Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 3 Human Heroes

And this is just the beginning.

At the next moment, everyone stopped breathing at the next moment.

A dazzling cold light appeared in the right hand of Lin Feng, suspended in the air with a silvery horror.

Hey! Hey! !

The harsh sound, swaying in the ear, like the death of hell, makes people feel tremble. The faint silvery light is accompanied by the solitude of the night, as the god of death opens his eyes, and the surrounding qi flow is cut in a moment, forming a huge vacuum.

First form , Aurora Arc !

The powerful Heaven and Earth Energy is like a cloud of smoke, the surge of severe!

Qi flow is everywhere, Lin Feng’s eyes are full of violent aura, blood red, terrifying sound –

It sounded loudly!

“Hey!” like the sunny day Thunderbolt.

“Go to hell!!!” Lin Feng screamed insanely.

All the strengths at this moment, from within the body with the surging of the limit.

Without more complicated manipulation, Lin Feng’s heart has long been filled with infinite anger, and it is impossible to calm down.

However, this is the simplest and most primitive underlying attack. Under the control of Lin Feng ‘Beginning Star Level 5th rank’, it is not the same as ‘Aurora Arc’.

Now Aurora Arc, too terrifying!

“哗!!” Severe rotates, causing the qi flow of the vacuum to condense. The terrifying cold light spurts out, and the silver aperture is magnified at the limit of the moment, rotating and increasing, and the aura of the aura is spread over the silver aperture, forming an arc. The strong blade cold light, like the bladder of death, crashed.

Ten meters, one hundred meters, kilometers…

Constantly growing, constantly spreading the energy of the arc ring!



The silver arc has grown like crazy, far outceinging kilometers away. The rapid flight is like a huge blame, but when the silvery light passes, the sorrows are repeated, and the beast herd is in a mess. A King level Demon Beast is roaring as if to want to resist the silver arc. But in an instant –

Chi! ! !

Just the arc of the outer ring, cut its body into two pieces.

Blood without splashing, die without a burial site!

Nothing to resist!

Ordinary Behemoth Lord level demon beast, even the arc of the circle does not need to touch, only the strength of qi passed by. It is like piercing a sharp dagger at the heart.

The wound is touching. The screams are endless.

Where the silver arc passes, the sorrows are everywhere!

Hundreds, thousands, million!

The silver arc ring did not stop. It is still strengthening!

At this time, the arc ring of the silver arc has already passed 10,000 meters, spanning the entire battlefield, the target –

Pointing at the huge ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’!

This is the ultimate attack!

The armor of the scorpion is like a fully armed warrior. The ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’, which was just a spin of Lin Feng, just got up. The huge body like a mountain swayed, and the rough screams, and the anger is incomparable!

But in front of you, a terrifying silvery light is coming.

“Dead!” Lin Feng eyes cold.

Chi! ! !

The huge silver arc ring is in contact with the sturdy scale armor, as if cutting a thin film of paper, and cutting it effortlessly. The Exroar of the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon came to an abrupt end, and the silver cold light burst into flames, and it was hard to get into the strongest part of the ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’ defense.

“pā !” Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon broke into two pieces.

Like a hair. Cut off from the center, no resistance!

The horrifying attack power, completely broke out!


Astonishing sounds thunder and the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon breaks into two pieces and crashes into the ground.

A Dragon Race that made the entire Heavenly Martial Continent horrified. A terrifying that had ravaged Heavenly Martial Continent three hundred years ago.

It’s so simple –

Be spiked!

The entire Heavenly Martial Continent is quiet.

The sound of crying, the moment of stop, the sound of screaming. Completely subsided.

In front of every huge light curtain in King City, everyone watched the black clothed youth on the battlefield. Watched This shocking scene in front of you, the heart is shocking!

Zhang opened his mouth, sweating on his forehead, and his back was cold.

Send cold shivers down one’s spine !

What is the strength of terrifying!

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

boom! !

boom! boom! ! ~

The whole Heavenly Martial Continent was boiling, everyone was screaming hysterically, yelling, and the pair of godless eyes once again raised hope, once again appeared like a starlight in the dark, illuminating, illuminate the whole A dark sky.

Night is no longer the night.

Hope, it is back to everyone’s heart again.

Everyone’s heart is crazy, beating, excited, venting like a roar.

At this moment, human beings are like breaking free from the shackles and jumping out of the cage.

All people are hysterical crazy! !

“God, thank you!!” The woman carrying the child burst into tears, her hands clasped together, full of piety.

“Thanks to the heavens!” Many old people squatted on the ground, unable to hold their heads, and tears.

The Martial Artists waved their arms with excitement and shouted with all their strength. The black figure on the watched light curtain was full of admiration!

“it’s the Child of God!”

“It is our hero who is back!!”

“Great, really great!!!”

The streets and alleys are full of carnival atmosphere, and everyone is excited and incoherent. The tears of happiness are coming at this moment, and the pulse of the stop begins to beat again, constantly screaming!


“Our hero!!!”


Shocking, erupting, and stop are these ordinary civilians.

The warriors who are fighting at the forefront, the warriors who struggle for human survival, are full of hope and fighting spirit at the moment. The hearts of all Martial Artists are hot. Compared with the riots of the demon beast army, panic, human warriors broke out. Out of unprecedented cohesion!


“Everyone kills together!!!”

Blue, Prison, and Tian Qing have long since recovered from deep horror.

Bright light The embarrassing eye bursts out of the strength of its own strength, for a time, the morale of humans and demon beast –

Suddenly turn around!

However, Lin Feng’s face is not half-happy.

Only deep pain and self-blame, half-slung, watched like Zi Yao with flowers. The beautiful face is filled with deadly paleness. Lin Feng feels that the whole world is without color, and the world in his heart has collapsed.

“Zi Yao…” gently called, Lin Feng’s heartache could not be added.

At this time, the slender lashes lightly tremble moved. Lin Feng’s heart suddenly puff like a jump. Looking at my most beloved person slowly opened his eyes. Lin Feng’s body trembled, and a deep surprise came to my heart. “Zi Yao, great. Zi Yao, you are fine!!!”

The weak corner of the mouth, watched the tears in front of the eyes, Zi Yao feels extremely warm.

Big Brother Lin, finally came back…

“Quick, Zi Yao. Quickly eat this!” Lin Feng panicked out of Life Fruit, her eyes filled with urgency, secretly thought she was stupid, but she was completely stunned by sorrow. The entrance was sweet, Zi Yao used his last strength to bite, and ample Life Energy suddenly rushed into the body.

“Great, nothing is really good!” Lin Feng nodded, and the expression of excitement was like a child.

It is Zi Yao’s funny, weak with a slight smile. “Big Brother Lin, I’m fine.”

“En, um.” Lin Feng nodded hard, and a thick smile came to his face and hugged the beautiful body tightly. As if afraid to lose again. Sensing that faint body temperature, Lin Feng’s heart feels very warm, heartbeat feels between each other’s body, Zi Yao is also a smile that shows a satisfaction.

Lin Feng understands deeply. For himself, how important is Zi Yao.

“Big Brother Lin…” Zi Yao was very moved. Just want to talk, but was caught in a big hand.

“Let you get tired, Zi Yao, leave the rest to me.” Lin Feng gave off a bright light in his eyes, took off ‘Heart Protecting Talisman’ from his neck, gently put on Xi Yao, and the water droplets flashed. With a clear luster, it gives off a cool aura.

“Heart Protecting Talisman.” Lin Feng caressed the jade-like face, still with a point of weakness, and felt sad.

“It will protect you.” Lin Feng said softly.

“Big Brother Lin, you…” Zi Yao was surprised.

“I’m fine.” Lin Feng nodded and stood up instantly, watched the battlefield of this blood mist, and Lin Feng’s eyes flashed a shining bright cold glow. The right hand is heavily gripped, astonishing the heavens aura surging, forming a spiral shape outside the body.

Watched The back of the eyes, in the ear Remaining the voice of Lin Feng, Zi Yao feels a deep warmth and safety.

As if there is Big Brother Lin, there is nothing to worry about.

In the void, silvery light is emerging!


The right hand is light and Aurora Cone starts again.

Lin Feng, battle intent!

“Wait for me, Zi Yao.” Lin Feng turned back and smiled.

As long as Zi Yao is fine, everything is fine, as for beast herd riot…

Is it difficult for myself?

“Hey!” Lin Feng was suspended in the air.

Like a king, Lin Feng’s voice sounded like a bell, “Martial Artist, all retreat!”

The sound is full of indisputable, falling in every Martial Artist’s ear, with clear words. No one has hesitated. For Lin Feng, everyone has already been shocked by the heavens, killing ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’, with hundreds of thousands of demon beast ‘buried’, which is just King level Demon Beast –

There are nearly a hundred!

This strength, Heavenly Martial Continent, who can reach?

I am afraid that Commander is beyond the reach.


The retreat of the human Martial Artist army made the demon beast unscrupulous.

Just because of the suppression of the ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’, the morale of the suppression has skyrocketed.


In an instant, the demon beast army felt a horrible fear.

Everyone is retreating, but only one person, still standing like War God, suspended in midair, like a pinnacle.

He is the savior of mankind.

The last hope!


“Our hero!!”

Heavenly Martial Continent, the song of praise to Lin Feng. Everyone is called by the heart, shouting, hysterical, full of redness and full of excitement. That is the call of the heart, it is true admiration. For Lin Feng, people seem to see the night gone by and see the dawn.

I saw the light!

He is the human Savior!

Human hero! ! !

(Busy for a day, just go home. If you don’t want to admit it, you can owe it a little more… I’m trying to make up for it. The result hasn’t been filled for three consecutive days. Today’s good traffic police detachment is called to handle things. ~~This is the first time today~~ The little hand that continues to be handicapped has gone on, and today, the third will never fall, and it will be updated later!! But when the chapter that owes this can be returned, Xiaoxiao Feeling a headache.)

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