Chapter VII, a kiss, a sentiment

Hundreds of thousands of heavenly treasure points, just a small part?

Everyone blinked and watched Lin Feng, heartbeat stopped.

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

What you have, naturally, is more than that.

The ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’ searched in ‘Heavenly Treasure World’ has tens of thousands of pieces, replaced by ‘heavenly treasure points’, which easily breaks millions!

And this is just the most insignificant part of your own ‘asset’.

“There is enough ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, I believe that everyone can break through the bottleneck of Titled Martial God.” Lin Feng smiled slightly, everyone looked shining, you watched me, I watched you, all laughed. For them, the bottleneck of this breakthrough is just the soul power.

Titled Martial God, the advancement of the body is easy, but the advance of soul power –


In fact, Heavenly Martial Cultivator and Heavenly God Cultivator are all the same. The progress of Heavenly Martial Cultivator is often subject to the breakthrough of the soul, and Heavenly God Cultivator is just the opposite, subject to the breakdown of the body.

“It seems that soon after, Heavenly Martial Continent will have seven more than the existence of Titled Martial God.” Laughing Buddha smiled.

“Short ten days and a half months, long two or three months.” Tian Qing eyes bright, “once the breakthrough, you can immediately enter the battlefield and enhance human power!”

“Yes, we have to do our best to share the pressure for Lin Feng.” Thunderbolt nodded and said.

Everyone is very clear and understands.

The real key to stopping the beat herd riot is Lin Feng.

Only with his continuous improvement, Heavenly Martial Continent hopes to survive this End disaster.


Thunderbolt, Blue, Tian Qing, etc., very fast, took the Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone and left.

Grasp every minute.

Cultivating. Then cultivating!

The sooner the breakdown is, the sooner Lin Feng will rest. Cultivating enhances combat power.

This is a cycle, a good quality benign cycle, and everyone knows the importance of it.

There is no time to delay!

At this time in Temple, the departure of the crowd suddenly made the room look empty.

The human army, Martial God is only less than forty, and many of them are newly promoted Martial God like Han Ziling and Dalu Wan’er. Compared to 7th rank Titled Martial God, the role of these ordinary Martial God. Undoubtedly a lot smaller.

Fang Ning, Xiao Jian ……

Lin Feng watched, a familiar face, the heart is warm.

No matter how small the strength is, they are all part of humanity.

It is a warrior who really competes with demon beast!

“Do you want to be stronger?” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

The eyes of everyone are bright, and the power and mystery of Lin Feng has already made them convinced.

“Of course I think!”

“Don’t kill those demon beast!!”

The sounds sounded one after another, everyone in the barrel intent boiling, can not wait to go to desperately with those demon beast. However, he only complains that his strength is meager and his ability is limited.

The shining bright eyes flash, Lin Feng burns, “From today, let go of everything in your hands!”

The light of his hands is shining, in the look of surprise. A piece of ‘stalactite’ appeared in an instant! The milky white transparent light shines in the Temple, the powerful Life Energy aura is mixed with the soul power aura, the between makes everyone’s heart jump, and the bloodline is arrogant.

“my god !”

“what is this?!”

A burst of inhalation, everyone seems to see prey like demon beast. Eyes 璀璨!

It is Zi Yao next to the company, and he is curious to pick up a ‘stalactite’. The complexion changes slightly.

“A strong strength…” Zi Yao beautiful eyes lit up and looked straight to Lin Feng.

“Stalactite, just call it.” Lin Feng clear like smile, “absorbing and refining can enhance both body and soul. For you, this is the best ‘tonic’. The number is small, how much can you absorb? How much, but not allowed to take it.”

In the last sentence, Lin Feng has already pulled up Zi Yao’s softness and stepped out of the door.

Time –

The whole Temple was crazy, and everyone grabbed the ‘stalactite’ like a wolf. It was non-stop for half a second, and it was absorbed directly in the Temple.

Just kidding, there are so many porridges, you can grab a little bit!


“Big Brother Lin.” Zi Yao started talking.

“What happened?” Zi Yao, who saw Lin Feng, couldn’t help but say surprisedly.

Hesitated for a moment, Zi Yao nodded and said, “In fact, I think that these ‘stalactite’ will be better if they are absorbed by several people alone?” Zi Yao said it is euphemistic, but the meaning is very clear, and the average To improve the strength, it is better to focus on training a few.

And this is indeed the best way.


Watched Lin Feng Xiao Yao feels confused, “Is it wrong, Big Brother Lin?”

In my heart, startled, Zi Yao is Zi Yao after all, and time is suddenly realized, startled and said, “I know, Big Brother Lin, you are stimulating them!”

“Yes, they need enough motivation!” Lin Feng looked flickering, lightly smiled.

Stalactite ?

What I have is that the 5% that I just took out is not enough.

Compared to ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, stalactite stocks more affluent astonishing, but that day Stalactite Cave did not know how many years of condensation.

For more than forty Titled Martial God, more than enough!

“Big Brother Lin, it seems that you have gained a lot in ‘Heavenly Treasure World’ this time.” Zi Yao smiled.

“En, back to Heaven Breaking City, I am afraid you will be scared.” Lin Feng smiled.

“Scared?” Zi Yao wondered.

“Heavens!” Zi Yao hands cover the small mouth.

Indeed, as Lin Feng said, he was deeply shocked.

Watched The huge Black Dragon in front of him, Zi Yao feels suffocated.

Although only a few kilometers long, the aura, pressure emitted by this Black Dragon is far better than ‘Azure Iron Ridge Dragon’, ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’. But at this time… but like a ‘pet’, quietly rest in a huge open space.

All around, it seems that many residents still look far, but they are afraid.

After all, this is the legendary ‘Dragon’!

True Dragon Race !

“Working hard. Silver Dragon.” Lin Feng smiled and said to Silver Dragon, still horrified.

Silver Dragon scratched his head and he was really scared at first. But then the giant guts, but found that this Black Dragon is not so terrifying, it seems quite ‘friendly’. But after all, the dragon and the other way, Long Wei still makes him feel the deep danger.

“Nothing, I should do it.” Silver Dragon smiled, but his heart was a long sigh of relief.

This tiring life is finally over.

“Go to Temple, don’t delay.” Lin Feng nodded and said.

“Oh?” Silver Dragon stunned. “What to do in City in the Sky?”

“Don’t you know when you go?” Lin Feng smiled mysteriously.

“Yes, Hunter Protector.” Silver Dragon was puzzled, but he was vocal about Lin Feng.

Instantly, it is leaving.

“Introduction, Lian Long, my Contracted Demon Beast.” Lin Feng patted ‘Lian Long’, said with a slight smile.

“Contracted Demon Beast ?!” Zi Yao’s beautiful face is full of surprises.

Other people may not be clear. But she understands what ‘Contracted Demon Beast’ is. That is the demon beast delighted to sign a contract with human beings and become a faithful ‘servant’, which is a ‘voluntary’ behavior. It’s quite unbelievable. After all, demon beast and humans seem to be extremely repulsive at both ends of the magnet.

Conquering a demon beast is far more difficult than defeating a demon beast.

not to mention……

It’s still the ultimate ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’!

“Heaven. Big Brother Lin, what did you do?” Zi Yao licked his bright eyes, surprisingly said.

Lin Feng smiled and stroked Lian Long’s fine scales. The latter opened his eyes and looked at Zi Yao and looked at Lin Feng. He seemed to understand something. Gently áo hǒu, in the distance, those onlookers suddenly scared soul flies away and scatters. Even the road to escape.

“Let’s talk long, talk while walking.” Lin Feng patted Lian Long and signaled it to rest.

“En.” Zi Yao nodded lightly, and the bright light in watched Lin Feng’s beautiful eyes flashed.

Just over a month without seeing it, Big Brother Lin is like a reborn.

Full of mystery!


Along the way, Lin Feng briefly told Zi Yao about his passing in the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley’.

Although it is calm from Lin Feng’s mouth, Zi Yao knows that this is definitely a ‘danger’ experience. Three times of killing, three escapes, from the time of entering the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley’, even the Dense Fog Beast King can not be defeated, any Black Fog Demon Dragon can kill the ‘蝼 蝼’ exists…

Later, it was not only easy to Slaughter Dragon, but even conquered a Black Fog Demon Dragon.

What are the twists and turns, and what is the simple way to make it clear?

“Injured, Big Brother Lin.” Zi Yao said softly.

“I am not tired, I only hate that I can’t come back soon.” Watched Zi Yao The ruddy face, Lin Feng can’t help but think of the scene when she just came back.

It was scared and the heart seemed to be broken into two halves.

Zi Yao, for myself…

Too important!

Thought in one’s heart , in a blink of time A ray of light, Lin Feng has a purple beautiful light in his hand, and time to attract Zi Yao attention. It was an exquisite ring, the purple light exudes soft energy, and the ring on Lin Feng’s hand is very similar, like a pair.

“Gui Purple Ring, 3-star Storage Spirit Treasure.” Lin Feng raised his hand, said with a slight smile. “This is a pair.”

When I heard the first half of the sentence, Zi Yao was shocked, but when I heard the latter part of the sentence, the little face suddenly became ‘Shua’.

Gently grasping the soft, boneless softness, Lin Feng’s eyes are full of love, “Zi Yao, although I said that I will wait until the beast herd riot ends, but I am afraid after this incident. Lose you, so… I want to order first.”

“Don’t wear this ‘Gui Purple Ring’, you are the woman of I, Lin Feng in the future.”

The voice is full of domineering, but it is full of love. Zi Yao feels that his fingers are tight, but he has not yet had time to speak, but he has been wearing ‘Gui Purple Ring’ by ‘unstoppable’.

Zi Yao complexion is red, said while playfully pouting, “Big Brother Lin, how can this be…”

The voice stopped abruptly.

The lips are sealed, and the strong male aura wraps her, and the hot emotions erupt in an instant.

The sweet feeling permeates the hearts of two people, sucking each other’s temperature, the body seems to melt, and the two hearts are tightly glued together.

sealed with a kiss.

(Only two days have coded 6000 words, little anger!! Four rhythms, see if you can open 12000 today, scream twice, cheer yourself up!)

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