Lin Huo?

“See what I do?” Zhu Podi held his chin in his hand, cold with a smile.

There is no sorrow and pain in his face, as if he was not his father, but a stranger.

“Break the enemy, no one but you can stop the Dragon Race.” Laughing Buddha looked calm, said resolutely, “you must follow your father’s wishes, take over the Heavenly Martial Army, take over the Heavenly Martial Continent Heavy responsibility, protection…”

“Okay, don’t talk about these nonsense.” Zhu Podi interrupted.

Everyone’s complexion suddenly changed, but Zhu Podi didn’t care. Coldly said, “You are going to die to be yours, don’t count me.” Then, Zhu Podi sneered, “Don’t think that I can I am an arrow, I don’t want to eat like mys, my head is closed.”

Between, everyone is full of anger.

Human hero, patron saint, graceful and filthy!

Especially Thunderbolt, even his eyes wide open, grabbed Zhu Podi’s collar and roared, “Little bastard, what do you say!”

“pā !” directly shot Thunderbolt’s hand, and it was so powerful.

On the strength, Zhu Podi is too strong, with a cold eyes, Zhu Podi said heavily, “Go away, Thunderbolt. I am thinking that you are my dog, don’t want to care about you, then next time, I will blame me. I don’t think about the past.” Coldly’s eyes swept over the crowd, taunted. “You don’t think naively, can we stop the ‘level 9 beast herd riot’?”

When the voice fell, the people who were angry and angry were suddenly silent.

“If your approach is feasible, my Young Commander is not a scorpion.”

“But if you want me to be like you, sacrifice yourself to save those ignorant fools, I am sorry, I can’t do it.”

Zhu Podi’s mouth is scornful. “The waste will die, it will kill me! Commander is Commander. What I have to do, it doesn’t mean that I must do it with Young Commander. There is still half an hour, there are suggestions. Just say. If you don’t suggest it, let it go, don’t waste time.”

“I agree.” Azure Flood Dragon stood up and attached.

Young Commander’s mouth was smeared with a touch of indifference, and the two had already had a tacit understanding.

“Azure Flood Dragon !!” Thunderbolt gas gnashing teeth.

“Accept the reality. Thunderbolt.” Azure Flood Dragon said solemnly.

“Okay. Good!” Thunderbolt even nodded, cold eyes straight on watched Young Commander and Azure Flood Dragon, angrily said, “Don’t be so vocal. You are going to do it. Your Thunderbolt is dead.” With one step back, even if I am alone, I will continue to implement Commander’s beliefs.”

“Use all my strengths to protect humans!” Thunderbolt stunned.

“Just by you?” Young Commander sent a with a smile.

“And me.” Zi Yao is clearly started talking, beautiful eyes watched Zhu Podi. With a light sigh, it’s a pity for Commander. A big hero, a he-man who can support both heaven and earth, there is such a son, it is really awkward.

” Count me.” Laughing Buddha and Tian Qing all said.

“There is no such thing as our ‘Hunting’.” Blue and Prison stood firmly behind Zi Yao.

Five Great Sect Alliance alliance lord ‘Huang Peng ‘Brows lightly, said heavily, “In fact, Young Commander said that it is not without reason, the unnecessary sacrifice is indeed exempt.” Said. Vision gaze towards Zi Yao , Huang Peng slowly said , “There is only one hour left in the seventh battle, Zi Yao, what advice do you have?”

Eyes shine, Zi Yao lightly lips. “hold fast.”

Zhu Podi hearing this can not help but ridicule a smile.

“How long can I keep?” Huang Peng frowned.

“One day,” Zi Yao replied.

“What to do after that day?” Huang Peng said heavily.

Everyone’s eyes are all gathered, watched Zi Yao’s ancient face, the beautiful face seems to have a look and confidence. Everyone is curious about what kind of method Zi Yao will have, right now. Even Commander is a sacrifice, is there any other way to go?

Could it be…

“Don’t Moon Sovereign come back!” Laughing Buddha shines in his eyes.

Between. Everyone has a bright clear.

Moon Sovereign, that is the same as Commander, one of two of mankind strongest experts.

For the hope of mankind, in order to fight against ‘level 9 beast herd riot’, one of the ‘four great places’, and the ‘hundred waterfalls of the ancients’ relics.

If she can come back, mankind has hope!

However, Zi Yao shook his head.

“The elder sister still has no news.” Zi Yao has a slight concern in his eyes.

But fortunately, the title of Moon Sovereign on ‘Martial God Monument’ still exists, representing that she has no danger for the time being.

“But, in the early morning of 15 Day, Lin Feng will come back from ‘Heavenly Treasure World’.” Zi Yao’s voice fell, and the people were amazed, and there was doubt in their looks, but they didn’t understand the role of Lin Feng’s return.

Is this the source of Zi Yao’s confidence?

No way……

“haha, Hahahaha!” Zhu Podi laughed loudly, turned forward and turned back.

“Zi Yao, you don’t naively think that trifling 5th rank Titled Martial God can save Heavenly Martial Continent?” The laughter is ringing, and Zhu Podi has a bit of hatred, disdained said, “On his strength, I am a The hand can pinch him, count on him, don’t be kidding!”

“boast shamelessly, who was the last time lost at Battle Arena?” Blue coldly snorted.

Zhu Podi was uncovered and scared. “I am definitely a hundred times stronger than Lin Feng!”

“When you can become stronger, you can’t allow Lin Feng to become stronger?” The skill of the bickering, the blue is first-class, straight to the face of Zhu Podi, the red face is exposed.

“No matter how strong or weak, at least, everyone has the same goal.” Zi Yao’s voice is clear and pleasing to the ear, but there is something in it, beautiful eyes flashing a faint luster, slowly sweeping through the crowd, and finally falling on Zhu Podi On the body, “the road is different, if there is no such heart, then… please leave.”

The eyes of the crowd gathered, and Zhu Podi’s face was white and white.

Zi Yao’s words are not sharp, but they scan his face and make him ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“Okay, good!” Zhu Podi blinked cold light, and even nodded. “Then I will wait and see!”

boom! Standing up, Zhu Podi screamed out, facing Azure Flood Dragon coldly said, “Let’s go! Counting on a waste that is still trapped in ‘Heavenly Treasure World’ is simply stupid! I have to look, How do you end up!”

Discontinued talking, it is not leaving the head, Azure Flood Dragon disappears.

Leaving a worried face, the human strength is a little thin.

“Looking at Lin Feng, it’s too…” Laughing Buddha has a deep brow.

“It’s ridiculous!” Huang Peng disdained said, “What is the role of a smell of mother’s milk not yet dried? Even if his strength improves, can he catch up with Zhu Podi is still an unknown number. Count on him, it is better to count on the old The reality of the miracle comes.”

For Lin Feng, Huang Peng has always had no good feelings.

The facts are really hard to agree with.

“Lin Feng, now, is it beyond Titled Martial God?” Tian Qing eyes flashed and asked slowly.

“Maybe.” Zi Yao shook his head in a sigh of relief, and in the mind could not help but emerge from the figure that made his heart feel safe and reliable.

“This…” You look at me, I look at you.

“He must have a solution.” Zi Yao eyes shining, full of confidence.

As long as Lin Feng said, it will do it.

No need for any reason, inexplicable, is to believe him.

Because this is the promise of the soul.

Demon Dragon Lair.

Call for a truce !

An incomparably ‘fierce’ battle.

Call for a truce for a full day and night, let alone the winners and losers, there is no wound in either body.

It seems to be a common battle.

Lin Feng’s attack did not hit Lian Ya at all, and Lian Ya’s attack fell on Lin Feng, and it was not painful.

The purely physical battle, the physical strength of the physical strength, whether for Lian Ya or Lin Feng, is like a trivial. Don’t say one day and one night, that is, ten days and ten nights of fighting will not end. It’s too hard to make a win-off battle.

Lian Ya’s hatred of Lin Feng is great!

Although Lin Feng can’t be used for a while, Lian Ya obviously won’t give up so easily, at his speed, as long as he is willing –

Lin Feng, there is nowhere to escape!

“This time is in trouble.” Lin Feng was in a hurry.

This day and night of the battle, of course, let yourself master the ‘Black Skeleton’ deeper, the strength of the explosion, the application of spear move is more comfortable, slowly adapt to the new ‘body’. But this is not a matter of time. On strength, there is still a big gap between myself and Lian Ya.

The key is–

It is getting closer and closer in the early morning of 8th month 15th day.

“What to do?” Lin Feng in the attack, his brows tightened and fell into deep thoughts.

It’s like being locked up in a cage, it’s quite troublesome.

What Lin Feng doesn’t know is that at this time –

Lian Ya is also a headache.

“Damn!” Lian Ya eyes is constantly changing.

In front of this human being, possessed in the ancestors’ refining, there is only one skeleton left without any weakness.

His own attack hits ‘he’, it doesn’t hurt at all. On the contrary, after each attack, the reaction is enough to eat a pot.

It’s not a move now, it’s not a retreat.

Get caught in a dilemma!

“Damn human.” Lian Ya hates gnashing teeth.

Lin Feng’s spear shadow reappears, and the attack speed is once again accelerated, whistling.

Lian Ya gently evaded, seemingly relaxed behind, Lian Ya was anxious in his heart, “If you continue this way, I am afraid it will be very unfavorable.”

Just a day and a night, the progress of mankind has become extremely obvious.

If you drag on, the Libra of victory will probably tilt slowly.


What can I do?

Each is a ghost.

One person and one dragon, each heart is worried.

Time passed by, and it was almost in the early hours of the morning. Lin Feng was in a hurry.

Miss this time, wait until next month and go back, then everything will be over.

“Only try this method.” Lin Feng eyes bright.

(The first is ~~ preparation, domineering return!)

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