Chapter 21 I am back

Lian Ya has wide eyes and keeps flipping through it.

Read very rapidly browsing, watching the astonishing secret skill in [Change Form Secret Record], Lian Ya’s chest is fluctuating.

Emotions, very excited!

“Is this really for me?” Lian Ya looked up and stared at Lin Feng.

The humans in front of us seem to be ‘smooth’ many, but how does the ‘hangman’ inexplicably produce a bit of compassion?

“Of course, the secret book is in your hands.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

For myself, this [Change Form Secret Record] didn’t make much sense. I just bought it at random. But for Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, or for demon beast, [Change Form Secret Record] is invaluable. Any demon beast must go through the ‘change form’ path before it can enter a higher level.

Lian Ya looks stunned and heartbeat accelerates.

This [Change Form Secret Record] details how the demon beast enters the 7th rank and how to advance the ‘change form ‘realm.

First realm, second realm, even…

“Even the third realm is a 100% success rate?!” Lian Ya was shocked and unbelievable.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, the ‘secret technique’ passed down by the ancestors, can change form directly as long as the strength reaches 7th rank. The first realm, the second realm and even the third and fourth realm can forcibly break through, but the success rate ……

Just look at ‘Ancestral Tomb’ and you will know.

And this is only the bones of some of the ‘ancestors’, and the ages have long since disappeared.

But now with this [Change Form Secret Record], Lian Ya’s hand is shaking, indeed, as this human said, this is a reinvention for Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan?

It’s just Rebirth from the Ashes!

What concept?

As long as the Black Fog Demon Dragon cultivating reaches the 7th rank, you can at least change form to the third realm!

That is, your current level!

“my god!” Rao is a very experienced Lian Ya, but at this time it is also shockingly very unusual. How much can this Change Form Secret Record bring to the strength of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan? Ten times, a hundred times? Watched Lin Feng, Lian Ya’s look is completely different.

this moment. In his eyes, there is no more hate.

“Human, you got the friendship of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan.” Lian Ya nodded and said, grateful.

At this moment, the grievances of both sides. With a small secret book…


Heavenly Martial Continent.

The war is on fire. A big mess.

Demon beast madly stepped into the Heavenly Martial Continent land, where the towns and houses at the border continued to collapse and were destroyed. It is a medium-sized city like Firmament Yang Town, which is also difficult to escape. The huge city is under the ravages of demon beast. It is a ruin.

The piece was broken, the gravel was full of earth, and it was extremely touching.

There is no tile!

This is similar to the Disaster Er’ Ruins outside Firmament Yang Town, and the crazy demon beast is mad. Play and play, unscrupulous! Here, without the protection of Martial Artist, the empty Firmament Yang Town has long been a demon beast.

Most of the residents have already left through the Transmission Array, but many people can’t go.

A head of Beast Soldier level demon beast, snuggling with a sensitive nose, from the ground, from the dilapidated warehouse, grabbed one complex humanity.

Either kill it directly or swallow it.


The wall is clear. The terrifying of beast herd riot is that it will never let go of any human being. It is like a fire in the original, not even a blade of grass grows. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. In more places, more cities, more cruel than this, abound!

With the sacrifice of Commander. Beast herd riot, finally –

Full outbreak!

City in the Sky.

Round table conference. Human Eight Great Giant, only half left.

Commander’s sacrifice, Moon Sovereign’s trapped, Chi Lie’s disappearance and Zhu Podi’s exit made City in the Sky less sharp aura, less part of the fighting spirit. However, Huang Peng, Laughing Buddha, and Tian Qing have not given up. Blue, prison, Thunderbolt, etc., are acting to express their determination.

Oath to live with mankind!

“In this way, the situation will only get worse and worse.” Laughing Buddha brows deep.

“From noon, with the eighth batch of beast herd join, the speed of destruction has doubled.” Tian Qing’s eyes flashed with luster.

“He damn it, Laozi fights with them!!” Huang Peng shouted, the beast herd riot’s attack point is completely concentrated, the Five Great Sect Alliance, which has been destroyed most of the time, the century-old foundation is destroyed, let Huang Peng how Can not be angry with hysteria.

However, although the Zi Yao complexion is dignified, it is still very calm.

At this time, there are two hours from the early morning of 8th month 15th day.

“Zi Yao, can’t be dragged any more.” Tian Qing burning like gaze, “When the ninth batch of beast herd join in the early morning, the strength of the demon beast army will become extremely astonishing. At that time, there is really no chance.”

Every morning and afternoon, there is a wave of demon beast forces to attack.

So far, two waves of demon beast have been gathered. Under the Commander of Dragon Race, the Heavenly Martial Continent is crushed unscrupulously!

“Do you have a better way?” Zi Yao shouted.

“Whether or not, it’s better than waiting for a so-called ‘Lin Feng’ here!” Huang Peng complexion is red, angrily said, “I don’t understand why you have such confidence in Lin Feng, now, How can you hope for these illusory things!”

It is Blue and Prison who have a little doubt. Indeed, Zi Yao’s decision is unclear.

Lin Feng, is it really so powerful?

The pressure is very heavy.

Zi Yao not only has to face the pressure here, but also the pressure of the entire Heavenly Martial Continent.

At this moment, she deeply felt that Commander was not easy. This man, for a promise, had Heavenly Martial Continent on his shoulder for three hundred years.

No complaints!

At this time, the loss is one after another.

Thundercloud County, collapsed!

Ferris County, collapse!


Demon beast’s attack speed is getting faster and faster, the frequency is getting more and more dense, and greedy and insatiable launching waves of attacks. Heavenly Martial Continent Four Great King City, Sixteen County City… As of now, the fallen County City has been exceeding eight!

Equivalent to one-third of Heavenly Martial Continent, enemed by demon beast!

What kind of astonishing!

In less than a day, there is such an astonishing efficiency, and the attack power of the demon beast army is shocking.

At this time, the aggression continues!

Time, one minute and one second.

Everyone is waiting forever.

Anxious. Everyone’s face is full of anxiety.

At this time, as time goes by, 8th month 15th day, finally –

“dang!” City in the Sky rings the bell.

Everyone’s eyes are full of radiation all around. And this time. In the huge light curtain, there is a world-shaking dragon roar. Straight through the sky, the astonishing sound is more terrifying than the previous Black Fog Demon Dragon.

Fourth Dragon Race, appear!

The ninth batch of beast herd army. Come crashing!

Zi Yao watched The left-handed Fluorescent Compass, but still not lit, with a slight weight in his heart.

“Big Brother Lin, why don’t you come back?” Zi Yao was anxious and squinted at the lips. It is under great pressure.

And then –

“Peng!” Huang Peng stood up and looked at him.

“I can’t wait any longer.” Huang Peng squeezed his fists and gritted his teeth. At this time, one of the beast herd army is heading for ‘Five Source King City’, one of Four Great King City, in less than a quarter of an hour.

Here is the final base of the Five Great Sect Alliance.

One quarter of the evacuated human beings are gathered here.

It can be said. Bringing together Heavenly Martial Continent to a quarter of the human population. If ‘Five Source King City’ is encroached by demon beast…

The consequences could be disastrous!

“War.” Laughing Buddha also stood up.

“Agree.” Tian Qing nodded and said.

Indeed, humans have no longer retired, and it is impossible to watch the destruction of ‘Five Source King City’.

At the time of death and injury, not only is a quarter of humans. and also–

The last fighting spirit of mankind.

Blue and Prison watched Zi Yao, waiting for her final decision. The beautiful unparalleled face sparkles with a light luster, Zi Yao lightly sighed, and the slender eyelashes are light. I also understand that there is no other choice at the moment, and the eyes are instantly bright. “Gathering all Martial Artists, marching into ‘Five Source King City’.”

“Don’t die!” Zi Yao’s voice snorted.

“Good!” everyone shouted in unison.

In the eyelids, the astonishing battle intent broke out.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley.

“many thanks.” Lin Feng nodded at Lian Ya.

“return politeness for politeness.” Lian Ya rarely showed a smile.

“I will come back if I have the chance.” Lin Feng reached out and held it with Lian Ya, but he didn’t know each other.

For Lin Feng, being a friend is better than having one more enemy.

Lian Ya smiled and nodded. “Well, see you next time.”

“I hope you have a smooth change form, Patriarch Lian Ya.” Lin Feng smiled and immediately opened the ‘Space Transmission Gate’, which took a ‘disposable item’ of 500 million starlight points. Although quite luxurious, it also has astonishing effect. .

The huge Black Fog Demon Dragon, which is a kilometer long, was shot and Lin Feng jumped up and sat on the dragon’s back.

“Go, man.” Lin Feng lightly pat.

Own Contracted Demon Beast, Lian Long.

“Hey!” The dragon screamed as if to say goodbye. In time, Lian Long flapped his wings and entered the ‘Space Transmission Gate’.

Instantly disappeared without a shadow.


Over the sky Breaking City.

Astonishing Thunder Thunderbolt falls.

“Zizizi~~” 10,000 meters high, a twisted space crack, slowly open.

At this time, Heaven Breaking City gathered a myriad of ‘migration’ humans, cover densely on the street, everyone looked up and watched the day, was shocked by this severe shock. The terrifying aura spread like a nightmare, and everyone’s breathing is stopped.

Pā ! Pā !

The cracks continue to expand.

Astonishing tearing sounds, accompanied by a huge thunderous sensation.

The space is completely burst! From the crack, a huge body with a length of a kilometer appeared in the sky above Heaven Breaking City.

The terrifying aura, filled the entire city in an instant.

“I am back.” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

(Yesterday, the third episode, the end of the thirteenth episode, Lin Feng, finally domineering return, big ** is about to open!!)

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