Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 6 Roll!


No one cares about him?

Zhu Podi is like a one-man show, like a clown.

Everyone’s face is full of laughter.

“What do you rely on?” Blue cold said with a smile.

“Just because I am the son of Commander, I am Marshal of Heavenly Martial Army!” Zhu Podi looked up and was very proud.

“But what have you done for humans?” Prison said indifferently, “What are you doing when the Best Source King City is destroyed in the beast herd army? I remember the last time Zi Yao said to you, the difference is different. If you don’t have that heart, please leave.

As if he had been stepped on his tail, Zhu Podi was furious and pointed at the prison’s nose. “What are you, when are you qualified to speak!!

As soon as the voice came out, everyone complexion stop and change, with anger.

“Why not?” The sound of burning sounded.

Lin Feng’s eyes shining bright, said coldy, “Prison Hunter King is part of my ‘Hunting’, but the warrior who protects humanity with life, and sacrifices his life for Heavenly Martial Continent. Everyone here is equal. Eligible, only -“?

“You don’t.” Lin Feng’s voice as cold as ice and frost.

Bright light The sharp eyes are like a sharp arrow Zhu Hudi, the powerful Life Soul power puff like violent.

“I, I!” Zhu Podi complexion was shocked, and the body could not help but take a step.

Lin Feng’s aura makes him feel a deep danger.

The strength gap between the two, the big terrifying! ?

“You just throw the Commander’s face and become a son.” Lin Feng’s eyes were cold. The eyelids are shining and shining. “Look at Commander’s face. I won’t care about you, but…” Lin Feng stopped, his right hand went out, slowly said, “I don’t welcome you here, roll!

The calm voice is full of unquestionable, a ‘roll’ word. Lin Feng is disgusted.

At present, foreign enemies must be united, and they must not have a group of horses like Zhu Podi.

A mouse smashed a pot of soup! ?

“Okay, good!” Zhu Podi grinds his teeth, and the hateful eyes are constantly changing.

But I dare not look directly at Lin Feng, but watched the rest of the Martial Artist. The mouth is cold and pumping, “There is yours! Matter of this day, I, Zhu Podi will be remembered in the heart, he will not turn the road!” Zhu Podi turned and walked away. The expression is full of shame and anger.


What can I do? ?

The strength is not as good as people, only the self-conduct with the tail.

“Let’s go!” Zhu Podi took the door and the Azure Flood Dragon immediately caught up.

Although the look is calm, but Azure Flood Dragon is regretted to die, but there is no way.

Wrong on the ship. Can’t go back.


As the two left in vain, everyone burst into laughter.

Great people! ?

“Do it well. Lin Feng!” Laughing Buddha boasted.

“Only you can cure him.” Blue said with a smile.

“Zhu Podi, this kind of bullying is hard, hard to become a great tool.” Thunderbolt said disdainfully, “And Commander is completely two models, saying that the tiger father has no dog son, but there are always exceptions, it is difficult to be beautiful. Commander …… It is a pity.

When I mentioned Commander, everyone felt a sorrow.

He is a real hero.

A he-man who can support both heaven and earth! ?

If there is no him, at this moment Heavenly Martial Continent does not know what it will look like.

“pā,pā.” The gently clapping sounds, Tian Qing said, “The deceased is already awkward. I believe that Commander doesn’t want to see everyone like this. At the moment, the major event is still important. There are less than three hours. Ten batches of demon beast will come again.

At the time, everyone was gaze towards Lin Feng. Right now, no one else can deal with this terrifying beast herd army.

Even if most of the people here are higher than Lin Feng’s qualifications, even the position is high…?

However, there is only one that can make Martial Artist convinced.

strength! ?

The world of Martial Artist is strong and respectful! ?

Seeing everyone’s eyes all gathered, Lin Feng smiled and looked at Zi Yao, “Come on, Zi Yao, I don’t understand.”

Each has its own strengths, and what they are good at is cultivating and fighting.

Really isn’t this kind of planning and planning.

“En.” The most natural thing about Lin Feng is Zi Yao. He gently nods his head to share his pressure. His eyes are wide-eyed and the beautiful eyes are flickering. “The situation is different now. In the short term, Big Brother Lin alone. One person can turn the tide and prevent the beast herd from invading, but in the long run…”?

Zi Yao shook his head and everyone whispered and talked about it?

Lin Feng smiled at Zi Yao and agreed.

Even if you are playing in iron, every battle is a matter of fact, it does not matter, but it is –

Kill chickens and take eggs.

Once the strength of the beast herd army is getting stronger and stronger, and because of the inability to cultivating, the human being will be in ruins.

“Zi Yao means… I hope that one of our old bones can break through Titled Martial God?” Laughing Buddha said.

Tian Qing, Thunderbolt, Huang Peng, etc. are all in one point. Everyone knows that Titled Martial God and Titled Martial God are two completely different concepts. Once you have breakthrough Titled Martial God, you can kill King level Demon Beast with no difficulty! ?

“With the spirit treasure, you can share a lot of pressure for Big Brother Lin.” Zi Yao pointed out the pinpoint.

Lin Feng is now like a Marshal of the Major General.

What is most needed is a strong enough army! ?

“Gathering all Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone.” Tian Qing gazing, “With the current stock, you should be able to make an 7th rank Martial God breakthrough, but…” The sound is light, and Tian Qing’s eyes fall on Zi Yao. When Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone has the most reserves, it is ‘Hunting’.

“‘Hunting’ must be fully supported.” Zi Yao immediately expressed his position and looked exactly.

“Unfortunately, Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone has the most reserves of Heavenly Martial Army, but Commander has given Zhu Podi this all.” Thunderbolt said with a light sigh, “If not, we should be able to cultivate two ‘beyond Titled The existence of the Martial God ‘level.

Everyone is also sighing, using the precious Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone on Zhu Podi is a waste! ?

“In this case, everyone voted for a quota.” Zi Yao started talking.

Heavenly Martial Continent, there are many Martial Gods reaching the peak of 7th rank, even more than 5th rank and Martial God of 6th rank. Here is a jealousy, a bottleneck, and it is easy to cross the real isn’t. How many Martial Artists have reached the realm in Heavenly Martial Continent for three hundred years? ?

“Zi Yao, Huang Peng, Laughing Buddha, Blue, Prison, Thunderbolt, and me.” Tian Qing counted, “A total of seven people, one for one.

Everyone, you watched me, I watched you, hesitated.

“Choose Thunderbolt, he is good at fighting.

“Choose Laughing Buddha, he has a deep qualification.

“No, it must be Huang Peng. He arrived at 7th rank Martial God for the longest time.

“I can’t, not that innate talent, as I see it, use Zi Yao best.


When you say a word to me, they push each other and show that they are ‘politely’. Lin Feng watched everyone can’t help but smile. In fact, which one of them doesn’t want to break through Titled Martial God? Just for the moment, I am too embarrassed to accept this big ‘welfare’.

Lin Feng’s laughter suddenly caught everyone’s attention, in a blink of time.

“Lin Feng, who do you think is good?” Laughing Buddha asked.

“Ye Big Brother Lin, you decide.” Zi Yao smiled nodded and said .

Everyone is obviously looking forward to Lin Feng’s head and waiting for his decision.

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. “Why is this so troublesome, seven people cultivating together, absorbing Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone, and then breaking through Titled Martial God?”?

“Ah.” The crowd did not expect Lin Feng’s answer to be this.

Suddenly startled, you look at me, I look at you, a dumb silent, but not good to say.

“Big Brother Lin, we don’t have that much Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone.” Zi Yao lightly said .

Tian Qing also nodded. “The ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’ that can be collected now is almost around 20 million heavenly treasure points, just enough for a 7th rank peak Martial God breakthrough, if you want to let seven Martial God breakthrough, at least All need millions of heavenly treasure points.

Exceeding millions of heavenly treasure points! ?

Martial Gods couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially the advanced Martial God, many of them are even reluctant to spend even ‘1 heavenly treasure points’.

“Unless you go over the entire ‘Heavenly Treasure World’.” Blue said with a smile.

“But the convergence of Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone requires enough time.” The prison shook his head.

However, Lin Feng’s complexion has never changed in half, still with that a faint smile, falling in the eyes of Zi Yao, in a blink of time as if thinking of something, horrified small mouth, “Big Brother Lin, you do not meeting……”?

“pā !” The bright light flashed in the hand.

Gui Purple Ring flashes, between, on the huge round table, a ray of light shines! ?

The entire Temple is incredibly shiny.

Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone! ?


Moreover, unlike Heavenly Martial Continent’s Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone, Lin Feng’s smallest piece of Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone has hundreds of ‘heavenly treasure points’, and the largest block has thousands of ‘heavenly treasure points’ There are many. The powerful energy aura exudes, so that everyone is dumbfounded.

Staying, can’t speak.

Blue and Prison has a big mouth, as if he can swallow a big egg.

Zi Yao beautiful eyes shimmering with shiny bright luster, a smile on his face.

“heavens, Lin Feng, you…” Tian Qing was shocked.

This pile of ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’ is also said to have hundreds of thousands, but it is more than the total of Heavenly Martial Continent’s current ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, and it is enough for two 7th rank peaks Tittled Martial God breakthrough! Watched the pile of ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’, everyone is dazzled, and the eyes are full of sparkling light.

Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone, for them, the importance is self-evident! ?

Everyone’s eyes are gathered on Lin Feng, full of curiosity.

In front of this youth, more and more mysterious…?

However at this time –

Lin Feng’s next words were to make everyone completely stunned and stunned.

“This is just a small part.” Lin Feng’s expression is very calm.

(Today’s first more ~~)

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