Episode 12 Heavenly Treasure World Chapter 2 Punch

At this time, the most terrifying strength of the beast herd army –

Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon, finally show up Longwei!

Along with a severe anger, the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’s claws tore the ‘Ziyue Space’, Zi Yao’s blood was smashed, and a terrifying cold light condensed from the mouth of the ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’. Straight out, strength terrifying is incomparable. .

Zi Yao’s chest flashed a bright glow, and the spirit treasure did its best to protect the Master.


The attack of Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon is so easy to block?

Peng! !

Astonishing sounds screaming, and with the ‘Ziyue Space’ breaking, the ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’ attack is thundering!

Suddenly, Zi Yao seemed to be a kite that had been broken, and flew back. He was seriously injured during the time.

In the light curtain, Zi Yao’s retreat declares the strongest line of defense for mankind –


A comprehensive crash!

Terrifying fierce’s dragon roar, shocked vault of heaven!

The Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon came out of the trap, Zi Yao’s defeat, in an instant, made the Martial Artist still recalcitrant, and the last fight was puff like broken.

The human beings who have lost their hearts will have no resistance.

Who else can stop the terrifying to the ultimate demon beast army?

Every Martial Artist’s heart is full of silence.


“No, don’t!!”

Inside the Five Source King City, screaming screams, demon beast crazy rush forth, defeating the last remaining trace of humanity. No one can stop it, no one can avoid it. Can a pair of legs run faster than a demon beast?

Bloody killings began.

City in the Sky.

Two stunned figures, it is the watched light curtain, sneer.

“Look, this group of idiots still want to resist the beast herd army. It’s really about one’s own destruction.” Zhu Podi disdained said.

“Young Commander sees it.” Azure Flood Dragon said with a slight smile.

“It’s a pity.” Watched Zi Yao was defeated and will die. Zhu Podi reveals a touch of regret.

“After the car, overestimate one’s capabilities.” Azure Flood Dragon shaking one’s head and said, “They must pay for their stupidity, Young Commander does not need sympathy.”

“It’s true that she is self-sufficient.” Zhu Podi remembered what Zi Yao was saying here that day. Suddenly disdainful cold with a smile. “It’s ridiculous that she is still dying to remember that Lin Feng, but I don’t know if people regard her as a grasshopper. Naturally, it’s important to keep alive. Who will be idiot to bring about one’s own destruction.”

“That is. That is.” Azure Flood Dragon smiled and echoed.

“Hey, Lin Feng.” Zhu Podi curled one’s lip, full of hatred.

The other King City, in front of the huge light curtain, is full of people.

But the hearts of all people. They are all heavy. Many people are already crying, watching their compatriots continue to die, watching the demon beast madly raging, Martial Artist one after another being cruelly killed, except for the indifferent, most people can not bear to watch.

A few want to collapse!

Five Source King City has become a human purgatory.

Who else can save humanity?

The defeat of the Martial Artist army has become a reality. Without a doubt, in the near future…

The entire Heavenly Martial Continent will be the same as the ‘Five Source King City’.


The real End.

Is humanity going to perish?

Heavenly Martial Continent, will it really be destroyed?

Everyone’s heart seems to be crushed. Look at that bloody scene, think of your future, all sitting on the ground, both eyes without God.

hope. Has been shattered.

There is no fighting spirit, no expectations.

“God. Save us!” A woman carrying a child burst into tears on the ground, non-stop squatting, and the voice of ‘咚咚’ is astonishing heart and lungs. The woman’s forehead was full of blood, but she could not feel it because she was already numb.

What is the difference between no hope, no living, and death?

“Save us!!” One by one, people fell to the ground and burst into tears.

The entire Heavenly Martial Continent is full of sadness and sorrow.

It’s a crying voice.

Five Source King City, completely collapsed.

The houses were destroyed, the walls were shattered, and the human corpse was trampled.

The blood flows into the river, and the massacre of the astonishing heart is just beginning!

Hum ~!

Hong long long ! !

The Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon seems to be venting, and the huge ball of light is constantly blasting, landing in dense crowds, regardless of the enemy, but where the land is not left. The violent Dragon Race, which once ravaged Heavenly Martial Continent three hundred years ago, revisited the divine might three hundred years later.

Boom! Boom! Boom! !

Stepping forward, Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon has already locked aura to Zi Yao.

This humble human, dare to trap it so much, how can it not be angry! ! !

Kill her!

Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon roared in the sky, and the fierce’s gaze looked directly at Zi Yao lying on the ground. At this time, Zi Yao was seriously injured, and the purple dress was densely covered, and the picturesque face was filled with a powerless white.

She has lost all her strength.

The thick dragon claws lifted up, and the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon had a look of fierce on his face, and the cold glow in his eyes.

This claw will fall, and it will surely smash the wicked human!

“Do not!!”

“Hunter King !!!”

Blue and Prison screamed like a mad mad man, but his eyes were bloody, but he was caught in a heavy encirclement and could not be separated.

Look at that huge 嶙峋 terrifying, heavy claws falling! !

“Is it going to die?” Zi Yao in the mind emerged.

“I will never see Big Brother Lin again.” I have regrets in my heart. Until now, Zi Yao has never had a doubt about Lin Feng.

It doesn’t matter if you die, because Big Brother Lin will definitely come back!

His promise will definitely be honored.

“Big Brother Lin, Zi Yao can’t accompany you against the beast herd army.” Gently close his eyes and Zi Yao showed a weak smile.

Life is already cut off.

Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon that astonishing terrifying aura, in an instant, crashes!

At this time –

“Chi!!” An astonishing sorrowful red light suddenly appears.

The terrifying aura envelopes the entire battlefield, and the cool glow shines! !

“bastard you dare!!!” severe’s wrath roar bursts in the vault of heaven!

Such as the flat rolling thunder, such as lightning gallop! Every Martial Artist’s ear clearly hears this roaring sound, like the heaven’s might, full of great anger. A dazzling red light falls like a meteor, at the moment when the giant claw of the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’s fierce falls –

Drill into the only gap!

“Peng!” Severe hit.

Like two meteorites colliding, the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon is a terrifying giant claw. It was actually blocked!

That is a human hand!

Very ordinary hand.

Compared to the stout iron claws, it is as thin as a silk, but it is incredible.

Can you compete with the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon by strength alone?

What a joke! ! !

Everyone is shocked. Blue, Prison, and Tian Qing. Huang Peng, who was seriously injured, was watched in a breath of cold air, like a thunder in his heart. Everyone has their eyes wide open and open their mouths. It looks extremely funny.

Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon, actually in the competition of strength…


God, is this still human? !

In the smoke, Lin Feng high and steep’s body is in front of Zi Yao, and the pitch-black illusory armor exudes a sleek luster. Watched the purple, weak person in front of me. Look at that pale complexion, Lin Feng both eyes show a deep sorrow, heartache can not be added.

At this moment, the tears fell!

Who said that men are bleeding and not crying, how can people have no feelings!

“Sorry, Zi Yao, I am sorry…” Lin Feng’s body lightly tremble shaking.

Looking at the blood stains on Zi Yao, I felt her weak vitality. Lin Feng feels that the world seems to be falling apart, and there is no color in the world.

The heart broke into two halves.

How could this be, how can this be done! ! !

It’s all your own fault! !

And at this time –

“Hey!!” Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon is out of anger!

His attack was blocked by trifling humans and was completely intolerable!

The dragon stunned the vault of heaven. The terrifying giant claw is coming back. The Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon is like a mountain and wants to completely crush Lin Feng. The sly giant claw is full of cold light, the terrifying aura pressure even makes the surrounding demon beast completely suffocate.

But… it does not have any effect on this move. It is completely angered by the weak nerves of Lin Feng!

“Give me a roll!!” Lin Feng’s anger in hysteria!

The face is completely distorted, and the eyes are full of violent temper. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng’s eyes are red as blood.

The right foot is heavy on the ground, the body is like a hurricane, facing the oncoming giant claw, Lin Feng is like a vent, the whole body’s strength is completely concentrated, suddenly slamming the right fist! !

Peng! ! !

A punch like Heaven’s Wrath.

There is no strength, just pure to the extreme strength!

The world is roaring, and the entire battlefield is shrouded in this astonishing punch, condensing all the anger of Lin Feng!

Domineering astonishing!

“Boom!!” astonishing percussion, such as Heavenly Thunder hooking Earth Fire. In an instant, the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon made a fierce 嗷roar, and the huge body of five kilometers tall was actually blasted, and the giant claw of the cold light was blurred by the flesh of Lin Feng.

How terrifying strength!

All the people are shocked.

Heartbeat seems to stop, the back spine is cool, and the hair is upright.

The Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon, known for its strength, was actually hit by a human… !

Didn’t you read it wrong?

“Boom!!” Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon The huge body, falling heavily.

The dust was diffuse, and the figure, originally covered by the Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon, gradually revealed its appearance.

The face covered by the pitch-black armor fell into the eyes of everyone, and suddenly the horror could not be added, the body trembled sharply, and the heart tightened as if suffocating.

“Lin, Lin Feng?”

“my god, what…”

Blue, Prison, and Tian Qing, and even the seriously injured Huang Peng are all stunned.

This scene is really unbelievable.

They, are you blind?


Really Lin Feng?

At this moment, everyone’s in the mind, all that Zi Yao said on the day, truly understands the source of Zi Yao’s confidence –

Lin Feng, so strong! ! !

(The second is the outbreak, Brothers, the ticket is going!!).

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