently, “has been used to it.”

“Hey, is there anything I can help?” Lin Feng hesitated, said resolutely, “child hopes to share the pressure for you.”

Lin Xiaotian hearing this can not help but smile, “You have done enough, Feng’er, far exceeding my prediction, is true.” Said, Lin Xiaotian deeply exhaled, vision gaze towards the window, leisurely said, “heaven’s will If you get people, you should have an old saying…”

“No heart will be inserted into the willow.” Lin Xiaotian’s smile is a bit stunned.

Lin Feng stunned, a bit unclear.

What do you mean by ignoring what you said?

Lin Xiaotian turned back to watched Lin Feng, the old boss eyes transmitted a squat of pitch-black, and the sensation of Lin Feng’s heart was as if there was an endless suction, and the faint sound fell in the ear. Know, Feng’er, your aptitude is not as good as your younger brother.”


Father’s words made Lin Feng shocked.

I am not mistaken?

I have always thought that Younger Brother Lin Yun really isn’t practice martial arts, but now –

It completely subverts this idea.

What the father said, it must be true!

“A’Yun he…” Lin Feng looked like a change.

“Your younger brother’s innate talent is even better than me.” Lin Xiaotian’s deep squats gradually swayed and shook his head. “From childhood to big, I think A’Yun will be my heir, until now I have I haven’t changed this idea. To be honest, Feng’er your innate talent is actually not good.”

Lin Feng felt a little didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

My own innate talent, in the eyes of father, actually ‘not good’?

“I mean Heavenly God Cultivator’s innate talent.” Lin Xiaotian burning like gaze, “my Lin Clan Every clansman is blessed with heaven, has a strong ‘Heavenly God Cultivator ‘innate talent, even the weakest clansman, becomes Beginning Star Level ‘Heavenly God Cultivator ‘is with no difficulty.”

Lin Clan?

Lin Feng eyes flashed, in the mind, suddenly opened the memory.

I have heard it before!

That is……

“my god.” Lin Feng recalled, momentarily stunned.

(Blessing Kobe, although he doesn’t like him, he is a real man with an admirable will!)

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