The fourth chapter is this fellow is Lin Feng?

Aurora Cone, silvery light.

Astonishing aura spread across the battlefield, the silver arc ring swayed wildly.


Nourish! ! !

1 divided into 2 , 2 divided into 4 , 4 divided into 8 !

The color of silver is instantaneously turned into a bright clear cold glow. Every inch of light is not inferior to the previous one. On the contrary, because the volume is reduced, the rotation speed is more severe. All the strengths are condensed on one point, and the crazy rotation drives a vacuum of severe. Qi flow.

Time –

The surrounding demon beast was slaughtered.

“Amazing!” Just behind Lin Feng, Zi Yao reveals the color of startled.

She didn’t see the scene of kill ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’ just now, but at the moment, it is clear.

Big Brother Lin is much more powerful than she imagined.

Far exceeding is expected!

“peng!!” qi flow.

Just starting, there has been such energy fluctuations.

The eight cold glows are intertwined, like the collision of eight magnetic poles, forming a cycle of cycles, and the rotation speed is deepened again and again until –

The limit of Lin Feng control.

Silvery light 璀璨!

“All Directions Nirvana!” Lin Feng shouted.

The surging world aura is spread all over the body and released wildly. The eight strong energies converge into the severe light and shadow. The two diamond-shaped colors are interlaced, one is densely shadowed, and the vacuum vortex is instantaneously cut into pieces, and the intense energy gathers.

“peng!!” world-shaking cry.

The appearance of the huge light curtain completely shocked the entire battlefield.

The human Martial Artist has eyes wide open and the breath is completely stopped. The silvery light is spread over the vault of heaven, and two huge diamond-shaped interlaces cover the entire space.

What a power!

Zi Yao’s beautiful eyes shining, deeply watched in front of this back, I was very surprised. Although I thought about the strength of Lin Feng, there will be great progress, but I didn’t expect the strength to reach such a point. The silver aperture covers hundreds of thousands of meters. It is constantly expanding!

The fourth form, All Directions Nirvana!

Aurora Cone is the only one of the seven forms –

Mega range attack!

“Dead.” Lin Feng’s eyes are like the stars in the night.

boom! ! !

The huge roar, shocked the world.

Demon beast is at the center of the army. A huge octagonal diamond-shaped of hundreds of thousands of meters in length has appeared. Like a deep imprint. Imprinted in the hearts of everyone, imprinted in the eyes of every demon beast, full of fear and stunned, can not move.

A ‘vacuum’ zone.

Not a lot of soil!

City in the Sky.

Zhu Podi can’t speak.

Watched Lin Feng. Watched In front of this scene, the body can not help but tremble.

“This, this…” Zhu Podi couldn’t speak.

The appearance of Lin Feng is enough to shock him. Strike kills ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’ and makes him feel incredible, but now…

The heart is stopping to jump!

“The strength of very awful.” Azure Flood Dragon complexion deep like . The eyelids are extremely deep.

The birth of Lin Feng was completely unexpected. I thought I was on the right track, but I didn’t expect the sudden change of the moment, making the trend of the beast herd riot a lot more complicated. But for him, there is no harm.

“This is fake, it must be fake!” Zhu Podi murmured.

The faint color of his face, until now Zhu Podi is difficult to calm, the silvery light is deeply imprinted in the mind, the octagonal diamond-shaped makes his heart stunned.

Heavenly Martial Continent. It has already become a sea of ​​jubilation.

Excited shouts, clear singing, praise the human Savior.

People seem to have climbed out of the bottom, the pitch-black night looks less fearful, and the stars of the night shine a lot. Everyone’s eyes are no longer lost. Full of hope and bright. I witnessed this miracle and made them less fearful of ‘beast herd riot’.

“We have heroes!”

“Yes, what shit beast herd riot, fucking is going to die!”

“We are saved. Heavenly Martial Continent is hopeful!!”


Loud whistle, the sound of a deep cry. Filled with every corner of Heavenly Martial Continent.

Lin Feng, with his unparalleled strength, conquered everyone, including these civilians, including the Martial Artist on the battlefield.

Tell everyone to listen –

As long as he has Lin Feng, why bother!

“Big Brother Lin, you amazing!” Zi Yao was surprised to say.

Lin Feng turned back and watched Zi Yao clear like smile. The right hand flashed a light glow, Aurora Cone started with a silver bright glow, Lin Feng gently nodded and said, “This time at Heavenly Treasure World, a little adventure, the strength has increased a bit.”

“Big Brother Lin is really modest.” Zi Yao pū chī smiled, Life Fruit is now working, and Zi Yao’s face is getting rosy.

Lin Feng smiled, nodded and said, “Wait for me, very fast will end.”

Zi Yao sounds ‘well’ and no longer speaks.

“Fang Ning, is this fellow Lin Feng?” Xiao Jian’s eyes wide open and extremely funny.

“I can’t believe my eyes a little.” Fang Ning suddenly said with a smile, but immediately refers to the Fluorescent Compass on his left hand, helplessly said, “Compared to this, Silver Dragon just sent a message more shocking. Hey, he is now one of the first two big.”

“Hey?” Xiao Jian glanced away and saw the message from Silver Dragon, and stayed for a moment.

“Just kidding?” Xiao Jian suddenly dumbfounded, “Lin Feng took the lead ‘Black Dragon’ back?”

“Yeah, just above Heaven Breaking City.” Fang Ning lighted with a smile, “Silver Dragon is now in a mess, ha!”

Dalu Wan’er and Han Ziling are not far away, and they are stained with blood. Ninth Squad has a tacit understanding, but it has not been seriously injured. The two women looked a bit stunned at this time, although I have always heard how strong Lin Feng is, how terrifying, but never witnessed it.

After all, for the strength of Lin Feng, the two are still staying at the training base.

I don’t know…

Lin Feng, already reborn! Today, he is already the undisputed strongest of Heavenly Martial Continent.

The human Savior!

What is strength?

This is truly unrivaled strength.

With one’s own strength, single out hundreds of millions of demon beast!

This war, killing for two hours, the blood flow into the river, the corpse is everywhere.

Time seems to have returned three hundred years ago.

once. At the time of Heavenly Martial Continent’s most dangerous, a man came forward and saved the entire Heavenly Martial Continent by himself, killing the ‘Golden Execution Tyrant Dragon’ and leading the Heavenly Martial Continent Martial Artist to repel the beast herd army. his name. Called Zhan Potian.

now. Three hundred years later, the time was again rotated.

This time, it was a 19-year-old youth, Heaven Warping Genius.

Lin Feng !


“Kill it!”

Inside the Five Source King City. The Martial Artists are excited to kill the fish that slip through the net and protect the safety of the residents of the city. Outside the broken wall, there isn’t any Martial Artist present, only in that midair, a youth with black armor. Lightly suspended.

Like an Emperor, it is a small group.

“Come on?” Lin Feng’s eyes were watched in the distance.

A piece of smoke is rolling, the earth seems to be shaking, the astonishing dragon roar is mad, and countless King level Demon Beast is in charge, and the endless demon beast is coming back!

This is the ninth batch of beast herd army that appeared on the morning of 15.

Led by the ‘Yellow Orange Dragon’ of 3rd Grade Mid Grade Bloodline!

“Wait for a long time.” Lin Feng laugh indifferently, the hands of silvery light reproduction. Cold light severe, making a ‘嗞嗞’ harsh sound. But it falls in the ears of all Martial Artists in Five Source King City, but it is like a scorpio, because every time this silvery light appears, it must be accompanied by –

Killing! !

Demon beast A large number of deaths!

“Kill them!”

“Hero, you are the strongest!!”

Inside the Heavenly Martial Continent. Everyone shouted in unison, extremely excited and excited.

Prior to this, Lin Feng had killed two batches of beast herd army, and this batch. It is the last batch left in Heavenly Martial Continent.

It is also the strongest batch!


Is there a difference for Lin Feng?

“Get started. Aurora Cone.” Lin Feng’s expression was light.

The silly light of the cockroach flashes, and the small figure is as bright as the beast herd army, just like the contrast between the ants and the huge Mountain Range. But this is the ‘蝼 ant’, with an unrivaled strength, tumbling over one mountain after another, will put all the dangers on Heavenly Martial Continent –

Sweeping away!

This time, it is no exception!

“Boom!!” Severe’s violent cry sounded.

Fight and start again.

Assassin Alliance.

In a claustrophobic space, a man’s blue veins are exposed and his face is filled with fierce anger.


“Why is he still alive!!!”

The sound of gnashing teeth circulates in this space, full of extreme anger, and the clenched fists are deeply caught in the flesh. The shadows shrouded in the darkness showed a cool look, full of hatred and unwillingness.

Chi Lie, ‘Martial Sovereign’ of the Assassin Alliance.

“I didn’t expect him to come back more than alive, and the strength…”

“I have upgraded to such a terrifying degree.”

The complexion is constantly changing and Chi Lie’s chest is fluctuating.

How strong Lin Feng is, he knows that the silver cold glow is even more impressive. At Heavenly Treasure World, he almost lost his life.

“This is trouble!” Chi Lie slammed into the wall with a punch and vented his anger.

“My plan is completely disrupted.”

“The life of this little bastard is really hard, and the fierce Black Fog Demon Dragon didn’t even kill him!”

The eyes are deep red, but Chi Lie is Chi Lie after all, like a hazy snake, very fast is to calm the anger of the heart, forcibly suppress hate. With a sigh of relief, Chi Lie’s look changed instantly. “It seems that I have to hide for a while, and I can see it. I want to know how strong Lin Feng is.”

“Level 9 beast herd riot, far more terrifying than you think!”

“Now, it’s just the beginning.”

Chi Lie’s corner of the corner was picked up and suddenly laughed.

“Let’s play slowly, Lin Feng!” Chi Lie’s eyes are as cold as falcon.

(The second is ~~ continue!!!)

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