End is approaching

End is coming, but people have not lost confidence.

In the huge light curtain of each city, a picture is continuously played. A stalwart man dressed in a sturdy uniform is using his resolute face and a firm look to encourage humanity and give them confidence and strength.

“My Commander, will use my blood and flesh, to defend my homeland, defend my people!”

“As long as I live a day, I won’t allow even a demon beast, at Heavenly Martial Continent, no!”

“The soldiers of the Heavenly Martial Army will be with you!”


Passionate and generous, stand proudly.

Commander proved himself with his heart of iron, and he was worthy of the strongest of Heavenly Martial Continent!

Three hundred years ago, he took over the duties handed over to him by ‘Heaven Breaking Martial God’, and now he proved it with practical action –

He will do it!

Behind the scene, the neat Heavenly Martial Army ranks, everyone’s face is full of perseverance, not afraid of death. This is a tiger wolf division, this is an army composed of real warriors, iron blood. What kind of soldiers are there, Marshal.

Heavenly Martial Army The most elite troops!

They are proud of being the Heavenly Martial Army.

They are proud to defend Heavenly Martial Continent! !

However, Commander is Commander.

It is only his own, really isn’t other Martial Artist.

People have their own hearts and minds, and each person’s choices and beliefs are different.

It’s the same as the father and son.

“I want to fight my life to protect these fools? It’s ridiculous, I’m old, my mind is too old.” Zhu Podi is cold with a smile, his people are in the Heavenly Martial Army, but his heart is not in his total, despite fear In father, but Zhu Podi’s ideas will not change.

“That’s right.” Azure Flood Dragon nodded and said “The trend will not change, the demise of Heavenly Martial Continent is already doomed.”

“That’s right.” Watched Azure Flood Dragon by Zhu Podi, said with a smile “I don’t think that Right Marshal understands the truth, and it’s too expensive.”

“Maybe… Commander has his hard work too.” Azure Flood Dragon said with a light sigh.

“It is his business to be a hero.” Zhu Podi disdained said “Do your best, let the fools live for a few more days, but they have no life, is it worth it?” Shakelessly, Zhu Podi swears. Those useless wastes are a waste of food, and it is not better for them to feed the demon beast?”

Azure Flood Dragon smiles lightly, eyes flashed.

Demon Dragon Lair.

Lin Feng lay on the floor and looked tired.

But the face is full of smiles, just now, it took two full days…

I am, I am finally successful!

“Close to Change Form Third Realm’s ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’!” Lin Feng holds a crystal black Spirit Beast Ball with a shining eyes.

At this time, there are only ten Dragon Frames in the cave, and the largest one and the smallest one are gone. After successfully refining one of the weakest Dragon Frames, Lin Feng went straight to try to refine the strongest one.

Although it took a long time, the facts proved that –

“Worth!” Lin Feng held her right hand tightly, and sensed the strength of the ‘Spirit Beast Ball’ in the heart, and felt that Xing was very excited.

Quite powerful!

Far better than the present.

This ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’ is already very close to Change Form Third Realm.

Just one step away!

Put ‘Spirit Beast Ball’ in the fourth space of the Spirit Beast Ring, and Lin Feng calms down and gaze upwards. I was a little worried about my family. I was worried about Heavenly Martial Continent. I was worried about Zi Yao. I always felt a little restless and couldn’t tell me.

But now, it is difficult to move.

“There are still four days.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

“Wait for me, I will be back soon.” The belief in the heart was firm and Lin Feng nodded.

Daddy, stand up.

Lin Feng’s booth eyes are full of energy.

As soon as I thought about going back to Heavenly Martial Continent, and fighting the real ‘level 9 beast herd*’, Lin Feng was in a bathtub intent.

No time to relax!

You must go all out.

“The more I get here, the stronger the strength grows –”

“The chance to counter the level 9 beast herd* is even bigger!”

Lin Feng is very clear in my heart.

This ‘battle’ is a key to himself.

Looking at the innermost ‘Dragon Tomb’ Lin Feng’s eye flash, a fist.

“Try again!” Lin Feng teleported away.


Dragon Tomb, the deepest.

Lin Feng’s eyes are watched. The three ‘Dragonian’ senses that powerful and powerful aura have a deep sway in the heart. Even the weakest ‘Dragonian’ aura is better than the one that I just made. ‘Spirit Beast Puppet’ is ten times more!

The existence of a real ‘change form’.

“Come back!” Lin Feng bit his teeth.

Just give up this great opportunity in front of you, reluctant!

The change in the eyelids, in a blink of time Lin Feng, is transformed into the Human Soul state, and the golden light spots of the dragonfly are like starlight.

“Golden Dragon Astral Qi !” Lin Feng is light, and the Qi strength is full of 澎湃strength, wrapping the ‘Dragonian’ that is nearly ten meters high, and the ‘Five Clawed Golden Dragon ‘fierce of Top Grade Bloodline is roaring. Majesty strength, in a blink of time ——

Lin Feng transforms the Life Soul state, spiraling the energy cover densely, attacking again!

However, only in an instant!

“Peng!” Lin Feng is like a broken kite, falling heavily to the ground.

The terrifying strength, like the expert, slammed a punch in the lower abdomen, and Lin Feng’s intestines were completely twisted into a ball.

puff! puff! ! Even spit two blood.

A whirl of a turn, Lin Feng’s head roared and shook, and the severity was better than the first collision.

“The stronger the strength, the greater the reaction.” For a long while, Lin Feng recovered and his face flashed pale. The existence of this exciting change Form Third Realm is indeed not what you can now.

“Change Form Third Realm, really terrifying…” Lin Feng’s eyes changed a bit confusing.

“Level 9 beast herd*, will there be a Demon beast of Change Form Third Realm?” Lin Feng brows “If there is, how can I resist?”

Astonishing is powerful!

Just a glimpse of the residual consciousness can make you feel helpless.

If it is the real Change Form Third Realm demon beast, what kind of strength is it?

Lin Feng shook his head, but it was hard to imagine.

“It’s a pity.” Lin Feng looked at the three powerful ‘Dragonian’ hearts and was full of regret.

However, there is no way.

Their own strength is limited after all.

After gazing, Lin Feng finally stayed on the two-meter high squat of the strongest ‘Dragonian’. It was waiting to leave, suddenly Li Feng lightly exclaimed, and his eyes looked at the two meter high, doubts Health.

“No, it doesn’t feel right.” Lin Feng’s eyes changed instantaneously.

As soon as the body moves, one hand gently touches the cymbal, and the black zebra’s bones are permeated with a fearful strength, which is better than the ‘Dragonian’.

But the feeling is completely different!

Thoughtful in mind, Lin Feng is about to put his hand on the ‘Dragonian’ that is nearly ten meters high. Careful sense, compare. As time passed, Lin Feng’s tight brow stretched slowly and seemed to find something different.

for a long time……

“I understand.” Lin Feng both eyes shining bright, roughly realized.

“It’s ‘aura’ different!” Lin Feng suddenly claps “one is from outside to inside aura, and the other is from inside to outside aura!”

Touching the two meter high with one hand, Lin Feng nodded, and the burning voice was “Yes, completely different from the other two ‘Dragonian’. This powerful, powerful bone, powerful Life Level, Really isn’t ‘conscious’. And its consciousness…”

“It’s very scattered, not concentrated, it’s everywhere in the bones.”

Lin Feng’s conclusion is that I am startingled and a bit worried.

But the truth is that!

“It’s weird.” Lin Feng curiously looked at the cheekbones, and was bound by the deep black fog, with a huge difference.

Lin Feng didn’t know, this is the only one of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan, the closest to the ‘change form’ success.

Called heaven defying aptitude, continuous breakthrough bottleneck, into the final ‘change form’ stage.

However, in the end, I have never had a tribulation thunder and successfully changed form adult.

Fleshly body, has evolved Life Level, but the last step of ‘inner core’ transformation, condensing is not completed, soul flies away and scatters, leaving only a skeleton. The other two ‘Dragonian’ are not, their ‘realm’ is one level lower and died when the breakthrough Change Form Fourth Realm was forced.

In fact, all Black Fog Demon Dragons here are all the same, except that the realm that forcibly breaks is slightly different.

Only this pair of ‘骷髅’ is the most special!

Days, gray.

The pattering rain fell, and Heavenly Martial Continent seemed to have a bit of silence.

8th month 11th day, a very ordinary day.


It is a day that can record the annals of history, a day that is heartbreaking and frightening.

On this day, the end of the 2nd rank segment of the beast herd* was just three days past. In just three days of calm, people seem to have forgotten their worries, forgot their fears, enjoyed life and enjoyed themselves, yet…

The coming of End is not a transfer of human will.

“Boom!” “Boom!!”

The sky was raging, and the violent lightning flashed over, making the pitch-black night a bit brighter.

It is the sleeping people who go to sleep and enter the warm bed. For an ordinary person, this is a kind of happiness.

But happiness is very short.

“吼!!!” A terrifying beast roar sounds, world-shaking!

The whole night was smashed, completely overshadowing the thunder and overshadowing everything.

At this time –

The earth suddenly started to severe and screamed.

Many houses at the border collapsed, and people were awakened by the terrifying shock, and the eyes flashed a deep sigh.

Cries, cry for help, sounded in every city, everyone was scared by this sudden change. Astonishing beast roar one after another, all over the vault of heaven, falling straight into everyone’s heart, incomparably heavy, hands and feet soft.

Quiet night, no longer quiet.

The color of pitch-black becomes paler and weaker.

Everything seems to be a fearful thing, on the day of 8th month 11th day, quietly landing…

End is approaching !

(Second more ~~ I have something to do today, I don’t want to make excuses for it, I will offer it tomorrow.)

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