Chapter 10 undercurrent rushing forth

The temperature of burning is so familiar.

Entering this mysterious ‘blistering hot cave’, Lin Feng seems to have returned to the past.

“There are six hours of time.” Lin Feng glanced, mumbled inwardly, and now the task of beast herd riot was all on his shoulder. Inside the Heavenly Martial Continent, but above the Martial God level, all of them are painfultaking cultivation, aiming at breakthrough and unable to separate.

In fact, the ordinary Titled Martial God has little help for the current beast herd riot.

Slowly moving forward, the temperature of burning is getting higher and higher.

Fifty degrees.

Seventy degrees.

One Baidu.


The temperature is still increasing. At that time, Lin Feng could not bear it at only 70 degrees, and the body seemed to be on fire. But now Lin Feng is completely ignorant, and the pace of walking is as smooth as ever. There is no feeling at all.

This is not the same as before!

The strength of the body alone is already a thousand times and 10,000 times higher.

Slowly walking forward, Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

Two Baidu.

Three Baidu.

Four Baidu.


The temperature is endlessly enhanced, Lin Feng gently touches the rock of the cave, his eyes are shining bright, “Fire Smelting Stone, extremely high temperature, is the basic material for tool refining polishing.” Read through [Ore Encyclopedia], Lin Feng The information on the ore is well known.

Tool refining is a very ‘precious’ existence of ‘Battle Spirit World’.

Lin Feng has seen it many times in ‘Alkaid Hall’, no matter how Heavenly God Cultivator also good, Heavenly Martial Cultivator also good, the strength of combat is inseparable –


The so-called tool refining. Exactly refining weapon .

“[Aurora] says that Lin Clan seems to be very good at tool refining. I don’t know… I will tool refining?” Lin Feng groaned.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng smiled and didn’t care, and continued to move forward.

For yourself, these are not important.

One hundred meters, kilometers.

Going deep into the cave, there are tens of meters…

Lin Feng vision gaze towards Fluorescent Compass seems to have lost its effect.

“Sure enough, the energy intensity is too great.” Lin Feng muttered inwardly in one’s heart. Spin it soon to close the income in Gui Purple Ring.

Vision gaze towards ‘Gui Purple Ring’, this 3-star Storage Spirit Treasure is now emitting a faint lustre, which is more of a ‘life’ than before, it is a kind of spiritual connection. Since Zi Yao put on the ‘Gui Purple Ring’, the pair of rings has changed.

It seems that two people in the distance have established a connection between the souls.

Although there is no other function, it is impossible to speak. But it is the feeling of getting ‘touched’.

“There is it, Heavenly Martial Continent If it is what happened, I can know for the first time.” Lin Feng looked bright.

Zi Yao, can notify himself via ‘Gui Purple Ring’.

And another –

“And ‘Lian Long’ guards at the border, nothing to lose.” Lin Feng smiled.

Take the strength of ‘Lian Long’ Change Form First Realm, plus Dragon Race’s natural ‘pressure’. Even if you don’t have it, you can resist beast herd riot with no difficulty.


“You can avoid it.” Lin Feng inwardly shiver.

In any case, ‘Lian Long’ is a demon beast, and I don’t want to bother with it if I can.

Moreover. It’s probably strong enough to be an enemy’s Lian Long, but with an enemy billion…

Lian Long has no group attack ability.

as time flows. Lin Feng is getting deeper into the cave.

Ten thousand meters.

20,000 meters.

30,000 meters.

“Finally, I feel.” Lin Feng burning like gaze.

The body, feeling the thick heat, the extreme temperature burning every inch of the body’s skin, the feeling of deja vu is coming again. Within the body’s Purple Origin Fire Seed was strongly evoked, and the Fire Lotus Flower was extremely rotated, turning into the greed of Origin Power.

In fact, from entering this cave, the consumption of Origin Fire Seed has begun to accelerate.

However, Lin Feng’s body is too strong!

Just like a lake, throwing ten stones and throwing a hundred stones, there is no difference.

Origin Power will be absorbed by the body in a blink of an eye!

but now……

It is very different!

“Not yet at the limit.” Lin Feng eyes is shining.

Your current body, the sole view strength, has reached the ‘Beginning Star Level’ level.

What is the comparison before?

One step, one step further!

At this moment, every time you go deep into a hundred meters, the body can feel a pressure, as if wearing a heavy iron chain. Lin Feng’s face is already red, the skin of the body is tight, and the thinness is changing.

One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

Ten meters!

“It’s here!” Lin Feng is close to clear one’s teeth.

Going forward, you will be empowered to load your body!

Lin Feng knows clearly.

“Hey!” Sitting cross-legged, Lin Feng closed his eyes when he was stunned, his heart completely condensed, in a blink of time. The beautiful and beautiful Fire Lotus Flower is constantly turning, and the speed is almost invisible.

Astonishing Origin Fire quickly turns into a thick fog that is absorbed by the body.

Beginning Star Level’ body, absorption speed astonishing terrifying, every second, is crazy increase!

It’s ten times more than the absorption in ‘Fire God Forbidden Land’! The lifting that can be seen by the naked eye, combined with the rush forth of the surrounding temperature, forms a stock impact, and the absorption of Lin Feng ‘hungry’ can fully see that ‘Purple Origin Fire Seed’ is steadily weakening energy.

A little, a little.

If the light is slowly getting lighter.

Like a candle, slowly extinguish it.

“Come on, fast!” Lin Feng very excited in one’s heart.

Self, from the real ‘Titled Martial God’ –

It is getting closer and closer!

Assassin Alliance.

“The source is true?” Chi Lie frowned.

“It’s true.” A black shadow said solemnly.

“It seems that Lin Feng is blessed in the ‘Heavenly Treasure World’.” Chi Lie’s eyes were cold and his right fist was tight. The blue veins are exposed. “It’s no wonder that he is growing hard. He can fight hundreds of millions of beast herd army with his own strength. Black Fog Demon Dragon is not helpful to him!”

“Once human beings are getting stronger and stronger, Lin Feng is getting stronger and stronger, we…” Shady with hesitation.

“Never allow!” Chi Lie interrupted directly, eyes cold light radiate all around.

He and Lin Feng have long been dead.

Once Lin Feng is strong, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, then Heavenly Martial Continent. I am afraid there is no place for him Chi Lie!

“Martial Sovereign, Lin Feng must be eradicated as soon as possible.” The shadow is sole solemnly.

“I know.” Chi Lie’s eyes are constantly changing, spss out a mouthful of impure air, shaking one’s head and said, “but…easier said than done !”

“Subordinate has a plan, don’t know what Martial Sovereign means?” The shadow of the shadow reveals a gloomy smile.

“Oh?” Chi Lie eyes suddenly lit up.


City in the Sky.

Eastern region, Heavenly Martial Army range.

Young Commander ‘Zhu Podi’ is very annoying. Everything changed because of the appearance of Lin Feng.

He is no longer the most powerful Martial Artist of Heavenly Martial Continent, and the most beloved woman is also lost, even…the glory that belongs to him, belongs to him, but now it is disappeared. No longer exists. People only remember the hero Lin Feng, but he has already forgotten his Young Commander.

Even the Heavenly Martial Army…

“Hey.” Zhu Podi puts out a breath.

“Marshal is upset?” Azure Flood Dragon blinked and asked softly.

Shaking his head, Zhu Podi looked a little sad and didn’t want to talk.

It is a fake to say no trouble. Right now he is as dirty as a spit, not to mention other Titled Martial God. It’s all about rumors in the Heavenly Martial Army. Although the status is still stable, it feels a lot less.

Prestige, convinced.

“Is Marshal hated Lin Feng?” asked Azure Flood Dragon suddenly.

“That’s still to say!” When mentioning this name, Zhu Podi is gnashing teeth.

“Would you like to kill him?” Azure Flood Dragon asked again.

“Of course I think!” Zhu Podi showed ominous light. “This bastard, I can’t wait to break him down!”

“In this case, why is Marshal not acting?” Azure Flood Dragon started talking.

Zhu Podi expression changed, coldly eyes straight watched Azure Flood Dragon, four eyes relative, long time Zhu Podi is lightly sighed, shaking one’s head and said, “kill Lin Feng, who will resist beast herd riot?” Zhu Podi is also really isn’t idiot, clearly understand what to do and what not to do.

And the most important thing is…

“I want to kill him, will I still stay him?” Zhu Podi laughed at himself.

On the strength, the gap between yourself and Lin Feng is like a scorpio –

Very huge!

“Marshal doesn’t have to be arrogant.” Azure Flood Dragon blinked. “In terms of subordinate, Marshal aptitude is better than Lin Feng. Lin Feng’s fighting strength is so strong, really isn’t his own strength, but relying on him. ‘Weapons’, that should be the legendary ‘the ancient weapon’, if Marshal gets, will be able to play a stronger strength!”

“Hey?” Zhu Podi hearing this, both eyes lit up.

In retrospect, Azure Flood Dragon said so!

Lin Feng is the beast herd army. It is the strange silver-shaped metal in the hand!

“As long as Marshal can kill Lin Feng and get the ‘old weapon’, it will be replaced by a new human leader and admired!” Azure Flood Dragon hits the iron with a sparkling glow in the eyelids.

“Really?” Zhu Podi’s breathing was in a blink of time.

“Of course.” Azure Flood Dragon said with a smile, “How can I make a joke about my life? If it is kill Lin Feng, the beast herd riot is unblocked, Heavenly Martial Continent is extinct, I am not bring about one’s own destruction?”

Zhu Podi nodded, indeed, what Azure Flood Dragon said is not without reason.

“But…” Zhu Podi said with hesitation, “With my strength, it is impossible to kill Lin Feng.”

A few pounds of himself, Zhu Podi knows very well.

Although he hates Lin Feng, it does not mean losing his mind.

“Not necessarily.” Azure Flood Dragon’s smile is like Pandora’s box, step by step to lure the desire of Zhu Podi’s heart.

“Subordinate naturally has a way, just look…” Azure Flood Dragon stopped, “Marshal dare not fight!”

“Speak and listen!” Zhu Podi has clanging.

(Strong is sin… Yesterday, the code was 3 at 2000, and it was stuck at the back. As a result, I slept to 12 in the morning, I went! It’s better to get up early, tears ……)

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