Chapter 17 Commander’s Faith

True dragon roar.

With the presence of Long Wei, King of Myriad Beast.

It was a giant dragon covered with rust spots, and the thick scale iron piece completely wrapped it all over the body. Huge head horror, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl Dissipating stench, walking upright, fierce’s iron claw cold light radiate all around, blood red booth eyes exudes astonishing domineering.

Azure Iron Ridge Dragon !

Although it is only the weakest three-pole lower bloodline in the Dragon Race, it is one-

a hundred percent dragon!

In the void.

Commander and Zi Yao stand side by side, with a shimmering glow in their eyes.

“Know it, I used to be very rebellious and very self-willed.” Commander slowly started talking, and a deep memory appeared on the indifferent face.

Zi Yao watched Commander, listening to him quietly.

Because it has always been a competitive relationship with the Heavenly Martial Army, Zi Yao once hated Commander.

but now……

It is a respect from the bottom of my heart.

“The master took me as a disciple, just because of a bet.” Commander said indifferently, “I am in the fellow apprentices, aptitude innate talent is the worst, the most mediocre, even the master gave me a complete abandonment. But only Sixth Senior Brother has always encouraged me to support me and treat me like a pro-younger brother.”

Listening to the past that is known to have been known, Zi Yao’s eyes are shining.

“Fact, my aptitude is really bad.” Commander shook his head, sneered and said, “Sixth Senior Brother, how about Heaven Warping Genius, just 20 years into the ‘Beginning Star Level’, aptitude is enchanting. If Sixth Senior Brother is still alive, not to mention ‘Star River Level’, is to enter the legendary ‘Star Sea Level’, it is not impossible.”

Zi Yao nodded lightly, thoughtfully.

“Unfortunately.” Commander said with a light sigh, “When the war was three hundred years ago, the Senior Brothers were all fallen, human beings were in ruins, and Sixth Senior Brother had no choice to fight.”

“Although war became famous and saved the entire Heavenly Martial Continent, Sixth Senior Brother was running out of ‘living power’.” Commander had a sad heart. “Before death, Sixth Senior Brother will defend Heavenly Martial Continent’s responsibilities. Trusted in such a useless person as me.”

“Sixth Senior Brother, gone.” Commander lightly sighed.

“But who is dead?”

“As long as death is valuable, die for your own beliefs-“

“That’s worth it!!”

Commander’s eyes were bright, watched the sky, and suddenly showed a faint smile. “Sixth Senior Brother, Zhu Li promised you something, do it! For three hundred years, for three hundred years, Zhu Li has guarded Heavenly Martial Continent for three hundred years. But now… I’m afraid I can’t do anything anymore.”

The fists were pinched tightly, and Commander’s eyes had a thick flame. “But even then, I will not give up!”

“Men, no faith does not stand!” Commander’s body suddenly broke out with a terrifying strength, sighing, “I changed my name to Zhu Li that day, in order to remind myself to keep the oath, guard Heavenly Martial Continent, protect humanity. I am Zhu Li, a man who can support both heaven and earth!”

“Pitching innocent world!”

“Boom!!” Terrifying’s Qi strength burst.

Zi Yao was forced to retreat three points, this strength, full of terrifying aura.

“Commander you…” Zi Yao was startled and said while covering one’s mouth.

The watched Zi Yao, Commander said heavily, “Although I know that hope is very small, my request is too much. But, Zi Yao, please guard Heavenly Martial Continent for me, guarding all human beings, inheriting me and your elder sister. Wish, please.”

The tone of the really isn’t command, really isn’t overbearing.

It is a request, a transmission of a wish, more like a kind –

Last words.

Two lines of tears slid down on Zi Yao’s face, watched the man in front of him, and Zi Yao’s heart was full of admiration. He is like a father, full of majesty, full of strength, silently protecting the human beings who need his protection with a fleshly body.

Burning life is only the unyielding belief in the heart.

“I will.” Zi Yao nodded hard and looked very firm.

Upon hearing Zi Yao’s answer, Commander’s face showed a smile and a smile from the bottom of his heart. Suddenly, the cold light in the eyes was revealed, and the Qi strength of the puff like broke out to the highest peak. Commander’s expression was full of decisive and fearless, turned into a meteor, and alone, rushed to the beast herd.

Like ‘Heaven Breaking Martial God’ three hundred years ago.

war! ! !

Demon Dragon Lair.

Although ‘possessing and refining’ is very complicated, the condensation of ‘Puppet Imprint’ is quite simple.

It’s like Aurora Cone dropping blood, a very common ‘recognizing Master’ process, dedicated to this kind of directly controllable ‘inanimate’.

“The fifth one.” Lin Feng puts the Spirit Beast Ball in the Spirit Beast Ring, and smiles in the corner of his mouth. This single Spirit Beast Ball is better than everything else. With this ‘Black Skeleton’, your strength is up to ten times better!

“Distance 8th month 15th day, only final day.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

The heart is full of expectations, but it is waiting too long and too long.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley Perhaps there is a bigger secret, a deeper ‘treasure’, but for itself, it is far less attractive than ‘go home’.

There, it is your own home.

爹, Niang, younger siblings, and Zi Yao, are their own family.

People, people are people, because people are an animal with emotions.

“I don’t know if they are okay?” Lin Feng always felt that there was something wrong with it, as if there was something like a danger.

“I hope nothing.” Lightly thought in one’s heart, Lin Feng forced himself to suppress the desire, secretly thought, “After the cycle of a hundred days, there is still a full six days, beast herd* did not reach the third stage They should be very safe.”

“But…” Lin Feng brows and shook his head.

Perhaps, I just have too much heart, too much to miss.

“In any case, wait until the morning of 15, enter Alkaid Hall, you can buy ‘Space Transmission Gate’!” Lin Feng gaze.

“With my current strength, even if I don’t expose the ‘Puppet Master’ trump card, I don’t have any problems with the ordinary Sovereign level Demon Beast or even the Dragon Race.”

Lin Feng grips his fist and is confident in his strength.

Fortunately, in this Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, although he died several times, but the progress of strength is fast. Except for the body Origin Fire, which is still not exhausted, he is now a a hundred percent ‘Beginning Star Level’ expert.

Moreover, with a double soul!

“Everyone might be scared?” Lin Feng smiled.

Indeed, the speed of progress has been so fast that even I feel incredible.

Thanks to these ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’.


Demon Dragon Lair is the most central ‘blessed land’.

Lian Ya of closed-door cultivation The black fog of the spreading gradually fades away and scatter, the closed eyes slowly open, and the eyes are filled with bright light.

“Change form ‘third realm’, has reached the peak.” Lian Ya looked bright, watched his hands, clenched his fists, full of powerful strength. Standing up, the 10-meter-high body transmits a strong aura, which is more pure than ten days ago, as if the gold mine removed impurities.

“Arrange the family matters, I can impact the ‘fourth realm’ with the secret technique.” Lian Ya bright light flickering.

The scales were light, and Lian Ya’s thick tail struck the ground, and the eyes slammed.

The “aura sense” between “Lian Long?” Black Fog Demon Dragon is very strong.

Almost instantaneously, Lian Ya was the presence of ‘Lian Long’, and Lian Long was stationed in the north of the cave. The eyebrows sink, and Lian Ya’s head can be guessed even if you don’t have to think about it. During his period of seclusion, it seems that a major event has happened!

“Even the guards have changed.” Lian Ya exhaled aura, complexion dense.

Penetrate the black light curtain and go straight to the north.

Shocked, angry!

“What do you say, the dragon egg is stolen!”

“My Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan was slaughtered by nearly two hundred and fifty dragons?”

Lian Ya’s wide eyes, bloody red, terrifying aura scatter to the side of Lian Long a burst of light tremble, it is particularly difficult. Lian Ya is really angry, the death of the dragon, the stolen of the dragon egg, just under his nose.

Too old on the head!

Lian Ya did not think of it, one point of appeasement, actually raise the tiger! The human being simply regarded him as nothing, trampling on the dignity of his King of Black Fog Demon Dragon.

When I really ate the bear heart leopard!

“Good!” “Good!” “Good!” said hurriedly three, Lian Ya gas gnashing teeth.

I can’t wait to find the damn man immediately, and he will be smashed and smashed.

Lian Ya suppressed the anger, coldly snorted, “Go, go to Ancestral Tomb and see.”

Dragon Tomb is the deepest.

“Oh?” is refining the Lin Feng complexion transient of the ‘Spirit Beast Ball’.

In sense, an unimaginable powerful aura, I don’t know when it appears in my sense.

“Not good.” Lin Feng even abandoned the refining and galloped back. At this time, eight spaces have been filled in the ‘Spirit Beast Ring’, and eight Spirit Beast Balls are quietly placed in it, as if the beast was locked in a cage, quite honest.

“Is it discovered?” Lin Feng vision are bright, shaking his head in a blink of an eye.

“No, it seems that really isn’t coming to me.”

Lightly thought in one’s heart, Lin Feng instantly relaxes outside the cave, and is the dead end. If it is caught a turtle in a jar, it is really acceptable.

“A strong aura.” Lin Feng felt awkward.

That aura is ten times stronger than the Black Fog Demon Dragon next to it!

“Don’t mess with it, one day, I hope to spend it safely.” Concealed Fog Talisman shines, Lin Feng cautiously converging aura, quietly avoiding the corner. Right now, it’s important to be tempted by the Black Fog Demon Dragon, whose strength is unknown.

Nothing is necessary.

“Ancestral Tomb !!” Lian Ya’s angry dragon tail is impatient and mad.

Beside the ‘Lian Long’, if you watched, the watched Ancestral Tomb disappeared several ancestral bones, and the heart was in vain.

At this time, the oncoming is the huge tail spurs, lightning fast. ‘Peng! ‘severe’s tail whip was drawn on the body, Lian Long gave a painful sorrow, and a large piece of flesh of the body was directly hooked by the barb, bloody, but did not dare to show half hatred…

Patriarch Lian Ya in front of me is already a lover.

“Damn human!” Lian Ya complexion fierce, the huge dragon tail ‘pā pā ‘ landing, screaming.

At this time –

“Oh?” Lian Ya blinks.

In the faint, it seems that there is a wave of energy fluctuations in the nest.

In an instant, the complexion changed dramatically, and Lian Ya’s eyes showed a strong flame. “The damn human being, has not yet gone!!”

The hysterical anger roar rang through the entire nest.

Lian Ya’s aura broke out in an instant.

(The third is ~~)

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