The thirteenth episode End is approaching The twentyth chapter is too shameless!

“Stop!” Lin Feng shouted.

Pā ! Spear shadow. Between, one person and one dragon suddenly retire three steps, standing side by side.

Lian Ya’s eyes are glittering, and the voice is pressed. “What do you want to say?”

In the voice, the aura of anger is converging.

For the human being in front of him, Lian Ya has already upgraded him from ‘蝼 ants’ to nearly equal opponents.

Humans are also good, Dragon Race also good, the truth is the same.

Whose fist is big, who is qualified to speak!

“How about a tie?” Lin Feng started talking.

“Flat?” Lian Ya smiled coldly and looked blank. “You don’t think I will let you go?”

Lin Feng shook his head indifferently. “You should know that if you fight again, your advantage will only get smaller and smaller.” Lin Feng is very confident in his own strength, only to fully adapt to the new ‘body’, can play spear Move the strongest amount of attack power, and you have no chance to win.

However, this is no longer a matter of day and night.

“Is it?” Lian Ya coldly said. “If that’s the case, why are you summoning?”

Lin Feng said that Lian Ya did not refute, and the strength of each other has long been transparent, and nothing can be concealed.

“I have something to do.” Lin Feng’s tone was flat and the voice was spoken from Black Skeleton’s mouth. It felt very strange.

“haha, Hahahaha!!” Lian Ya suddenly laughed loudly.

Lin Feng looks calm, but also knows that ‘negotiation’ is not that easy.

However, at the moment, I only have this method left.

Can only try.

“When you want to come, you want to go, you are too naive, human!” Lian Ya reveals sharp teeth, and the eyes are deep red. “Black Fog Crystal Stone, I don’t care about you, you kill me before and after. More than three hundred dragons, broke into my Demon Dragon Lair, stole my ancestor’s bones, and stolen more than three hundred dragon eggs…”

“This account. Do you think it is clear?!” Lian Ya coldly said.

The sound is cold and frosty, really makes Lian Ya angry, really isn’t lost ‘material’, but –

Lost face!

The head of the family, the king of Black Fog Demon Dragon.

It was actually a human being. Play with the applause!

I can bear it. I can’t bear it!

“What do you want?” Lin Feng said indifferently.

At this time, at this moment, the low-headed, this Black Fog Demon Dragon is obviously hard to eat soft, the humbler. The more arrogant he is.

Only the opposite is the right way.

“What do I want?” Lian Ya coldly snorted, but did not dare to say that it was too dead. If it was not even at the end, it would be troublesome. This human being is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp. What Lian Ya can do is to maximize his own interests. “Should I ask you what you want?”

“Take my Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley’s black smoke, slap the bottom just want to leave, you can’t help but think too beautiful.” Lian Ya both eyes sharp.

“Open a condition.” Lin Feng slowly said.

Push the question to Lian Ya to test his reaction.

“Everyone can talk about the best, can’t talk, can’t fight again!” Puff like battle intent, and Lin Feng knows clearly. This Black Fog Demon Dragon is indeed a willingness to reconcile. If not, how can this leisurely experience and ‘talk’ for so long.

Lian Ya hesitated, and to be honest, he really didn’t want to fight again.

Personally, Lian Ya is not allowed to send the mistake before the god. To be honest, what he lost was just a little face. The most important thing for him right now is the breakthrough change form ‘third realm’, and the rest can save the province.

But as a Patriarch. He has to get a lot of things!

The atmosphere is slightly depressed.

One person and one dragon. There are ideas and concerns in my heart.

Lin Feng did not speak, and if he took the initiative to send it to the door, it would undoubtedly fall.

One minute, one quarter of an hour…

As time passed, Lin Feng was very anxious, but his face did not show a change in expression.

One child is wrong, and all are negative.

Right now, only patience.

At this time, there are two hours from the morning of 8th month 15th day.

“Human, three conditions.” Lian Ya has been quiet for a long time, finally started talking.

“Oh?” Lin Feng said faintly.

Lighing his fingers, Lian Ya looked stunned, said solemnly, “First, returning Black Fog Crystal Stone and the ancestor’s bones.” Saying, Lian Ya’s eyes showed a point of bright glow, “especially the ancestor of your possession.” From the ‘bone bones, it is the pride of my Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, and it must not fall into the hands of humans such as Seoul.”

“Second…” Lian Ya was just opening.

” Needless to say, I refuse.” Lin Feng flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Slaying Dragon Spear has a reddish bright glow, and Lin Feng’s battle intent starts with Black Skeleton puff like!

boom! ! Spear intent stunned, like the heart of Lin Feng.

No compromises!

“Human you!” Lian Ya was furious.

“When you fight, you have so much nonsense!” Lin Feng shouted coldly. “Don’t treat me as a three-year-old child. So stupid tricks are going to be played! Since I haven’t sincerely talked about it, I can’t take a break, I, Lin Feng If you don’t clean your Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, my name will be reversed!”

Peng! !

The mad anger burst, Lin Feng battle intent boiled.

Hand over this ‘Black Skeleton’, can you still leave alive?

Lian Ya complexion transient, but there is no willingness to fight, said solemnly, “I’Lian Ya’ swears, as long as you hand over the ancestral bones, will never hurt you a hair.”

“Less is over there.” Lin Feng snorted. “Returning Black Fog Crystal Stone, can you return the ancestors?”

“There are no doors!”

How can I return my Life-Saving Talisman?

It’s a big deal to see if the ‘Heart Protecting Talisman’ can block Lian Ya strike and expand the space.

Lian Ya’s gnashing teeth, but know that her ‘plan’ can no longer be realized, this human being is indeed cunning. Panting, Lian Ya complexion changed a bit, trying to suppress the anger of the heart, biting the teeth, “Good, the ancestor ‘refinement’ of the skeleton can be kept, but the other bones must be returned! In addition Black Fog Crystal Stone …”

“One third.” Lin Feng looks flickering, “up to one third of you.”

In my heart, since Lian Ya is willing to give in, Lin Feng is very clear. Basically, the goals of both parties have been agreed.

All that remains is to slowly bargain.

After a quarter of an hour.

“Okay, that’s it.” Lian Ya’s straight molars.

“Agree.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

The final discussion was returned to half. As for the content of this half…

Since Lian Ya didn’t say it, Lin Feng didn’t know how to pretend.

The most self-owned is Black Fog Crystal Stone.

“The second condition.” Lian Ya gaze dense, “Return all dragon eggs, there is no room for counter-offer in this condition.”

“I agree.” Lin Feng wanted to also unexpectedly agree.

I have so many ‘pits’ in the Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley. It should also be a little bit more. Anyway, ‘dragon egg’ is for yourself now. The effect is minimal, it is better to be a goodfavor. Plus little time, I am too lazy to talk to Lian Ya.

It seems that Lin Feng would have promised so refreshing, and Lian Ya couldn’t help but groan.

Suspicious watched Lin Feng. Lian Ya was puzzled by the fact that this ‘greedy’ human being should not be as good-hearted as it is.

“You really don’t bargain?” Lian Ya asked hesitantly.

“Is it possible, do you want me to make a counteroffer?” Lin Feng felt ridiculous.

Lian Ya complexion is a little slower, slowly nodded and said, “If I am so, I am not embarrassed. The third condition is worth it. Anyway, this vow is not reliable. I hope that you will not come to Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley anymore.” “”

Lin Feng understood the meaning of Lian Ya and nodded lightly.

When people enter a foot, I will enter.

I am really isn’t kind of sultry person, something, just around the corner.

No need to do so.

If you can have one less enemy, you will have one less.

“Don’t worry, as long as you don’t make a move to me. I, Lin Feng will never kill any Black Fog Demon Dragon anymore.” Watched Lian Ya of Lin Feng burning like gaze, this ‘Dragonian’ looks fierce but really Getting along, but not too difficult to get along with.

If you know Lin Feng’s thoughts by other Black Fog Demon Dragon, you will be speechless.

Lian Ya’s temper is notoriously poor. Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley Which Black Fog Demon Dragon doesn’t know?

But as the Patriarch of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, Lian Ya is very important and will not be affected by a favor, he knows who –

Can not provoke.

This god is in front of you. I wish to send him away soon!


Very fast, Lin Feng will return more than 300 dragon eggs. Released the three weakest ‘Dragon Frame’.

Lian Ya hates the teeth, secretly thought, this human is really shameless, but it is helpless. But even more irritating, Lin Feng’s ‘Black Fog Crystal Stone’ is only tens of thousands, not only very small, but the ‘Black Fog Crystal Stone Heart’ is counted with fingers.

“You said half of it, only these?!” Lian Ya wide eyes angrily said.

“Nothing.” Lin Feng expressionless’s response, “Other ‘Black Fog Crystal Stone’ has been absorbed by my refining.”

“You!!” Lian Ya is vomiting blood.

At least the million Black Fog Crystal Stones have been counted. At this moment, this human is a big flicker, taking a fraction and coming out as ‘half’. What is even more shameless is that he also has no sense of shame saying that refining has absorbed, Lian Ya wants to swear, he damn it, which human can absorb it!

Suddenly, Lian Ya’s face was blue and white.

Lin Feng smiled and didn’t care. He immediately took out a thin book and lost it.

“As compensation, give it to you.” Lin Feng said indifferently, “For Black Fog Demon Dragon, what is the use of Black Fog Crystal Stone? It is better to give me the beauty of adulthood.” Lin Feng is also a bachelor, admitted “In contrast, this secret book is a real priceless treasure for you.”

Lin Feng nodded and said, “It’s just a little bit of my heart.”

After receiving the secret book, Lian Ya looked suspiciously.

Watched The four characters written on the book, Lian Ya’s eyes are instantaneous and the breath is stopped.

[ Change Form Secret Record ].

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