Who is the winner of the eighteenth chapter?

“Not good!” is controlling the Urgent Fire Shuttle cautious Lin Feng, complexion greatly change.

The roar of the great anger is with anger, and it is very clear to the ear, the most important thing is –

That is the language of Battle Spirit World!

At least, the existence of Change Form Third Realm!

“Is it discovered?” Lin Feng eyes flashed, forcing the mind.

I didn’t panic, I had already learned the cunning of ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’, and maybe I didn’t necessarily test it myself.


In the mind sense, the terrifying extreme aura is flying fast.

Completely follow your own escape direction!

This time, it is true!

“Sure enough, the strength gap is too big?” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, look dignified.

Concealed Fog Talisman can hide aura, but there are certain boundaries.

Concealed Fog Talisman will be useless when the strength of the opponent is far outceing himself. Just like the Martial Artist, when the enemy’s strength is far outceing its own tolerance, all the intrigues and tricks are no longer blocked.

The only remaining, only –


No retreat, have no choice!

Lin Feng clenched his fists and looked very good.

A solid and bright ‘Spirit Beast Ball’ was in a tight handshake, and the eyes of Lin Feng flashed out of the severe light. Astonishing aura, Life Soul in a blink of time is connected with ‘Puppet Imprint’, like a bridge, and like a container.

“Hey!” Lin Feng controls Life Soul, and the secret skill is displayed.

Although it is only a shallow grasp of the ‘inner control ‘secret skill, but the impact, but the strength to play.

Just like driving a car, it’s just the difference between driving fast and slow.

Lin Feng is also true!

The black shiny brilliance shines with a glimpse of life aura. In the black fog envelope, Lin Feng turned into a ghost, and instantly overlapped with the ‘Black Skeleton’ figure and disappeared in place. Aura is completely integrated, and the body is not left with even half-images.

The real ‘inner control’ is completely possessed.

Really isn’t All ‘Puppet Master’ have the same double soul as Lin Feng. What if the Life Soul is possessed and the original body?

Black Skeleton’s hollow eyes are burning, Lin Feng, this time is completely controlled!

The feeling of strength is very high, it is a fairly terrifying body physical strength.

Far exceeding myself to imagine!

In the face of the upcoming terrifying enemies, Lin Feng knows that his own strength is not enough. The gap is like the gap between ordinary Martial Artist and Titled Martial God, just like ants and giant elephants. fighting? Just pinch, I am afraid I will die without a burial site.

That day, Black Skeleton was like this.

No skills are required, and the strength of the body alone is enough.

“Come.” Lin Feng lightly muttered.

In the hands of Slaying Dragon Spear, the faint reddish brilliance of the black spear body, exudes a fascinating luster.

“Hey!” The fierce break sounded.

A transcendental presence with a fierce look, an instant!

The huge dragon tail is full of astonishing explosive power. The steel-like body is chilling, and the horns on the head are a deep indication of its distinguished status.

It is Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan’s King –

Lian Ya!

“What?!” Lian Ya, who was angry, was stunned.

Watched In front of the familiar ‘Black Skeleton’, with his eyes wide open, Lian Ya opened his mouth and completely stunned, how could he not know!

That is the most outstanding genius of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, refining the skeleton of the ancestors!

Change form to the fourth realm peak, fleshly body breakthrough limit and sublimation.

Distance change form adult, just a step away!

but now……

“Human!” Lian Ya yelled, and instantly known what happened, splitting his fingers, “You big guts!!! Killing my family dragon, stealing the dragon egg, not even the ancestors of my Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan Dare to disturb!”

Astonishing 澎湃 aura from the Lian Ya body puff like burst.

Change form ,Third Realm Peak !

The strong black fog screamed with Lian Ya’s violent anger, and the huge figure of ten meters was not cumbersome, and every part of the body was full of blasting strength. Lian Ya moved instantly and suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Astonishing a punch, but out!

boom! ! !

“Too fast!” Lin Feng local shaking in one’s heart.

Life Soul can’t react at all, even if Black Skeleton’s physical strength is strong, the speed is fast…

But my own consciousness can’t keep up with the rhythm!

The cheekbones are in front of the chest, sparkling with a shimmering shining bright. Controlling the actions of Black Skeleton, Lin Feng can do all the defense at the moment. Feeling that terrifying’s strength seemed to penetrate the space, Lin Feng could not help but feel nervous.

“Can you block it?” Lin Feng is not sure.

How strong this Black Skeleton bone is, I don’t know it at all.

The only thing I know is that this ‘Black Skeleton’ is the existence of the change form ‘fourth realm’.

“peng!!” severe impact.

The terrifying strength is accompanied by a reaction, which makes Lian Ya and Lin Feng separate quickly, and the two feel different.

Lian Ya’s eyes are full of horror, the right fist is lightly tremble, completely numb. Just the strike, as if hitting in a very thick iron, Lian Ya looked very incomparable, “This is the body of the ancestors refining … the strength of very awful.”

“Day, amazing!” Lin Feng was shocked.

That punch that is enough to kill your own body, hitting this Black Skeleton bone

It’s just a slight shock.


“Change Form Fourth Realm and Change Form Third Realm’s gap is so big?” Lin Feng was unbelievable.

The gap that was originally thought to be at the first level is very weak, but now it seems that –

Really isn’t so!

Lin Feng does not know that the first three realm of the demon beast change form, according to the martial artist’s strength rank, still belong to the ‘Beginning Star Level’; but the transformation to the fourth realm is already the sublimation of the real Life Level, the completely of the fleshly body Advanced .

Only when the inner core accepts the tribulation thunder baptism, you can change form adult.

The strength of the representative rank is the existence of the legendary ‘Star River Level’!

Just like the gap between the Martial Emperor level and the Tittled Martial God level.

Very huge!

“Kill!” Slaying Dragon Spear shines.

How can such a good opportunity not be well grasped?

Deep Feng, Dao of Battle, Lin Feng, the current black Skeleton crossed a whirlwind, Slaying Dragon Spear straight out.

“Flowing Light Flash !” Black Skeleton eyes shines.

The black aura turns into a flowing light, lightning fast. But the spear intent of ‘Daqi Tiancheng’ can only play to ‘Form Intent complement each other’, and the new ‘body’ Lin Feng has not been fully adapted, let alone play the realm of ‘Man and Spear United as One’ It is difficult to make a complicated spear move.

Only the ‘Flowing Light Flash’ that I have been practicing all the time, I am the most comfortable.


Sharp Skeleton’s physical strength is quite strong, but Lin Feng’s Life Soul is not strong enough. Just like a wooden barrel can hold ten pounds of water, but people who lift water can only lift up to one kilogram at a time.

The speed of the attack, for Lin Feng, is already very fast.

Take full advantage of the limits that Life Soul can afford.

But for Lian Ya –

Too slow!

“sōu!” Lightly dodge, Lian Ya effortlessly.

The huge dragon tail gave a harsh violent cry, swept the black Skeleton’s waist side, and the barbed licking flash on the dragon tail. Just a random strike tail whip, it was the skin of Lian Long. .

but now……

“Peng!” seems to hit a thick wall.

Lian y bare one’s fang, I feel that the whole tail seems to be numb.

Lin Feng, but only the body micro-shock, Slaying Dragon Spear re-cold glow, direct attack to Lian Ya.

Who can’t help but who.

A ‘hard’ tug of war, unfold!

Heavenly Martial Continent.

Immersed in a sad atmosphere, the gray sky seems to be no longer bright.

The patron saint of mankind, the strongest of mankind.

Commander, sacrificed.

With one’s own strength, withstood the sixth battle of the beat herd. The legend of three hundred years ago, like a re-emergence, like the ‘Heaven Breaking Martial God’, burned Life Origin Power, Commander successfully killed ‘Azure Iron Ridge Dragon’, became the second ‘Slaughter Dragon’ of Heavenly Martial Continent ‘.

All people admire!

One person, one blade, one against the beast herd army!

Kill King Level Demon Beast thousands of heads and kill tens of thousands of Behemoth Lords.

With his blood fleshly body, standing in the sky, standing at the forefront of all humans!

War God!

It is death, he is standing and dying. Holding the fierce war blade, Commander’s body is covered with blood, with great eyes wide open, standing like a pine, and full of death is full of killing aura. Commander, with his conviction, with his actual actions, fulfilled his promise.

Guard the entire Heavenly Martial Continent and guard the whole humanity!

As long as he has Commander in a day, he won’t allow any demon beast to step into half a step!

It’s raining.

Just like Heavenly Martial Continent, the heart of every human being.

Sad, sorrowful, immersed in a cry, as desperate.

There is no hope, no expectations, with the sacrifice of the human patron saint, Heavenly Martial Continent –

Got into a thick silence.

City in the Sky.

At the huge round table, Martial Gods gathers.

Zi Yao shed two lines of tears, Thunderbolt, a big man crying hua la.

A sad atmosphere, Blue, Prison, and Tian Qing, all of them have a deep sadness on their faces.

For human beings, I feel sad to lose the patron saint.

“There is another hour, 14th day.” Huang Peng deep like started talking.

The people looked up and looked very ugly.

Demon beast’s offense is very regular, launching two battles every day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It will not be long before the seventh battle will be opened, and the strength of beast herd will be even better! The sixth battle has the appearance of Dragon Race demon beast, no doubt, the seventh battle –

It will also appear!

Everyone’s heart is heavy.

The power of Dragon Race is obvious to all, like Commander, you need to burn out the life strength to kill.

What’s more, they?

Here, who else can resist?

The eyes of everyone gathered in Young Commander ‘Zhu Podi’.

(fourth late arrival)

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